- (Child) Birth*: Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line was born in 1891; NUMIDIAN 1891
The NUMIDIAN was a 4,836 gross ton ship, built by D&W Henderson Ltd, Glasgow in 1891 for the Allan Line. Her details were - length 400ft x beam 45.2ft, straight stem, one funnel, two masts, single screw and a speed of 13 knots. There was accommodation for 100-1st, 80-2nd and 1,000-3rd class passengers. Launched on 9th June 1891, she sailed on her maiden voyage from Liverpool to Quebec and Montreal on 20th August 1891. On 22nd May 1903 she commenced her first Glasgow - New York voyage and started her last New York voyage on 28th Sept. 1905, closing this service. She started her first Glasgow - Quebec - Montreal voyage on 21st April 1906 and between 1906 - 1914 sailed from Glasgow to Montreal, Boston or Philadelphia. In 1906 she had been downgraded to carry 2nd and 3rd class passengers only. Her last Glasgow - Halifax - Boston voyage commenced on 31st July 1914 and her last Glasgow - Quebec - Montreal - Glasgow on 24th Oct. 1914 (arr.Glasgow 24th Nov. 1914). She was then sold to the British Admiralty and sunk as a blockship. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P. Bonsor, vol.1, p.319]2 - (Deceased) Death*: Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line died after 1914.2
- (Ship) Emigration*: Edith N Finnie weaver emigrated on Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line on 21 May 1908 at Glasgow, Scotland,
. Allan Line out-going passengers returns; SS Numidian, 98659, Allan Line Steamship Co Ltd, master Thomas Moar, 3107 tons, 13326 ft, ship can carry 352 statute adults, bound for Boston USA via Moville & Galway; I hereby certify that the provisions actually laden on board this ship are sufficient, according to requirements of Merchant Shipping Acts, for 352 Statute Adults for a voyage of 26 days, 21st May 1908 signed Thos Moar, master; pasenger number 7, Finnie, Edith N, weaver,age 23, single, Scotch.3
- (Ship) Immigration*: Edith N Finnie weaver was on the Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line when they immirated in June 1908 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA,
. HERE TO BE MARRIED. Steamship Numidian, from Glasgow, Brings in Scotch and Irish Lassies - Disagreeable Passsage. A score of marriageable Scotch lassies arrived in Boston yesterday morning on the Allan Line steamship Numidian, from Glasgow, besides a number who came to join their betrothed husbands. There were also several Irosh girls from County Clare, who came over to work as domestics. The Numidian brought 81 cabin passengers and 149 steerage.
One of the prettiest girls on board was Miss Edith Phinney, who came from Dundee to marry James Heggie of 108 Franklin st, Quincy. Ida Mackay was another pretty Scotch lassie, who came over to join her sweetheart. Her home is in Glasgow.
Capt Moar stated that the passage was very disagreeable. The steamer left Glasgow May 21 and called at Londonderry and Galway to embark passengers. After leaving the latter moderate to strong gales with heavy seas were encountered and for five days the going was very rough. The weather was clear in the ice track, but for the last 700 miles of the passage the Numidian was running through dense fog. She was delayed 25 hours in reaching port.
She brought in 800 tons of Scotch whiskym, clay pipes, pig iron, dry goods, linens, burlaps and general freight.4 - (Ship) Emigration*: Andrew Heggie ship plater emigrated on Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line on 1 October 1909 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland,
. Andrew Heggie, departing 1 October 1909 from Glasgow bound for Boston USA, age 35, single, male, ship plater.5
- (Ship) Immigration*: Andrew Heggie ship plater was on the Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line when they immirated on 11 October 1909 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA,
. Andrew Heggie, arrived 11 October 1909, age 35 years, estimated birth year about 1874, male. ethnic background Scotch (Scotish (sic)), port of departure Glashow, ship Numidian, port of arrival Boston Massachusetts, friend's name James Heggie, last residence Scotland, birthplkace Dundee Scotland, microfilm roll no 140.6
- (Ship) Emigration*: Helen Key sack machinist emigrated with Alexander Stobie Heggie lofterman [?] at shipyard and Annie Ford Heggie on Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line on 10 May 1911 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland,
. Mrs Heggie, departing 10 May 1911 from Glasgow bound for Boston USA, age 32, single, female.5
- (Ship) Immigration*: Helen Key sack machinist was on the Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line along with Alexander Stobie Heggie lofterman [?] at shipyard and Annie Ford Heggie when they immirated on 21 May 1911 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA,
. Helen Heggie, arrived 21 May 1911, age 32 years, estimated birth year about 1879, female. ethnic background Scotch (Scotish (sic)), port of departure Glasgow Scotland via Molville Ireland, ship Numidian, port of arrival Boston Massachusetts, friend's name Andrew Heggie, last residence Scotland, birthplkace Dunder (sic) Scotland, microfilm roll no 164.7
- (Ship) Passenger List*: Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line passenger list included Margaret Abercrombie Miller and Elizabeth Abercrombie Porter milliner when she sailed between 8 February 1913 and 22 February 1913 at Glasgow to Boston. List of manifest of alien passengers for the United States immigration officer at port of arrival; SS Numidian sailing from Glasgow 8 Feby 1913, arriving at Boston 22 Feby 1913; ref 14; Moncur, Margaret, aged 36, female, widowed, occ milliner, can read & write, nationality British, race Scotch, last permanent residence Scotland Dundee, name of relative or friend in country whence came Father James Miller, 24 Thomson Street, Dundee, Scotland, final destination Mass Lowell, has a ticket to such final destination, passage paid by self, in possession of $30, previously in US for visit in 1895 to Lowell, going to join relative aunt Bessie Watson 437 Central St, Lowell, Mass, never in prison etc, polygamist, anachist..., in good mental & physical health, not deformed or crippled, height 5ft 3in, fair complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, no ID marks, born Scotland Dundee.8
