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Craigtay Hotel1

?, #16562, b. before 1837
Last Edited: 11 Mar 2021
  • Birth*: Craigtay Hotel was born before 1837 at Ferry Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland, .1
  • (Witness) Biography: Craigtay Hotel was mentioned in the Biography of John Boyd Baxter Writer & PF Dundee; From the Book of Eminent Burgesses of Dundee 1513 to 1885.
    John Boyd Baxter, Writer - 25th October 1823
    JOHN BOYD BAXTER was the Son of WILLIAM W. BAXTER, a cousin of WILLIAM BAXTER, the founder of the eminent firm of BAXTER BROTHERS. He was born in Dundee on 19th February, 1796, was educated at the Grammar School of the Burgh, and was apprenticed to a legal practitioner with the intention of becoming a solicitor. After his term was completed he removed in 1815 to Edinburgh, and prosecuted his studies both at the Law Classes in the University and in the office of a legal firm there. On his return to Dundee he passed as Procurator before the Sheriff Court of Forfarshire, and settled to the practice of law in his native town in 1821.
    The civic affairs of the Burgh were then in a state of turmoil. The Guildry had been successful to some extent in breaking up the ring that for a long period had ruled by self election; but an attempt at reaction was made in October, 1823, by some of the members of the old party, who brought forward Mr J. BOYD BAXTER as a candidate for the office of Clerk to the Guildry in opposition to Mr JAMES SAUNDERS, who had held that post for several years in the interest of the party of progress. Strenuous efforts were made to procure the election of Mr BAXTER, but he was defeated by a majority of one, the votes for SAUNDERS being 54 and for BAXTER 53.
    The latter was enrolled as a Burgess immediately after his defeat. In May, 1824, he was appointed one of the Procurators Fiscal for the Dundee district of Forfarshire. This important office he administered for the very long term of fifty seven years, his resignation of it taking effect in March, 1881. His official duties were so extensive arid absorbing that he had little time to devote to the political or civic questions agitated in the Burgh, and though his advice on these matters was frequently sought and freely given, his name did not appear prominently in public.
    In 1874 the University of St Andrews conferred upon him the degree of LL.D., "in consideration of his high legal status and literary gifts," and he was appointed a member of the Royal Commission on the Law Courts of Scotland. As his fiftieth year of office as Procurator Fiscal was completed in May, 1874, he was presented on that occasion with an address signed by many leading citizens of Dundee, in which his long and faithful services to the public were duly acknowledged, and a marble bust of him, executed by WILMAM BRODIE, R.S.A., was unveiled and placed in the Library of the Faculty of Procurators. In Dr BAXTER'S speech in reply to this address, the desirability of establishing a College in Dundee was referred to; and afterwards, with the sanction of Miss BAXTER of Balgavies, he laid before the Town Council a scheme for the foundation of such an institution, and asked their co operation in realizing the idea. The sum of £150,000, which he considered necessary for this purpose, seemed to the Council too great for them to expect readily to obtain by public subscription, and the project was abandoned for a time.
    Six years after the idea had been mooted, Dr BAXTER came forward with a most munificent proposal. Miss BAXTER, he announced, was willing to hand over £130,000 towards this object, in the hope that others would follow her example. Shortly afterwards Dr BAXTER added to it a further contribution of £10,000, making the whole sum amount to £140,000. No time was lost in applying this princely donation to the purpose intended, and the University College thus established will long form a striking memorial of the generous founders.
    In acknowledgment of his services to the Burgh, a movement was originated by the Free Library Committee to have Dr BAXTER'S portrait painted by SIR DANIEL MACNEE, P.R.S.A., and presented to him. On 9th September, 1881, the presentation was made, and Dr BAXTER handed over the portrait to the PROVOST, that it might be placed in the permanent collection of pictures belonging to the town. Dr BAXTER died at his residence, Craigtay, Broughty Ferry Road, on 4th August, 1882.2
  • Photograph*: Craigtay Hotel is in this photograph taken.3
  • Map*: Craigtay Hotel is marked on this map in 1845 at Craig Tay, Ferry Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland, .4
    NLS map collection [Oct 2019]
  • Map: Craigtay Hotel and John Boyd Baxter Writer & PF Dundee lived in the place marked on this map between 1857 and 1861 at Craigtay, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland, , along with Charles Guthrie List of names as written CRAIGTAY Various modes of spelling Craigtay
    Authorities for spelling - Baxter, Esqre.
    Charles Guthrie Esqre
    Situation 054
    Description remarks A commodious dwelling house on the south side of the Broughty Ferry Road with Vegetable and ornamental ground attached. property and Residence of - Baxter Esqre.5,6
    1865 Craigtay [nls maps]
  • (Witness) Newspaper Article: Craigtay Hotel was mentioned in a newspaper article about John Boyd Baxter Writer & PF Dundee on 8 August 1882. Deaths
    At Craigtay, on 4th inst., JOHN BOYD BAXTER, LL.D., Dean of the Faculty of Procurators and Solicitors of Dundee, in his 87th year.7
  • Newspaper Article*: Craigtay Hotel was mentioned in a newspaper article TO LET, CRAIGTAY HOUSE, formerly occupied by the Late J. B. Baxter, Esq., LL.D. Apply to Mr Anderson, Dundee Flour Mills

    repeated on 27 Feb 1883
    TO LET, at a Greatly Reduced Rent, CRAIGTAY HOUSE, formerly occupied by the Late J. B. Baxter Esq., LL.D. Apply to Mr Anderson, Dundee Flour Mills. on 9 February 1883 at Craigtay House, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland, .8
  • Newspaper Article: Craigtay Hotel and Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier were mentioned in a newspaper article Craigtay Ballroom in 1962 at Craigtay Hotel, 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland, .9
  • Newspaper Article: Craigtay Hotel and Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier were mentioned in a newspaper article Bands adverts in January 1972 at Craigtay Hotel, 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland, .10
  • (Witness) Death: Craigtay Hotel witnessed the death of Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier on 28 December 1978 at Craigtay Hotel, 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland, .11,12

