- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Saddler Kinnear was registered on 21 August 1923 at 5 Morgan Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1923 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the district of Dundde, ref 514; Alexander Saddler Kinnear jute factory overseer married to Jessie Mudie; died 1923 August Twenty-First 3h 30m pm 5 Morgan Street Dundee, male aged 72; parents William Kinnear flesher (dec) and Janet Kinnear ms Stirling (dec); cause cerebral haemorrahge 4 days as cert by J Miller MD; signed Alex Kinnear son; regsitered 1923 September 1st at Dundee signed H T Templeton registrar.1
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Robert Davidson Nicholson chief engineer was registered on 29 December 1924 at 4 Wortley Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Robert Davidson Nicolson, engine fitter, married to Margaret Sword, 1924 December 29th ...pm 4 Wortley Place, Dundee, male aged 71 years, father Robert Davidson Nicolson, jute mill mechanic (deceased), mother Jessie Nicolson ms Worrall (deceased), pelvic carcinoma as cert by T King ... MBChB, informant C Sword, broter-in-law, present, 111 Arbroath Road, Dundee, registered 1924 December 30th at Dundee H T Templeton registrar.2
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Forester Cockburn Nicolson seaman was registered on 19 January 1926 at 22 North Erskine Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Forester Cockburn Nicolson gas works stoker married to Jane Lawson Pitkethly,m 1926 January Nineteenth 8h 5m am at 22 North Erskine Street Dundee, male aged 63 years, parents Robert Davidson Nicolson jute mill machanic (dec) & Jane Nicolson ms Worral (dec), chronic nephritis & heath failure as cert by Charles Kerr BM & ... signed Davis Watson son-in-law 111 Arbroath Road, registered 1926 January 19th at Dundee signed H Templeton registrar.3
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Margaret Anderson Kinnear powerloom weaver was registered on 31 May 1926 at 12 Baxter Park Terrace, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Margaret Gibb widow of 1) David Adamson tailor 2) David Gibb mason 1926 May 31st 5h 40m am 12 Baxter Park Terrace Dundee, f, 72 years, fath James Kinnear flesher master (dec) moth Margaret Kinnear ms Stirling (dec), diabetes (senile) coma as cert by Charles Kerr MB & CM, inf David Adamson son present 319 Clepington Road Dundee, reg 1926 May 31st Dundee H T Templeton.4
- (Registrar) Marriage: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Milne Simpson colonial civil servant and Helena Alice Binny shop assistant on Wednesday, 15 August 1928 at 128 Arbroath Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1928 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 185; 1928 on the Fifthteenth day of August at 128 Arbroath Road Dundee after banns according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland, signed James Milne Simpson colonial civil servant bachelor aged 41 residing Gambia West Africa, parents David Simpson ship builder (dec) and Mary Ann Simpson ms Macfarlane (dec); and Helena Alice Binny or Muir house duties widow aged 35 residing 4 West Park Gardens Dundee, parents James Binny builder (dec) and Fanny Binny ms Bruce (dec); signed Thomas F Gilmore Wishart Memorial UF Church ..; signed C H [Harnwell?], C Bruce [Roadwinder?], Grace Dalgliesh, [Silleydarth Depth??] witnesses; registered 1928 August 6th at Dundee signed H T Templeton regsitrar.5
- (Registrar) Marriage: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Peter Davidson bricklayer and Jessie Kinmond Dargie calender worker on Monday, 31 December 1928 at Wallacetown Church, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1929 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 24; 1928 on the thirty-first day of December at Wallacetown Church Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Church of Scotland; signed Peter Davidson bricklayer apprentice bachelro aged 18 residing 211 Cowgate Dundee parents Alexander Davidson cooper and Annie Davidson ms Beaton; signed Jessie knimond Dargie calendar worker spinster, age 21, residing 35 Dundonald Street Dundee, parents James Dargie ... car driver and Martha Dargie ms Gray; signed John A Mackay minister of Wallacetown Dundee signed J McCormack, L Rollo witnesses; 1929 January 4th at Dundee Norman Steele asst registrar initialled HTT ( H T Templeton registrar) - entry marked divorce.6
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of James Roy Menzies carter foreman was registered on 9 March 1929 at 3 Mathew Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; James Roy Menzies carter foreman married 1st Mary Duff 2nd Catherine Wilson, 1929 March nineth 8h 25m am 3 Mathew Street Dundee, male 55 years, parents Thomas Menzies jute mill overseer (dec) & Isabella Menzies ms Menzies (dec), cardiac desease (valular) as cert by George G Rorie MD, signed C Menzies widow present, registered 1929 March 11th at Dundee signed HT Templeton registrar.7,8
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Mary Combs Nicholson was registered on 20 October 1929 at 4 Wortley Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1929 deaths in the district of St Andrew inthe burgh of Dundee ref 697; Mary Combs Nicholson confectioner single, 1929 October Twentieth 6h 30m pm 4 Worthley Place Dundee, female aged 54 years, parents Robert Davidson Nicholson engineer (dec) and Margaret Nicholson me Sword, Scisshus [Inammer?] as certified by T King Buchanan MBChB, signed margret S Nicholson sister present, registered 1929 October 21st at Dundee H T Templeton registrar.9
