- (Child) Birth*: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister was born on 19 August 1881 at 4 Rosebank Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1881 births in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee; 360; Samuel Meney Conway, 1881 August nineteenth 11h 0m pm 4 Rosebank Street Dundee, m, James Conway bakers vanman Agnes Conway ms Fisher 1861 June 7 Troon, James Conway father present; 1881 August 31 at Dundee, Dav Scott registrar.1
- He was the son of James Conway van driver and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid.
- (Groom) Marriage*: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister married Jane Lamberton, daughter of William Lamberton and Helen Cuthbertson, on 11 June 1906 at 3 Charles Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1906 marriages in the parish of Kilmarnock in the County of Ayr; ref 142; 1906 on the eleventh day of June at 3 Charles Street Kilmarnock after publication according to the forms of the Evangelical Union Church; S M Conway grocer bachelor, 24, 4 Byres Road Kilwinning, James Conway retired bakers vanman Agnes Conway ms Fisher; Jane Lamberton spinster, 29, 3 Charles Street Kilmarnock, William Lamberton missionary Helen Lamberton ms Cuthbertson; Alex McNair minister, M Lamberton, R F Conway witnesses; 1906 June 11 at Kilmarnock Martin W Steven registrar.2
- (Deceased) Death*: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister died on 20 December 1940 at Baptist Manse, Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland,
, at age 59 1940 deaths in the district of Moulin in the county of Perth; ref 30; Samuel Meney Conway Baptist Church Minister married to Jane Lamberton; 1940 December twentieth 1h 30m am Baptist Manse Pitlochry; male 59 years; James Conway vanman (dec) Agnes Conway ms Fisher (dec); cancer of bowel as cert by W M Biden MB ChB; F Simpson Conway son Bererley Whitehouse Road Edinburgh; 1940 December 21st at Pitlochry R H Sherwood registrar.3
- Obituary: The obituary of Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister was was published on 25 December 1945. CONWAY, Rev S M (59), Baptist Manse, Pitlochry; Death.4
- Occupation: Samuel was Grocer, Dental Technician, Baptist Minister.
- (Informant) Birth: He registered the birth of James Simpson Conway on 23 April 1907 at Byres Road, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1907 births inthe parish of Kilwinning in the county of Ayr, ref 93; James Simpson Conway, 1907 April twenty-third 12h 40m pm Byres Road, male, parents Samuel Meney Conway grocer and Jane Conway ms Lamberton m 1906 June 11 Kilmarnock, signed S M Conway father; 1907 May 8th at Kilwinning ... asst registrar initialled AS (A Speir registrar.)5
- (Informant) Birth: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister registered the birth of Ellen Rhoda Conway on 10 September 1909 at 14 Bellefield Avenue, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1909 births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 571; Ellen Rhoda Conway, 1909 September tenth 4h 15m pm 14 Bellefield Avenue Dundee; female, parents Samuel Meney Conway dental mechanic and Jane Conway ms Lamberton m 1906 June 11th Kilmarnock; signed S M Conway father; 1909 September 20th at Dundee T Y Miller registrar.6
- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister officiated at the marriage of James Conway commercial traveller and Johnann Ford jute weaver, fever nurse on Friday, 25 November 1910 at Edengrove, 20 Bank Street, Downfield, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1910 marriages in the parish of Mains & Strathmartine in the county of Forfar, ref 24; 1910 on the twenty-fifth day of Novemebr at Edengrove, 20 Bank Avenue, Downfield after publication according to the forms of the Baptist Church; signed James Conway mercantile clerk widower, aged 36, residing 21 Union Place Dundee, parents James Conway jute mill nightwatchman and Agnes Conway ms Fisher; John Ann Ford certified fever nurse spinster; aged 29, residing 204 Lochee Road Dundee; parents John Ford painter journy (dec) and Agnes Ford ms Bennett; signed S M Conway minister Bowhill Baptist Church, signed James F Conway witness, Bella Ford witness; 1910 November 26th at Mains & Strathmartine Joseph Dickson registrar.7
- Occupation*: On 25 November 1910 at Bowhill Baptist Church, Auchterderran, Fife, Scotland,
, Samuel was Baptist Minister.7
- (Witness) Event-Misc: He was present when James Conway van driver and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid were celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 7 June 1911 at Mathers Hotel, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- (Witness) Newspaper Article: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister and John Conway minister Church of SCotland, Rev A H Charlton minister of Martyrs Church and James Conway van driver were mentioned in a newspaper article about Janet Meney Conway grocer's shop girl and James Gibson insurance representative on 7 June 1911. Marriages - Gibson-Conway. - At Mathers' Hotel, Dundee on the 7th inst., by the Rev J Conway, London (brother of the bride), assisted by the Rev S.M. Conway, Bowhill, and the Rev. A. H. Charlton, Dundee, James Gibson, Kilwinning, to Janet Meney, fitth daughter of James Conway, Dundee.9
- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister officiated at the marriage of James Gibson insurance representative and Janet Meney Conway grocer's shop girl on Wednesday, 7 June 1911 at Mathers Hotel, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1911 on the 7th day of June at Mathers Hotel Dundee after banns and publication according to the forms of the Presbyterian Church of England James Gibson slater master bachelor, 30, 76 Main Street Kilwinning, fath James Gibson insurance agent, moth Agnes Gibson ms McPhail (dec), and Janet Meney Conway housekeeper spinster, 34, 20 Bank Aveue Downfield, fath James Conway jute mill night watchman, moth Agnes Conway ms Fisher, signed John Conway, S M Conway, A H Charlton ministers Dundee, wit Janie Conway, Mary F Conway, James F Conway, reg 1911 June 9th at Dundee Thos Meek registrar.10
- (Informant) Death: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister registered the death of Ellen Rhoda Conway on 17 April 1912 at Simbur Place, Bowhill, Auchterderran, Fife, Scotland,
; 1912 deaths in the district of Auchterderran in the county of Fife, ref 31; Ellen Rhoda Conway, single, 1912 April seventeenth 3h 30m am, Simbur Place Bowhill Auchterderran; feamle aged 2 years; parents Samuel Meney Conway Baptist Church minister and Jane Conway ms Lamberton; enteritis acute 2 days as certified by G J Drummond MBChB; signed S M Conway father present; 1912 April 17th at Cardenden Jas C Stevenson registrar.11
- Newspaper Article*: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister was mentioned in a newspaper article BOWHILL MINISTER FOR DUMFRIES.
The Rev. S. M. Conway, pastor of Bowhill Baptist Church, is about to leave the district, having received a unanimous call to the Baptist Church, Dumfries.
Mr Conway, who is third son of Mr James Conway, now retired, residing at Blebo Craigs, Cupar, came from Dundee over six years ago, where he carried on business as a dentist along with his brother, Mr R. F. Conway. He succeeded the Rev. James Young, who went to Manchester. At that time the church, which was recently built, was £300 in debt, but through the energies of Mr Conway it now stands free of debt. on 1 December 1915.12 - (Witness) Photograph: He is in this photograph taken in 1929 at Blebo Craigs, Cupar, Fife, Scotland,
, along with Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid, John Conway minister Church of SCotland, William Fisher Conway, James Conway commercial traveller and Robert Fisher McKenzie Conway dentist & baptist minister.13
- (Witness) Photograph: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister is in this photograph taken in 1929 at Wonacy, Blebo Craigs, Cupar, Fife, Scotland,
, along with John Conway minister Church of SCotland, James Conway commercial traveller, Robert Fisher McKenzie Conway dentist & baptist minister, William Fisher Conway, Jane Hutchison Wilkie jute weaver, Johnann Ford jute weaver, fever nurse, Jane Lamberton, Florence Annie Fisher Conway, Samuel Lamberton Conway, Mary McCulloch Alexander, Janie Stewart Conway doctor, Esther Agnes Ford Conway and James Eric Arbuckle Binnie book seller.13
"Wonacy" (anagram of Conway), Blebo Craigs
People standing at back : John Conway, Samuel Meney Conway, [Florence Conway?], [Johnann Ford Conway or Jane Lamberton Conway?]
Sitting in the middle row : Robert Fisher Conway, James Conway, [?], [Samuel Lamberton Conway "Young Sam"?] [Jane Hutchison Wilkie Conway?], [Esther Agnes Ford Conway?], [James Eric Arbuckle Binnie?], [Janie Stewart Conway?], hiding behind the trellis [?]
Front : [?], William Fisher Conway - Newspaper Article: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister was mentioned in a newspaper article To-morrow the Rev. S. M. Conway, Pathhend. Kirkcaldy, will be inducted to the pastorate of Pitlochry Baptist Church in succession to the Rey. Arch. Speed, now of Irvine, Ayrshire. The induction service will be taken by the Rev. R. S. Hair, Edinburgh.
Mr Conway is a son of the late Mr James Conway, Dundee, where he was educated. He commenced life as a dentist along with his brother, Mr Robert Conway, but there-after qualified as a minister of the Baptist denonination, his first charge being at Bowhill. While in Fife he interested himself in education, and was for some time a member of Auchterderran School Board. He thereafter held charges at Dumfries, Glasgow, and Hopeman, and ten years ago was called to the pastorate of the Pathhead Church.