Census & Directory Entries

Witness7 April 1861Craigtay Hotel appeared in the household of John Boyd Baxter Writer & PF Dundee in the 1861 census at Craig Tay House, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland, . John Boyd Baxter Head Married Male 65 1796 Writer & Procurator Fiscal
Of Dundee Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland

Margaret E Baxter Wife Married Female 60 1801 - Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland

Betsy Wighton Servant Unmarried Female 40 1821 Domestic Serv Liff, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland

Mary Walker Servant Unmarried Female 27 1834 Domestic Serv Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland

Helen Fyall Servant Unmarried Female 23 1838 Domestic Serv Largo, Fife, Scotland.13

Witness2 April 1871Craigtay Hotel appeared in the household of John Boyd Baxter Writer & PF Dundee and Margaret E Edward in the 1871 census at 101 Ferry Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland, . John Boyd     Baxter     Head     Married     Male     75     1796     Procurator Fiscal Of Forfarsh     Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
Margaret B     Baxter     Wife     Married     Female     70     1801     Procurator Fiscal Of Forfarsh Wife     Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland
Helen     Valentine     Servant     Unmarried     Female     33     1838     Cook Domestic     Fettercairn, Kincardineshire, Scotland
Rachel     Scott     Servant     Unmarried     Female     19     1852     Lady's Maid     Selkirkshire, Scotland
Harriet     Jack     Servant     Unmarried     Female     25     1846     Table Maid     -
Elizabeth     Mackay     Servant     Unmarried     Female     32     1839     House Maid     Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland.14
Principalbetween 1949 and 1950Craigtay Hotel appeared in a directory of between 1949 and 1950 living at 101 Broughty Ferry road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland, ; Nay, Mrs Mary, 101 Broughty Ferry road.15
Witness10 June 1949Craigtay Hotel witnessed the Voters Register of James Nay and Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier on 10 June 1949 at 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland, ; Ward 1EB, Broughty Ferry Road, 101, Nay, James; Nay, Mary.16
Witness1 December 1949Craigtay Hotel witnessed the Voters Register of James Nay and Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier on 1 December 1949 at 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland, ; Ward 1EB, Broughty Ferry Road, 101, Nay, James; Nay, Mary.16
Witnessbetween 1954 and 1955Craigtay Hotel appeared in the directory entry with James Nay and Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier at Craig Tay Guest House, 101 Broughty Ferry road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland, . Nay, J & M, proprietors, Craig Tay Guest House, 101 Broughty Ferry road.17
Principal28 September 1954Craigtay Hotel and Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier registered the ownership of a vehicle on 28 September 1954 Maroon Ford Van 18cwt, DYJ 220, Mrs M Nay, 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee at Dundee, Angus, Scotland, .18


  • Residence*: Craigtay Hotel and John Boyd Baxter Writer & PF Dundee lived between 1842 and 1843 at Craigtay, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland, ; BAXTER, John B., writer, and Procurator Fiscal for Forfarshire and Dundee Burgh, 41 Reform Street; h. Craigtay.19
  • Residence: Craigtay Hotel and John Boyd Baxter Writer & PF Dundee lived between 1844 and 1845 at Craig Tay, Ferry Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland, ; BAXTER, John Boyd., writer, and procurator fiscal of Forfarshire, 41 Reform Street; h. Craig Tay, Ferry Road.20


  1. [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, Dunde Directories collection 1837-38 [Oct 2019]. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
  2. [S131] FDCA, online www.FDCA.gov.uk, FDCA (City Square, Dundee), From the Book of Eminent Burgesses of Dundee 1513 to 1885.
    © 2011 Friends of Dundee City Archives. All rights reserved. (Scottish Registered Charity SCO 006813) [Oct 2019].
  3. [S61] Website Facebook (www.facebook.com) various postings [Nov 2020].
  4. [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://maps.nls.uk/view/74400068
  5. [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/digital-volumes/ordnance-survey-name-books/forfarshire-angus-os-name-books-1857-1861/forfar-angus-volume-18/6
  6. [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://maps.nls.uk/view/74426931
  7. [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers Collection Dundee Advertiser [Oct 2019].
  8. [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers & periodicals collection, Dundee Advertiser 09-02-1883 [May 2020].
  9. [S32] Newspaper Article, Dundee Evening Telegraph 1962 Life Gallery [Feb 2017].
  10. [S32] Dundee Evening Telegraph January 1972 via Facebook Group Dundonian for All [Feb 2017].
  11. [S6] PCC.
  12. [S3] CNM Diary, PC Carson (2 Gillburn Road, Dundee, Scotland), 1978 Thurs 28 Dec [Jul 2024].
  13. [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription:
    1861 England, Wales & Scotland Census
    Craig Tay House, Dundee, 1St Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland [Dec 2019].
  14. [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription:
    1871 England, Wales & Scotland Census
    101, Ferry Road, Dundee, St Andrew, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland [May 2020].
  15. [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directory 1934-35 [image held Jan 2010].
  16. [S16] Voters' List for Dundee, (DCC Central Library Local History) voters roll Dundee 1949 [Sept 2009].
  17. [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directory 1954-55 [image held Jan 2010].
  18. [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http://www.fdca.org.uk/FDCATransport1.html [Nov 2011].
  19. [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directories collection 1843-44 [Oct 2019].
  20. [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directories collection 1844-45 [Oct 2019].