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Many years have passed since, after a visit to relatives in 1987 and a brief explanation of how they were related to us, my son wanted to know how many of 'these second cousins' he had. Since that day, my researches have found me many friends around the world and the collective fruit of our task is published here. I am indebted to everyone who has contributed - you know who you are!

JKA Durban, South Africa c1903
This photo was taken about 1903 in Durban, South Africa. The only person we can name with certainty is my grandfather James Kinnear Adamson, standing in the middle holding the hand of the little girl, and who can be found here http://genesontheweb.co.uk/g0/p55.htm If anyone has any more info about these folk, please get in touch! genesontheweb@outlook.com