- Birth*: John Nicolson was born on 25 June 1857 at St Nicholas, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland,
- He was the son of James Nicolson marble cutter and Mary Emslie.
- (Witness) Newspaper Article: John Nicolson and Susan Lyall Guthrie, David Guthrie Shiell, James Davie Gilruth M.A., M.B., C.M. (Edin.) and Samuel Macauley was mentioned in a newspaper article about John Shiell on 28 June 1912. DEATH OF MR JOHN SHIELL, S.S.C.,
The death of Mr John Shiell, solicitor, took place at his residence, Latch Road, Brechin, on Friday night. Mr Shiell, who had just celebrated his 70th birthday, had been absent from home for some time and only returned on Saturday. Although somewhat frail, he was in his usual health, and was out during Friday. In the evening, feeling not very well, he retired to bed, and expired shortly after eleven o'clock.
Mr Shiell was a native of Edinburgh, being a son of the late Mr William Shiell, for many years one of the chief Clerks of the Court of Session. After serving for some time in the office of Messrs Shiell & Small, solicitors, Dundee, the senior partner of that firm being his uncle, he came to Brechin about 40 years ago as partner to the late Mr D. D. Black, Town Clerk. The partnership did not last very long, and on leaving Mr Black Mr Shiell commenced business on his own account, and soon built up a sound connection in the district. Shortly after commencing business he was appointed agent of the National Bank, a position he held at the time of his death. In 1880, on the death of the grandfather of the present Earl of Dalhousie, he was appointed factor on the Brechin Castle and Edzell estates of the Dalhousie family, and later, on the death of his father-in-law, the late Colonel Guthrie, Carlogie House, Carnoustie, he was appointed sole factor on the estates. During the time of the late Earl many improvements were carried out on the estates, while a most liberal form of lease was drawn up for the tenants, a form that became a model for progressive landlords, and it was well-known at that time that Mr Shiell was in a large measure responsible for the form it ultimately took. In addition, the comfort of the cottars and farm servants on the estate were not overlooked, comfortable cottages being erected on the farms, and in this work Mr Shiell also gave valuable assistance.
In 1903 Mr Shiell, finding the burden of the estate work getting too heavy for him, retired from the factorship, being succeeded by his son, Mr D. G. Shiell. He was, however, continued as confidential adviser, and performed the duties of that position to the last. On his retiral from the factorship he was entertained by the employees on the Brechin Castle and Edzell estates at a cake and wine banquet, and was made the recipient of a solid silver rose bowl, suitably inscribed.
In addition to his factorship of the Dalhousie Estates, Mr Shiell also acted as factor for a number of other estates, and carried on a large general business as a solicitor. For many years the late Mr James Don was associated with him as partner, and on the death of that gentleman, he assumed his son. Mr D. G. Shiell, as partner. Of recent years. Mr Shiell, while regularly attending at the office, had not taken an active part in the business of the firm. He had been & Director of the Brechin and Edzell District Railway since the formation of the Company, and was also a Director of Guthrie, Martin, & Company, Ltd. He was for long a member of the County Council, and took an active part in the work of the Brechin District Committee. He was also an Hon. Sheriff Substitute for the County of Forfar. A Unionist in politics, he never took any very active part in political matters. He was a member of St Andrew's Episcopal Church, and took a warm interest in the welfare of the congregation. He was married to a daughter of the late Colonel Guthrie of Carlogie House, by whom he is survived, and by a family of sons and daughters.
The funeral of deceased took place on Tuesday, the pall bearers being :-Mr D. G. Shiell and Mr Buchanan Shiell (sons), Dr Gilruth, Arbroath (son-in-law); Rev. Dr Samuel Macaulay. Mr D. Sharp (Fast Drums), Mr Sharp, W.S. (Edinburgh); Mr Guthrie (Broughty Ferry): and ex. Provost Scott (Brechin).2
John Nicolson
M, #1663, b. 25 June 1857
Last Edited: 19 Oct 2020
Father*: James Nicolson marble cutter b. 8 Sep 1807, d. 20 Sep 1880
Mother*: Mary Emslie b. 22 Jun 1813, d. 29 Dec 1868
Mother*: Mary Emslie b. 22 Jun 1813, d. 29 Dec 1868
1st cousin 4 times removed of Patricia Catherine Adamson