Phillip Reilly1
M, #17459, b. 1961
Last Edited: 3 Apr 2021
- (Witness) Christening: Phillip Reilly witnessed the christening of Thomas Slammon in March 1962 at Craigmount Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Thomas Slammon Christening.2 Sandra Dickson holding baby Thomas Slammon with Frank Murphy  Thomas Slammon Christening Back row - Bob(by) Carson, Daniel Docherty Middle Row - Rosemary Docherty, Margot Carson holding Thomas Slammon, Mari Carson holding her brother Paul Front - Frank Reilly, John Docherty, Thomas Inglis, Phillip Reilly
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Birth Dundee East 1961 ref 282/1 261; no image [Apr 2021].
- [S6] From ASDM by Messenger [Apr 2021].