- (Child) Birth*: Margaret Arnott Arbuckle was born say 1881.2
- (Bride) Marriage*: She married Frederick Robertson Binnie ship broker, son of James Binnie inspector of schools and Jane Montgomery Boag, on 4 June 1901 at Partick, Lanarkshire, Scotland,
; 1901 on the Fourth day of June at Academy Rooms Annfield RFOad PArtick after banns & publication according to the forms of the Chhurch of Scotland, signed Frederick Robertson Binnie shiip broker bachelor aged 29 residing Belmont Kilmalcolm, parents James Binnie inspector of schools & Jane Montgomery Binnie ms Boag; signed Margaret Arnott Arbuckle spinster aged 20 residing 13 Broomhill Terrace Partick, parents James ~Arbuckle fuar and Mary Arnott Arbuckle ms Steven; signed David Ness, James Montgomery Binnie, signed Roberta Campbell, Janetta Porterfield Binnir, John Sillars Binnie witnesses; registered 1901 June 5th at Partick signed Hugh Welch registrar.1
- Married Name: As of 4 June 1901, her married name was Binnie.1
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Birth 1902 Partick ref 646/3 493 image held [Mar 2022].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Stautory Marriage 1901 Partick ref 646/3 163 image held [Mar 2022].
Margaret Arnott Arbuckle1
F, #18201, b. say 1881
Last Edited: 12 Mar 2022
Frederick Robertson Binnie ship broker b. s 1872
James Eric Arbuckle Binnie book seller+1 b. 14 Mar 1902, d. 19 Feb 1959