- Anecdote forWeb*: Rev William G Donaldson minister Forfar parish Church 1908-1934
b. 17 Jun 1864 Cupar FIF, son of Ebenezer D; ass. Ladhope, Galashiels SEL; ord. to Kelso North ROX 12 Mar 1891; tr. to St Paul's Leith MLN 23 Nov 1898; tr. & adm. (ass. & suc.) 1 Oct 1908; d. 25 Nov 1934; mar. 1892 Isabella Thomson, yst dau. of Robt Adam, Cupar.2 - (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Rev William Galloway Donaldson minister of Forfar officiated at the marriage of John Adamson Falconer mechanical engineer and Janet Gardiner Cuthill dressmaker on Friday, 22 July 1910 at County Hotel, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1910 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 60; 1910 on the twenty-second day of July at County Hotel Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland, John Adamson Falconer mechanical engineer bachelor, 30, 42 West High Street Forfar, parents James Craik Falconer watch inspector, Agnes Falconer ms Adamson; Janet Gardiner Cuthill dressmaker spinster, 32, Orchard Bank parish of Forfar, parents James Cuthill engineer sewage works, Janet Cuthill ms Adamson; signed Wm G Donaldson minister of Forfar, wit David McLaren, Lily M Falconer; registered 1910 July 23rd at Forfar signed W H Thomson registrar.1
- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Rev William Galloway Donaldson minister of Forfar officiated at the marriage of Margaret McQueen Domestic Servant and William Doig Waddell factory worker Corporal 1st Bn Black Watch on Monday, 19 July 1915 at The Manse, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriage 1910 Forfar ref 60 image held [Sep 2006].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http://www.ancestor.abel.co.uk/Angus/Forfar.html#pro [Oct 2016].
- Angus Archives publication Forfar People Gallery [Oct 2016]
- [S40] Facebook user AM [Nov 2018].
Rev William Galloway Donaldson minister of Forfar1,2
M, #13933
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019