- (Child) Birth*: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was born circa 1842.1
- Marriage*: He married Ann Law on Thursday, 27 February 1868 at 38 Nethergate, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
- (Deceased) Death*: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee died on 28 December 1879 at Tay Bridge, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, At approximately 7.15pm on 28 December 1879 the first Tay Rail Bridge collapsed. The weather that evening saw violent storms with gale force winds. Moments before the bridge fell, a train travelling from Wormit in Fife to Dundee began to cross it. As the wind hammered into the bridge, a horrified signalman watched as he saw sparks fly from the train, a sudden flash of bright light and then complete darkness suddenly descend. All communication with the signal cabin at the north end of the bridge had been lost.
A poignant telegram was sent by the Station Master at Dundee to the North British Railway Company’s Engineer at Portobello, near Edinburgh:
‘Terrible accident on Bridge one or more of high girders blown down – am not sure as to the safety of last train down from Edinr [Edinburgh] will advise further as soon as can be obtained.’
National Records of Scotland, GD1/556/8
The train, high girders, and much of the iron work supporting the piers were found in the water. There were no survivors: only 46 bodies were recovered out of the 59 known victims aboard. It was estimated by the Board of the Inquiry into the disaster, however, that taking into account employees and season holders, that it was likely that 74 or 75 individuals had been on board.
One of the 46 bodies recovered was that of David Neish. David was a school master and registrar of births, deaths and marriages. He was 37 years old, married to Ann Law and lived at 51 Coupar Street, Lochee, Dundee.
Death entry for David Neish
National Records of Scotland, Statutory Register of Deaths, 282/2/84
An entry in the Register of Corrected Entries (RCE), is also attached to the register entry for David’s death. RCEs include additional information about a person’s death, often as the result of inquiry into the circumstances of an accidental or sudden death.
Register of Corrected Entries for death of David Neish
National Records of Scotland, Register of Corrected Entries, 282/2/006/84
For more information about RCEs and statutory death records, please see our guide on statutory register of deaths.
On 28 January 1880 The 'Dundee Courier' reported that three weeks after the discovery of David’s body, the body of a young girl, aged around five years old was discovered on Wormit beach. She was identified as Bella Neish. Bella (Isabella) was David’s daughter, who had travelled to Kirkcaldy with her father on the Saturday before the accident, against her mother’s wishes. In her pockets was found a penny and a gold plated brooch.1 - (Registrar) Birth: He was the officiating registrar when the birth of Margaret Helen Paterson housekeeper was registered on 27 March 1870 at 152 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1870 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; ref 89; Margaret Helen Paterson; 1870 March twenty-seventh 9h 50m pm 152 High Street Lochee; f; John Paterson yarn bundler Mary Paterson ms Findlay 1851 February 4th Montrose; John Paterson father present; 1870 April 4th at Lochee David Neish registrar.3,4
- (Resident) Address: As of 1871, David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 114 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District— James Young, Registrar. Office, 224 Perth Road.
2d or Si Mary's District—James Anderson Registrar; Office, Ward House, Ward Road.
3rd or St Clement' District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform Street.
4th or Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office; 10 King Street.
5th or Lochee District—David Neish, Registrar; Office' 114 High Street, Lochee
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; and from 6 to 3 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 amt. to 3 p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations. within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, com- mencing at the point in the Blackness Road where the Western boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness Road, the road leading past Glenagnes Cottage, Balgay Street, Lochee Road to Union Place; AhetteeildPng-theadddle of Union Place and Loons Road to the Old Newtyle Railway;, thooe along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary 'Westwards and Southwards, feolhe point in the Black ness Road before mentioned.5 - (Registrar) Marriage: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Jane McDonald jute spinner and John Dickson carpet weaver on Friday, 21 April 1871 at St Margaret's Chapel, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; after banns according to the forms of the Scottish Episcopal Church; both signed by mark; bothe residing 6 Balgay Street Lochee; officiating clergy JAmes Russsell Milne; witnesses William & Sarah Walker; registrar David Neish.6
- (Registrar) Birth: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Catherine Laing Paterson twine baller was registered on 14 May 1873 at 152 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1873 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 173; Catherine Paterson, 1873 May Fourteenth 6h 15m am 152 High Street Lochee; f, father John Paterson joiners labourer, Mary Paterson ms Findlay, m 1851 Feb 4 Montrose; John Paterson father present, 1873 May 23rd at Lochee David Neish registrar.3,7
- (Registrar) Marriage: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Ann Barclay powerloom weaver and David Cuthbert Neave baker on Monday, 23 June 1873 at Angus Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1873 marriages in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 51; 1873 on the Twenty-third day of June at Angus Street Lochee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church; David Neave baker journy batchelor, 20, 1 South Mid Street Lochee, parents James Neave baker (dec) & Isabella Neave ms Cuthbert (dec); and Ann Barclay powerloom weaver spinster, 20 Angus Street Lochee, parents James Barclay labourer jute warehouse & Elizabeth Barclay ms Bell; signed William Wright officiating minister, William Yeaman, Elizabeth Dow, witnesses; registered 1873 June 26th at Lochee signed David Neish registrar.8,9
- (Resident) Address: As of 1874, David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 114 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 224 Perth road.
