- Birth*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier was born on 24 March 1902 at 27 Overgate, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Mary Keith Paterson Johnston (illegitimate) 1902 March 24th 2h 50m pm 27 Overgate Dundee, f, father not stated, mother Euphemia Stewart Johnston flaxspinner, signed Euphemia S Johnston mother, reg 1902 April 11th at Dundee Alex Simpson registrar. Stamped with ref to paternity reg corr entries vol 8 # 761.1
- She was the daughter of John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur and Euphemia Stewart Johnston jute spinner.
- (Child) Birth Reg RCE: Her birth registration was corrected on 31 October 1903 at Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, RCE image held; vol 8 page 161 Register of Corrected Entries ; in the fourth column of entry no 203 in the register book of births for the year 1902, before the name of the child's mother insert John Patterson Jnr on the authority of a certificate in the form of schedule (F) to the following effect :- In an action relating to the paternity of a female child born at 27 Overgate Dundee on March 24th 1902, at the instance of Poor Euphemia Stewart Johnston, Smalls Wynd Dundee against John Patterson Jnr 46 Peddie Street Dundee, the Sheriff Court of Forfarshire (Dundee District) on October 7th 1903 found that the said child was the Illegitimate Child of the parties aforesaid. October 31st 1903 at Dundee Alex Simpson registrar.2
- (Bride) Marriage*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier married Alexander Young Dickson jute mill oiler, son of John Dickson cloth inspector and Eliza Jane McManus jute spinner, on 23 August 1919 at 27 Bank Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1919 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 451; 1919 on the 23rd day of August at 27 Bank Street Dundee by declaration in the presence of John Dickson millworker and Helen Reid Small jute spinner, signed Alexander Y Dickson jute mill oiler bachelor, 20, 1 Lowdens Alley Dundee, fath John Dickson callander worker, moth Elizabeth Jane Dickson ms McManus; Mary J Paterson jute preparer spinster, 18, 1 Lowdens Alley Dundee, fath John Paterson baker journeyman, moth Euphemia Paterson ms Stewart (dec), warrant of Sheriff Substitute of Forfarshire dated August 23rd 1919, reg 1919 August 25th at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar. Stamped Divorce reg corr entries vol 19 # 102 (162?)3
- Partners: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier and James Nay were Partners circa 1938.
- (Divorcee) Divorce*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier and Alexander Young Dickson jute mill oiler were divorced on 29 June 1940; (Poor) Alexander Dickson v Mary Paterson or Dickson & another: Divorce.4,5
- (Bride) Marriage*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier married James Nay, son of Robert Nay jute preparer and Alice Donnelly jute spinner, on 31 January 1941 at 11 Park Place, Lochee, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1941 marriages in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 28; 1941 on the Thirty-first day of January at 11 Park Place, Lochee after banns according to the forms of the Congregational Church; signed James Nay refreshment caterer bachelor, aged 39, residing 40 Guthrie Street Dundee, parents Robert Nay labourer (dec) and Alice Nay ms Donnelly (dec); signed Mary Paterson or Dickson refreshment caterer divorced, aged 38 residing 40 Guthrie Street Dundee, parents John Paterson fish restauranter and Euphemia Paterson ms Stewart (dec); signed Harry Andrew minister of Gillfillan Memorial Congregational Church Dundee, signed George Paterson 60 Liff Road Lochee, Sarah MsClsusky North Lodge Victoria Hospital Dundee witnesses; registerd 1941 February 3rd at Lochee signed John R Nicoll registrar.6
- Divorce*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier and James Nay were divorced on 12 March 1970 at Edinburgh, Scotland,
; Register of Corrections, Register of Marriages for the District of Lochee (282-4) Burgh of Dundee for the year 1941 Entry no 28; Nay/Paterson or Dickson Divorce RCE 124/1970/Dec; Decree of Divorce against James Nay, 12th March 1970.6
- (Deceased) Death*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier died on 28 December 1978 at Craigtay Hotel, 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, at age 76.7,8
- Burial*: She was buried on 3 January 1979 at Balgay Cemetery, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Name Variation: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier was also known as Big Gran.
- Name Variation: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier was also known as Mary Keith Johnston Paterson.
- (Witness) Death: Her mother Euphemia Stewart Johnston jute spinner died on 22 November 1918 at 18 Park Wynd, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Euphemia Stewart Morris, Jute Spinner (married to James Morris, Harbour Labourer) 1918, November Twenty-second, 6h 20m PM at 18 Park Wynd, Dundee, aged 34 years; parents: William Johnston, Labourer (deceased), Euphemia Johnston, ms Stewart (deceased); cause: influenza 7 days as cert by William Kinnear MD; informant James Morris X his mark Widower present. Wit J G Millar, reg; registered 23 Nov 1918, J G Millar registrar.11
- Married Name: As of 23 August 1919, her married name was Dickson.
- Name Variation: As of 23 August 1919, Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier was also known as Paterson.
