- (Registrar) Marriage: Alfred Rooke registrar Dumbarton was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Peter Barrie and Catherine Christie Malcolm Millar on Friday, 16 March 1906 at High Street United Free Church Manse, Bonhill Road, Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1906 marriages in the district of Dumbarton in the county of Dumbarton, ref 20; 1906 on the Sixteenth day of March at High Street United Free Church Manse, Bonhill Road, Dumbarton after banns according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland; signed Peter Barrie marine engineer bachelor, aged 27, residing 25 Leven Street Dumbarton, parents Peter Barrie engine works labourer & Agnes Barrie ms Martin; signed Catherine C M Millar upholsterer spinster, aged 22, residing 9 Knowland Square Dumbarton, parents James Reid Millar cabinet maker journeyman & Jessie Millar ms Johnstone; signed A Scott Matheson, signed John Barrie, Agnes M Gown Banks witness; registered 1906 March 19th at Dumbarton signed Alfred Rooke registrar.1,2
- (Registrar) Death: Alfred Rooke registrar Dumbarton was the officiating registrar when the death of Mary Ethel Millar was registered on 22 March 1911 at 1 Rockview Terrace, East ... Street, Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire, Scotland,
; 1911 deaths in the district of Dumbarton in the county of Dumbarton, ref 116; Mary Ethel Whitehouse married to Henry Whitehouse grocer's assistant, 1911 March twentysecond 4h am 1 Rockview Terrace Castlegreen Street Dumbarton (usual residence 16 Johnstone Street Hamilton), female aged 29 years, parents James Reid Millar cabinet maker journeyman and Jessie Millar ms Johnstone, tuberulous phthisis as cert by C C Slorach MBChB, signed James R Millar father present, registered 1911 March 22nd at Dumbarton Alfred Rooke registrar.3
- (Registrar) Death: Alfred Rooke registrar Dumbarton was the officiating registrar when the death of James Reid Millar cabinet maker was registered on 23 March 1933 at 1 Rockview Terrace, Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire, Scotland,
; 1933 deaths in the district of Dumbarton in the county of Dumbarton, ref 78; James Reid Millar, ship joiner journeyman retired widower of Jessie Johnston; 1933 March twenty third 0h 5m am 1 Rockview Terrace Dumbarton; male aged 81 years; parents Joseph Millar mason journeyman (dec) and Catherine Millar ms Malcolm (dec); myocarditis as cert by Gerald O'Connor MBChB; signed William Wilson son-in-law 29 Castlegreen Terrace; registered 1933 March 23rd at Dumbarton Alfred Rooke registrar.4
- [S40] BB via Ancestry [Nov 2014].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriages 1906 Dumbarton ref 20 image held [Nov 2014].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory deaths 1911 Dumbarton 496/00 0116 [Sept 2011].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 1933 Dumbarton 496/00 0078 [Sept 2011].
Alfred Rooke registrar Dumbarton
M, #8878
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019