2ct or St Maris District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
Bet or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform street.
4t4 or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King
street. 5th or Lochee District—David Neish, Registrar; Office, 114 High street,
Lochee. Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays,
from 10 a.m. to I p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and I3envie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow ...
Filth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Blackness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes Cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place; thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old New tyle Railway; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.5 - (Registrar) Death: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Smith was registered on 14 October 1874 at 6 Camperdown Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1874 deaths in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 244; Alexander Smith baker jour. married to Isabella Downie; 1874 October Fourteenth 2h 50m pm 6 Camperdown Street Lochee; male aged 48 yeqars; parents John Smith spirit dealer (dec) and Agnes Smith ms Deuchars (dec); cause pneumonia 8 days, retention of urine 5 days as cert by Thos S Gray MD Dundee; informant Alexander Smith son present, Pathhead, parish of Dunino [St Andrews]; registered 1874 October 16th at Lochee James Brown assist registrar initialled DN.10
- (Registrar) Marriage: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Henry Paterson jute mill overseer and Ann Munro weaver on Friday, 10 December 1875 at South Road, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1875 on the 10th day of December at South Road Lochee after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, Henry Paterson jute mill overseer bachelor, 20, 152 High Street Lochee, fath John Paterson joiner labourer, Mary Paterson ms Findlay, Ann Munro powerloom weaver spinster, 20, Leitch's Ld South Road Lochee, James Munro powerloom tenter, moth Ann Munro ms Bell (dec), signed Peter Macleod, wit John Paterson, Ann Laird, reg 1875 December 14th at Lochee David Neish registrar.11
- (Resident) Address: As of 1876, David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 114 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clemeat's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform street.
4th or St Axdreto's tl acdiarmid, Registrar; Office 16 King street.
511t or Loohee District—David Neish, Registrar; Office, 114 High street, Lochet.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays,
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz.:—Births within 21days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 8 days; Vaccinations within 6 mouths, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. o Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie,comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :
Fifth, or Lochee District, to compre- hend and includet hat portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Blackness road where the Western Boandary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place; thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtylo Railway; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.5 - (Registrar) Birth: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of John Paterson was registered on 19 August 1876 at 152 High Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; John Paterson 1876 August 19th 6h 45m pm 152 High Street Lochee, m, fath Henry Paterson jute mill overseer, moth Ann Paterson ms Munro, marr 1875 Dec 10th Lochee, inf Henry Paterson father present, registered 1876 September 4th at Lochee David Neish registrar.12
- (Registrar) Marriage: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of David Kinnear and Helen Mitchell on Thursday, 5 April 1877 at 1 South Mid Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1877 marriages in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 28; 1877 on the fifth day of April at 1 South Mid STreet Lochee afetr banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, signed David Kinnear jute mill overseer bachelor aged 22, residing at 7 Park lace Lochee, parents David Kinnear seaman MS (dec) and Isabella Kinnear ms Mason (dec); signed Helen Lawson Mitchell warper jute mill spinster, aaged 22, residing 1 South Mid Street Lochee, parents David Mitchell engine tenter jute mill and Margaret Mitchell ms Anderson; signed William Wright minister, signed David Mitchell, Isabell Kinnear, witnesses; registered 1877 April 7th at Lochee David Neish regsitrar.13,14
- (Resident) Address: As of 1878, David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 114 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St lietry's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
Lid or & Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 26 Euclid ,crescent.
4th or kit Andrew's .Distriet—Fin.lay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office. 16 King street.