The Pitlochry congregation, which celebrated its jubilee in 1931, has had a succession of able ministers, which included the Rev. Walter Walsh, who later became minister of the Gilfillan Memorial Church, Dundee. Dr H. Wheeler Robertson, afterwards Principal of Regents Park College, London: the Rev. Thos. Stewart, subsequently a lecturer in the Baptist Theological College of Scotland: the Rev. Hugh Mitchell, recently called to Queen's Park Church, Glasgow; and Dr W. Holmes Coats, the present Principal of the Theological College.
In connection with Mr Conway's induction a social gathering is to be held on Monday evening on 10 October 1936 at Pitlochry, Scotland,.15
- (Witness) Marriage: He witnessed the marriage of Joseph Stanley Andrews Baptist Church minister and Hope Myra Morrison Conway chiropodist on Monday, 21 June 1937 at Baptist Church, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland,
; 1937 marriages in the district of Hamilton in the county of Lanark, ref 162, 1937 on the Twenty-First day of June at Baptist Church Hamilton after banns according to the forms of the Baptist Church, signed Joseph Stanley Andrews Baptist Church Minister bachelor aged 25, 18 Mount Stewart Street Carluke, parents James Smith Andrews Baptist Church minister and Janet Andrews ms Lees; signed Hope Myra Morrison Conway chiropodist spinster aged 22, 13 Bent Road Hamilton, parents Robert Fisher Conway Baptist Church minister and Elizabeth Miller Conway ms Morrison; signed John Conway minister emetrius Free Church of England Bristol, signed Ruth Fisher Conway Chrystal Bank Hamilton, Douglas Cameron Smith 5 Manse Crescent Stirling witnesses; registered 1937 Jane 22nd at Hamilton James Frame registrar
[and from photograph provided by their grand-daughter].16,17 - (Witness) Newspaper Article: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister and Robert Fisher McKenzie Conway dentist & baptist minister and James Conway van driver was mentioned in a newspaper article about Ruth Agnes Fisher Conway medical missionary Congo on 1 April 1940. LADY MEDICAL MISSIONARY
DR RUTH F. CONWAY, daughter of V Rev. R. F. Conway, Baptist Manse, Hamilton, and granddaughter of the late Mr James Conway, Dundee, leaves shortly for the Belgian Congo as a medical missionary.
Dr Conway's father was in St Andrews before going to Hamilton in 1930.
After leaving school in the city he became a dentist, following the profession for many years.
He later entered the ministry. His brother, Rev. S. M. Conway, also left dentistry for the ministry.
Dr Conway graduated at St Andrews University, and has recently secured her diploma of tropical medicine at Liverpool.18 - (Witness) Newspaper Article: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister and Robert Fisher McKenzie Conway dentist & baptist minister and Richard Russell Morrison antique dealer were mentioned in a newspaper article about Ruth Agnes Fisher Conway medical missionary Congo and Alfred Joseph Brooke Russell medical missionary Congo on 6 April 1940. For The Congo
Dundee people and members of Rattray Street Baptist Church in particular, will be interested to learn that valedictory services are being held to-morrow for Dr Ruth F. Conway, missionary designate to Tondo, Belgian Congo. The services are taking place in her father's church in Hamilton.
Dr Conway belongs to a well-known Dundee family. Born in Dundee, she was educated at the Harris Acaderns and later at St George's, Edinburgh. She studied medicine at St Andrews University and took her tropical course at Liverpool.
Dr Conway's father, Rev. R. F. Conway, practised as a dentist in Dundee for many years before entering the Baptist ministry. His brother followed the same change of profession. On her mother's side Dr Ruth Conway is a grand-daughter of the late Mr Richard Morrison, a well known antique dealer in Dundee.
While in Dundee the family worshipped at Rattray Street Baptist Church and took a big part in mission work. Dr Conway, in fact, began her religious life in this church and her time is the first registered on the church's cradle roll for young children.
The valedictory services, which are to be held in the forenoon, afternoon and evening will be conducted by Dr J. Tennent. Dr H. Fraser, and Rev. R, F. and Dr Ruth Conway.
A farewell social is taking place the following evening when the speakers will be Dr John Macbeath, Rev. James Watson Rev. T. W. Lister and Dr Ruth Conway.