- Address*: As of circa 1929, Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier lived at 2 Smalls Lane, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Address: As of circa 1933, Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier lived at 19 Canon Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Address: As of circa 1935, Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier lived at 119 Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Address: As of circa 1937, Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier lived at 10 Airlie Terrace, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Address: As of circa 1939, Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier lived at 40 Guthrie Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; During the earlier years (pre 1939) Mary and family moved house about every two years – and always in May. But during the war they stayed in Guthrie Street and it was while they were there that Margaret remembers her uncles visiting her mother.13
- Newspaper Article*: She and Alexander Young Dickson jute mill oiler were mentioned in a newspaper article Dundee Courier
Decree of Divorce was granted in the Court of Session on Saturday in the following undefended actions:-
Alexander Dickson, calender worker, 27 Isles Lane, Dundee, against Mary Paterson or Dickson, 40 Guthrie Street, Dundee on 1 July 1940.5 - Married Name: As of 31 January 1941, her married name was Nay.
- (Witness) Newspaper Article: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier and John Gow Dickson and Williamina Forbes Caithness was mentioned in a newspaper article about John Dickson on 3 February 1947. DICKSON - At DRI on Feb 1 1947, John Dickson, beloved son of John and Mina Dickson, 5 Lundie Ave., and dearly beloved grandson pof Mrs Nay, 40 Guthrie Street. Funeral today (Mon) 2pm to Balgay Cemetery. Any friends desirous of attending please notify M'Hugh, undertaker, Brook St.14
- (Witness) Newspaper Article: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier and John Gow Dickson and Williamina Forbes Caithness was mentioned in a newspaper article about John Dickson on 3 February 1947. First name(s) John
Last name Dickson
Sex Male
Death year 1947
Death date 01 Feb 1947
Place Dundee
Periodical Courier & Advertiser
Publication Year 1947
Publication date 3 Feb 1947
Page 4
Father's first name(s) John
Father's last name Dickson
Mother's first name(s) Mina
Mother's last name Dickson
County Forfarshire (Angus)
Country Scotland
Event Type Obituary
Record set Scotland, Newspaper Death Reports & Obituaries
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Parish Burials
Collections from Great Britain, Scotland.14 - (Witness) Photograph: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier is in this photograph taken in February 1949 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Robert Carson 'the Computer Doctor', Margaret Ness McGregor Dickson hotelier and Brunon Kowalewski electrician Robert Carson's christening.15
- Newspaper Article*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier and Craigtay Hotel were mentioned in a newspaper article Craigtay Ballroom in 1962 at Craigtay Hotel, 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Newspaper Article: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier and Craigtay Hotel were mentioned in a newspaper article Bands adverts in January 1972 at Craigtay Hotel, 101 Broughty Ferry Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Education*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier was educated on 9 September 1912 at Newport School, Newport, Fife, Scotland,
; Mary Paterson in the Fife, Scotland, School Admissions and Discharges, 1867-1916
Name: Mary Paterson
Birth Date: 24 Mar 1902
Admission Date: 9 Sep 1912
Admission Place: Fife, Scotland
School: Newport, Fife
Name Relation to Child
Mary Paterson
John Paterson Parent.29 - (Bride) Marriage*: She married Alexander Young Dickson jute mill oiler, son of John Dickson cloth inspector and Eliza Jane McManus jute spinner, on 23 August 1919 at 27 Bank Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1919 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 451; 1919 on the 23rd day of August at 27 Bank Street Dundee by declaration in the presence of John Dickson millworker and Helen Reid Small jute spinner, signed Alexander Y Dickson jute mill oiler bachelor, 20, 1 Lowdens Alley Dundee, fath John Dickson callander worker, moth Elizabeth Jane Dickson ms McManus; Mary J Paterson jute preparer spinster, 18, 1 Lowdens Alley Dundee, fath John Paterson baker journeyman, moth Euphemia Paterson ms Stewart (dec), warrant of Sheriff Substitute of Forfarshire dated August 23rd 1919, reg 1919 August 25th at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar. Stamped Divorce reg corr entries vol 19 # 102 (162?)3
- (Divorcee) Divorce*: Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier and Alexander Young Dickson jute mill oiler were divorced on 29 June 1940; (Poor) Alexander Dickson v Mary Paterson or Dickson & another: Divorce.4,5
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS [Aug 2005].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS RCE image held; vol 8 page 161 Register of Corrected Entries [Aug 2005].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image heldGROS 1919 St Clement 0451 [Aug 2005].
- [S41] Website National Archives of Scotland online ( ref CS258 Court of Session: Unextracted Processes, 4th arrangement 1935-1994; ref CS258/6658 [Mar 2011].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers & Periodicals collection [April 2017].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS ref 282/04 0028 (image held) [Sept 2009 & Feb 2019].
- [S6] PCC.
- [S3] CNM Diary, PC Carson (2 Gillburn Road, Dundee, Scotland), 1978 Thurs 28 Dec [Jul 2024].
- [S3] CNM Diary, 1969-2018, PC Carson, 1979 Wed 03 January [Jul 2024].
- [S43] PCC photographs Jan 2011 [Jul 2024].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), St Peter, Dundee, ref 335 [Apr 2004].
- [S6] From MNMD [Sept 2009].
