- Birth*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher was born on 1 June 1878 at 8 New Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1878 births in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar; ref 226, James Adamson, 1878 June first 9h 40m am at 8 New Road; male; parents David Adamson tailor journeyman & Margaret Adamson ms Kinnear married 1877 June 1st Forfar; signed David Adamson father present; registered 1878 June 17th at Forfar signed W H Thomson registrar.1
- He was the son of David Adamson tailor and Margaret Anderson Kinnear powerloom weaver.
- (Groom) Marriage*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher married Georgina Key tailoress, daughter of George Key farm servant and Ann Gibson Ford domestic servant, on 21 August 1908 at 80 Watson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1908 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; ref 229; 1908 on the twenty-first day of August at 80 Watson Street Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland; Jas K Adamson stationer master bachelor, 30, 177 Albert Street Dundee, David Adamson tailor master (dec) Margaret Gibb prev Adamson ms Kinnear; Georgina Key dressmaker spinster, 28, 80 Watson Street Dundee, George Key harbour porter Ann Gibson Key ms Ford (dec); signed James Boath Wood, William Ferrier Keith, Jessie Millar Fairweather witnesses; 1908 August 24th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.2
- (Deceased) Death*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher died on 27 June 1956 at 31 Farington Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, at age 78 78 years; bronchial carcinoma, diabetes mellitus.
- Obituary: The obituary of James Kinnear Adamson teacher was was published on 28 June 1956. Obituary in Courier & Advertiser (Evening Telegraph?), Dundee 28th(?) June 1956; He Taught Shorthand to Thousands; One of Dundee's best known commercial teachers, Mr James K Adamson, 20 East Haddon Road, died yesterday aged 78. Mr Adamson who was at Stobswell and head of commercial subjects at Logie, taught shorthand to thousands of Dundee pupils, by whom he was held in high esteem. He retired in 1948 and continued part-time tuition work. He was a certificate winner for 180 words per minute at 16 and was teaching shorthand a year later. In all, his career as a teacher lasted 60 years. Mr Adamson was a former secretary, treasurer and president if the EIS, commercial section, St Andrews district, and a life member of the EIS. He was an elder and former treasurer of Park Church and an ex-president of Maryfield Bowling Club. He is survived by Mrs Adamson, two sons and a married daughter.
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher is in this photograph taken circa 1884 at Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher is in this photograph taken in December 1897 Photo with "Mr Mcnaughton" used as Christmas greeting.5
- Occupation*: Between 1901 and 1905 at Durban, Natal, South Africa,
, James was Teacher [retiral notice 1947].5
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher and David Kinnear Adamson clerk civil service are in this photograph taken in 1902 Was in Durban, South Africa at the begining of the 20th Century - photo of bird (turkeys?) enclosure at "Letham Villa". 1902-3 through to 1905-6 Dundee Directory has no entry - it is presumed that this was when JKA & DKA were in South Africa.3
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher is in this photograph taken circa 1903 at Cape Town, South Africa,
- (Immigrant) Immigration*: He and David Kinnear Adamson clerk civil service immigrated on 12 May 1905 to Athenic, London, England,
- (Witness) Marriage: James Kinnear Adamson teacher witnessed the marriage of David Kinnear Adamson clerk civil service and Ann Melville Walker on Friday, 3 July 1908 at Craigieside, Arbroath Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1908 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; 1908 on the third day of July at Craigieside, Arbroath Road Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Congregational Church; David Adamson stationer & printer bachelor, 31, 177 Albert Street Dundee, David Adamson tailor master (dec) Margaret Anderson Adamson ms Kinnear; Annie Walker dressmaker spinster, 28, 31 Wellgate Dundee, George Walker confectioner master Margaret Walker ms Yates (dec); Wm Hamilton minister of Trinity Congregational Church Dundee, J K Adamson, Georgina Walker witnesses; 1908 July 6th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.8
- (Informant) Death: James Kinnear Adamson teacher registered the death of George Key farm servant on 29 November 1908 at 80 Watson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; George Key, Harbour Porter, widower of Ann Ford, 1908 November 29th 8h 40m PM 80 Watson Street, Dundee, male aged 66 years, parents William Key Ploughman (deceased) and Elizabeth Key ms Myres (deseased), senile heart sudden heart failure as certified by Charles Kerr MBTCM, informant Jas K Adamson son-in-law 141 Clepington Road, 1908 November 30th registrar Jas Murray.9
- Photograph*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher is in this photograph taken circa 1913 at Baxter Park, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, along with James Kinnear Adamson MA and Margaret Kinnear Adamson.5
- (Informant) Birth: James Kinnear Adamson teacher registered the birth of Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician on 5 February 1915 at 11 Baxter Park terrace (one stair up & left door), Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1915 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 229; Douglas George Adamson born 1915 February Fifth 8h 10m am at 11 Baxter Park Terrace Dundee, male parents James Kinnear Adamson assistant school teacher and Georgina Adamson ms Key m 1908 August 21st Dundee, signed Jas K Adamson father present, registered 1915 February 23rd at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.10,11
