- Military Service: Alexander Miller chiropodist served with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 1914 and 1920 undated & unidentified scrap of paper with what appears to be casualty records: detail ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS - WOKING - LIST No X. ?3429: 305276 Pte. Miller A RAMC, Debility.1
- Military Service: Alexander Miller chiropodist served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 28 July 1914 Alec was only 17 when he enlisted as a 'Boy Soldier'. He served with the Royal Army Medical Corps, Black Watch and was taken Prisoner Of War (Ypres, Belgium). He was initially posted missing in action and it was several months later that his family was informed that he was POW. Once released and returned home he discovered his mother had died in his absence. Enlistment number 305276.2
- Military Service*: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser on 22 January 1915 at Easter Road Barracks, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland,
, Agreement to be made by an officer or man of the territorial Force to subject himeself to lloability to serve in any pance outside the United Kingdon in the event of National Emergency; I 2027 Pte Walter Neweave of the 3rd (Res) Lowland Field Ambulance RAMC, T do hereby agree, subject to the conditions stated overleaf, to accept liability, in the event of national emergengy, to serve in any place outside the Ubited kingdm in accordance with the provsvions of Section XLL (2) (a) of the Teritorial and Reserve Forces Act, 1907.
signed W Neave, signed H A [unreadable], commanding officer Major OC 3rd (Res) Lowland Field Ambulance RAMC, T
station Easter Road Barracks, Edinburgh, date 22/1/15.3 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser on 18 May 1915 1/3rd CFA Transferred to 1/3rd LFA private.3
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser between 6 June 1915 and 18 December 1915 Med Exped Force on Furlo' to England from O'seas.3
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser on 23 November 1915 Posted to 85th Fld Amb for duty.3
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser on 4 December 1915 1/3rd Lowland Fieild Ambulance attached 86 Field Ambulance; Offence Report, Company no 4, Regt no 2027, rank Pte, name Neave W, pace and adte of offence side bsih 4.12.15, offence Drunk in camp at 9am, Reported by & Witnesses Sgt Major Robsonm Lieut Ferens, punishment 7 days CP with 2 hours pack drill daily.3
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser between 19 December 1915 and 14 September 1918 Ex Force Salonica.3
- Military Service*: The Royal Army Medical Corps Alexander Miller chiropodist on 1 August 1916 at Arras, France,
, War Diaries
51st Highland Division
Monthly Sanitary Report for July, 1916
During July the Division has completed training of 60th Division, handed over its sector of the line North of Arras to that Division, marched to the Albert area and taken over part of the line in the area of active operations. No interval of rest has been given and in case of some the units the marches have been arduous. During the earlier part of the month the weather was cool and occasionally showery, more favourable for marching than the intense heat which has been experienced in the latter part.
This period of movement has given opportunity of judging of the state of sanitary discipline in formations. Temporary conservancy arrangements have had to be made in most of the billeting areas. In general, the standard of cleanliness during and after occupancy has been fair, but it is still considered but then closer supervision by e.g. company or platoon commanders together with strict disciplinary action were necessary, the level of cleanliness might be raised. The advice of the M.O. is always available on Sanitary matters, but it is the duty of the executive command to see that these are satisfactory. In the present area an attempt is being made whenever possible to provide a fairly permanent sanitary system by laying down deep latrines with effective covers of biscuit or ammunition boxes and incinerators. The difficulties are considerable and almost insuperable except in the rear area. Here, conditions are on the whole, satisfactory. Manure from horse lines is being burnt, the hot weather by rapidly drying the manure renders this possible. Effective burial arrangements have been made for the disposal of dead bodies of men and animals. It must be understood however that very extensive cleaning up would be necessary to bring the area into a similar condition to that of one where only trench warfare is being waged, but the material requiring removal consists to a great extent of sanitarily unobjectionable matter. Meantime efforts should be directed towards the prevention of all unnecessary fouling.
Rations are satisfactory and the difficulty of water supply has been effectively met.
