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Headstone Dundee Balgay Cemetery Smith Sarah Copeland 1925

?, #7866
Last Edited: 7 Aug 2022
  • (Headstone) Memorial Inscription*: Headstone Dundee Balgay Cemetery Smith Sarah Copeland 1925 was erected on 21 August 1925. Inscription reads Frontface: Erected by Sarah Smith in loving memory of her husband John Findlay Paterson baker who died 20th August 1925 aged 71 years, and of their daughters Isabella Downie and Sarah Smith who died in infancy. The above Sarah Smith died 19th August 1946 aged 83 years.
    Sideface: And her father and mother Alexander Smith baker died 1868 aged 49 years, his wife Isabella Downie died 1888 aged 65 years.1
    Dundee Balgay Cemetery - Sarah Copeland Smith - Frontface: Erected by Sarah Smith in loving memory of her husband John Findlay Paterson baker who died 20th August 1925 aged 71 years, and of their daughters Isabella Downie and Sarah Smith who died in infancy. The above Sarah Smith died 19th August 1946 aged 83 years.
    Sideface: And her father and mother Alexander Smith baker died 1868 aged 49 years, his wife Isaeblla Downie died 1888 aged 65 years.
    Dundee Balgay Cemetery - Sarah Copeland Smith - Frontface: Erected by Sarah Smith in loving memory of her husband John Findlay Paterson baker who died 20th August 1925 aged 71 years, and of their daughters Isabella Downie and Sarah Smith who died in infancy. The above Sarah Smith died 19th August 1946 aged 83 years.
    Dundee Balgay Cemetery - Sarah Copeland Smith - Frontface: Erected by Sarah Smith ... Sideface: And her father and mother Alexander Smith baker died 1868 aged 49 years, his wife Isaeblla Downie died 1888 aged 65 years.


  1. [S21] Headstone Photograph; , CPT Sept 2009.