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J S Paterson registrar Arbroath1

M, #7984
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019
  • (Registrar) Death: J S Paterson registrar Arbroath was the officiating registrar when the death of William Adamson mechanic at ironworks was registered on 30 May 1887 at 33 Jamieson Street, St Vigeans, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland, ; 1887 deaths in the district of Arbroath in the county of Forfar, ref 209; William Adamson mechanic ironworks married to Agnes Sturrock, died 1887 May Thirtieth 8h 15m pm at 33 Jamieson Street St Vigeans, male aged 44 years parents James Adamson flaxmill foreman (dec) and Agnes Adamson ms Robertson (dec), cause phthisis as certified by Richard Kelly LRCP & RCSE, signed James Adamson brother 8 Leonard Street, registered 1887 May 31st at Arbroath signed J S Paterson registrar.2
  • (Registrar) Birth: J S Paterson registrar Arbroath was the officiating registrar when the birth of Christina Smith Paterson was registered on 1 October 1888 at 7 Johns Lane, St Vigeans, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland, ; 1888 births in the district of Arbroath in the county of Forfar ref 486; Christina Smith Paterson, 1888 October First 11h 50m pm 7 Johns Lane St Vigeans; f, father John Paterson baker journeyman, Sarah Paterson ms Smith, m 1881 June 11th Lochee; John Paterson father, 1888 October 10th at Arbroath J? Patington[?] registrar.3
  • (Registrar) Death: J S Paterson registrar Arbroath was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Lawson Matthew was registered on 3 August 1895 at Infirmary, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland, ; 1895 deaths in the district of Arbroath in the county of Forfar, ref 280; Alexander Lawson Matthew tobacco & pipe maufaccturer, widower of Jessie Johnston, died 1895 August Third 7h 0m om Infirmary ARbroath us 57 Guhrie Port, male aged 55 Years, parents James Matthew warper - canvas factory (dec) and Margaret Matthew ms Scott (dec), cause bronchitis 14 days congestion of lungs (hypoelalic) as certified by G McNaughton MB, signed Alex L Matthew son 6 Ponderlaw Lane, registered 1895 August 5th at Arbroath signed J S Paterson registrar.1


  • (Witness) History: REGISTRAR'S OFFICE—(Market Place). Registrar—J. S. Paterson, 15 Cairnie Street ; Assistant—Robert C. Milne.4


  1. [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Death 1895 Arbroath ref 272/00 0280 image held [Mar 2015].
  2. [S40] JA via TVFSH Historian [June 2015].
  3. [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held; GROS statutory births 272/00 0486; from CPT [Jun 2009].
  4. [S58] Directory, Arbroath Directories 1891 [Aug 2018]. Hereinafter cited as Directory.