- Birth*: Jeannie Conway was born on 30 January 1868 at Byres, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1868 births in the parish of Kilwinning in the county of Ayr; ref 25; Jeannie Conway; 1868 January Thirtieth 8h 45m pm, Byres Kilwinning; f; James Conway railway porter, Agnes Conway ms Fisher, 1861 June 7th Troon; James Conway father present; 1868 February 7th at Kilwinning John Service registrar.1
- She was the daughter of James Conway van driver and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid.
- (Deceased) Death*: Jeannie Conway died on 21 May 1938 at Royal Infirmary, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, at age 70 1938 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 430; Jeannie Conway, nurse, retired, single; 1938 May Twenty First 10h 40m pm Royal Infirmary Dundee (ur: Wonacy, Blebo-Craigs Cupar Fife); female aged 70 years; parents James Conway commercial traveller (dec) Agnes Conway ms Fisher; carcinoma of stomach as cert by David Sinclair MBChB; informant Mary F Conway sister 11 Gray Street Broughty Ferry; 1938 May 23rd at Dundee W H Phillip registrar.2
- Name Variation: Jeannie Conway was also known as Jane.
- Announcement*: She Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald 15 Feb 1868; Births; At Byres, Kilwinning, on the 30th ultimo., Mrs James Conway, of a daughter on 15 February 1868 at Byres, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
- (Informant) Death: She registered the death of Elizabeth Conway on 17 October 1903 at Knightswood Joint Hospital, Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland,
; 1903 deaths in the parish of Renfrew in the county of Renfrew, ref 216; Elizabeth Conway fever hospital nurse single; 1903 October seventeenth 6h 40m am Knightswood Joint Hospital Renfrew; female aged 34 years; parents James Conway retired and Agnes Conway ms Fisher; enteric [typhoid] fever as cert by Reginald Dunlop MBChB; signed Jeanie Conway sister present; reg 1903 October 19th at Renfrew Archibald Buchanan regsitrar.4
- (Witness) Event-Misc: Jeannie Conway was present when James Conway van driver and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid were celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 7 June 1911 at Mathers Hotel, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- (Witness) Event-Misc: Jeannie Conway was present when James Conway van driver and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid were celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 8 June 1921 at Masonic Hall, Cupar, Fife, Scotland,
- Newspaper Article*: Jeannie Conway was mentioned in a newspaper article CONWAY - At Dundee, on 21st of May, Jeannie, daughter of Agnes Conway and the late James Conway, Blebo Craigs. Funeral private, no flowers. on 23 May 1938.6
- (Witness) Residence: Jeannie Conway lived at Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; Kilwinning is described in a directory published by Pigot & Co in 1837 as … an ancient and thriving little manufacturing town … 24 miles from Glasgow, 3 nw of Irvine, 4 ne of Saltcoats, the like distance s of Dalry, 10 nw of Kilmarnock and 5 from Ardrossan; situate on rising ground about 2 miles from the sea; stretching westward from the right bank of the Garnock, and approached through long ambrageous paths, skirted by beautiful fields. It consists chiefly of one street and bye-lanes, with a few rows of modern houses. The weaving and manufacture of gauzes, muslins, shawls, etc are carried on, to an important extent, for the Glasgow and Paisley markets, to which they are conveyed by the local agents. The agricultural produce of the parish is likewise considerable; and coals, which are obtained in abundance, are conveyed by a railway passing from east to west across the parish. …
Kilwinning was the first place in Scotland where free masonry was established; it is said to have been introduced by the foreign architect who was employed in erecting the monastery here. The abbey is thought to have been built about 1140. Briefly, free masonry is accepted as having been born out of the guilds of craftsmen of the middle ages, in particular the masons. A mason often had to travel the length of the county to seek work. He had to prove his rank and ability to his prospective employer. This he did by showing that he was in possession of certain secrets that he had learnt from his guild.
The Statistical Account written by the Rev. Archibald Blair Campbell in April 1842 describes Kilwinning in great ecclesiastical detail, but includes gems such as (describing the population of around 630 families in the town): There are three individuals deaf and dumb in the parish, two fatuous, and two blind. … There is no smuggling. Poaching is carried on to a small extent. He continues: The male inhabitants of Kilwinning are chiefly employed in weaving and mining; the females in sewing. The only individuals found necessary for keeping the peace are one of the county police and a sheriff-officer. … Formerly there were several stagecoaches, which passed through Kilwinning to Glasgow and other places, but they have all given up since the opening of the Glasgow and Ayr Railway, about two years ago, which affords the greatest facilities, both for travelling and the conveyance of goods, and farm produce.
