Descending from farmers in the north-west of Angus, near the foothills of the Grampain Mountains, these Adamsons worked the land, wove the linen and, in the latter part of the 19th century, travelled as far as Australia. .
 John Campsie Adamson, Lord Provost of Dundee 1949 - John Campsie Adamson, Lord Provost of Dundee 1949 Lord Provost Adamson, who represented his birthplace, Lochee, in the Town Council, was a disabled ex-Service man, having lost a leg as the result of having been wounded in action with the Seaforth Highlanders in the First World War. He was previously a noted footballer, having played for Dundee and Everton. He was first elected to the Town Council in 1932 and served as Lord Provost from February 1949 until a further election later in the same year.
 David Adamson Christie, musical director of Dundee Operatic Society