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of William Adamson house joiner was registered on 4 January 1932 at 3 Stobswell Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1932 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 11; William Adamson house joiner retired widower of Mary Ann Robb, died 1932 January Fourth 7h 55m pm at 3 Stobswell Road Dundee, male aged 93 years, parents George Adamson weaver (dec) and Betty Adamson ms Cuthbert (dec), cause arterio-sclerosis cardiac failure as cert by W J Malcolm MD, signed Wm A Heron grandson present, registered 1932 January 5th at Dundee signed H T Templeton registrar.10,11
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of David Winter stationer, bookseller was registered on 9 February 1932 at 88 Forfar Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; David Winter printer master widower of Annie Doig died 1932 February Nineth at 3h 5m pm 88 Forfar Road Dundee, male aged 94 years, parents James Winter famer (dec) & Mary Winter ms Gibson (dec) , cerebral haemorrhage old age as cert by T F White MBCM, signed Fred Winter 40 Bingham Terrace, registered 1932 February 16th at Dundee signed H T Templeton registrar.12
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of John Alexander Adamson factory starch carrier was registered on 12 January 1934 at 4 Clepington Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1934 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 35; John Adamson night watchman married to 1st Agnes Grewar, 2nd Isabella Scott or Watson, died 1934 January Twelfth 2h 30m pm at 4 Clepington Road Dundee, male aged 64 years, parents John Adamson labourer (dec) and Agnes Adamson ms Paterson (dec), cause carcinoma stomach some months as cert by George A Rorie MD, signed Iabella Adamson widow present, registered 1934 January 13th at Dundee H T Templeton registrar.13
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Agnes Burnet Stewart Adamson was registered on 8 February 1935 at 13 Morgan Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Agnes Whyte married to James Whyte calander worker 1835 February 8th 7h 20m pm 13 Morgan Street Dundee, f, 66 years, fath James Adamson weaver (dec) moth Agnes Adamson ms Burnett (dec) cerebral thrombosis hypostatic pneumonia as cert by Gordon Mark MBChB, inf James Whyte widower present, reg 1935 February 9th Dundee H T Templeton registrar.14
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of James Dickson was registered on 2 March 1935 at Maryfield Hospital, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1935 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 150; James Dickson jute batcher retired married to 1st Isabella Ritchie and 2nd Margaret Reid; died 1935 March Second 0h 50m am at Maryfield Hospital Dundee ur 35 Larch Street; male aged 70 years parents Alexander Dickson shoemaker deceased ans Margaret Dickson ms Chambers (sic) deceased; cause cerebral haemorrhage as cert by Henry Buist MBChB, signed M Dickson widow 35 Larch Street, registered 1935 March 2nd at Dundee H T Templeton registrar.15
- (Registrar) Death: H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of David McKenzie was registered on 31 December 1935 at 14 Maryfield Terrace, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1935 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 720; David McKenzie textile engineer retired, married to Rebecca Neave, died 1935 December Thirty-first 4h 15m am at 14 Maryfield Terrace Dundee; male aged 82 years, parents Charles McKenzie weaver (dec) and Jean McKenzie ms Tyrie (dec), cause carcinoma stomach secondaries in liver as cert by A H Macklair MD, signed Stanley M Smith grandson, registered 1935 December 31st at Dundee signed H Templeton registrar
[Also: Extract of an Entry in a Register of Deaths kept in the undermentioned Parish or District in terms of 17th & 18th Victoriae, Cap 80, 88, 56 & 58, item J44715, ref 729] [extracted from the register book of deaths for the district of ____ in the ____ of ____ , this 10th day of February 1936].16,17 - [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Death 1923 Dundee St Andrew ref 514 image held Jan 2006]
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, 1924 Deaths in the district of St Andrew in the Burgh of Dundee, page 260, ref 779.
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1926 Dundee, St Andrew, ref 282/3 45 image held [Jul 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths, image held [Aug 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory marriage 1928 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/3 185, image held [Oct 2020].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriages Dundee, St Andrew 282/03 0024 [Aug 2011].
- [S40] CM [Mar 2014].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, 1929 Statutory death, Dundee, St Andrew ref 278 [Jun 2023].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1929 St Andrew Dundee ref 697 [Nov 2004].
- [S40] DP [Apr 2015].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1932 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/03 0011 image held [Apr 2015].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1939 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/3 94 image held [Jun 2022].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1934 Dundee St Andrew 282/03 0035 image held [Aug 2015].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory deaths 1935 Dundee St Andrew ref 96 [Oct 2009].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1935 Dundee St Andrew 282/3 150 image held [May 2017].
- [S40] SM [c Jul 2015].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutoy Deaths 1935 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/03 0729.
H T Templeton registrar Dundee St Andrew
M, #7559
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019