- [S6] MNMD [Sept 2009].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) John Dickson in 1947
Scotland, Newspaper Death Reports & Obituaries
Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland [Sept 2021]. - [S43] PCC.
- [S32] Newspaper Article, Dundee Evening Telegraph 1962 Life Gallery [Feb 2017].
- [S32] Dundee Evening Telegraph January 1972 via Facebook Group Dundonian for All [Feb 2017].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS census 1911 282/03 014/00 011 St Clement [April 2011].
- [S16] Voters' List for Dundee, (DCC Central Library Local History) [May 2010].
- [S5] Valuation Roll Dundee: image held; Dundee City Archives [Jan 2010], Dundee City Archives, City Square / Shore Terrace, Dundee, Scotland. Hereinafter cited as Valuation Roll Dundee.
- [S16] Voters' List for Dundee,voters roll Dundee 1945 [Sept 2009].
- [S16] Voters' List for Dundee,voters roll Dundee 1946 [Sept 2009].
- [S16] Voters' List for Dundee,voters roll Dundee 1947 [Sept 2009].
- [S16] Voters' List for Dundee,voters roll Dundee 1948 [Sept 2009].
- [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, Dundee Directory 1934-35 [image held Jan 2010]. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
- [S16] Voters' List for Dundee,voters roll Dundee 1949 [Sept 2009].
- [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directory 1954-55 [image held Jan 2010].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) http://www.fdca.org.uk/FDCATransport1.html [Nov 2011].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Fife Collections Centre; Fife, Scotland; Fife School Admission Registers; Reference Number: FC/ED/4/174/2/2
Source Information
Ancestry.com. Fife, Scotland, School Admissions and Discharges, 1867-1916 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2018. This collection was indexed by Ancestry World Archives Project contributors.
Original data: Fife School Registers, Fife Library and Archives Services, Fife, Scotland. [Oct 2019]
Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier
F, #5509, b. 24 March 1902, d. 28 December 1978
Last Edited: 22 Jul 2024
Father*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur b. 14 Apr 1882, d. 29 Feb 1956
Mother*: Euphemia Stewart Johnston jute spinner b. 5 Jan 1884, d. 22 Nov 1918
Mother*: Euphemia Stewart Johnston jute spinner b. 5 Jan 1884, d. 22 Nov 1918
Grandmother of Robert Carson 'the Computer Doctor'
Alexander Young Dickson jute mill oiler b. 25 May 1899, d. 9 Jan 1957
John Gow Dickson+ b. 19 Dec 1923, d. 11 May 2016
Eliza Jane McManus Dickson+ b. May 1925, d. 22 Dec 2013
Margaret Ness McGregor Dickson hotelier+ b. 16 Jun 1930, d. 20 May 2023
Eliza Jane McManus Dickson+ b. May 1925, d. 22 Dec 2013
Margaret Ness McGregor Dickson hotelier+ b. 16 Jun 1930, d. 20 May 2023
Adamson, Susan c1799 descendants
Barrie, John c1793 descendants
Chalmers, Robert c1823 descendants
Conlin, Patrick c 1795 descendants
Deuchars, Anne c1800 descendants
Dickson, David c1795 descendants
Dickson, Mary c1795 descendants
Downie, David c1785 descendants
Downie, Isabella c1795 descendants
Findlay, Alexander c1725 descendants
Forgan, Andrew c1750 descendants
Grubb, William s1755 descendants
Hay, Margaret c1793 descendants
Henderson, Mary c1810 descendants
Jaap, Margaret c1736 descendants
Laing, John c1768 descendants
Madden, James c1799 descendants
McManus, John c1810 descendants
Menmuir, Janet 1779 descendants
Nicol, David c1726 descendants
Nicoll, Mary c1770 descendants
Orkney, John c1768 descendants
Paterson, Robert c1775 descendants
Pert, Catherine c1750 descendants
Ramsay, Helen c1750 descendants
Ramsay, Helen c1755 descendants
Smith, John c1800 descendants
Stewart, David c1820 descendants
Strain, Sarah s1795 descendants
Young, Margaret c1824 descendants
Barrie, John c1793 descendants
Chalmers, Robert c1823 descendants
Conlin, Patrick c 1795 descendants
Deuchars, Anne c1800 descendants
Dickson, David c1795 descendants
Dickson, Mary c1795 descendants
Downie, David c1785 descendants
Downie, Isabella c1795 descendants
Findlay, Alexander c1725 descendants
Forgan, Andrew c1750 descendants
Grubb, William s1755 descendants
Hay, Margaret c1793 descendants
Henderson, Mary c1810 descendants
Jaap, Margaret c1736 descendants
Laing, John c1768 descendants
Madden, James c1799 descendants
McManus, John c1810 descendants
Menmuir, Janet 1779 descendants
Nicol, David c1726 descendants
Nicoll, Mary c1770 descendants
Orkney, John c1768 descendants
Paterson, Robert c1775 descendants
Pert, Catherine c1750 descendants
Ramsay, Helen c1750 descendants
Ramsay, Helen c1755 descendants
Smith, John c1800 descendants
Stewart, David c1820 descendants
Strain, Sarah s1795 descendants
Young, Margaret c1824 descendants