- (Registrar) Birth: Alexander Simpson registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the birth of Kate Nicolson shirt maker was registered on 7 October 1899 at 124 1/2 Hilltown, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1899 births in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 716; Kate Nicolson, 1899 October seventh 10h 0m pm 124 i/2 Hilltown Dundee, female, parents Alfred Henry Nicolson butcher master and Catherine Nicolson ms Riley, m 1896 June 3 Dundee, signed Alfred H Nicolson father; regsitered 1889 October 26 at Dundee Alex Simpson registrar.
Family story has it that Alfred, Kate's father, was sent out to register his daughter's birth, with strict instuctions to register the name as Catherine. When he got there, the name that came to mind was Kate (was this what he called his wife?) and this is the name she bore for the rest of her life!1 - (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Simpson registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Alexander R Moncur and Margaret Abercrombie Miller on Wednesday, 1 January 1902 at Hoods Rooms, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1902 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 10; 1902 on the first day of January at Hood's Rooms after banns according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland, signed Alexander R Moncur iron moulder journeyman bachelor aged 25, residing 155 Albert Street Dundee, parents David Moncur iron moulder journeyman and Jane Moncur ms Ramsay; signed Margaret A Miller yarn winder spinster aged 25, residing 80 Hawkhill Dundee, parents James Miller auctioneer's clerk and Margaret A Miller ms Porter; signed S Stephen Walker acting minister Tay Square UF Church Dundee, signed Lizzie A Miller, George G Moncur witnesses, regsitered 1902 January 10th at Dundee Alex Simpson registrar.2
- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Simpson registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Alexander Fairweather Nicolson factory mechanical engineer and Jane Norrie Hunter jute weaver on Wednesday, 10 September 1902 at Woods Rooms, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1902 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee; page 92 # 184; 1902 on the 10th day of September at Wood's Rooms Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland; Alexander F Nicolson machine fitter journeyman aged 36 residing at 55 Victoria Road Dundee [address of sister Sarah Ann]; father Robert Nicolson engine fitter journeyman and mother Jessie Nicolson ms Worral deceased; Jane Norris Hunter jute weaver spinster aged 33 residing at 16 Malcolm Street Dundee; father James Hunter foundry machineman and mother Ann Hunter ms Gavin; signed Archibald Bell Chapelshade parish; witnesses Robert Hunter and Mary D Sanderson; registered 1902 September 11th at Dundee; Alex Simpson registrar.3
- (Registrar) Death: Alexander Simpson registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the death of David Milne was registered on 22 July 1905 at 26 Paterson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1905 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee ref 240, David Milne jute factory overseer widower of 1st Mary Ann Cairns, 2nd Betsy Hogg, 3rd Jane Westwood, 1905 July Twenty second 0h 20m am 26 Paterson Street Dundee, male aged 86 years, parents James Milne jute fatory manager (dec) and Marjory Milne ms Matthew (dec), cause senile decay as cert by A F Low MB, signed David M Milne son 13 Park Lane present, registered 1905 July 22nd at Dundee Alex Simpson registrar.4
- (Registrar) Death: Alexander Simpson registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the death of Sarah Ann Nicolson was registered on 12 October 1907 at Kings Cross Hospital, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1907 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 283; Sarah Ann Nicolson single died 1907 October Twelfth 10h 15m pm Kings Cross Hospital, ur 27 Lyon Street Dundee, female aged 11 years, parents Forester Cockburn Nicolson gas works stoker and Jane Nicolson ms Pitkethly; cerebral meningitis as cert by C Templeman MD, signed Forester C Nicolson father 27 Lyon Street, registered 1907 October 15th at Dundee signed Alex Simpson registrar.5
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory birth 1899 St Clement Dundee image held [July 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriage 1902 St Clement Dundee 282/03 0010 [Aug 2012].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1902 Dundee St Clement ref 184 image held [Jul 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Death 1905 Dundee St Clement 282/03 0240 [April 2014].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory death 1907 Dundee 282/nn 283 image held [Jan 2005].
Alexander Simpson registrar Dundee, St Clement
M, #8013
Last Edited: 16 Oct 2019