- Birth*: Agnes Fisher Miller was born on 12 November 1884 at 134 Blackness Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1884 births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 930; Agnes Fisher Miller, 1884 November Twelfth 5h 45m am 134 Blackness Road, female parents William Miller jute powerloom tenter and Marion McKenzie Miller ms Conway, m 1883 December 21st Dundee; signed William Miller father present; registered 1884 November 26th at Dundee Jas Young registrar.1
- She was the daughter of William Miller jute powerloom tenter and Marion McKenzie Conway jute weaver.
- (Bride) Marriage*: Agnes Fisher Miller married Robert Neill, son of John Neill and Catherine Carstairs Cossar, on 17 July 1907 at 132d Nethergate, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1907 marriages in the district of St Mary in the burgh of Dundee, ref 208; 1907 on the seventeenth day of July at 132d Nethergate Dundee after publicatoin according to the forms of the English Presyterian Church; signed Robert Neil watchmaker master bachelor, aged 24, residing 24 Thomson Street Dundee, parents John Neill watchmaker foreman and Catherine Carstairs Neill mss Corsar; signed Agnes Fisher Miller baker's saleswoman spinster, aged 22, residing 13 Rosefield Street Dundee; parents William Miller powerloom tenter and Marion McKenzie Miller ms Conway; signed John Conway St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hammersmith London, signed George Whitton witness, Wm Miller witness, Marion Miller witness; registered 1907 July 18th at Dundee Thos Meek regsitrar.2
- (Bride) Marriage*: Agnes Fisher Miller married David Simpson on 25 December 1919 at Masonic Hall, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1919 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee ref 686; 1919 on the Twentyfifth day of December at Masonic Hall Rankines Court Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Baptist Church, signed David Simpson school caretaker widower aged 48, residing St Marys Place Dundee, parents John Simpson caretaker (dec) and Susan Simpson ms McInrey (dec); signed Agnes F Miller or Neil housekeeper widow aged 35, residing 9 Forest Park Road Dundee, parents William Miller jute factory overseer and Marion Miller ms Conway (dec); signed Walter Richards Baptist minister, signed Lizzie Conway Miller, Robert F Conway witness; registered 1919 December 29th at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar.3
- (Deceased) Death*: Agnes Fisher Miller died on 20 March 1934 at Royal Infirmary, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, at age 49 Agnes Fisher Simpson widow of 1st Robert Neill watchmaker, 2nd David Simpson, school janitor; 1934 March twentieth 7h 10m pm Royal Infirmary (ur 11 Forest park Road) Dundee; f, 49 years; William Miller jute factory overseer (retired), Marion McKenzie Miller MS Conway (dec); pernicious anaemia as cert by Stanley F Soutar MBChB; signed William Miller father 11 Forest Park Road; registered 1934 March 21st at Dundee W H Phillip registrar.4
- Name Variation: As of 12 November 1884, Agnes Fisher Miller was also known as Nan.
- Married Name: As of 17 July 1907, her married name was Neill.
- (Witness) Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article about Robert Neill on 28 September 1907. Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Robert Neil, Watchmaker and Jeweller, No 195 Perth Road, Dundee, having granted a Trust Deed, for behoof of his Creditors in favour of James Cram, CA, 16 Euclid Crescent, Dundee, all parties having Claims against the said Robert Neil are requested to Lodge the same with the Trustee, and Parties Indebted to him are requested to Pay their Accounts to the Trustee at once.
David Stewart,
Agent for the Trustee,
61 Reform Street,
Dundee, 27th Sept, 1907
NOTE - Customers having articles under repair are requested to apply to the trustees for same. The stock and goodwill are for Sale on application to the Trustee, who will give full particulars.5 - (Spouse) Death: Her spouse Robert Neill died on 18 September 1911 at 2 Ford's Lane, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1911 deaths in the district of St peter in the burgh of Dundee ref 328, Robert Neil watchmaker journeyman married to Agnes Fisher Miller, died 1911 September Eighteenth 4h 0m am at 2 Ford's Lane Dundee (usual residence 20 Union Place Dundee), male aged 29 years parents John Neill watchmaker and Catherine Carstairs Neill ms Cossar, died of pulmonary thuberculosis as certified by Key Buist MB.., signed John Neill father & occupier present, registered 1911 September 19th at Dundee T Y Miller registrar.6
- Photograph*: Agnes Fisher Miller and Alexander Miller chiropodist are in this photograph taken between 1916 and 1918 L-R Nan Miller, her brother Alec and her friend Bella.7
- Married Name: As of 25 December 1919, her married name was Simpson.
