- Baptism*: Alexander Wightman flaxmill overseer was baptised on 3 December 1830 at Netherkepty, St Vigeans, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 3 December 1830. David WIGHTMAN and Helen RITCHIE in Netherkepty had a son baptised named ALEXANDER.1,2
- He was the son of David Wightman house propietor and Helen Ritchie.
- (Groom) Marriage*: Alexander Wightman flaxmill overseer married Mary Cattanach, daughter of Thomas Cattanach and Helen Garland, on 31 December 1850 at St Vigeans, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; OPR Parish of St. Vigeans. Contracts and Marriages Alexander WIGHTMAN and Mary CATANACH both of this parish gave in their names for proclamation in order to marriage. Married on 31st of same month.1,3
- (Deceased) Death*: Alexander Wightman flaxmill overseer died on 12 March 1870 at Barnagore, Calcutta, Bengal, India,
, at age 39 Information from Caroline BROWN; Deputy Archivist, Archive Records Management and Museum Services, University of Dundee, Angus; Dear Thank you for your enquiry about Alexander WIGHTMAN. Unfortunately I have not been able to find much about the Flax Mill and nothing about Alexander WIGHTMAN. I know that the Borneo Company used to own the mill and in 1872 it was bought by a group who included the HENDERSON's. It became the Barnagore Jute Factory Co. Ltd. and HENDERSON and Co. seemed to act as agents into the 20th century. Apart from that I can be of no help. The death certificate possibly would have been lodged with the British authorities in India in 1872.4,5
- Burial*: He was buried on 12 March 1870 at The Scotch Burial Ground, Calcutta, Bengal, India,
; Burials at The Scotch Burial Ground, Calcutta; died 12th March 1870, Alexander Wightman, age 39 years, Mill Overseer (late ARbroath) Borneo Company's Works; buried 12th March 1870; cause cholera; signed J Macalister Thomson Senior Chaplain of St Andrew's.5
- (Witness) Death: He witnessed the death of Elizabeth Wightman on 4 October 1858 at 33 Ogilvie Place, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Elizabeth WIGHTMAN. Died 4 October 1858 at 3:15pm at 33 Ogilvie Place, St. Vigeans. Aged 5. Daughter of Alexander WIGHTMAN (Overseer of Flax Preparing) and Mary WIGHTMAN ms CATANACH. Cause: Scarlatina (5 days). Certified by Charles FINDLAY, Surgeon who last saw deceased 2 October. Registered 4 October 1858 at Arbroath. Informant Alexander WIGHTMAN. Father.1
- (Witness) Death: Alexander Wightman flaxmill overseer witnessed the death of Alexander Wightman on 13 November 1858 at 33 Ogilvie Place, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; DEATH 1858 District of Arbroath. Alexander WIGHTMAN. Died at 8:05pm on 13 November 1858 at 33 Ogilvy Place, St. Vigeans parish. Aged 2. Son of Alexander WIGHTMAN (Overseer of Flax Preparing) and Mary WIGHTMAN ms CATANACH.
Cause: Scarlatina (5 days). Certified by Chas. FINDLAY, Surgeon who saw the deceased November 14 1858. Registered 15 November 1858. Informant Alexander WIGHTMAN. Father. Present.1 - (Witness) Death: Alexander Wightman flaxmill overseer witnessed the death of Helen Wightman on 23 November 1858 at 33 Ogilvie Place, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Helen WIGHTMAN. Died 23 November 1858 at 6:20am at 33 Ogilvie Place, St. Vigeans. Aged 7. Daughter
of Alexander WIGHTMAN (Overseer of Flax Preparation) and Mary WIGHTMAN ms CATANACH. Cause:
Scarlatina (3 weeks). Certified by Charles FINDLAY, Surgeon, who last saw the deceased 22 November.
Registered 25 November 1858 at Arbroath. Informant Alexander WIGHTMAN. Father.1 - Will*: Alexander Wightman flaxmill overseer left a will in June 1870; I have not been able to find any information of the circumstances of ALEXANDER's death. Whilst in Arbroath 2005 I had hoped to search the 1870 Arbroath newspapers however time didn't allow me to pursue the search. From Sheriff Court, Edinburgh
Alexander WIGHTMAN (Stamp Three Pounds) 2nd July 1870: Pounds Sterling is required in favour of the Deponent, all which is truth as the Deponent shall answer to God. (Signed) James B. WILKIE (Signed) Thos. GABRIEL (Seal) At Edinburgh the Second day of July in the year Eighteen Hundred and Seventy the following inventory of the Personal Estate of the deceased Alexander WIGHTMAN was presented by Robert FINDLAY S.L.
