- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Rev George H Baxter minister Glassite Church officiated at the marriage of Agnes Langlands and Alexander Hodge Milne on Tuesday, 1 December 1857 at Princes Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1857 marriages in the 1st district of the burgh of Dundee in the county of Forfar, ref 317, On the First day of December 1857 at Princes Street Dundee - marriage after banns was solemnized between us accoring to the Forms of the Glassite Church, signed Alxr Milne, 24, Hawhill Dundee, merchants clerk widower, parents James Milne factory manager andn Margory Matthew; and signed Agnes Langlands, 27, Princes Street Dundee, spinster, parens Roberts Langlands bookseeler and Larjory Patterson; signed Geo H Baxter minister, James Welsh, George Langlands and James Milne, registered at Dundee on the 3rd day of December 1857, signed Wm Fairweather registrar.1
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriage 1857 Dundee 1st District 282/01 0317 [March 2014].
Rev George H Baxter minister Glassite Church1
M, #10824
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019