- (Registrar) Death: William Kirkcaldy registrar Edinburgh, Newington was the officiating registrar when the death of Ellen Forrest Adamson was registered on 11 October 1902 at 2 Merchison Bank Gardens, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
; 1902 deaths in the district of Newington in the city of Edinburgh; ref 1083; Ellen Forrest Adamson single; 1902 October eleventh 4h 15m pm 2 Merchison Bank Gardens Edinburgh; f, 20 years; David Adamson builder, Ann Cousins Adamson ms Riches deceased; abcess of kidney 7 1/2 months..nephritis & peritonitis as cert be E F Armour MB; David Adamson father present; 1902 October 13 at Edinburgh Wm Kirkcaldy assitant registrar, initialled JC.1
- (Registrar) Death: William Kirkcaldy registrar Edinburgh, Newington was the officiating registrar when the death of Elizabeth Anderson Millar was registered on 13 June 1921 at Deaconess Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland,
; 1921 deaths in the district of Newington in the city of Edinburgh; Elizabeth Anderson Ramsay formerly married to John Ramsay spirit merchant against whom she obtained decree of divorce 6th March 1897; 1921 June thirteenth 10h 25m am Deaconess Hospital, usual residence Back Causeway Culross; f, 67 years; parents Joseph Bitter Millar mason (master) (dec) Catherine Millar ms Malcolm (dec); carcinoma of pelvic colon ? years, operation (colostomy) 5 days as cert by W J Stuart MB; Kathie Hunter niece present 47 Comely Bank Place Edinburgh; registered 1921 August 9th at Edinburgh E C Dryden assist registrar, initialled Wm Kirkaldy registrar.2
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS ref statutory deaths Newington Edinburgh 1902 image held 685/05 1083 [June 2010].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, image held GROS death ref 685/06 0536 [June 2007].
William Kirkcaldy registrar Edinburgh, Newington
M, #7085
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019