- Military Service: James Kinnear Adamson teacher served with the Royal Garrison Artillery between 1914 and 1918 Was stationed at Broughty Ferry Castle during WW1.2
- Military Service*: The Royal Garrison Artillery Lyall Guthrie Shiell on 29 August 1914 at RGA, Newhaven, England,
, motor car salesman.3
- Military Service*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher served with the Royal Garrison Artillery on 13 November 1915 at Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, Short Service Attestation of no 142546 James Kinnear Adamson Corps R G A [Royal Garrison Artillery] Card 43/8; James Kinnear Adamson, 11 Baxter Park Terrace Dundee, British Subject, aged 37 years 166 days, teacher, married, have served in Forces previously (branch not stated), willing to be vaccinated, willing to be enlisted for General Service, received a Notice [of call up] and understand its meaning, given by G Forward Sea M..., willing to serve upon the following conditions provided His Majesty should so long require services - for the duration of the War, at the end of which you will be discharged with all convenient speed. You will be required to serve for one day with the Colours and the remainder if the period in the Army Reserve, in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Warrant dated 20th Oct 1915 until such time as you may be called up by order of the Army Council. If employed woth Hospitals depots of Mounted Units, or as a clerk, etc, you may be retained after the termination of hostilities until your services can be spared, but such retention shall in no case exceed six months. I James Kinnear Adamson do solemnly declare that the above answers made by me to the above questions are true, and that I am willing to fulfil the engagements made. signed James Kinnear Adamson, signed George Forward witness.
Oath to be taken by recruit on attestation - I James Kinnear Adamson swear by Almighty God, that I will be faithful and bear true Allegience to His Majesty King George the Fifth, His Heirs, and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, homestly and faithfully defend His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and of the General and Officers set over me. So help me God.
Certificate of Magistrate or Attesting Officer. The recruit above named was cutioned by me that is he made any false answer to any of the above questions he would be liable to be punished as provided in the Army Act. The above questions were then read to the Recruit in my presence. I have taken care that he understands each question, and that his answer to each question has been duly entered as ... to, and the said recruit has made and signed the declarion and taken the oath before me at Dundee on the 13 day of Nov 1915. Signature of the Justice G M Golded 2nd Lieut.
Certificate of Approving Officer. I certify that this Attestation of the above-names Recruit is correct, and properly filler up, and that the required forms appear to have been complied with. I accordingly approve, and appoint him to the RGA. I enlisted by special authority, Army Form B 203 ( or other authority for the enlistment) will be attached to the original attestation. Date 12.4.1917. Place Citadel, Plymouth. Signed A Harreifbath Hon Liuet Col RGA Commanding No 8 Depot RGA Approving Officer.
Page 2: Descriptive Report on Enlistment. James Kinnear Adamson height 5 feet 7inches, chest girth fully expanded 34 1/2 inches, distinctive marks mole top left groin, anchor on back left forearm.
Information Supplied by the Recruit: Name and address of next-of-kin Mrs Georgeiana Key or Adamson, 11 Baxter Park Terrace, Dundee, relationship wife. Particulars as to Marriage: Georgina Key spinster, place & date of marriage Dundee 15 Aug 1908, present address 11 Baxter Paark Terrace, Dundee, initials of verifying officer JRF lieutenant major. Particulars as to Children: Margaret Kinnear 4.6.09 Dundee, James Kinnear 14.8.11 Dundee, Douglas George 5.2.15 Dundee. Initialled as above.
Medical History of Adamson, James: General Table - birthplace parish Forfar, county Forfarshire, examined 19th Feb 1917 at Dundee, declared age 38 years 273 days, occupation schoolmaster, height 5 feet 7 1/4 inches, weight 118 lbs, chest measurement fully expanded 36 inches, range of expansion 3 inches, physical development good, vaccination marks 3 on left arm, vision RE-V six twelth 6/12 LE-V ditto 6/12; marks indicating congenital peculiarities or previous disease - mole rt thigh, pappiloma rt neck, tattoo above lt wrist; slight defects but not sufficient to cause rejection - upper denture - defective lower teeth; approved by Robt Clark Capt RAMC medical officer; enlisted at Dundee on 13 day of Nov 1915; joined on enlistment RGA, regtl no 152546.
Medical Inspections 11,17,21.4.17 labs, signed ... Capt RAMC; 19.5.17 dutifully inspected CW Brown 2 RAMC; Bro Ferry 21/1/18 Classification by FMB Dundee Catigory B1(one) for 9 months CW Brown Capt RAMC; 4.12.18 Cat B11 CW Brown Capt RAMC... SCCH/54000(2n).
Service Table - station or troopship Citadel Plymouth, date of arrival 10.4.17, date of departure 26.4.17.
Page 3: (This page damaged in places) Statement of Services of 1525xx Adamson, James;
General Service: Attested, rank Pte, date 13 Jun 1915; To Army reserve, rank Pte, date 14 Jun 1915; Mobilized, rank Pte, date 5.4.17; Posted, rank Pte, date 6.4.17
RGA Depot: Posted, rank Gunman, 5.4.17
To N Scottish RGA ... 25.5.17; appointed u/a/Bdr 19.10.17
22 N Scottish F Born: posted 17.5.18; promoted [rank??] 1.9.18; Reverted A/V/L/Bdr 11.11.18
Transferred to Class "Z" Army Reserve on Demobilization, 6.2.19, signed ... , place Dover, home address 11 Baxter Park Terrace Dundee
Mid Category BH
Character good, sober, honest & hardworking
AFB2067 issued 3 7/23
AFB2068 issued 1 8/23 RGAR00513
13.11.15 1 [day]
5.4.17 - 6.2.19 = 1-308 [y-day]
Total 1-309 [y-day].1 - Military Service*: The Royal Garrison Artillery Lewis Mackay hotelkeeper between 8 January 1917 and 26 April 1919 135893.4
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Source Information Ancestry.com. British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2008. Original data: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO). War Office: Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ (Microfilm Copies); (The National Archives Microfilm Publication WO363); Records created or inherited by the War Office, Armed Forces, Judge Advocate General, and related bodies; The National Archives of the UK (TNA), Kew, Surrey, England. The National Archives give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to The National Archives Image Library, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU, Tel: 020 8392 5225. Fax: 020 8392 5266. [Nov 2013]
- [S33] Interview , CNM told to PCC.
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Ancestry.com. British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2008.
Original data:
War Office: Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ (Microfilm Copies); (The National Archives Microfilm Publication WO363); Records created or inherited by the War Office, Armed Forces, Judge Advocate General, and related bodies; The National Archives of the UK (TNA), Kew, Surrey, England. [Jan 2011] - [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920 [Jun 2020].
the Royal Garrison Artillery1
?, #16711
Last Edited: 19 Jun 2020