He is highly critical of the 27 licensed Inns or Alehouses in the parish – Their effect on the morals of the people, especially the miners and inhabitants of the town, is of the most pernicious description. In his conclusion he observes The inhabitants are, we believe, more industrious than they were towards the end of last century; but they are more extravagant both in regard to their clothing and mode of living, and it is to be feared, less contented with their circumstances. … The desire for luxuries is, in many instances, too prevalent, and a want of prudence, foresight, and economy, often appears. The inhabitants of the parish, in general, are intelligent and well informed, and many of them are exemplary in the discharge of all the duties of their station.15,16 - (Witness) Note for Web: She and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid, Marion McKenzie Conway jute weaver, John Conway minister Church of SCotland, William Fisher Conway, Elizabeth Conway, Agnes Fisher Conway, James Conway commercial traveller, Janet Meney Conway grocer's shop girl, Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister and Robert Fisher McKenzie Conway dentist & baptist minister was mentioned with Mary Fisher Conway howdie wife in 1983. From the pen of Marion C Miller (1983) :
Under the Rose
'Under the rose, Kate, under the rose', my great aunt Mary would frequently whisper to my mother. Many years were to elapse before I understood that information imparted subrosa (under the rose) was only intended for tried, tested and trustworthy ears. At the advance of avid young listeners, X-certificate conversation would come to an abrupt halt. My great aunt would suck her teeth back into their normal position with a sharp, resounding and final click. As age had withered her fuselage, the teeth no longer fitted snugly into the contours of her mouth. With the porcelain in position she was quite unable to chew. Always allocated prime position next to my father at the head of the table, she removed her teeth just after grace and before demolition commenced. She was not given to secreting her discarded treasures in the folds of her lavender-laced handkerchief. No ... she was a forthright sort of person. Her teeth, both sets, were planted on her side plate where they glared relentlessly at my father, assaulting his appetite and inducing temporary anorexia.
There was no wine at table in my childhood, and glasses for water or lemonade were only in evidence on high occasions. There was always a glass of water for great aunt Mary. No ... she didn't drink it ... but she liked to rinse her teeth before returning them to the ill-fitting aperture, when the repast was over.
At that time we thought she must be very old, but she was in fact still in her lively seventies and had many a tale to tell. She had been an upper crust 'howdie' before trained midwives were commonplace. Entering the homes of the renowned and rich prior to the event, she supervised the birthing process, hurrying the event along with her own secret concoction of raspberry leaf tea. She would remain in residence for at least a month after delivery and often for much longer. If her departure was at all delayed there was every chance that there would be another child on the way soon to guarantee her continued employment.
Great aunt Mary liked to dress in black and indeed it showed off her pure white hair to greatest advantage. She also used her sombre dresses as a backcloth against which she could display her many swinging chains of beads, multi-coloured neckerchiefs, and large brooches set with precious or semi-precious stones, all donated by thankful parents.
'When I was with Sir Andrew and Lady X', she would commence and you knew you were about to have a glimpse of life in a society in which you were never likely to mingle. She had been accustomed to a life of refinement, but she was willing to share her treasured memories with those in humbler circumstances. But she was not all prim and proper. She loved a party and she could jangle her beads in a neat-ankled Charleston which left mouth agape. Nowadays she would have been accorded the title of 'great old swinger'.
If we thought she was old, what of the ancient monument? Her mother was still alive and maintained in a state of semi preservation by another spinster daughter in a rambling house in the country. My great grandmother was open for viewing between the hours of 3 and 4pm. The old lady was like a mechanical toy which had seen better days, there being residual movement in her head, one arm and those searching piercing eyes where ambition still flickered. She might be desiccated almost mummified, but when her hand beckoned from within the folds of her many shawls the recipient of the gesture approached with a degree of trepidation and a touch of reverence.