- (Witness) Event-Misc: Agnes Fisher Miller was present when James Conway van driver and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid were celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 8 June 1921 at Masonic Hall, Cupar, Fife, Scotland,
- Photograph*: Agnes Fisher Miller and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid are in this photograph taken say 1922.10
- Photograph*: David Simpson and Agnes Fisher Miller are in this photograph taken circa 1925.10
- (Spouse) Death: Her spouse David Simpson died on 10 February 1932 at 7 Mitchell Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
- (Bride) Marriage*: Agnes Fisher Miller married Robert Neill, son of John Neill and Catherine Carstairs Cossar, on 17 July 1907 at 132d Nethergate, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1907 marriages in the district of St Mary in the burgh of Dundee, ref 208; 1907 on the seventeenth day of July at 132d Nethergate Dundee after publicatoin according to the forms of the English Presyterian Church; signed Robert Neil watchmaker master bachelor, aged 24, residing 24 Thomson Street Dundee, parents John Neill watchmaker foreman and Catherine Carstairs Neill mss Corsar; signed Agnes Fisher Miller baker's saleswoman spinster, aged 22, residing 13 Rosefield Street Dundee; parents William Miller powerloom tenter and Marion McKenzie Miller ms Conway; signed John Conway St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hammersmith London, signed George Whitton witness, Wm Miller witness, Marion Miller witness; registered 1907 July 18th at Dundee Thos Meek regsitrar.2
- (Witness) History: Five into One –Tay Square Church. Tay Square traces its origins to the secessions of the eighteenth century. From 1743, School Wynd Secession Church flourished, but in 1832, a group of members, dissatisfied over the nomination of a new minister, disjoined to form Tay Square United Secession Church, entering their new church in 1834. Rev. Robert Wardrope, 1807-1840 was called in 1832 to be minister of School Wynd Church, but in consequence of a dispute in that congregation the call was not sustained. Those who supported him left the church, and were formed into a separate congregation —Tay Square —and they at once called Mr Wardrope, but his delicate health prevented his acceptance of the call. He died when only 33 years of age. Still in the church archives, this silhouette of Rev. Robert Wardrope was lent by its owner, Andrew Roxburgh, to be exhibited in the “Old Dundee” exhibition of 1892-93 –held in the Albert Institute (now McManus Galleries).
The first minister, the Rev. J R McGavin, was elected in 1875 as Moderator of the United Presbyterian Synod. The second, the Rev. Dr Charles Jerdan, became Principal Clerk of the United Free Church General Assembly. Under these two ministers, Tay Square became one of the foremost congregations in the United Presbyterian Church. Mission activities centred on the West Port, Artillery Lane and Hawkhill, the last leading to the founding in 1876 of Hawkhill United Presbyterian Church, which united with Tay Square in 1903.
Such community interests were extended onto a national scale by the Rev. John Mansie, who as Convener of the Assembly Committee on Social Problems, was largely responsible for the establishment in 1931 of the Belmont Castle Eventide Home. After the union of Tay Square and St. Paul's in 1952, the Tay Square building was reopened as St. Paul's Halls by Mrs Jarvis, wife of the Very Rev. Ernest D Jarvis and daughter of the Rev. John Reid, a former Tay Square minister.
© Meadowside St. Paul’s 2017. All rights reserved.14 - [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory births St peter Dundee 1884 ref 930 [Jul 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory marriage 1907 Dundee St Mary ref 208 image held [July 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1919 Dundee St Clement ref 686 [July 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), 1934 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee; #228 [Jul 2004].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers Collection; Dundee Coourier [Jul 2018].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory death 1911 St Peter Dundee, ref 328 [Jul 2004].
- [S130] From EB [May 2019].
- from EB [May 2019]
- [S4] James Conway - Agnes McKenzie Fisher, Autograph Book, 7 Jun 1911 & 1921, PC Carson, 2 Gillburn Road, Dundee, Scotland, Golden Wedding & Diamond Wedding Autograph Book.
- [S43] LB [Feb 2018].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), 1891 Census 282/02 021/000 004 St Mary, 159 Scouringburn, Dundee.
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, 1901 Census 282/02 012/000 025 and 026 St Mary Dundee
149 Scouringburn, Dundee. - [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS census 1911 Dundee, Liff & Benvie, St Mark 282/01 016/00 019 [April 1911].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://www.mspdundee.co.uk/publications
https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/5b5054_4efe5d38a65442948fd3e5ad25a55cf3.pdf [May 2019]. - [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1909 Dundee St Peter 282/01 0395 [Mar 2014].
Agnes Fisher Miller
F, #445, b. 12 November 1884, d. 20 March 1934
Last Edited: 15 May 2020
Father*: William Miller jute powerloom tenter b. 21 Jul 1861, d. 8 Feb 1946
Mother*: Marion McKenzie Conway jute weaver b. 12 Apr 1862, d. 15 Feb 1918
Mother*: Marion McKenzie Conway jute weaver b. 12 Apr 1862, d. 15 Feb 1918
Great-aunt of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Robert Neill b. c 1882, d. 18 Sep 1911
Agnes Miller Neill15 b. Mar 1909, d. 20 Nov 1909
Anderson, John c1733 descendants
Bruce, Elizabeth c1733 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
Matthew, James c1765 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Miller, Patrick/Peter c1749 descendants
Milne, James c1765 descendants
Paterson, Agnes c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Robertson, David c1740 descendants
Stephen, Janet c1750 descendants
Urquhartson, Elisabeth s1735 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants
Bruce, Elizabeth c1733 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
Matthew, James c1765 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Miller, Patrick/Peter c1749 descendants
Milne, James c1765 descendants
Paterson, Agnes c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Robertson, David c1740 descendants
Stephen, Janet c1750 descendants
Urquhartson, Elisabeth s1735 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants