- Birth*: Thomas Rae was born in 1857 at Emerald Hill, Victoria, Australia
- Marriage*: He married Mary Ellen Lintern, daughter of Samuel Lintern and Anne Mary Gibbons, on Tuesday, 18 June 1912 at Registrar's Office, Wellington, New Zealand
; Mary was a 34 year-old spinster when she married 54 year-old widower Thomas; his first wife had died six months previously. Interestingly on their marriage certificate, Mary's mother 'Hannah' is noted as Anne Mary Lintern, previously CROOKS. We know Hannah's maiden name was GIBBONS. Marriage witnesses: Samuel LINTERN & Hannah LINTERN (Mary'sparents).
The informant on Hannah's death certificate stated her mother's maiden name to have been CROOKES [sic].3,1 - Death*: Thomas Rae died between 1929 and 1932 at New Zealand,
- Occupation*: Thomas was herbalist; assistant fitter (NZ Railways, Wellington.)4,1
- Event-Misc: Thomas Rae was Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MDCL varicose veins.4,1
- Religion*: He was Brethren.4,1
- Event-Misc: Thomas Rae was Unknown GEDCOM tag: _MILTID NZ Dental Corps, # 3/2040 (private.)4,1
- Event-Misc*: Thomas Rae was Thomas enlisted on 8 November 1917 at Wellington, allegedlyaged54.11years. He gave his date of birth as 2 December 1866thoughtheAustralian birth index records 1857. His firstmarriage(inAustralia) was in 1881 (which would've made him aged 15 onmarriageifborn in 1866) so it appears he lied about his age onenlistment.
He was recorded as being 5', 6½' tall with a darkcomplexion,greyingdark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was employed asafitter'sassistant for NZ Railways in Wellington. His last addresswas34Cambridge Terrace, Wellington. He had previouslymilitaryservicewith the Wellington City Guards. Note on medicalexaminationrecordedhim as having varicose veins. His next of kin was(wife) MrsM E Raeof Marsden Lodge, Marsden Road, Lower Hutt,previously of 34CambridgeStreet, Wellington. Thomas gave his date ofmarriage as 23May 1912but the certificate is dated 18 June 1912.
His total length of service was 162 days. between 1917 and 1918 at Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.4,1
- Reference LGB*: Reference: 4492.1
- [S123] LGB, Tait Gear & related surnames in "LGB GEDCOM via FB", listserve message to Facebook, 2015. Printout dated 11/11/2015, [Nov 2015]. Hereinafter cited as LGB GEDCOM.
- [S97] Unknown author BMD index, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn "Reg # 1324."
- [S98] Unknown author Marriage certificate/register, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn.
- [S95] Unknown author Military documents, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn.
Thomas Rae1
M, #13301, b. 1857, d. between 1929 and 1932
Last Edited: 11 Mar 2021