- (Registrar) Marriage: Will Whyte registrar Airdrie was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Robert Mackenzie Fisher ship's carpenter, the Ayrshire Poet and Janet Watson Cullen confectioner on Thursday, 29 October 1874 at 78 High Street, Aidrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1874 marriages in the burgh of Airdrie in the county of Lanark ref 131; 1874 on the 29th day of October at 78 High Street Airdrie New Monkland after banns according to the forms of the Free Church of Scotland; signed Robert McKenzie Fisher shipwright jouneyman widower, aged 34, residing Barrow in Furness England, parents William Fisher engine worker and Marion Fisher ms McKenzie (dec); signed Janet W Cullen confectioner spinster, aged 22, residing 70 High Street Airdrie, parents William Cullen farmer (dec) and Janet Syme previously Cullen ms Watson; signed R M Lawson Free High Church Airdrie, wit Robert Dunlop, Christina Cullen; reg 1874 October 30th at Aidrie Will Whyte registrar.1
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory marriages Airdrie ref 131 image held [Nov 2005].
Will Whyte registrar Airdrie
M, #8823
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019