- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of James Neave Forfarshire militia, shoemaker, parish beadle was registered on 31 March 1868 at 4 Green Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; James Neave parish beadle widower of Agnes Doughty; died 1868 March Thirty-first 11h 15min PM at 4 Green Street Forfar; male aged 86 years; parents James Neave parish beadle (deceased) Isobel Neave ms Crighton (deceased); cause chronic bronchitis duration several years as certified by Geo P Alexander surgeon; signed James Neave son present; registered 1868 April 1st at Forfar signed James Burns Registrar.1,2,3
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Isabel Cuthbert was registered on 1 May 1869 at Nursey Feus, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1869 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar ref 81, Isabel Neave married to James Neave baker journeyman illegitimate, 1869 May First about 7h am Nursey Feus Forfar, female aged 45 years parents William Cuthbert general labourer (dec) no mother stated, valvular disease of heart with mariasa years as cert by William Murray LRCS Edin, signed James Neave [ his mark] widower witnessed James Burns registrar, registered 1869 May 4th at Forfar James Burns regsitrar.4
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of John Adamson linen weaver was registered on 27 July 1869 at 8 Victoria Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1869 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 151; John Adamson linen weaver married to Margaret Burns prev. to Elizabeth Doig, 1869 July twenty-seventh 10h 0m am 8 Victoria Street Forfar, m, 76 years, David Adamson linen weaver (dec) Janet Adamson ms Hall (dec) chronic dysentery weeks as cert by William F Murray LRCS Ed, David Adamson brother 30 South Street Forfar; registered 1869 July 28th at Forfar James Burns registrar.5
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Jane Adamson dressmaker was registered on 6 December 1870 at Prior Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Forfarshire,
; Jane Adamson dressmaker single illegitimate died 1870 December sixth 5h 40m am at Prior Road Forfar; female aged 21 years, parents Thomas Adamson ploughman reputed (dec) and Agnes Fairweather linen weaver; cause Phthisis months as cert by Wiliam F Murray LRCS Edin; signed James Fairweather uncle present; registered 1870 December 6th at Forfar signed James Burns registrar.6
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of William Fairweather linen weaver was registered on 29 December 1870 at Prior Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Forfarshire,
; William Fairweather linen weaver widower of Isabel Wilkie died 1870 December Twenty--Nineth at 6h 45m am at Prior Road Forfar; male aged 84 years; parents David Fairweather pendicler (dec) and Isabel Fairweather ms Williamson (dec); cause senile decay no immediate medical attendant; signed James Fairweather son present; registered 1870 December 29th at Forfar signed James Burns registrar.7
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Tosh baker and Euphemia Welsh on Friday, 30 December 1870 at Castle Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1871 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 1; 1870 on the Thirtieth day of December at Castle Street Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Episcopal Church, signed James Tosh baker journeyman widower, aged 41, Castle Street Forfar parents John Tosh toll-keeper (dec) and Ann Edward domestic servant (dec); signed Euphemia her x mark Welsh domestic servant spinster, aged 30 parents David Welsh vintner (dec) and MAry Welsh ms Milne; signed William G Shaw Episcopal Clegyman Forfar, signed Wm Welsh, Jessie McLaren witness; 1871 January 2nd at Forfar James Burns registrar.8,9
- (Witness) Marriage: James Burns registrar Forfar witnessed the marriage of Thomas Adamson and Janet Smith on Monday, 2 January 1871 at Parish Manse, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1871 on the 2nd day of January at the Parish Manse Forfar according to the forms of the established Church of Scotland, Thomas Adamson grocery salesman, bachelor, 29, 173 East High Street Forfar, fath David Adamson linen weaver, moth Janet Gardiner Adamson ms Neave; Jessie Smith factory worker, spinster, 22, South Street Forfar, fath Andrew Smith general labourer, moth Betty Smith ms Milne, signed R Stevenson min of Forfar, wit James Halkett, Jessie Adamson, reg 1871 January 6th at Forfar, James Burns registrar.10
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of John Neave tailor master was registered on 8 April 1871 at Manor Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1871 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 84; John Neave tailor master married to Ann Crighton, 1871 April Eighth 8h 40m am Manor Street Forfar, male aded 50 years, parents Alexander neave linen weaver (dec) and Jean NEave ms Kydd, disease of heart years as cert by Charles Hunter surgeon, signed James Neave brother 41 East High Street Forfar, registered 1871 April 8th at Forfar James Burns registrar.11
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Adamson labourer was registered on 12 January 1872 at Poorhouse, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1872 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 16; Alexander Adamson general labourer widower of Jean Scott, 1872 January Twelfth 6h 0m am Poorhouse Forfar, male aged 70 years; parents William Adamson warper (dec) & Jean Adamson ms Hall (dec); cause paralysis 6 months as cert by Charles Hunter surgeon; signed Andrew Adamson brother 8 Bell Place Forfar; registered 1872 January 13th at Forfar James Burns registrar.12
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of David Adamson linen hand loom weaver was registered on 20 April 1872 at 163 East High Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1872 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 92; David Adamson linen weaver married to Janet Neave, 1872 April twentieth 9h 0m pm 163 East High Street Forfar, m, 75 years, David Adamson linen weaver (dec) Janet Adamson ms Hall (dec), congestion of lungs 7 days as cert by William T Murray LRCS Ed, James Adamson son present, registered 1872 April 22nd at Forfar, James Burns registrar.13
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Martha Adamson was registered on 1 July 1872 at 17 Zoar, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 147; Martha Rodger widow of Andrew Rodger gardener, 1872 July First 5h 30m pm 17 Loar Forfar, female aged 58 years, parents Robert Adamson carrier (dec) and Margaret Adamson ms Bruce (dec), gangrene of lungs 10 days as cert by William F Murray LRCS Edin, signed David Adamson brother 8 Graham Place Prince's Street Dundee, registered 1872 July 2nd at Forfar signed James Burns registrar.14,15
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Mary Milne linen hand winder was registered on 29 November 1872 at Castle Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1872 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 219; Mary Welsh widow of David Welsh vintner, 1873 November Twenty-nineth 1h 30m am Castle Road Forfar, female aged 72 years, parents [unknown] Milne (dec) and [unknown] Milne ms [unknown] (dec), disease of the heart, chronic, as cert by A R Smith staff surgeon AR; A M Welsh son Reform street Kirriemuir, registered 1872 November 29th at Forfar James Burns registrar.16
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Janet Fleming was registered on 29 December 1872 at Green Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
- (Registrar) Death: James Burns registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Agnes Paterson was registered on 11 April 1873 at 3 Archie's Park, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1872 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 91; Agnes Adamson married to John Adamson general labourer, illegitimate; 1873 April eleventh 8h 0m pm 3 Archie's Park Forfar; female aged 42 years; Isabella Paterson farmer's daughter; typhoid fever in child bed 14 days as cert by William F Murray LRCS Ed; John Adamson widower present; 1878 April 12th at Forfar James Burns registrar.19
- [S40] From JB [2003].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Stautory death registration 1868 Forfar ref 21 image from JB [Aug 2003].
- [S40] WF [Feb 2006].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1869 Forfar 288/00 0081 [Aug 2007].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1869 Forfar ref 151, image held [Aug 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory death 1870 Forfar, ref 288/X 36 image held [Feb 2022].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory death 1870 Forfar, ref 288/X 55 image held [Feb 2022].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriage 1871 Forfar 288/00/0001 [Mar 2014].
- [S40] CM [Mar 2014].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1871 Forfar image held [Aug 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1871 Forfar 288/00 0084 [Apr 2013].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1872 Forfar 288/00 0016 image held [Oct 2014].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1872 Forfar ref 92 [Aug 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 1872 Forfar 288/00 0147 [Oct 2010].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 1855 Kirriemuir 299/00 0136 [Oct 2010].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1872 Forfar 288/00 0219 [Mar 2014].
- [S47] Ancestry.com Ancestry Public Member Trees, Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2006;, Ancestry Tree user bevknapp [Jul 2015].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1872 Forfar 288/00 0252 [Jul 2015].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, 1872 Forfar ref 91 [Dec 2010].
James Burns registrar Forfar
M, #7635
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019