The general sick rate considering the trying conditions has not been high, and the incident of infectious disease not above normal. Exact figures cannot be given at present in the absence of references. More supervision of men's feet would prevent a considerable amount of straggling and falling out on the march.
Divisional Baths are at MOULIN DE VIVIER and are available for and used by units not in the line. Clean under clothing is supplied and a Disinfectant is in use for blankets and clothing.
W C Robertson Copl R.A.M.C., T.F.
D.A.D.M.S. for A.D.M.S. 51st Highland Division
1st August 1916.4 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser on 5 January 1917 ASC (T) Transferred to and posted to 85th Field Ambl
Authy AAG 3rd Echelon GH2 BSF no BLK/AIF 2993
ASC (Regs) Posted to under above authority DVR.3 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser between 15 September 1918 and 7 November 1918 On Furlo' to England from O'seas.3
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser between 8 November 1918 and 26 January 1919 Ex Tce Salonica.3
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser between 27 January 1919 and 13 February 1919 En Route Home.3
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser between 14 February 1919 and 14 March 1919 Home.3
- Military Service: Walter Edward Adamson Neave steamship purser served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 14 March 1919 Military Character - very good 5 11/19
Discharged 14-3-19
Descriptive Return of a Soldier Descharged or Transferred to the Reserve on Demobilization
Soldiers name Neave, Walter E A
regimental no 293064, rank on discharge Pte, age on discharge 42 yrs, married, occupation before enlistment house decorator
Period of service and in what corps Med Exp Force 196 days
Salonica 2 years 351 days
total 3 years 182 days
medals nil
born Edinburgh Mid Lothian
Particulars as to character of a soldier serving with an Expeditionary Force who is sent home for discarge or permanently for any reason
no 1/2 93064 Neave Walter
how employed by Army - Driver
sobriety - sober
is he reliable - yes
is he intelligent - yes
has he shown any special aptitude for particular employment in civilian life 0 particularly handy man
any other fact noted - has acted as musical orderly for sometime in a reliable and able manner
signed Commanding [unreadable] Lieut
date - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps John Henry Prain medical practitioner in 1938 GRADATION LIST OF REGULAR OFFICERS HOLDING SHORT SERVICE COMMISSIONS ONLY.
PRAIN,JohnHenry,M.B.Born15/9/14.R.A.M.C.(S.S.C.)Lt.(onprob.)1/9/38.5 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps John Henry Prain medical practitioner in 1939 GRADATION LIST OF REGULAR OFFICERS HOLDING SHORT SERVICE COMMISSIONS ONLY.
PRAIN,JohnHenry,M.B.Bom15/9/14.R.A.M.C.(S.S.C.)Lt.1/9/38.6 - Military Service*: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 1939 and 1945 First Name: DG
Surname: Adamson
Nationality: British
Rank: Temporary Major
Service Number: 107664
Gallantry Awards: Mentioned in Despatches This is the lowest form of recognition that was announced. The Mention in Despatches (M.I.D.) for a Soldier is not an award of a medal, but is a commendation of an act of gallantry or service. D G Adamson’s name would appear in the official report written by a Superior Officer and sent to the high command, in which is described the Soldier's gallant or meritorious action in the face of the enemy. This despatch is published in the London Gazette newspaper of the State, which has existed since 1665 and is still published today.
The phrase “Mentioned in Despatches” was used for the first time in a newspaper article by Winston Churchill on 6th October 1898. From the time of the Boer War, the Despatches were published in full or in part.
During World War One the citations published in the London Gazette did not usually give details of the place and date of the action for which awarded for security reasons. For most of these you need details from the War Office copy of the gazette. This can enable a search of the unit War Diary which will give a broader picture of the action for which D G Adamson was awarded the M.I.D. In general no recommendations for Mention in Despatches survive for the army during WW1.
A soldier could be mentioned in despatches more than once and in 1919 Army Order 166/1919 confirmed that individuals mentioned would receive a certificate, this included all British forces and Commonwealth Countries.
