- Birth*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser was born circa 1876 at St Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
; & from 1881 census.1
- He was the son of Richard Neave mason and Margaret Nicol.
- (Groom) Marriage*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser married Isabella Parsons, daughter of John Parsons and Christine Bishop, on 4 June 1897 at 3 Potterrow, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
; 1897 marriages in the district of Saint Giles in the City of Edinburgh, ref 177; 1897 on the fourth day of June at no3 Potterrow Edinburgh after publication according to the forms of the UP Church; signed Walter E A Neave steamship purser bachelor, aged 22, residing no3 Potterrow Edinburgh, parents Richard Neave mason deceased and Margaret Neave ms Nicol also deceased; signed Isabela Parsons spinster, aged 23, residing same place (as Walter Neave above), parents John Parsons plumber and Christina Parsons ms Bishop; signed Alexander Clark, signed John Neave, Mary Jane Parsons witnesses, registered 1897 June 7th at Edinburgh signed Thomas Temple registrar.1,3,4
- (Deceased) Death*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser died on 13 March 1945 at St Andrews, Edinburgh, Scotland,
- (Awarded to) Award*: He was awarded the 1914-15 Star Medal after 14 March 1919.4
- (Awarded to) Award*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser was awarded the British War 1914-20 Medal after 14 March 1919.4
- (Awarded to) Award*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser was awarded the Allied Victory 1914-19 Medal after 14 March 1919.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with an unknown person on 9 November 1914 at Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
, Medical Inspection Report for W E A Neaves
Appparent age 37 years 7 months
Height 5 feet 3 inches
Chest fully expanded 38 inched
Range of expansion 3 inches
Vision good
Physical development good
I have examined the above named Recruit and find that he does not present any of the causses of rejection specified in the Regulations. He can see at the required sitance with either eye; his heat and lings are healty; he has the free use of his jojnts and limbs; he does not suffer from hernia; and declares that he is not subject to fis of any description. I consider him fit for the Territorial Force dated 9 11 1914 signed J A Henderson Lieut, Medical Officer Edinburgh.
I hereby certify that the above-named Recruit wa inspected by me and I consider him fit for service in the RAMC ('T') and that due care has been excersided in this testament, date 9.11.1914 signed J A Hendserson Lieut, at Edinburgh OIC Depot RAMC ('T').
I certify that this Attestation of the above-named Recruit is correct and properly filled up and that the required forms appear to have been complied with. I accordingly approve and appoint him to the RAMC ('T')
date 9.11.1914 signed J A Hendserson Lieut, at Edinburgh OIC Depot RAMC ('T').4 - Military Service*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Lancashire Fusiliers on 9 November 1914 at Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
, British Army Service Records 1914-1920 Transcription
First name(s) Walter Edward Adamson [transcribed as Adelaide]
Last name Neave
Service number 2027
Regiment Lancashire Fusiliers
Unit / Battalion 3rd Reserve Battalion
Address 24 Middle Arthur Place, Edinburgh
Next of Kin Mrs E A Neave 24 Middle Arthur Place Edinburgh
Event year 1914
Age 37
Birth year 1877
Residence town Edinburgh
Residence county Midlothian
Service number T/293064
Regiment Royal Army Service Corps.4 - Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Service Corps between 9 November 1914 and 5 June 1915 at Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
- Military Service*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Service Corps on 26 December 1914 Previously, Embodied Service - private
Current - posted to Transport Section with ASC 8th rate of Corps pay c3 per diem
Raised toi 5th rate of Corps pay c4 per diem from 26/12/14.4 - Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 22 January 1915 at Easter Road Barracks, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
, Agreement to be made by an officer or man of the territorial Force to subject himeself to lloability to serve in any pance outside the United Kingdon in the event of National Emergency; I 2027 Pte Walter Neweave of the 3rd (Res) Lowland Field Ambulance RAMC, T do hereby agree, subject to the conditions stated overleaf, to accept liability, in the event of national emergengy, to serve in any place outside the Ubited kingdm in accordance with the provsvions of Section XLL (2) (a) of the Teritorial and Reserve Forces Act, 1907.