Dr Conway is leaving early this month. She will join her fiance, Dr Alfred J. B. Russell, also a Baptist missionary, in this work abroad. Their wedding will take place soon after her arrival.19 - (Spouse) Death: His spouse Jane Lamberton died in 1965 at Cupar, Fife, Scotland,
- (Groom) Marriage*: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister married Jane Lamberton, daughter of William Lamberton and Helen Cuthbertson, on 11 June 1906 at 3 Charles Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1906 marriages in the parish of Kilmarnock in the County of Ayr; ref 142; 1906 on the eleventh day of June at 3 Charles Street Kilmarnock after publication according to the forms of the Evangelical Union Church; S M Conway grocer bachelor, 24, 4 Byres Road Kilwinning, James Conway retired bakers vanman Agnes Conway ms Fisher; Jane Lamberton spinster, 29, 3 Charles Street Kilmarnock, William Lamberton missionary Helen Lamberton ms Cuthbertson; Alex McNair minister, M Lamberton, R F Conway witnesses; 1906 June 11 at Kilmarnock Martin W Steven registrar.2
- (Witness) Note for Web: Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid, Marion McKenzie Conway jute weaver, John Conway minister Church of SCotland, William Fisher Conway, Jeannie Conway, Elizabeth Conway, Agnes Fisher Conway, James Conway commercial traveller, Janet Meney Conway grocer's shop girl and Robert Fisher McKenzie Conway dentist & baptist minister was mentioned with Mary Fisher Conway howdie wife in 1983. From the pen of Marion C Miller (1983) :
Under the Rose
'Under the rose, Kate, under the rose', my great aunt Mary would frequently whisper to my mother. Many years were to elapse before I understood that information imparted subrosa (under the rose) was only intended for tried, tested and trustworthy ears. At the advance of avid young listeners, X-certificate conversation would come to an abrupt halt. My great aunt would suck her teeth back into their normal position with a sharp, resounding and final click. As age had withered her fuselage, the teeth no longer fitted snugly into the contours of her mouth. With the porcelain in position she was quite unable to chew. Always allocated prime position next to my father at the head of the table, she removed her teeth just after grace and before demolition commenced. She was not given to secreting her discarded treasures in the folds of her lavender-laced handkerchief. No ... she was a forthright sort of person. Her teeth, both sets, were planted on her side plate where they glared relentlessly at my father, assaulting his appetite and inducing temporary anorexia.
There was no wine at table in my childhood, and glasses for water or lemonade were only in evidence on high occasions. There was always a glass of water for great aunt Mary. No ... she didn't drink it ... but she liked to rinse her teeth before returning them to the ill-fitting aperture, when the repast was over.
At that time we thought she must be very old, but she was in fact still in her lively seventies and had many a tale to tell. She had been an upper crust 'howdie' before trained midwives were commonplace. Entering the homes of the renowned and rich prior to the event, she supervised the birthing process, hurrying the event along with her own secret concoction of raspberry leaf tea. She would remain in residence for at least a month after delivery and often for much longer. If her departure was at all delayed there was every chance that there would be another child on the way soon to guarantee her continued employment.
Great aunt Mary liked to dress in black and indeed it showed off her pure white hair to greatest advantage. She also used her sombre dresses as a backcloth against which she could display her many swinging chains of beads, multi-coloured neckerchiefs, and large brooches set with precious or semi-precious stones, all donated by thankful parents.
'When I was with Sir Andrew and Lady X', she would commence and you knew you were about to have a glimpse of life in a society in which you were never likely to mingle. She had been accustomed to a life of refinement, but she was willing to share her treasured memories with those in humbler circumstances. But she was not all prim and proper. She loved a party and she could jangle her beads in a neat-ankled Charleston which left mouth agape. Nowadays she would have been accorded the title of 'great old swinger'.
If we thought she was old, what of the ancient monument? Her mother was still alive and maintained in a state of semi preservation by another spinster daughter in a rambling house in the country. My great grandmother was open for viewing between the hours of 3 and 4pm. The old lady was like a mechanical toy which had seen better days, there being residual movement in her head, one arm and those searching piercing eyes where ambition still flickered. She might be desiccated almost mummified, but when her hand beckoned from within the folds of her many shawls the recipient of the gesture approached with a degree of trepidation and a touch of reverence.
The eyes below the lace-capped head would search for evidence of her genetic contribution. These eyes had seen a lot of life. The offshoot of an immigrant Irish family fleeing from the potato famine she had been fortunate to find work as a "tweenie" in an Ayrshire mansion. Crossed with my great grandfather of similar peasant origin she was to produce a brood of thirteen children of whom nine survived. The unashamed ambition which hovered behind her eyelids had seen three of her sons launched into the ordained ministry. In her lifetime she had seen the strength of her genetic contribution raise her descendants from menial tasks in the dusty mills to solid middle class. As she started to fade into insignificance, her off shoots embraced the church, the law, medicine and commerce. She missed her hundredth birthday and her royal telegram only by a short head. If she knew her great-great-grandson whilst still a schoolboy had been selected because of his innate talent in communication to sit next to a royal prince at a private dinner ... she would have been pleased, but not I think surprised. I doubt whether she would have subscribed to the theory that the stars govern your fate ... I think she knew that she handed something on ... and if it's the blarney ... it's genetically dominant.