In 1920 the Army Order authorised the issue of an oak leafemblem decoration to be pinned or sewn diagonally on to the ‘Victory’ medal ribbon. If no campaign medal is awarded, the oak leaf is worn on the left breast of the dress uniform. This would signify that D G Adamson had been ‘Mentioned in Despatches’.
Gazette Info: http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/37184/supplements/3752
Gazette Date: 19/07/1945
Gazette Page: 3752
Duty Location: Burma.7 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 1939 and 1945 First Name: DG
Initials: DG
Surname: Adamson
Information: Regular Army Emergency Commission.
Rank: Lieutenant
Rank (2nd): War Substantive Capt
Service: British Army
Regiment: Roval Army Medical C
Royal Army Medical Corps during World War 2
More information about Royal Army Medical Corps
Formed: 1898
The Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) is a specialist corps in the British Army which provides medical services to all British Army personnel and their families in war and in peace. Together with the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, the Royal Army Dental Corps and Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, the RAMC forms the British Army's essential Army Medical Services.
The RAMC does not carry a Regimental Colour or Queen's Colour, although it has a Regimental Flag. Nor does it have battle honours, as elements of the corps have been present in almost every single war the army has fought. Because it is not a fighting arm, under the Geneva Conventions, members of the RAMC may only use their weapons for self-defence. For this reason, there are two traditions that the RAMC perform when on parade. Officers do not draw their swords - instead they hold their scabbard with their left hand while saluting with their right.
Other Ranks do not fix bayonets.
Unlike medical officers in some other countries, medical officers in the RAMC (and the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force) do not use the "Dr" prefix, in parentheses or otherwise, but only their rank, although they may be addressed informally as "Doctor".8 - Military Service*: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr George David Walker Adamson MBE medical practitioner between 1939 and 1945 Royal Army Medical Corps during World War 2
More information about Royal Army Medical Corps
Formed: 1898
The Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) is a specialist corps in the British Army which provides medical services to all British Army personnel and their families in war and in peace. Together with the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, the Royal Army Dental Corps and Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nixsing Corps, the RAMC forms the British Army's essential Army Medical Services.
The RAMC does not carry a Regimental Colour or Queen's Colour, although it has a Regimental Flag. Nor does it have battle honours, as elements of the corps have been present in almost every single war the army has fought Because it is not a fighting arm. under the Geneva Conventions, members of the RAMC may only use their weapons for self-defence. For this reason, there are two traditions that the RAMC perform when on parade:
Officers do not draw their swords - instead they hold their scabbard with their left hand while saluting with their right.
Other Ranks do not fix bayonets,
Unlike medical officers in some other countries, medical officers in the RAMC (and the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force) do not use the "Dr" prefix, in parentheses or otherwise, but only their rank although they may be addressed informal!/ as "Doctor".9 - Military Service*: John Kinnear Mackay MBChB served with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 1939 and 1945.10
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 7 November 1939 at Newcastle, England,
, appointed Lieutenant RAMC.11
- Military Service: Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician served with the Royal Army Medical Corps on 7 November 1939 Supplement to the London Gazette Friday 1st December 1939; Regular Army Reserve of Officers, Emergency Commissions, Royal Army Medical Corps. The undermentioned to be Lts. :- 7th November 1939 :- Douglas George Adamson, M.B. (107664).12,13
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 9 March 1940 at Chepstow, Monouthshire, Wales,
, was posted to 207th Field Ambulance from 7th AA [probably Anti-Aircraft] Divl Coy [Divisional Company] RAMC [Royal Army Medical Corps]
Author of the 207 Welsh Field Ambulance Diaries is Lt Col J A C Kidd RAMC. Research shows him to be John Armstrong Crozier Kidd who qualified MB, aged about 47 at this time, married to Phyllis in India and served in the 1914-18 conflict.
22 February 1940, JAC Kidd describes taking command of the 207 Field Ambulance, also being in charge of 208 and 209 FA. All were to be headquartered at Drill Hall Chepstow.
