- Birth*: George Petrie currier was born circa 1852.1
- (Groom) Marriage*: He married Jane Ann Reid linen factory worker, daughter of David Reid and Martha Adamson, on 9 August 1877 at 80 East High Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1877 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 56; 1877 on the Nineth day of August at 80 East High Street Forfar after Banns according to the forms of the Congregational Church, signed George Petrie currier journeyman bathcelor, aged 25, residing 59 Backwynd Forfar, parents Thomas Petrie shoemaker master and Jane Petrie ms Dewar and signed Jane Ann Reid powerloom linen weaver spinster, aged 25, residing 90 East High Street Forfar, parensr David Reid potato dealer and Martha Adamson handloom linen weaver (dec); signed Donald L McCorkindale Cong; minister Forfar, signed William Petrie, signed Martha Adamson witnesses; registered 1877 August Thirteenth at Forfar signed W H Thomson regsitrar.1
- (Informant) Birth: George Petrie currier registered the birth of George Adamson Petrie on 7 March 1892 at 20 Watson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1892 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 374; Goerge Adamson Petrie, born 1892 March Seventh 11h 15m am at 20 Watson Street Dundee, male, parents George Petrie currier journeyman and Jane Ann Petri ms Reid, m 1877 August 7th Forfar, signed George Petrie father, registered 1892 March 25th at Dundee Thos Meek assist registrar initialled JM.2
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriages 1877 Forfar 288/00 0056 [Sept 2014].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory birth 1892 St Andrew Dundee 282/04 0374 [Sept 2014].
George Petrie currier1
M, #11048, b. circa 1852
Last Edited: 24 Aug 2024