What was it that reminded me of great aunt Mary ... it was a word association! It's quite a popular party game but the technique is also used by psychiatrists to probe the mysteries of the mind. You may reveal too much by a straight swift answer, so I always allow the word to linger in my cerebral pathways until multiple cross connections have suitably disguised my tortuous mental process.
I know ... I was in the kitchen waiting for the beans to heat. Lovely to think that the good old 57s are enjoying a comeback in the high fibre diet. The radio was muttering away in the background, but I heard only one word 'ROOTS'. My first thought was teeth, because that canine has been gnawing away for months, then followed swiftly the thought of origins and ancestors ... finally there was the closing snap reminiscent of gnashing dentures and my brain had solved the equation Roots + Teeth = Great Aunt Mary.
Sometime I must sweep some more of the dust from my cerebral computer and write more of my forebears ... or is it all too confidential? Could I perhaps just whisper it to a few of my friends ... 'Under the rose' of course.24 - [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held; GROS statutory births ref 282/03/0630 [Oct 2007].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory marriage 1906 Kilmarnock, ref 142 [Jun 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory deaths image held 1940 Moulin Perth ref 384/01 0030 [June 2004].
- [S32] Newspaper Article, Perth Advertiser 1940 Dec 25 P4 col 4 (obit) via Ancestry.co.uk [Aug 2011].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births image held 1907 Kilwinning 599/00 0093 [Aug 2011].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births 1909 Dundee 282/01 0571 image held [Aug 2011].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriage Mains & Strathmartine 1910 ref 24 image held [Jun 2004].
- [S4] James Conway - Agnes McKenzie Fisher, Autograph Book, 7 Jun 1911 & 1921, PC Carson, 2 Gillburn Road, Dundee, Scotland, Golden Wedding & Diamond Wedding Autograph Book.
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Find My Past Newspapers Collection Dundee Eve Tel 7 June 1911 [Apr 2020].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriage 1911 Dundee [Jun 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 1912 Auchterderran 405/01 0031 image held [Aug 2011].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspaper & Periodicals 1915-12-01 Dundee Courier [Oct 2015].
- [S43] PCC - AC photograph album.
- PCC - AC photograph album
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Find My Past Newspapers Collection Dundee Courier 10 Oct 1936 [May 2019].
- [S40] JF [Oct 2010].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory marriage Hamilton 1937 647/00 0162 image held [Aug 2011].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Find My Past Newspapers Collection Dundee Courier 1st April 1940 [Dec 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Find My Past Newspapers Collection Dundee Eve Tel 6 Apr 1940 [April 2020].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 1965 Cupar 420/00 0108 [Aug 2011].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS census 1891 Civil Parish of Dundee, Parish of Rosebank, 6th Burgh Ward of Dundee; 11 Dons Road; [Jun 2004].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS census 1901 [Jun 2004].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS census 1911 Auchterderran 405/1 6/19 [Nov 2016].
- [S33] Interview , MCM Copyright 1983.
Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister
M, #532, b. 19 August 1881, d. 20 December 1940
Last Edited: 20 Apr 2020
Father*: James Conway van driver b. 1837, d. 27 Jun 1923
Mother*: Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid b. 14 Mar 1842, d. 14 Dec 1938
Mother*: Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid b. 14 Mar 1842, d. 14 Dec 1938
2nd great-uncle of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Jane Lamberton b. c 1877, d. 1965
James Simpson Conway+ b. 23 Apr 1907, d. bt Jul 1978 - Sep 1978
Ellen Rhoda Conway6 b. 10 Sep 1909, d. 17 Apr 1912
Henry Drummond Conway+ b. 11 Nov 1910, d. Sep 1997
Evelyn Agnes Fisher Conway b. 1912, d. 1984
Helen Rhoda Conway b. 1914, d. 2000
Samuel Lamberton Conway b. 1922, d. 30 Jan 2012
Ellen Rhoda Conway6 b. 10 Sep 1909, d. 17 Apr 1912
Henry Drummond Conway+ b. 11 Nov 1910, d. Sep 1997
Evelyn Agnes Fisher Conway b. 1912, d. 1984
Helen Rhoda Conway b. 1914, d. 2000
Samuel Lamberton Conway b. 1922, d. 30 Jan 2012
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants