- Birth*: Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager was born in 1904 at St Andrew, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- He was the son of George Kinnear Nicolson and Alison Abbot Crockett.
- (Groom) Marriage*: Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager married Janet Brown Wellard Smith on 19 April 1933 at Cathedral Church of St Paul, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1933 on the 19th day of April at the Cathedral Church of St Paul Dundee after banns according to the Episcopal Church in Scotland; signed Robert Davidson Nicolson (RD Nicolson) cinema manager bachelor aged 29 residing 93 Arbroath Road Dundee, parents George Kinnear Nicolson jute mill overseer & Alison Margaret Nicolson ms Crockett (deceased); signed Janet Brown Wellard Smith bleachfield worker spinster aged 24 residing Midmill by Dundee parents James Grimmond Smith bleachfield worker (dec) & Elizabeth Wallace Smith ms Wellard; signed Euan A L Donaldson assist [Inicst?] at St Paul's Cathedral Dundee, signed T L Nicolson 17 Leng Street Dundee, Helen Dargie Parkhead by Dundee witnesses; registered 1933 April 20th at Dundee signed W H Phillip registrar.1,3
- (Deceased) Death*: Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager died on 24 December 1963 at 218 Arbroath Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Obituary: The obituary of Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager was was published on 24 December 1963 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Probate*: His estate was probated on 1 April 1964; NICOLSON Robert Davidson of 218 Arbroath Road Dundee died 24 December 1963 at Dundee Confirmatlon of George Kinnear Nlcolson. Sealed London 1 April.4
- Name Variation: Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager was also known as Bob.1
- (Informant) Death: He registered the death of Alison Abbot Crockett on 2 September 1927 at 17 Leng Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1927 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 833; Alison Abbot Nicolson married to George Kinnear Nicolson mill overseer, died 1927 September Seventh at 6h 40 min am at 17 Leng Street Dundee, female aged 43 years; parents James Crockett ships plater (dec) and Margaret Gordon Crockett ms Abbot, died of sprue (now coeliac disease) duration 5 years as cert by A N Nanda MBChB, signed R D Nicolson son 17 Leng Street present; registered 1927 September 3rd at Dundee signed Alex Buchan registrar.6
- (Informant) Death: Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager registered the death of George Kinnear Nicolson on 30 October 1941 at 51 Reform Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1941 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 790; George Kinnear Nicolson Liberal Rooms Caretaker widower of Alison Abbot Crockett; died 1941 October Thirtieth, found dead 7h 10m am, last seen alive October Twentyninth 10h 30m pm at 51 Reform Street, UR 200 Perth Road; male aged 57 years, parents Robert Davidson Nicolson machine fitter (dec) and Isabella Nicolson ms Yeaman (dec); cause carbon monoxide poisoning from inhalation of coa; gas, seen after death by W Fyffe Dorward MBChB, signed R D Nicolson son 33 Lyon Street Dundee, registered 1941 October 31st at Dundee signed W H Phillips registrar.7
- Newspaper Article*: Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager was mentioned in a newspaper article Owner leaves £12,000 to Dundee cinema manager
Thirty-four years ago Robert Davidson Nicolson, a teenage pupil of Morgan Academy, took an after-hours job as a spool boy in the Royal Cinema, Arthurstone Terrace, Dundee.
Within ten years he was manager, and now his long service has been recognised in the will of the owner, Mr James Fraser, who leaves him one-quarter of his divisible estate - approximately £12,000.
Mr Fraser, an 80-year-old widower, lost his life in an accident at Blairgowrie in May. He had no family.
He left a net heritable and moveable estate valued at £71,467, on which £22,697 is payable in death duties.
In his will, dated August 17, 1939, he also bequeathed one-sixteenth of his estate to Mrs Jean George, who was in the pay box at the Royal for many years, and one-sixteenth to Margaret (Peggy) Morrison, his house-keeper, if in his employ at the date of his death.
Mrs George has since died, and Miss Morrison was not in Mr Fraser's employment in May.
Mr Nicolson, whose home is within a stone's throw of the cinema at 33 Lyon Street, told a "Courier" reporter last night, "When I went there as a boy Mr Fraser was just like a father to me. We always got on very well, although he never mentioned this.