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher and Georgina Key tailoress are in this photograph taken circa 1917 along with Margaret Kinnear Adamson, James Kinnear Adamson MA and Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician.3
- Photograph: Georgina Key tailoress and James Kinnear Adamson teacher are in this photograph taken say 1922 along with Margaret Kinnear Adamson, James Kinnear Adamson MA and Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician.3
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher is in this photograph taken circa 1930 at 20 East Haddon Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with James Kinnear Adamson MA and Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician enjoying a sunny day at the back door.3
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher is in this photograph taken circa 1935 keen on fishing.3
- (Witness) Newspaper Article: He and Georgina Key tailoress, Wilhelmina Scott Ford assistant cashier, David Bell spirit dealer's assistant, carpenter & builder, Lilly Junor and John Gordon Bell were mentioned in a newspaper article about Margaret Kinnear Adamson and David Albert Bell on 15 June 1937. DUNDEE CHURCH BRIDAL Bell-Adamson
In Park Church, Dundee, this afternoon the wedding took place of Miss Margaret Adamson, only daughter of Mr and Mrs James K Adamson, 20 East Haddon Road, Dundee, to Mr David A. Bell, youngest son of the late Mr Bell and of Mrs Bell, 32 Gardner Street, Dundee
The bride was given away by her father. Under a redingote coat of pervenche wool crepe the bride wore an attractive floral crepe de chine dress. The bouquets of flowers stamped on a white ground repeated the blue shade of the coat, and the designs also included pink, green, and yellow tones. Gauging on the bodice and accordion pleating at the hem were features of the dress which had a basque flare.
Her picture hat in blue was trimmed with pink, and she carried a bouquet of pale pink roses and lily of the valley.
Miss Mina S Ford as bridesmaid, favoured a smart pink silk cloque suit, and an eye veil finished her matching pink hat. She had a spray of sweetpeas.
Mr J. Gordon Bell was best man, and the service was conducted by Rev. James Mackay.
A reception followed in Mather's Hotel. The bride's mother was attired in navy satin back marocain and hat to tone, while the bridegroom's mother favoured navy wool georgette and matching hat.12 - Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher and Georgina Key tailoress are in this photograph taken circa 1942 at 20 East Haddon Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and James Kinnear Adamson MA waiting for their boys to come home.5
- Photograph: Georgina Key tailoress and James Kinnear Adamson teacher are in this photograph taken say 1946 at 20 East Haddon Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with James Kinnear Adamson MA + two unidentified.3
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher and Georgina Key tailoress are in this photograph taken circa 1948 along with Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician, James Kinnear Adamson MA, Margaret Kinnear Adamson, David Albert Bell and Kenneth James Gordon Bell.13
- Retirement*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher was retired on 30 April 1948 at Queens Hotel, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Mr J K Adamson; Tribute to a well-known Dundee teacher, Mr James K. Adamson, now retired, was paid last night in Queen's Hotel. He was guest of honour at the annual dinner and social evening of the Commercial Teachers' Section (St Andrews District) Educational Institute of Scotland. Mr R Michie, Rockwell, said Mr Adamson, a native of Forfar, was something of a prodigy at 16, when he gained Pitman's first-class certificate for shorthand writing at 180 words a minute. He was teaching at 17. Mr Adamson spent 37 1/2 years in day schools, but his actual teaching covered 52 years, including four spent in South Africa. He taught principally at Stobswell and Logie, and was a member of the panel for the junior national certificate in commercial subjects. He was seconded to the Ministry of Labour after the first world war to teach disabled man from Angus, Perth and Fife. When the E.I.S. commercial section, St Andrews district, was formed in 1934 Mr Adamson was elected secretary and treasurer. He became president in 1937, and in 1944 was made a life member of the E.I.S. Many teachers would remember Mr Adamson with gratitude, for he as ever at their service with help, advice and encouragement. Mr Adamson's reward must surely lie in the esteem of his former colleagues and the affection and gratitude of so many old pupils scattered all over the world. Miss A. D. S. Robertson, Logie, presented Mr Adamson with a picture. Mrs Adamson received a posy from Miss D. Ballard, Stobswell. Mr Adamson, who is 69 lives at 20 East Haddon Road, Dundee. Thanks were voiced by Mr W. D. M'Gregor Stobswell, and entertainment was provided by Miss Robertson and Mrs Dorothy Fenton (songs) and Mr M'Gregor (violin). Accompanists were Mr Fenton and Mrs M'Gregor.5
- Photograph: James Kinnear Adamson teacher is in this photograph taken circa 1950 striding out in a bowler hat.5
- Photograph*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher and Georgina Key tailoress are in this photograph taken on 1 July 1950 at St Paul's Church, Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Helen Key sack machinist.14
- (Father of Groom) Marriage: His son Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician married Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister on 1 July 1950 at St Paul's Church, Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Extract of and Entry in a Register of Marriages kept on the undermentioned Parish or District in terms of 17 & 18 Victoriae, Cap 80 $$ 56 & 58.