5th or Locleee Distriet—Davld Neish, Registrar ; Office, 114 High street,
Locbee. Office flours, from 10 a.m. to S p.m., aud from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Registrations must he effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Lill and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Fift u, or Loch.ee District, to compre- hend and include that portion of the Burgh, tiommencing at the point in the Blackness road where the Western BoundarfeT,the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness road, t le road leading past Glenagnes lp cottage, Balgay street, I.,ochee road to Union)ace ; thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the 0141'N-e-s, ttyle Railway; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern ,Boundary,qf the Burgh;' then 0 along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to th'6'faoint in the llacknOs road , before mentioned.5 - (Registrar) Birth: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Henry Paterson coachbuilder was registered on 11 June 1878 at 152 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1878 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 185; Henry Paterson, 1878 June Eleventh 5h 25m am 152 High Street Lochee; f, father Henry Paterson jute mill overseer, Ann Paterson ms Munro, m 1875 Dec 10th Lochee; Henry Paterson father present, 1878 June 19th at Lochee David Neish registrar.15
- (Registrar) Marriage: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Thomas Matthew machine fitter and Mary Jane Paterson powerloom weaver on Monday, 24 June 1878 at 152 High Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1878 on the 21st day of June at 152 High Street Lochee after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland Thomas Matthew machine-fitter bachelor, 22, 1 Taylor Street Lochee, fath Thomas Matthew blacksmith journeyman, moth Elizabeth Matthew ms Ramsay, Mary Jane Paterson (her mark) powerloom weaver spinster, wit P Macleod, Henry Paterson, 20, 152 High Street Lochee, fath John Paterson joiners labourer, moth Mary Paterson ms Findlay, signed P Macleod minister of St Lukes, wit John Matthew, Margaret Law, reg 1878 June 24th at Lochee David Neish resistrar.16
- (Registrar) Marriage: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Peter McDougal seaman merchant service and Magdalene Paterson spinner on Friday, 2 August 1878 at 152 High Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1878 on the 2nd day of August at 152 High Street Lochee after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, Peter McDougall seaman merchant service bachelor, 24, 11 Whorter Bank Lochee, fath John McDougall flaxdresser (dec), moth Helen McDougall ms Hunter, Magdalene Patterson spinner jute mill spinster, 26, 152 High Street Lochee, fath John Patterson labourer jute factory, moth Mary Patterson ms Findlay, signed William Knight minister, wit John Milkern, Betsy McDougall, reg 1878 August 5th at Lochee David Neish registrar.17
- (Registrar) Birth: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Mary Bell Goodlet dressmaker was registered on 26 October 1878 at 40 Balgay Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1878 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 349; Mary Goodlet born 1878 October Twenty-sixth at 9hr 45m am at 40 Balgay Street Dundee; female, parents John Goodlet engine fitter and Janet Goodlet ms Bell who married 1871 June 23rd at Dundee, signed John Goodlet father present; registered 1878 November 18th at Lochee signed David Neish registrar.18
- (Registrar) Death: David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of John Paterson master seaman MS was registered on 11 March 1879 at 152 High Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1879 John Paterson general labourer married to Mary Findlay 1879 March 11th 11h 50m pm 152 High Street Lochee, m, 48 years, fath William Paterson flax mill overseer (dec) moth Euphemia Paterson ms Orkney (dec), phthisis 2 years, haemoptysis 6 months as cert by Jas H Lennox LFPrSV, inf Henry Paterson son present, reg 1879 March 12th at Lochee David Neish registrar.19,20
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/article/tay-bridge-disaster [Aug 2018].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Stautory Marriages 1868 Dundee, St Mary 282/2 33 image held [Aug 2018].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), C112823 /6035516.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held, from SS [Sept 2009].
- [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, digital collection PCC. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriages 1871 Lochee, ref 282/5/38, image held [Sept 2021].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory births 282/05 0173; from CPT [Jun 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriages 1873 Dundee ref 282/05 0051 [Aug 2007].
- [S40] SN [Feb 2013].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Stautory Death 1874 Lochee 282/05 0244 [Oct 2010] & [??from MI [Sept 2009].]
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriage 1875 Lochee ref 282/05 0123 image held [PCC Aug 2005 CPT Jun 2009].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Birth 1876 Lochee ref 282/05 0304; image held [Aug 2005 & CPT Jun 2009].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Birth 1887 St Andrew Dundee 282/04 1528 [Nov 2011].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriages 1877 Lochee Dundee 282/05 0028 [Nov 2011].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory births 1878 Lochee ref 282/05 0185; image held [from CPT Jun 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriage 1878 Lochee ref 282/05 0039 [PCC Aug 2005 CPT Jun 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Birth 1878 Dundee Lochee ref 282/5 349 image held [Mar 2018].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) [submitted by LDS member after 1991] [phthisis = Hemoptysis or haemoptysis is the expectoration (coughing up) of blood or of blood-stained sputum from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs (e.g. in tuberculosis or other respiratory infections). src http://en.wikipedia.org [Aug 2009].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, [Aug 2005].
David Neish registrar Dundee, Lochee
M, #7497, b. circa 1842, d. 28 December 1879
Last Edited: 9 Nov 2021