"For a long time he had left the running of the business largely to me, although he called at the cinema every day." on 29 August 1953 at 33 Lyon Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.8
- (Groom) Marriage*: Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager married Janet Brown Wellard Smith on 19 April 1933 at Cathedral Church of St Paul, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1933 on the 19th day of April at the Cathedral Church of St Paul Dundee after banns according to the Episcopal Church in Scotland; signed Robert Davidson Nicolson (RD Nicolson) cinema manager bachelor aged 29 residing 93 Arbroath Road Dundee, parents George Kinnear Nicolson jute mill overseer & Alison Margaret Nicolson ms Crockett (deceased); signed Janet Brown Wellard Smith bleachfield worker spinster aged 24 residing Midmill by Dundee parents James Grimmond Smith bleachfield worker (dec) & Elizabeth Wallace Smith ms Wellard; signed Euan A L Donaldson assist [Inicst?] at St Paul's Cathedral Dundee, signed T L Nicolson 17 Leng Street Dundee, Helen Dargie Parkhead by Dundee witnesses; registered 1933 April 20th at Dundee signed W H Phillip registrar.1,3
- (Witness) Note for Web: Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager and Robert Nicolson blacksmith, Robert Davidson Nicolson blacksmith, Robert Davidson Nicholson chief engineer, Robert Davidson Nicolson mechanical engineer, jute mill manager, Robert Davidson Nicholson, Robert Davidson Nicolson textile fitter and Robert Davidson Nicolson was mentioned with Robert Davidson chemist. I have always wondered why so many of our Robert Nicolsons had/have the middle name of Davidson. I have looked far and wide to try to find a likely candidate marrying into our Nicolson clan, but have drawn a blank. That led me to think about someone who may have been known to the family from their days in Aberdeen. This Robert Davidson is only about 5 or 6 years younger than our Robert Nicolson who was the first (as far as we know) to use the Davidson name for his son born in 1823. Both men lived in the same part of Aberdeen - did they grow up together? Attend the same church? Did our Robert, as a blacksmith, cross paths with Robert Davidson the chemist who was building batteries, an electric locomotive, electric lathe, and electric printing press in the 1830s? Our Robert is in Dundee by 1836.
The Scientific Tourist: Aberdeen
Robert Davidson – pioneer electrician
Robert Davidson (1804-1894) was a man of eclectic interests, an inventor who had originality, vision and even prototype devices but did not have the financial or commercial resource to develop his ideas far enough to better the technology of the day.
His impact was not in generating a world-beating product or even gaining any significant personal wealth from his inventions but rather in providing an example to his successors of what could be done.
Davidson was born, schooled, spent much of his working life and died in Aberdeen. He attended the second and third year classes of Marischal College from 1819-1821, including the lecture course of Patrick Copland. Since in due course Davidson established himself as a manufacturer and supplier of chemicals, it is likely that he also
attended the optional chemistry class at the College given by William Henderson.
Davidson set himself up in business in the 1820s supplying yeast from premises at Causewayend and then in nearby Canal Road, close to the Aberdeen-Inverurie canal. Via a small, narrow, wooden slatted bridge (the ‘tarry briggie’), Canal Road today crosses the railway line that follows the old canal cutting. In Davidson’s younger days the area was edge-of-town market garden and nursery land that was gradually attracting houses and industry1. Davidson moved from yeast into chemical manufacturing and supplying, and diverse ventures such as file sharpening. He seems, though, to have had two passions: astronomy and electricity. In astronomy he built himself a large reflecting telescope of 35 feet length with a 2 foot diameter mirror that rivalled the largest productions of John Ramage. His telescope, with its big supporting structure of struts and ladders, must have been a landmark in the area for several years but no illustration of it has been found. What brings Robert Davidson into these notes is his electrical developments.
In the 1830’s, Faraday showed how to generate mechanical motion from electricity, albeit in a way that was useless for exploitation as a practical electric motor. Davidson became fascinated by the possibilities. He constructed his own batteries, not a difficult task for a chemical supplier and man with workshop skills, and by 1837 had made his first fair sized electric motor. In 1840 he held a public “Electromagnetic Exhibition” in Aberdeen and thousands paid 1/- entrance to see a working model electric locomotive able to carry two people, a model electric lathe, a small electric printing press and an electro-magnet that could lift 2 tons when supplied by a suitable battery.
