- Birth*: Samuel Tilden was born circa 1652 at Cranbrook, Kent, England
- Marriage*: He married Susan Carey query surname, daughter of Thomas Carey query surname and Constance Fowl query surname, on Friday, 10 February 1678/79 at Wadhurst, East Sussex, England,
- Death*: Samuel Tilden died circa 10 June 1698 at Cranbrook, Kent, England
- Burial*: He was buried on 10 June 1698 at Cranbrook, Kent, England
- Occupation*: Samuel was mercer (cloth seller, chiefly silks and velvets.)1
- Will*: He left a will on 5 June 1698 at England: Canterbury - Wills Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1694-1700, England; WILL - Tilden, Samuel, mercer, Cranbrook, Kent 1698, 178.
Proved London, 1698, Will of Samuel Tilden of Cranbrook,co.Kent,mercer.
Reference: RYE/116/17
Description: Devises his 5 farms (described) in Cranbrook,HawkhurstandRolvenden, co. Kent, and Udimore to his wife Susannaforlife,thereafter to his sons Samuel, Daniel, John, George andHenry,shepaying £20 yearly to Samuel till of age. Bequeaths residuetohiswife and executrix, for the maintenance of theirchildren;alsolegacies of £300 each to his sons and £500 each tohisdaughtersSusanna, Sarah and Mary, which legacies are to be managedbyhisfriends John JAMES of Benenden, husbandman, RichardMERRALL,clothierand Daniel STREAT, brasier, both of Cranbrook, untilof age.
Witnesses: Mary SPICE, Nicholas AMHERST, Richard SQUIRE
Date: 5 June 1698
Held by: East Sussex Record Office
Title: Partition (Lease and Release, copy) from (a) thesurvivingsonsof Samuel Tilden: Daniel, mercer; John, timbermerchant;George,maltster; and Henry, mercer, to (b) Daniel STREATERsen.,brasier andJohn LEIGH sen., mercer, all of Cranbrook, co. Kent.
Reference: RYE/116/18, 19
I. Premises referred to in RYE/116/17 (described in detail).
II. Parsonage, market and fair of Cranbrook, leaseholdofTrinityCollege, Cambridge.
(a) convey to (b) all these properties to hold in trust foreachsonaccording to his portion, premises II going to Daniel andtheUdimorefarm (inter alia) going to John.
Witnesses: John HASSELL, Jacob HOLLINGWORTH, Samuel HAYWARD.
Date: 25, 26 February 1715
Held by: East Sussex Record Office.4,1 - Marriage*: Samuel Tilden married Susan Carey query surname, daughter of Thomas Carey query surname and Constance Fowl query surname, on Friday, 10 February 1678/79 at Wadhurst, East Sussex, England,
- Reference LGB*: Reference: 1359.1
- [S123] LGB, Tait Gear & related surnames in "LGB GEDCOM via FB", listserve message to Facebook, 2015. Printout dated 11/11/2015, [Nov 2015]. Hereinafter cited as LGB GEDCOM.
- [S82] Unknown author Parish register transcription, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn.
- [S107] Unknown author Kent, England, Tyler Index to Parish Registers, 1538-1874, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn.
- [S85] Unknown author East Sussex Record Office, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn.
Samuel Tilden1
M, #13416, b. circa 1652, d. circa 10 June 1698
Last Edited: 7 Aug 2022
Susan Carey query surname b. c 2 Jul 1660, d. c 20 Jul 1715
Samuel Tilden1 b. 1 Dec 1683, d. 30 May 1704
John Tilden1 b. 3 Feb 1684/85, d. 23 Dec 1735
Susanna Tilden1 b. 8 Dec 1687, d. 8 Oct 1713
George Tilden+1 b. 10 Jan 1688/89, d. 10 Oct 1735
Sarah Tilden1 b. 3 Feb 1691/92
Daniel Tilden1 b. c 11 Feb 1692/93, d. 27 Jul 1741
Henry Tilden1 b. c 28 Mar 1695, d. c 20 Feb 1731/32
Mary Tilden1 b. 22 May 1697, d. 27 Oct 1715
John Tilden1 b. 3 Feb 1684/85, d. 23 Dec 1735
Susanna Tilden1 b. 8 Dec 1687, d. 8 Oct 1713
George Tilden+1 b. 10 Jan 1688/89, d. 10 Oct 1735
Sarah Tilden1 b. 3 Feb 1691/92
Daniel Tilden1 b. c 11 Feb 1692/93, d. 27 Jul 1741
Henry Tilden1 b. c 28 Mar 1695, d. c 20 Feb 1731/32
Mary Tilden1 b. 22 May 1697, d. 27 Oct 1715