Over the next few days, various others visit or arrive to take up their posts. Billet suggestions are recorded and it is noted that no officers' billets are available.11,14 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 7 November 1940 Regular Army Emergency Commission from Captain to Lieutenant.15,16
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 27 November 1940 at Worplesdon, Tidworth, England,
, Posted to no 13 General Hospital, Tidworth.11
- Military Service*: The Royal Army Medical Corps John Henry Prain medical practitioner in 1941 GRADATION LIST OF REGULAR OFFICERS HOLDING SHORT SERVICE COMMISSIONS ONLY.
PRAIN,JohnHenry,M.B.Born15/9/14.R.A.M.C.(S.S.C.)Lt.1/9/38.Capt.1/9/39(1/8/40).(actg.Maj.20/12/40to19/3/41;temp.Maj.20/3/41).17 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 6 February 1941 at Gourock, Scotland,
, Embarked for Overseas service in "Middle East."11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 11 March 1941 at Suez, Egypt,
, Disembarked for Service With Middle East Forces. No 13 General Hospital.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 22 March 1941 and 10 April 1941 at Egypt,
, Admitted 15 Gen Hosp 22.3.41 disch hosp & TOS [taken on service]. Placed on Xii list for period. Dated 10.4.41
X Lists, 1939-1945
Almost without exception, Second World War army service records contain numerous references to the ‘X Lists’. The X Lists recorded personnel who were absent from their regular units for one reason or another.
The X (ii) LIST comprises all ranks evacuated on medical grounds beyond Regimental First Aid Post. Personnel so evacuated cease to be on the effective strength of their units. Temporary or acting rank will be relinquished 28 days after being so transferred to X (ii) list. Personnel remain in X (ii) list until they are classified as fit for posting when they are transferred to the X (iv) list of their corps and marched out to the appropriate training depot, or until discharged by a medical unit direct to their original units.11 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 15 June 1941 and 20 June 1941 at Egypt,
, Admitted Hosp. Placed on Xii list 15.6.41. Dish hosp SO [probably SEnior Officer] Xii list & TOS [Taken on Service] Dated 20.6.41
Memo see X Lists information in previous entry.11 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 24 July 1941 at Egypt,
, Posted to HQ Canal South Sub-Area. Posted for duty from 13 Gen Hosp.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 24 July 1941 at Egypt,
, Proc [proceed?] on T/D [Temporary Duties] to 9 BAD [Base Ammunition Depot]. Posted ... from X(iv) list section 17.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 16 August 1941 at Egypt,
, Admitted Hosp SO X(i) list and placed on X(ii) list.
X Lists described as previously.
The X (i) LIST comprises all ranks posted to fill vacancies in authorised War Establishments of a Headquarters or an extra-regimental unit (such as a base depot, school etc.) An officer placed in X (i) list will be seconded.
The X (ii) LIST as before.11 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 14 October 1941 at Egypt,
, Discharged 19 General Hospital, removed from X(ii) list and placed on X(i) list.
