- (Informant) Birth: Charles Roberts registrar Dunnichen registered the birth of Margaret Laing McInroy on 1 May 1888 at Bathurst Cottage, Letham, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1888 births in the parish of Dunnichen in the county of Forfar; ref 21; Maggie Laing McInroy, born 1888 May First 9h 35m 9m at Bathurst Cottage, Letham; female parents Henry Flight McInroy draper master and Mary Jane McInroy ms Ramsay married 1880 March 30th at Dunnichen; signed Henry F McInroy father present; registered 1888 May 22nd at Letham signed Charles Roberts registrar.2,1
Charles Roberts registrar Dunnichen1
M, #12802
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019