The eyes below the lace-capped head would search for evidence of her genetic contribution. These eyes had seen a lot of life. The offshoot of an immigrant Irish family fleeing from the potato famine she had been fortunate to find work as a "tweenie" in an Ayrshire mansion. Crossed with my great grandfather of similar peasant origin she was to produce a brood of thirteen children of whom nine survived. The unashamed ambition which hovered behind her eyelids had seen three of her sons launched into the ordained ministry. In her lifetime she had seen the strength of her genetic contribution raise her descendants from menial tasks in the dusty mills to solid middle class. As she started to fade into insignificance, her off shoots embraced the church, the law, medicine and commerce. She missed her hundredth birthday and her royal telegram only by a short head. If she knew her great-great-grandson whilst still a schoolboy had been selected because of his innate talent in communication to sit next to a royal prince at a private dinner ... she would have been pleased, but not I think surprised. I doubt whether she would have subscribed to the theory that the stars govern your fate ... I think she knew that she handed something on ... and if it's the blarney ... it's genetically dominant.
What was it that reminded me of great aunt Mary ... it was a word association! It's quite a popular party game but the technique is also used by psychiatrists to probe the mysteries of the mind. You may reveal too much by a straight swift answer, so I always allow the word to linger in my cerebral pathways until multiple cross connections have suitably disguised my tortuous mental process.
I know ... I was in the kitchen waiting for the beans to heat. Lovely to think that the good old 57s are enjoying a comeback in the high fibre diet. The radio was muttering away in the background, but I heard only one word 'ROOTS'. My first thought was teeth, because that canine has been gnawing away for months, then followed swiftly the thought of origins and ancestors ... finally there was the closing snap reminiscent of gnashing dentures and my brain had solved the equation Roots + Teeth = Great Aunt Mary.
Sometime I must sweep some more of the dust from my cerebral computer and write more of my forebears ... or is it all too confidential? Could I perhaps just whisper it to a few of my friends ... 'Under the rose' of course.17 - [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory births 599/00 0025 [Jul 2010].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutiry deaths 1938 [May 2004].
- [S32] Newspaper Article, Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald 15 Feb 1868.
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory death Renfrew 1903 ref 216 [July 2004].
- [S4] James Conway - Agnes McKenzie Fisher, Autograph Book, 7 Jun 1911 & 1921, PC Carson, 2 Gillburn Road, Dundee, Scotland, Golden Wedding & Diamond Wedding Autograph Book.
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspaper & Periodicals 1938-05-23 Dundee Courier [Oct 2015].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS census 1871 Civil Parish & Town of Kilwinning, Ayrshire; Rail Gate House; [Jun 2004].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, FHL Film 0203484 GRO ref vol 282-3 EnumDist 20 page 45.
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS census 1891 Civil Parish of Dundee, Parish of Rosebank, 6th Burgh Ward of Dundee; 11 Dons Road; [Jun 2004].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 40; Folio: 127; Page: 67. Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1901 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005. Original data: Census Returns of England and Wales, 1901. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives, 1901. Data imaged from the National Archives, London, England. The National Archives gives no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to the National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU [May 2011].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS census 1911 433/00 002/00 006 [Apr 2011].
- [S51] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Valuation Rolls, County of Fife, Parish of Kemback, Year 1920-1921, ref 203 [Oct 2016].
- [S51] General Record Office for Scotland, Valuation Rolls, County of Fife, Parish of Kemback, Year 1925-1926, ref 206&7 [Oct 2016].
- [S51] General Record Office for Scotland, Valuation Rolls, County of Fife, Parish of Kemback, Year 1920-1921, ref 205 [Oct 2016].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http://www.ayrshireroots.com/Towns/Kilwinning/Kilwinning%201837.htm
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http://stat-acc-scot.edina.ac.uk/sas/sas.asp/?monospace=&twoup=&nohighlight=&account=2&transcript=&session-id=0e6ad3fbea8061a21f0cb372871b1e9b&naecache=5&accountrec=4685&navbar=&action=publicdisplay&parish=Kilwinning&county=Ayrshire&pagesize=
- [S33] Interview , MCM Copyright 1983.
Jeannie Conway
F, #526, b. 30 January 1868, d. 21 May 1938
Last Edited: 30 Mar 2018
Father*: James Conway van driver b. 1837, d. 27 Jun 1923
Mother*: Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid b. 14 Mar 1842, d. 14 Dec 1938
Mother*: Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid b. 14 Mar 1842, d. 14 Dec 1938
2nd great-aunt of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants