- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Rev A B Parker DD officiated at the marriage of James McClenaghen contractors clerk and Agnes Stewart Farrell fancy box maker on Wednesday, 25 June 1862 at 17 Parson Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland,
; 1862 marriages in the central district in the burgh of Glasgow, ref 234;1862 June Twentyfifth 17 Parson Street Glasgow after banns according to the Free Church of Scotland; signed James McClenaghen contractor's clerk bachelor, aged 26, residence 169 Duke Street Glasgow, parents James McClenaghen draper and Janet McClenaghen ms Conway; signed A S Farrell fancy box maker spinster, aged 20, residence 15 Taylor Street Glasgow, parents Matthew Farrell clerk (dec) and Agnes Farrell ms Stewart (dec); signed A B Parker DD minister of Free Well Park; signed A J McClenaghen, Isabella McLardy witnesses; 1862 June 27th at Glasgow Archd Hood assistant registrar initialled TD (Thomas Davidson registrar.)1
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory marriage 1862 Glasgow Central image held [Mar 2006].
Rev A B Parker DD
M, #8789
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019