The motor driving the lathe and printing press had a 5 foot diameter flywheel and the electromagnet had pole pieces 4 inches square. These were not desk-top toys. If Davidson had had this exhibition in 1880, many would have marvelled. This was 1840, truly well ‘ahead of his time’. The Aberdeen Banner prophesised that electromagnetic machinery “will in no distant date supplant steam”’. Davidson took his exhibition to Edinburgh in the following year, where the influential Robert Chambers of encyclopaedia fame made similar remarks and the young James Clerk Maxwell aged 10 was taken by his father to see it. In late 1842, Davidson took his exhibition to London in the hope of attracting sponsorship. By then he had added an electrically powered circular saw that cut 1” square planks in about 1 second and a powerful electric arc made by passing the current through two pieces of coke. He broke even in London but didn’t attract the sponsorship he’d hoped for. His motor was illustrated (above) in an edition of Penny’s Mechanic of 1843.
Between the Aberdeen and London exhibitions, Davidson built a full-sized prototype electric locomotive called Galvani. It was 16 feet long and weighed about 6 tons. In 1842 it ran at 4 miles per hour on the Glasgow to Edinburgh line (the railways hadn’t reached Aberdeen by then). Unfortunately, Galvani was destroyed before
Davidson could get it back, by men unknown but suspected of being promoters of steam engines. In truth, Davidson didn’t quite have the necessary technology to make a commercial success of electric railways. His power was provided by chemical batteries that were expensive to produce and to re-charge them the chemicals had to be
replaced. The re-chargeable lead-acid accumulator wasn’t invented until the end of the 1850s. He was some three decades before even the early days of viable electrical generators that could really make electric transport feasible. It all could have happened much earlier if Davidson had found a patron with deep pockets and patience but no-one was forthcoming in the early 1840s.
Electric locomotives would make city underground railways a possibility but they didn’t appear in Britain until around 1890. Robert Davidson was suddenly found to be still alive and was converted into a media celebrity “Octogenarian Aberdonian - oldest living electrician” e press trumpeted, or words to that effect. The Electrician magazine reported “Robert Davidson was undoubtedly the first to demonstrate the possibility of electrical traction in a practical way”. He was, but the torch he lit did not begin a blaze. Davidson died 4 years later at the age of 90, old enough to see his vision made real at last. Nothing remains in Canal Road of Davidson’s house at no. 32 or his business; only the name and the little road with its tarry briggie, itself a ‘modernisation’ of 1854 that replaced a lower bridge over the canal a little downstream. Davidson is buried in St Peter’s cemetery but his gravestone simply describes him as ‘chemist’.
John S. Reid
1 Diane Morgan “The Villages of Aberdeen: Round About Mounthooly”, Denburn Books, Aberdeen (1995),
outlines how the area has changed over the last two centuries and includes a short chapter on Davidson.
More info here https://www.scottishfield.co.uk/outdoors/motors/an-electric-future-planned-by-19th-century-scot/.10 - [S40] PN [Jan 2010].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Births 1904 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/4 47 no image held [Oct 2016].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriage 1933 Dundee St Clement ref 282/02 0137 [Aug 2015].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Record URL: http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?h=15887023&db=UKProbateCal&indiv=try
Source Information: Ancestry.com. England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2010.
Original data: Principal Probate Registry. Calendar of the Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration made in the Probate Registries of the High Court of Justice in England. London, England © Crown copyright [Mar 2013]. - [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Robert D Nicolson in 1963
Scotland, Newspaper Death Reports & Obituaries
Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland [Jun 2022]. - [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Death 1927 Dundee St Clement 282/02 833 image held [Jun 2006].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1941 Dundee St Clement 282/02 790, image held [Nov 2004].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) British Newspapers; Dundee Courier and Advertisier Saturday 29 Aug 1953 [Jul 2015].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription:
Scotland, Dundee & Forfarshire (Angus) Electoral Registers 1857-1939
Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland [May 2020]. - [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://homepages.abdn.ac.uk/npmuseum/Scitour/Davidson.pdf
Robert Davidson Nicolson cinema manager
M, #1473, b. 1904, d. 24 December 1963
Last Edited: 7 Aug 2022
Father*: George Kinnear Nicolson b. 4 Mar 1884, d. 30 Oct 1941
Mother*: Alison Abbot Crockett b. c 1884, d. 2 Sep 1927
Mother*: Alison Abbot Crockett b. c 1884, d. 2 Sep 1927
1st cousin 2 times removed of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Janet Brown Wellard Smith b. c 1904
George Kinnear Nicolson+ b. 1933, d. 2001