- (Ship) Passenger List: Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line passenger list included James Milne Miller Grocer, Undertaker & Upholsterer, Auctioneer's Clerk and Margaret Abercrombie Porter, Janet Miller, James Milne Miller printer & stationer, Jane Miller, William Miller jute powerloom tenter and Charles Robert Kirkwood Lawson when she sailed between 12 April 1913 and 26 April 1913 at Glasgow to Boston. List of manifest of alien passengers for the United States immigration officer at port of arrival; SS Numidian sailing from Glasgow 12 April 1913, arriving at Boston 26 April 1913; ref 18; Miller, James M, aged 52, male, married, occ salesman, can read & write, nationality British, race Scotch, last permanent residence Scotland Dundee, name of relative or friend in country whence came Bro Wm Miller, Forrest Park Road, Dundee, Scotland, final destination Mass Worcester, whether having a ticket to such final destination - no, passage paid by self, in possession of $200, previously in US for visit in 1883 to Boston, going to join friend or relative - son-in-law Mr Chas Lawson 249 Chandler St, Worcester, Mass, never in prison etc, polygamist, anachist..., in good mental & physical health, not deformed or crippled, height 5ft 8in, fair complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, no ID marks, born Scotland Dundee.9
- (Ship) Passenger List*: Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line passenger list included Elizabeth Anderson Miller and Robert Davie Lawson, Margaret Ambrose Lawson, Ellen Cunnison Lawson, Lena Miller Lawson, Stanley Lawson, William Miller jute powerloom tenter and Charles Robert Kirkwood Lawson when she sailed between 12 April 1913 and 26 April 1913 at Glasgow to Boston. List of manifest of alien passengers for the United States immigration officer at port of arrival; SS Numidian sailing from Glasgow 12 April 1913, arriving at Boston 26 April 1913; ref 1; Lawson, Elizabeth, aged 33, female, married, occ wife, can read & write, nationality British, race Scotch, last permanent residence Scotland Dundee, name of relative or friend in country whence came Wm Miller, Forrest Park Road, Dundee, Scotland, final destination Mass Worcester, whether having a ticket to such final destination - no, passage paid by husband, in possession of $50, previously in US for visit in 1883, going to join friend or relative - husband Mr Chas Lawson 249 Chandler St, Worcester, Mass, [note - Father is no 18] never ..., polygamist, anachist..., in good mental & physical health, not deformed or crippled, height 5ft 3in, open complexion, black hair, gray eyes, no ID marks, born Scotland Dundee.9
- (Ship) Passenger List: Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line passenger list included James Milne Miller Grocer, Undertaker & Upholsterer, Auctioneer's Clerk and Margaret Abercrombie Porter, Janet Miller, James Milne Miller printer & stationer, Jane Miller, William Miller jute powerloom tenter and Charles Robert Kirkwood Lawson when she sailed from 12 April 1913 to 16 April 1913 at Glasgow to Boston, Scotland & USA,
. List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for The United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival
Miller, James M, age 52, male, married, occupation salesman, can read & write, British nationality, Scotch race, last permanent residence Scotland, Dundee, nearest relative in country whence came brother William Miller Forest Park Road Dundee, Final destination Mass, Town Worcester, does not have ticket to final destination, paid for by self, inpossession of $200, previously in US in 1883 as visitor to Boston, going to join friend or relative son-in-law Charles Lawson 249 Chandler of Worcester, never in prison etc, not polygamist, not anarchist, not coming by reason of offer etc, good health, not derformed or crippled, height 5'8" complexion fair, hair brown, eyes brown, no ID marks, born Scotland Dundee
Miller, wife Margaret, age 54, female, married, occupation wife, can read & write, British nationality, Scotch race, last permanent residence Scotland, Dundee, nearest relative in country whence came brother William Miller Forest Park Road Dundee, Final destination Mass, Town Worcester, does not have ticket to final destination, paid for by self, inpossession of $200, previously in US in 1883 as visitor to Boston, going to join friend or relative son-in-law Charles Lawson 249 Chandler of Worcester, never in prison etc, not polygamist, not anarchist, not coming by reason of offer etc, good health, not derformed or crippled, height 4'11" complexion dark, hair black, eyes grey, no ID marks, born Scotland Blairgowrie.10 - [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Ancestry.com. Passenger Ships and Images [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007. [June 2017]
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http://www.theshipslist.com/ships/descriptions/ShipsN.shtml [May 2019].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http:\www.findmypast.com image held [Feb 2008].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http:\www.findmypast.com; image held; Newspaper report; unidentified newspaper and date [Feb 2008].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) findmypast passenger lists leaving UK 1890-1960 [Feb 2008].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) ancestry.co.uk Boston passenger Lists 1820-1940 [Feb 2008].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) ancestry.co.uk Boston passenger Lists 1820-1943 [Feb 2008].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) The National Archives at Washington, D.C.; Washington, D.C.; Series Title: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1891-1943; NAI Number: 4319742; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004; Record Group Number: 85; Series Number: T843; NARA Roll Number: 190 [June 2017].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) The National Archives at Washington, D.C.; Washington, D.C.; Series Title: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1891-1943; NAI Number: 4319742; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004; Record Group Number: 85; Series Number: T843; NARA Roll Number: 192 [June 2017].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Passenger lists [June 2017].
Numidian Ship Allan Shipping Line1
?, #14929, b. 1891, d. after 1914
Last Edited: 14 Mar 2021