- (Bride) Marriage*: Alice Donnelly jute spinner married Robert Nay jute preparer, son of Thomas Nay general labourer and Jane Laughlan, on 10 February 1891 at St Mary's Chapel, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; After publications accorsing to the forms of the Roman Catholic Church; signed Robert Nay factory worker bachelor aged 23 residing 13 Ellen Street Dundee parents Thomas NAy general labourere (dec) and Jane NAy ms Laughlan (dec); signed Alice Donnelly [her + mark] jute spinner spinster [witnessed] aged 21 rsiding 37 M... Street Man... Dundee parents Peter R Donnelly carper weaver and Mary Donnelly ms Cowans; signed Michael [Ploslaw?] administrator St Mary's R C Church, signed William D..., Mathew McD...mett witnesses, registered 1891 February 12th at Dundee signed F Macdiarmid registrar.1,2
- Married Name: As of say 1900, her married name was Nay.1
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS ref 282/04 0028 (image held) [Sept 2009 & Feb 2019].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory marriage 1891 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/4 70, image held [Aug 2020].
Alice Donnelly jute spinner1,2
F, #15854
Last Edited: 18 Oct 2020