Inventory of the Personal Estate of deceased Alexander WIGHTMAN formerly Mill Overseer in Arbroath, afterwards
Factory Overseer at Barnagore near Calcutta who died Intestate on or before the 12 day of March 1870. 1: Principal sum contained in Policy of Assurance on the life of the deceased granted by the Northern British and Mercantile Insurance Company No. 16,596 dated 19 May 1869 = One Hundred Pounds 2: Household furniture and other effects in dwelling house in Ogilvy Place, Arbroath occupied by the deceased's widow conform by appraisement and Inventory thereof made by Mr. Alexander BROWN, Licensed Appraiser in Arbroath dated 22nd June 1870 = Twenty Pounds Three Shillings and Two Pence. Total Estate = One Hundred and Twenty Pounds, Three Shillings and Two Pence (Signed) Mary WIGHTMAN (Signed) Charles LYALL J.P. at Arbroath the 30th Day of June 1870 In presence of Charles LYALL one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Forfar appeared for Mary CATTANACH or WIGHTMAN residing in Ogilvy Place, Arbroath, widow of the deceased Alexander WIGHTMAN formerly Mill Overseer in Arbroath afterwards Factory Overseer at Barnagore near Calcutta who being solemnly sworn and examined Depones that the said deceased Alexander WIGHTMAN died intestate at Barnagore aforesaid on or about the 12 March 1870 that the Deponent is about to enter upon the possession and management of his personal or moveable estate as Executrix dative and relict decreed to him by the Commissary of Edinburgh that the Deponent knows of no settlement or other writing relative to the disposal of his personal effects or any part thereof that the foregoing Inventory which is signed by the Deponent and the said Justice of the Peace as relative hereto is a full and complete Inventory of the Personal Estate and Effects of the said Alexander WIGHTMAN wheresoever situated and belonging or due to him beneficially at the time of his death in so far as the same has come to the Deponent's knowledge and that the said Estate is of the value of One Hundred Pounds and under the value of Two Hundred Pounds - further that the deceased did not die possessed of any money or property liable to the Duty imposed by the Acts 23 Victoria Chapter 15 and 23 and 2(4?) Victoria Chapter 80. All which is truth as the Deponent shall answer to God and confirmation of the said Inventory is now required in favor of the Deponent. (Signed) Mary WIGHTMAN (Signed) Charles LYALL J.P.4 - (Groom) Marriage*: Alexander Wightman flaxmill overseer married Mary Cattanach, daughter of Thomas Cattanach and Helen Garland, on 31 December 1850 at St Vigeans, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; OPR Parish of St. Vigeans. Contracts and Marriages Alexander WIGHTMAN and Mary CATANACH both of this parish gave in their names for proclamation in order to marriage. Married on 31st of same month.1,3
- [S40] From LW [Sept 2007].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), C113194 [Sept 2007].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI), CM13194 [Sept 2007].
- [S40] LW [Sept 2007].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Archive Reference - N-1-131; Folio - Page 244; Catalogue Description - Parish register transcripts from the Presidency of Bengal, : 1713-1948; Record set - British India Office deaths & burials; Category - Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records; Record collection - Deaths & burials;
Collections from - Great Britain [Jan 2015]. - [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) 1841 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription URL of this page: http://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=gbc%2f1841%2f
0017910308 [Dec 2016]. - [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) 1851 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription URL of this page: http://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=gbc%2f1851%2f
0020575066 [Dec 2016]. - [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) 1861 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription URL of this page: http://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=gbc%2f1861%2f
0022577940 [Dec 2016].
Alexander Wightman flaxmill overseer
M, #3639, b. 3 December 1830, d. 12 March 1870
Last Edited: 26 May 2024
Father*: David Wightman house propietor b. c 1808, d. 1883
Mother*: Helen Ritchie b. c 1808, d. b 1881
Mother*: Helen Ritchie b. c 1808, d. b 1881
Mary Cattanach b. c 1825, d. 17 Dec 1879
Helen Wightman b. 29 Sep 1851, d. 23 Nov 1858
Elizabeth Wightman b. 17 Dec 1852, d. 4 Oct 1858
David Wightman watchmaker b. 20 Aug 1854
Alexander Wightman b. 22 Jun 1856, d. 13 Nov 1858
Charles Smith Wightman+ b. 10 Apr 1858, d. 31 Oct 1915
Alexander Wightman+ b. 9 Apr 1860, d. 1954
Mary Catanach Wightman+ b. 23 Dec 1863, d. 23 Nov 1958
Jane Willocks Wightman b. 2 Sep 1866, d. 22 Dec 1871
Elizabeth Wightman b. 17 Dec 1852, d. 4 Oct 1858
David Wightman watchmaker b. 20 Aug 1854
Alexander Wightman b. 22 Jun 1856, d. 13 Nov 1858
Charles Smith Wightman+ b. 10 Apr 1858, d. 31 Oct 1915
Alexander Wightman+ b. 9 Apr 1860, d. 1954
Mary Catanach Wightman+ b. 23 Dec 1863, d. 23 Nov 1958
Jane Willocks Wightman b. 2 Sep 1866, d. 22 Dec 1871