- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Rev Alexander Campbell minister St James Forfar officiated at the marriage of John Adamson grocer & spirit merchant and Isabella Moffat on Monday, 24 August 1857 at Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1857 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 57; On the twenty-fourth day of August 1857 at Shellcroft Forfar marriage after banns was solemnized between us according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, signed John Adamson aged 23 residing South Street Forfar, occupation grocery salesman batchelor, parents David ADamson linen weaver & Janet Gardner Adamson maiden name Neave; signed Isabella Moffat aged 22 residing Shellcroft Forfar, spinster parents John Moffat linen yarn bleacher & Agnes Moffat maiden name Rea; signed Alexamder Campbell minister of St Ames Church Forfar, signed David Adamson & James Howie witnesses; the above marriage was registered by me at Forfar on the Twenty-fifth day of August 1857, signed John Webster registrar.2
- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Rev Alexander Campbell minister St James Forfar officiated at the marriage of Barron Caird and Isabella Butchart on Saturday, 25 May 1861 at 8 New Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1861 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 24; 1861 May Twenty-fifth at 8 New Road Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, signed Barron Caird general labourer bachelor aged 35 residing 13 Dundee Road Forfar parents James Caird ploughman (dec) and Isabella Caird ms Burnet (dec);b signed Isabella Butchart her x mark [initialled A C] ;inen weaver speinster aged 28 residing 8 New Road Forfar parents Andrew Butchart road surveyor and Isobel Butchart ms Machar; signed A Campbell minister of Forfar, signed Peter Caird, William Beath witnesses; registered 1861 May 27th at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.3
- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Rev Alexander Campbell minister St James Forfar officiated at the marriage of James Neave linen weaver and Mary Ross linen weaver on Friday, 11 July 1862 at 11 Wellbraehead, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1862 July Eleventh at 11 Wellbraehead Forfar after banns according to rhe Forms of the Church of Scotland, signed James Neave linen weaver bachelor aged 23 residing 17 Newmonthill Street Forfar, parents DAvid Neave linen weaver & Isobel Neave ms Calder; signed Mary Ross linen weaver spinster aged 22 living 11 Wellbraehead Forfar, parents William Ross baker & Ann Ross ms Stark; signed A Campbell minister of St James's, George G Donald & Jane S Spark witnesses, registered 1862 July 12th at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.4,5
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriage 1857 Forfar ref 288/00 0057, image held [Apr 2015].
- [S40] RL [July 2005].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriages 1861 Forfar ref 288/00 0024, image held [Jun 2016].
- [S40] WF [Feb 2006].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriage 1862 Forfar, ref 288/ 45 image held [June 2021].
Rev Alexander Campbell minister St James Forfar1
M, #11873
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019