- Birth*: George McNally McCulloch was born circa 1893.
- (Groom) Marriage*: He married Rhoda Falconer, daughter of James Craik Falconer watch inspector, printer's compositor and Agnes Adamson grocer's assistant, on 29 September 1923 at 82 Great King Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
; 1923 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the city of Edinburgh 462; 1923 in the twentynineth day of September at 82 Great King Street Edinburgh after banns according to the United Free Church of Scotland; George McNally McCulloch officer HM Customs & Excise bachelor, 29, 28 Wellington Street Edinburgh, John McCulloch gardener Helen McCulloch ms McNally; Rhoda Falconer school teacher spinster, 29, 26 Wellington Stree Edinburgh, James Craik Falconer clerk Agnes Falconer ms Adamson; A St Clair Sutherland minister Guthrie Memorial United Free Church Edinburgh, wit William McCulloch Saltown Lodge Pencaitland, Mabel Falconer 26 Wellington St Edinburgh; registred 1923 October 2nd at Edinburgh signed D Dinnie assist registrar.1
- (Informant) Death: George McNally McCulloch registered the death of Agnes Adamson grocer's assistant on 16 July 1945 at Links Road, Longniddry, East Lothian, Scotland,
; 1945 deaths in the district of Gladsmuir in the county of East Lothian, Agnes Falconer widow of James Craik Falconer house agnecy clerk 1945 July sixteenth 3h 20m pm Links Road Longniddry us res 64 Comiston Road Edinburgh, f, 87 years, John Adamson grocer (dec) Isabella Adamson ms Moffat (dec), cause - see reg of corr entries vol I page 158 28th July 1945; Geo McCulloch son in law 11 Links Road Longniddry, registered 1945 July 17th at Gladsmuir E S Crowe registrar.2
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Marriages 1923 Edinburgh ref 462 image held [Jan 2008].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held; GROS statutory deaths 1945 Gladsmuir ref 10 [Oct 2009].
George McNally McCulloch
M, #3299, b. circa 1893
Last Edited: 27 Jun 2016