X Lists described as previously.11 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 14 October 1941 and 27 October 1941 at Egypt,
, Granted sick leave for the period 14/10/41 to 27/10/41.11
- Military Service*: The Royal Army Medical Corps George Harvey Smith lecturer of Pathology in 1942 RAMC Lieutenant.18
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 20 May 1942 at Egypt,
, Posted to 1 Mal Fd Lab.11
- (Military Service) Military Service POW*: The Royal Army Medical Corps John Henry Prain medical practitioner on 28 May 1942 at Expeditionary Force, Middle East, Reported missing 24 June 1942
First name(s) J H
Last name Prain
Year 1942
Capture year 1942
Service number 77373
Rank Major
Rank as transcribed Maj
Regiment Royal Army Medical Corps
Regiment as transcribed Royal Army Medical Corps
Theatre of war Middle East
Archive reference WO 417/3
PIece description Casualty Lists - Officers and Nurses 801 - 1000
The National Archives
Record set British Army Casualty Lists 1939-1945
Category Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory Second World War
Collections from Great Britain, UK None.19 - (Military Service) Military Service POW: The Royal Army Medical Corps John Henry Prain medical practitioner on 24 June 1942 at Expeditionary Force, Middle East, Prisoner of War previously reported missing 24 June 1942
First name(s) J H
Last name Prain
Year 1942
Capture year 1942
Service number 77373
Rank Major
Rank as transcribed Maj
Regiment Royal Army Medical Corps
Regiment as transcribed Royal Army Medical Corps
Theatre of war Middle East
Archive reference WO 417/3
PIece description Casualty Lists - Officers and Nurses 801 - 1000
The National Archives
Record set British Army Casualty Lists 1939-1945
Category Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory Second World War
Collections from Great Britain, UK None.19 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician from 28 June 1942 to 31 July 1942 at Egypt,
, Classified as Specialist Malariologist wef
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 9 August 1942 at Middle East,
, Malaria Survey attd to, from no 1 Mal Fld Laby 9-24/8/42.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 17 October 1942 at Egypt,
, Classified as Specialist Malariologist.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 20 October 1942 at Iraq,
, Authority Troopers Cable no 01872/AMD 1 of.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 17 January 1943 Regular Army Emergency Commission from Lieutenant to Major.20,21
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 28 March 1943 at Paiforce, Iraq, Att [attached] to DDMS [Deputy Director Medical Services] 21 Corps as Malariologist, from no 1 Malaria Fld Lab.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 15 June 1943 at Paiforce, Iraq, CTBA [ceased to be attached] DDMS [Deputy Director Medical Services] 21 Corps.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 6 August 1943 and 21 August 1943 at Paiforce, Iraq, Att 21(9) corps.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 15 October 1943 at Paiforce, Iraq, Embarked for India and SOS [struck off service] Paiforce.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 25 October 1943 at India,
, Disembarked India.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 13 November 1943 and 16 November 1943 at Bombay, India,
, Proceed to Bombay for T/Duty [Temporary Duty] for period from 13/11/43 to 16/11/43.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 16 December 1943 at India,
, Granted 2 days Casual Leave period 16-17/12/1943.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 31 December 1943 at India,
, Posted to 14 Ind Div [14th Indian Division] for P/Duty [Permanent Duty] as ADMS [Assistant Director Medical Services] SOS [Struck off Strength] & placed on X9(i) list
X Lists - see above.11 - Military Service*: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Alexander Mitchell Stalker between 1944 and 1947 from 1944 to 1947 he served in the Royal Army Medical Corps in the United Kingdom and India, paratroop MO.22
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 22 February 1944 at India,
, Entered concessional area we'f [with effect] 22/2/44.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 6 March 1944 and 11 September 1944 at India,
, Evacuated to 14 BOH [??] TOS [Taken off strength] X(ii) list & SOS [Struck off Strength] 1 Malaria Fld Amb.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician between 9 March 1944 and 20 April 1944 at India,
, Proceeded to 15 15 Corps T/Duty [temporary duty] for period 9th/15th Mar.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 28 August 1944 at India,
, Granted 28 days leave on med list wef [with effect from].11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 24 October 1944 at India,
, Retained unit on expiry of sick leave wef.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 28 October 1944 at HQ 14th Army, Burma, Reported arrival to this HQ from No 1 Malaria Fd Amb.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 31 October 1944 at HQ 14th Army, Burma, Posted to HQ 14th Army for P/Duty [permanent duty] as ADM [Assistant Director of Medical (Services)], from No 1 Malaria Fld LAb.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 8 November 1944 at HQ 14th Army, Burma, Assumed appt of DADM [Deputy Assistant Director of Medical (Services)].11