signed W Neave, signed H A [unreadable], commanding officer Major OC 3rd (Res) Lowland Field Ambulance RAMC, T
station Easter Road Barracks, Edinburgh, date 22/1/15.4 - Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 18 May 1915 1/3rd CFA Transferred to 1/3rd LFA private.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 6 June 1915 and 18 December 1915 Med Exped Force on Furlo' to England from O'seas.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 23 November 1915 Posted to 85th Fld Amb for duty.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 4 December 1915 1/3rd Lowland Fieild Ambulance attached 86 Field Ambulance; Offence Report, Company no 4, Regt no 2027, rank Pte, name Neave W, pace and adte of offence side bsih 4.12.15, offence Drunk in camp at 9am, Reported by & Witnesses Sgt Major Robsonm Lieut Ferens, punishment 7 days CP with 2 hours pack drill daily.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 19 December 1915 and 14 September 1918 Ex Force Salonica.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 5 January 1917 ASC (T) Transferred to and posted to 85th Field Ambl
Authy AAG 3rd Echelon GH2 BSF no BLK/AIF 2993
ASC (Regs) Posted to under above authority DVR.4 - Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 15 September 1918 and 7 November 1918 On Furlo' to England from O'seas.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 8 November 1918 and 26 January 1919 Ex Tce Salonica.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 27 January 1919 and 13 February 1919 En Route Home.4
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 14 February 1919 and 14 March 1919 Home.4
- Military Service*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 14 March 1919 Military Character - very good 5 11/19
Discharged 14-3-19
Descriptive Return of a Soldier Descharged or Transferred to the Reserve on Demobilization
Soldiers name Neave, Walter E A
regimental no 293064, rank on discharge Pte, age on discharge 42 yrs, married, occupation before enlistment house decorator
Period of service and in what corps Med Exp Force 196 days
Salonica 2 years 351 days
total 3 years 182 days
medals nil
born Edinburgh Mid Lothian
Particulars as to character of a soldier serving with an Expeditionary Force who is sent home for discarge or permanently for any reason
no 1/2 93064 Neave Walter
how employed by Army - Driver
sobriety - sober
is he reliable - yes
is he intelligent - yes
has he shown any special aptitude for particular employment in civilian life 0 particularly handy man
any other fact noted - has acted as musical orderly for sometime in a reliable and able manner
signed Commanding [unreadable] Lieut
date - Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Service Corps on 1 September 1919 Pension Award - First Award - Soldier, Neave, Walter, regiment or Corps RASC, date of disemb 14.3.19, regimental no 293064, address 24 Middle Arthur Pl Edinburgh, rank for pension V, age on disemb. 42, nature of disability code no P22, disability 1 Malaria, attrib, degree of disablement 10%, warrant and article under which granted 1919 9 1 (3), weekly rate five & sixpence 5s 6d, allowance for wife and or children 2s 4d, total 7s 10d, date of commencement 1.9.19, for 68 weeks... nature of award FWA, marital status M
Reference no 1/MN/374
7 Feb 1920, Sir, - I am directed by the Minister of Pensions to inform you of the above-mentioned decision in the case of a man whose discharge documents have been recently received with the view to having the claim to pension considered.4 - (Groom) Marriage*: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser married Isabella Parsons, daughter of John Parsons and Christine Bishop, on 4 June 1897 at 3 Potterrow, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
; 1897 marriages in the district of Saint Giles in the City of Edinburgh, ref 177; 1897 on the fourth day of June at no3 Potterrow Edinburgh after publication according to the forms of the UP Church; signed Walter E A Neave steamship purser bachelor, aged 22, residing no3 Potterrow Edinburgh, parents Richard Neave mason deceased and Margaret Neave ms Nicol also deceased; signed Isabela Parsons spinster, aged 23, residing same place (as Walter Neave above), parents John Parsons plumber and Christina Parsons ms Bishop; signed Alexander Clark, signed John Neave, Mary Jane Parsons witnesses, registered 1897 June 7th at Edinburgh signed Thomas Temple registrar.1,3,4
- [S40] WF [Feb 2006].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) British Army Service records 1914-1920 transcription URL of this page: http://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=gbm%2fwo363-4%2f7276392%2f9%2f204 [April 2016].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Stautory Marriages 1897 Edinburgh St Giles 685/04 0177 image held [April 2016].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) British Army Service records 1914-1920 transcription
Series WO 363
Record set British Army Service Records 1914-1920
Category Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from Great Britain
URL of this page: http://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=gbm%2fwo363-4%2f7276392%2f9%2f204 [April 2016]. - [S30] LDS 1881 Census FHL flim 0224001 GRO ref vol 685-3 enumdist 43 page 11.
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) 1891 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription URL of this page: http://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=gbc%2f1891%2f0034591606 [April 2016].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) 1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription URL of this page: http://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=gbc%2f1901%2f0020417004 [April 2016].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Census 1911 Edinburgh St Giles 685/04 009/00 019 [April 2016].
Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser1,2
M, #948, b. circa 1876, d. 13 March 1945
Last Edited: 15 May 2024
Father*: Richard Neave mason b. 15 Mar 1833, d. 26 Jul 1882
Mother*: Margaret Nicol b. 9 Aug 1836, d. 20 Dec 1884
Mother*: Margaret Nicol b. 9 Aug 1836, d. 20 Dec 1884
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Military Service
Isabella Parsons b. c 1876, d. c 1946
Christina Bishop Neave b. 11 Dec 1898
Walter Edward Adamson Neave b. 3 May 1901
Margaret Urquhart Neave8 b. 23 Nov 1904
Walter Edward Adamson Neave b. 3 May 1901
Margaret Urquhart Neave8 b. 23 Nov 1904