1950 on the First day of July at St Paul's Church Nethergate Dundee after Banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, Signed Douglas George Adamson medical practitioner batchelor aged 35, residing 20 East Haddon Road Dundee, parents James Kinnear Adamson school teacher retired and Georgina Adamson ms Key; signed Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister spinster, aged 25, residing 25 Perth Road Dundee, parents Alexander Miller chiropodist and Kate Miller ms Nicolson; signed James Munn of St Paul's Dundee, signed Marion C Miller 25 Perth Road Dundee & George H Smith 10 Baldovan Road Dundee witnesses; registered 1950 July 3rd at Dundee signed C W Baxter interim registrar; Extracted from the Register Book of Marriages for the District of St Mary & St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee this 4th day of July 1950, signed C W Baxter interim registrar.15 - (Witness) Newspaper Article: James Kinnear Adamson teacher and Georgina Key tailoress, Alexander Miller chiropodist, Kate Nicolson shirt maker, Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist, George Harvey Smith lecturer of Pathology, John Henry Prain medical practitioner, James Kinnear Adamson MA and Rev James Munn MA minister Mariners', St Pauls 1937-1952 were mentioned in a newspaper article about Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister on 1 July 1950. Dundee Church Wedding
The wedding took place to-day in Paul's Church, Dundee, of Dr. Douglas George Adamson younger son of Mr and Mrs James Adamson, 20 East Haddon Road and Miss Catherine Nicolson Miller second daughter of Mr and Mrs Alexander Miller, 25 Perth Road.
The bride was given away by her father. She wore a gown of white French lame with sleeves and yoke of white lace. The skirt was topped by shirred bodice, hand embroidered silk net veil fell from an orange blossom head-dress and she carried a bouquet of pale pink roses and white heather.
Dr Marion C. Miller (bride's sister), and eight-year-old M. Lilian Bell (groom's niece); who attended Miss Miller, both wore dresses of white taffeta under white net. Dr Miller's gown featured a peplum and bodice with a heart-shaped neckline. The little girl's was trimmed with lovers' knots and rosebuds in pink and mauve to match both bouquets and head-dresses.
Best man was Dr George H. Smith, ushers, were Dr John H. Prain and Mr James K. Adamson, jun., and A. Morrisison Reid.
The ceremony was conducted by Rev James Munn, assisted by Rev. James Mackay. The reception was in Kidd’s Rooms.16 - Newspaper Article*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher was mentioned in a newspaper article Extract from
Park Church Monthly
September 1956
Congregational Register
In Memoriam
June 27 - Mr J K Adamson, 20 East Haddon Road
On 27th June passed away after a longering illness one who will be sadly missed, not in Park Church alone but by a wide circle of friends. Mr J K Adamson served the Master in out Church for many years as elder, member of the Congregatioanl Board and as Church Treasurer. He was always a sprighthly figure and proved a most loyal and devoted servant of the Master. He did not look his age, but kept his tall, upright carriage to the end. Now he is gone and he will be missed, for his heart lay in Park and he was ever an encourager. His gift of humour and his many bearing we shall long remember. We thank God for a life well spent, full of good works and kindly deeds. To his devoted wife and family we send our sincere sympathy in their sad loss. in September 1956.17 - (Spouse) Death: His spouse Georgina Key tailoress died on 24 August 1972 at DRI, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 92 years; left ventricular failure, ischaemic heart disease, hiatal hernia, gastro intestinal haemorrhage.
- Military Service*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher served with the Royal Garrison Artillery between 1914 and 1918 Was stationed at Broughty Ferry Castle during WW1.28
- Military Service: James Kinnear Adamson teacher served with the Royal Garrison Artillery on 13 November 1915 at Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, Short Service Attestation of no 142546 James Kinnear Adamson Corps R G A [Royal Garrison Artillery] Card 43/8; James Kinnear Adamson, 11 Baxter Park Terrace Dundee, British Subject, aged 37 years 166 days, teacher, married, have served in Forces previously (branch not stated), willing to be vaccinated, willing to be enlisted for General Service, received a Notice [of call up] and understand its meaning, given by G Forward Sea M..., willing to serve upon the following conditions provided His Majesty should so long require services - for the duration of the War, at the end of which you will be discharged with all convenient speed. You will be required to serve for one day with the Colours and the remainder if the period in the Army Reserve, in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Warrant dated 20th Oct 1915 until such time as you may be called up by order of the Army Council. If employed woth Hospitals depots of Mounted Units, or as a clerk, etc, you may be retained after the termination of hostilities until your services can be spared, but such retention shall in no case exceed six months. I James Kinnear Adamson do solemnly declare that the above answers made by me to the above questions are true, and that I am willing to fulfil the engagements made. signed James Kinnear Adamson, signed George Forward witness.
Oath to be taken by recruit on attestation - I James Kinnear Adamson swear by Almighty God, that I will be faithful and bear true Allegience to His Majesty King George the Fifth, His Heirs, and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, homestly and faithfully defend His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and of the General and Officers set over me. So help me God.
Certificate of Magistrate or Attesting Officer. The recruit above named was cutioned by me that is he made any false answer to any of the above questions he would be liable to be punished as provided in the Army Act. The above questions were then read to the Recruit in my presence. I have taken care that he understands each question, and that his answer to each question has been duly entered as ... to, and the said recruit has made and signed the declarion and taken the oath before me at Dundee on the 13 day of Nov 1915. Signature of the Justice G M Golded 2nd Lieut.
Certificate of Approving Officer. I certify that this Attestation of the above-names Recruit is correct, and properly filler up, and that the required forms appear to have been complied with. I accordingly approve, and appoint him to the RGA. I enlisted by special authority, Army Form B 203 ( or other authority for the enlistment) will be attached to the original attestation. Date 12.4.1917. Place Citadel, Plymouth. Signed A Harreifbath Hon Liuet Col RGA Commanding No 8 Depot RGA Approving Officer.
Page 2: Descriptive Report on Enlistment. James Kinnear Adamson height 5 feet 7inches, chest girth fully expanded 34 1/2 inches, distinctive marks mole top left groin, anchor on back left forearm.
Information Supplied by the Recruit: Name and address of next-of-kin Mrs Georgeiana Key or Adamson, 11 Baxter Park Terrace, Dundee, relationship wife. Particulars as to Marriage: Georgina Key spinster, place & date of marriage Dundee 15 Aug 1908, present address 11 Baxter Paark Terrace, Dundee, initials of verifying officer JRF lieutenant major. Particulars as to Children: Margaret Kinnear 4.6.09 Dundee, James Kinnear 14.8.11 Dundee, Douglas George 5.2.15 Dundee. Initialled as above.
Medical History of Adamson, James: General Table - birthplace parish Forfar, county Forfarshire, examined 19th Feb 1917 at Dundee, declared age 38 years 273 days, occupation schoolmaster, height 5 feet 7 1/4 inches, weight 118 lbs, chest measurement fully expanded 36 inches, range of expansion 3 inches, physical development good, vaccination marks 3 on left arm, vision RE-V six twelth 6/12 LE-V ditto 6/12; marks indicating congenital peculiarities or previous disease - mole rt thigh, pappiloma rt neck, tattoo above lt wrist; slight defects but not sufficient to cause rejection - upper denture - defective lower teeth; approved by Robt Clark Capt RAMC medical officer; enlisted at Dundee on 13 day of Nov 1915; joined on enlistment RGA, regtl no 152546.
Medical Inspections 11,17,21.4.17 labs, signed ... Capt RAMC; 19.5.17 dutifully inspected CW Brown 2 RAMC; Bro Ferry 21/1/18 Classification by FMB Dundee Catigory B1(one) for 9 months CW Brown Capt RAMC; 4.12.18 Cat B11 CW Brown Capt RAMC... SCCH/54000(2n).
Service Table - station or troopship Citadel Plymouth, date of arrival 10.4.17, date of departure 26.4.17.
Page 3: (This page damaged in places) Statement of Services of 1525xx Adamson, James;
General Service: Attested, rank Pte, date 13 Jun 1915; To Army reserve, rank Pte, date 14 Jun 1915; Mobilized, rank Pte, date 5.4.17; Posted, rank Pte, date 6.4.17
RGA Depot: Posted, rank Gunman, 5.4.17
To N Scottish RGA ... 25.5.17; appointed u/a/Bdr 19.10.17
22 N Scottish F Born: posted 17.5.18; promoted [rank??] 1.9.18; Reverted A/V/L/Bdr 11.11.18
Transferred to Class "Z" Army Reserve on Demobilization, 6.2.19, signed ... , place Dover, home address 11 Baxter Park Terrace Dundee
Mid Category BH
Character good, sober, honest & hardworking
AFB2067 issued 3 7/23
AFB2068 issued 1 8/23 RGAR00513
13.11.15 1 [day]
5.4.17 - 6.2.19 = 1-308 [y-day]
Total 1-309 [y-day].29 - (Groom) Marriage*: He married Georgina Key tailoress, daughter of George Key farm servant and Ann Gibson Ford domestic servant, on 21 August 1908 at 80 Watson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1908 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; ref 229; 1908 on the twenty-first day of August at 80 Watson Street Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland; Jas K Adamson stationer master bachelor, 30, 177 Albert Street Dundee, David Adamson tailor master (dec) Margaret Gibb prev Adamson ms Kinnear; Georgina Key dressmaker spinster, 28, 80 Watson Street Dundee, George Key harbour porter Ann Gibson Key ms Ford (dec); signed James Boath Wood, William Ferrier Keith, Jessie Millar Fairweather witnesses; 1908 August 24th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.2
- (Witness) Note for Web: James Kinnear Adamson teacher and David Kinnear Adamson clerk civil service and Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician was mentioned with Agnes Burnet Stewart Adamson after 8 February 1935. When she died, left money to her nephews (her brother David's sons) James Kinnear Adamson and David Adamson. Or was it to her great nephews (sons of James Kinnear Adamson)? Douglas George Adamson - he would have been about 20 and at St Andrews University - bought (or was given?) a microscope.30
- Note for Web*: James Kinnear Adamson teacher Was an expert in Pitmans shorthand and was well known and respected as a teacher of the subject in Dundee. Taught shorthand to employees of D C Thomson and was head of commercial subjects at Logie School (later Harris Academy Annexe). circa July 1956.31
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Births 1878 Forfar ref 226 image held [Aug 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS stautory marriages, image held 1908 Dundee St Andrew ref 229 [ Aug 2004].
- [S43] PCC photographic collection.
- PCC Photographic Collection
- [S43] PCC.
- [S133] Interview with unknown informant (unknown informant address). Unknown repository (unknown repository address), from DDB.
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) via The National Archives: Class: BT26; Piece: 248; Item: 63.
Source Information: Ancestry.com. UK, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2008. Original data: Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Inwards Passenger Lists. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). Series BT26, 1,472 pieces.
Data imaged from the National Archives, London, England. The National Archives gives no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to the National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. [Jun 2013] - [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriages 1908 Dundee St Andrew, ref 162; image held [Aug 2004].
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: offical copy from Dundee registrar, Dundee City Council Registrar, Commercial Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland. Hereinafter cited as DCC Registry Office.
- [S43] CNM Family Bible.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Births 1915 Dundee, St Andrew ref 282/04 0229 [Sep 2013] image held [Jan 2016].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers & periodicals collection Dundee Evening Telegraph [Nov 2019].
- [S43] Held by PCC.
- [S43] CNM DGA Wedding Album [1950].
- [S43] Original marriage extract held with personal papers of CNM [Feb 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspaper collection, Dundee Evening Telegraph [Nov 2019].
- [S43] PCC [Jun 2021].
- [S30] LDS 1881 Census FHL Film 0203492 GRO ref vol 288 enumdist 7 page 14.
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Cenus 1881 Forfar St James 288/00 007/00 014 image held [Sep 2014].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS ref 1891 Dundee Wallacetown 282/04 020/04 043 image held [Oct 2007].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS census 1901 Dundee 282/04 009/07 048 [Aug 2007].
- [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, 1906. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
- [S37] Dundee Directory, 1907.
- [S37] Dundee Directory, 1908.
- [S37] Dundee Directory, 1909.
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS census 1911 307/00 002/00 015 [Apr 2011].
- [S51] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Valuation Rolls 1940 VR009800371-/202, Dundee Burgh [Jul 2019].
- [S33] Interview , CNM told to PCC.
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Source Information Ancestry.com. British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2008. Original data: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO). War Office: Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ (Microfilm Copies); (The National Archives Microfilm Publication WO363); Records created or inherited by the War Office, Armed Forces, Judge Advocate General, and related bodies; The National Archives of the UK (TNA), Kew, Surrey, England. The National Archives give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to The National Archives Image Library, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU, Tel: 020 8392 5225. Fax: 020 8392 5266. [Nov 2013]
- [S33] Interview, CNMA.
- [S6] PCC.
James Kinnear Adamson teacher
M, #55, b. 1 June 1878, d. 27 June 1956
Last Edited: 4 Aug 2024
Father*: David Adamson tailor b. 25 Dec 1852, d. 27 Dec 1880
Mother*: Margaret Anderson Kinnear powerloom weaver b. 20 Jan 1854, d. 31 May 1926
Mother*: Margaret Anderson Kinnear powerloom weaver b. 20 Jan 1854, d. 31 May 1926
Grandfather of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Military Service
Georgina Key tailoress b. 29 Mar 1880, d. 24 Aug 1972
Margaret Kinnear Adamson+ b. 4 Jun 1909, d. 5 Aug 2003
James Kinnear Adamson MA+ b. 14 Aug 1911, d. 13 Dec 1996
Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician+ b. 5 Feb 1915, d. 9 Apr 1979
James Kinnear Adamson MA+ b. 14 Aug 1911, d. 13 Dec 1996
Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician+ b. 5 Feb 1915, d. 9 Apr 1979
Adamson, David c1765 descendants
Beattie, Mary s1730 descendants
Burnet, Alexander c1768 descendants
Crighton, John c 1731 descendants
Doughtie, William c1700 descendants
Foord, Thomas c1717/18 descendants
Galloway, Rebecca c1720 descendants
Gibson, Alexander c1750 descendants
Hall, Jannet c1770 descendants
Hill, Margaret c1764 descendants
Jarren, Jannet c1717/18 descendants
Key, George c1770 descendants
Kinnear, Charles c1740 descendants
Law, Alexander c1740 descendants
Mackie, Janet c1804 descendants
Mathew, Margaret c1740 descendants
Mennons, John c1720 descendants
Mitchell, Agnes c1729/30 descendants
Myres, John c1790 descendants
Napier, William 1727 descendants
Neave, James c1756 descendants
Richie, Agnes c1700 descendants
Scott, David c1785 descendants
Simson, John c1755 descendants
Stark, Jean c1755 descendants
Steven, Elizabeth c1751/52 descendants
Stewart, Jane c1785 descendants
Strang, Agnes c1768 descendants
Stirling, David c1729/30 descendants
Strang, Agnes c1768 descendants
Wallace, Janet c1752 descendants
Young, Helen c1750 descendants
My Adamson Folk - descendant chart
Beattie, Mary s1730 descendants
Burnet, Alexander c1768 descendants
Crighton, John c 1731 descendants
Doughtie, William c1700 descendants
Foord, Thomas c1717/18 descendants
Galloway, Rebecca c1720 descendants
Gibson, Alexander c1750 descendants
Hall, Jannet c1770 descendants
Hill, Margaret c1764 descendants
Jarren, Jannet c1717/18 descendants
Key, George c1770 descendants
Kinnear, Charles c1740 descendants
Law, Alexander c1740 descendants
Mackie, Janet c1804 descendants
Mathew, Margaret c1740 descendants
Mennons, John c1720 descendants
Mitchell, Agnes c1729/30 descendants
Myres, John c1790 descendants
Napier, William 1727 descendants
Neave, James c1756 descendants
Richie, Agnes c1700 descendants
Scott, David c1785 descendants
Simson, John c1755 descendants
Stark, Jean c1755 descendants
Steven, Elizabeth c1751/52 descendants
Stewart, Jane c1785 descendants
Strang, Agnes c1768 descendants
Stirling, David c1729/30 descendants
Strang, Agnes c1768 descendants
Wallace, Janet c1752 descendants
Young, Helen c1750 descendants
My Adamson Folk - descendant chart