- (Military Service) Military Service POW: The Royal Army Medical Corps John Henry Prain medical practitioner in 1945 at Expeditionary Force Middle East, Italy, Previously reported Prisoner of War in German Hands (Germany) now not Prisoner of War
First name(s) J H
Last name Prain
Year 1945
Service number 77373
Rank Acting Major
Rank as transcribed T/Maj
Regiment Royal Army Medical Corps
Regiment as transcribed Royal Army Medical Corps
Archive reference WO 417/9
PIece description Casualty Lists - Officers and Nurses 1745 - 1947
The National Archives
Record set British Army Casualty Lists 1939-1945
Category Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory Second World War
Collections from Great Britain, UK None.19 - Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 8 February 1945 Regular Army Emergency Commission to Major.23
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 14 March 1945 at HQ 14th Army, Burma, Proceeded to port of embarkation for repat to UK wef.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 10 April 1945 at HQ 14th Army, Burma, Emb Bombay Repat UK.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 17 June 1945 at UK,
, Posted to 177 Fld Amb.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 27 June 1945 at UK,
, Disembarked UK. WOCC1
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 26 July 1945 at UK,
, S/S No 1 Depot. Posted from 177 Fld Amb.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 15 August 1945 at Western Europe,
, RHNNZ - NWE [North West Europe].11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 16 August 1945 at North West Europe,
, Emb UK & ToS [Taken on Service] 53 RHU [Reinforcement Holding Unit].11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 20 August 1945 at North West Europe,
, Posted to 175 Fld Amb. Posted from 53 RHU [Reinforcement Holding Unit].11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 25 October 1945 at North West Europe,
, Posted from 175 Fld Amb.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 26 October 1945 at North West Europe,
, Posted to 156 Fld Amb.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 19 December 1945 at North West Europe,
, SoS [Struck off Service] to X8a list Class A Release.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 21 December 1945 at UK,
, Date of Disembarkation.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 22 December 1945 at North West Europe,
, Emb NWE [North West Europe] & SOS.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 22 December 1945 at UK,
, Struck Off Unit Strength.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician from 23 December 1945 to 9 April 1946 at 20 East Haddon Road, Dundee, Scotland,
, Period of Release Leave.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 10 April 1946 at UK,
, Date of Release.11
- Military Service: The Royal Army Medical Corps Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 1 July 1959 at UK,
, Relinquished Commission, Authority LG(S) 3rd July 1959.11
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) The National Archives, British Army Service Records 1914-1920.
- [S33] Interview , anecdotal family stories.
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) British Army Service records 1914-1920 transcription
Series WO 363
Record set British Army Service Records 1914-1920
Category Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory First World War
Collections from Great Britain
URL of this page: http://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=gbm%2fwo363-4%2f7276392%2f9%2f204 [April 2016]. - [S126] Website The National Archives (of the UK) (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/?letter=&search=&research-category=online) National archives reference WO 95/2851/2 [Jun 2014].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) British Army, Army Lists 1839-1946 Image
Title: Half-Yearly Army List For 31 Dec 1938
Quarter: 4
Year: 1938
Image number: 741
Image count: 1188
Record set: British Army, Army Lists 1839-1946
Category: Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory: Directories & almanacs
Collections from: Great Britain, UK None [Jun 2020]. - [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) British Army, Army Lists 1839-1946 Image
Title: Half-Yearly Army List For 31 Dec 1939
Quarter: 4
Year: 1939
Image number: 764
Image count: 1206
Record set: British Army, Army Lists 1839-1946
Category: Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory: Directories & almanacs
Collections from: Great Britain, UK None [Jun 2020]. - [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/viewrecord/3008390/?...
[Jan 2014] - [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/viewrecord/4784552/ [Jan 2014].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/viewrecord/2920618/7 [Jan 2014].
- [S47] Ancestry.com Ancestry Public Member Trees, Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2006;, Ancestry member BruceGoodison [Jun 2020].
- [S136] "Historical Disclosures"; DGA service record; Army Personnel Centre, Support Division, Historical Disclosures, Glasgow G2 8EX [May 2018].
- [S32] Newspaper Article, Supplement to the London Gazette [Sept 2007].
- [S134] Website Fold3 (www.fold3.com) SOURCE INFORMATION
Image url: https://www.fold3.com/image/416524231
Short Description: Lists of individuals who served in the British Army from 1882-1962.
Content Source: The National Archives of the UK
Copyright: © Crown copyright images reproduced courtesy of The National Archives, UK
Country: United Kingdom
Fold3 Job: 15-017
Fold3 Publication Year: 2015
Language: English
Year Range: 1882-1962
Date: 1940 October
Original data from: The National Archives of the UK (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/) [Apr 2018]. - [S139] Website The National Archives (of the UK) (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/?letter=&search=&research-category=online) WO177/809 War Diaries 207 Field Ambulance Feb 1940-Dec 1942 (Less June) via A R Newson researcher [Aug 2018].
- [S134] Website fold3.com (www.fold3.com) SOURCE INFORMATION
Image url: https://www.fold3.com/image/416521450
Short Description: Lists of individuals who served in the British Army from 1882-1962.
Content Source: The National Archives of the UK
Copyright: © Crown copyright images reproduced courtesy of The National Archives, UK
Country: United Kingdom
Fold3 Job: 15-017
Fold3 Publication Year: 2015
Language: English
Year Range: 1882-1962
Date: 1942 October - Part 2
Original data from: The National Archives of the UK (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/)[Apr 2018]. - [S134] Website fold3.com (www.fold3.com) SOURCE INFORMATION
Image url: https://www.fold3.com/image/416517806
Short Description: Lists of individuals who served in the British Army from 1882-1962.
Content Source: The National Archives of the UK
Copyright: © Crown copyright images reproduced courtesy of The National Archives, UK
Country: United Kingdom
Fold3 Job: 15-017
Fold3 Publication Year: 2015
Language: English
Year Range: 1882-1962
Date: 1941 October
Original data from: The National Archives of the UK (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/) [Apr 2018]. - [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) British Army, Army Lists 1839-1946 Image
Title: Half-Yearly Army List For 31 Dec 1941
Quarter: -
Year: 1941
Image number: 879
Image count: 1354
Record set: British Army, Army Lists 1839-1946
Category: Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory: Directories & almanacs
Collections from: Great Britain, UK None [Jun 2020]. - [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Medical Directory for 1942[Sept 2019].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription:
British Army Casualty Lists 1939-1945 [Jun 2020]. - [S134] Website fold3.com (www.fold3.com) SOURCE INFORMATION
Image url: https://www.fold3.com/image/416513769
Short Description: Lists of individuals who served in the British Army from 1882-1962.
Content Source: The National Archives of the UK
Copyright: © Crown copyright images reproduced courtesy of The National Archives, UK
Country: United Kingdom
Fold3 Job: 15-017
Fold3 Publication Year: 2015
Language: English
Year Range: 1882-1962
Date: 1943 October - Part 1
Original data from: The National Archives of the UK (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/) [Apr 2018]. - [S134] Website fold3.com (www.fold3.com) SOURCE INFORMATION
Image url: https://www.fold3.com/image/416537559
Short Description: Lists of individuals who served in the British Army from 1882-1962.
Content Source: The National Archives of the UK
Copyright: © Crown copyright images reproduced courtesy of The National Archives, UK
Country: United Kingdom
Fold3 Job: 15-017
Fold3 Publication Year: 2015
Language: English
Year Range: 1882-1962
Date: 1944 October - Part 1
Original data from: The National Archives of the UK (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/) [Apr 2018]. - [S32] BMJ 2004 [Sep 2013].
- [S134] Website fold3.com (www.fold3.com) SOURCE INFORMATION
Image url: https://www.fold3.com/image/416529957
Short Description: Lists of individuals who served in the British Army from 1882-1962.
Content Source: The National Archives of the UK
Copyright: © Crown copyright images reproduced courtesy of The National Archives, UK
Country: United Kingdom
Fold3 Job: 15-017
Fold3 Publication Year: 2015
Language: English
Year Range: 1882-1962
Date: 1945 October - Part 1
Original data from: The National Archives of the UK (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/) [Apr 2018].
the Royal Army Medical Corps
?, #11607
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2022