- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of James Adamson baxter was registered on 7 November 1855 at South Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1855 deaths in the burgh of Forfar in the county of Forfar; ref 174; Adamson James baxter (baker); male; 30 years; born Forfar; John Adamson linen weaver Elizabeth Adamson ms Doig; Agnes Adamson ms Trail; 1855 November seventh 8h pm; South Street Forfar; typhoid fever about 46 days as certified by Alex Smith MD who saw deceased 7th November 1855; New Cemetery Forfar as certified by John Adamson person in charge of funeral; John Adamson father; 1855 November 8 at Forfar John Webster registrar.1
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Gibb was registered on 31 January 1856 at Lappiedub, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1856 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 20; Gibb, Alexander pavement quarrier married, died 1856 January Thirty-first 1h 30m pm Lappiedub Forfar, male aged 62 years, parents David Gibb farmer deceased and Grizel Gibb maiden name Greig deceased, cause inflamation on the bowels for about three days as certified by James Edward surgeon who saw deceased 31st January 1856, buried New Cemetery Forfar as certified by Aleander Gibb son, signed Alexander Gibb son present, registered 1856 February 2 at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.2
- (Registrar) Birth: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the birth of Margaret Adamson was registered on 17 June 1856 at South Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1856 births in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar; ref 170; Adamson Margaret, 1856 June seventeenth 4h pm South Street Forfar; female, parents James Adamson linen handloom weaver, Agnes Adamson ms Burnet; signed James Adamson his + mark father present signed John Webster registrar witness, registered 1856 June 23rd at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.3
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of William Clark seaman RN and Janet Neave on Monday, 16 February 1857 at East High Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 16 February 1857 East High Street Forfar marriage after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland; Wm Clark aged 24 resides Forfar at present, seaman RN H M Ship Victory bachelor, parents George Clark [Mas-a?] and Agnes Ireland (dec); Janet Neavy aged 21 residing East Townend Forfar, spinster, parents Alexander Nevay linen weaver (dec) and Janet Crossons (dec); signed Wm Lowe minister of Osnaburgh St Chapel Forfar, signed Alex Kerr, Robt Morrison witnesses; registered Forfar 18 February 1857 signed John Webster registrar.4
- (Registrar) Birth: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the birth of Sarah Copeland Smith was registered on 25 April 1857 at Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; births in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar; ref 148; Smith Sarah Copeland; 1857 April twenty-fifth [1]0h am Victoria Road Forfar; f; Alexander Smith baker journeyman Isobel Smith ms Downie; Alexander Smith father present; 1857 May 5th at Forfar John Webster registrar.5
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of John Adamson grocer & spirit merchant and Isabella Moffat on Monday, 24 August 1857 at Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1857 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 57; On the twenty-fourth day of August 1857 at Shellcroft Forfar marriage after banns was solemnized between us according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, signed John Adamson aged 23 residing South Street Forfar, occupation grocery salesman batchelor, parents David ADamson linen weaver & Janet Gardner Adamson maiden name Neave; signed Isabella Moffat aged 22 residing Shellcroft Forfar, spinster parents John Moffat linen yarn bleacher & Agnes Moffat maiden name Rea; signed Alexamder Campbell minister of St Ames Church Forfar, signed David Adamson & James Howie witnesses; the above marriage was registered by me at Forfar on the Twenty-fifth day of August 1857, signed John Webster registrar.6
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Gray was registered on 10 December 1857 at Archies Park, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Gray, Alexander single, 1857 December Tenth 5h am Archies Park Forfar, male aged 1 year parents William Gray wright and Ann Gray ms Ramsay, cause teething about 4 weeks as certified by Alex Smith MD who saw deceased 8th December 1857; buried New Cemetery Forfar as certified by William Gary father, signed William Gray father present, registered 1857 December 11 at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.7
- (Informant) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar registered the death of Jean Adamson on 26 December 1857 at East High Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1857 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar; ref 251; Halkney Jean MS Adamson widow of a linen weaver; 1857 december twenty-sixth 6h 0m am East High Street Forfar; f 52 years; John Adamson sawyer Agnes Adamson ms Webster (dec); dropsy twelve months as certified by Charles Hunter surgeon who saw deceased 24 December 1857; New Cemetery Forfar as certified by George Patterson sexton... ... brother-in-law present; 1857 December 26 at Forfar John Webster registrar.8
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Agnes Doughtie was registered on 26 January 1858 at Green Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1858 Death Cert ; Agnes Neave maiden name Doughty wife of a shoemaker ; 1858 January 26th 8h am Green Street, Forfar ; f, aged 72 years ; parents Richard Doughty, mason (deceased) Agnes Doughty maiden name Manning (deceased) ; cause of death nervous fever seventeen days certified by James Edward MD 25 January 1858 ; buried New Cemetery Forfar as certified by James Neave husband ; Signed James Neave husband present ; Registered 1858 January 26 at Forfar John Webster Registrar.9,10
- (Registrar) Birth: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the birth of Agnes Ann Adamson was registered on 5 February 1859 at East High Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1859 births in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar; Adamson Agnes Ann, 1859 February fifth 10h am East High Street Forfar, f, Thomas Adamson linen handloom weaver illegitimate, Anne Spark linen handloom weaver, Ann spark x her mark mother present John Webster registrar witness, Thomas Adamson father, 1859 February 21 at Forfar John Webster registrar.11
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Elizabeth Doig was registered on 22 March 1859 at East Townend, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Adamson Elisabeth wife of a linen weaver 1859 March 22nd 5h 50m pm East Townend Forfar, f, 67 years, fath Robert Doig linen weaver (dec) moth Ann Doig ms Halket (dec), disease of the heart and lungs ... years as cert by Alex Smith MD who saw deceased 22 March 1859, bur New Cemetery Forfar as cert by John Adamson husband, inf John Adamson husband present, 1859 March 23rd at Forfar John Webster registrar.12
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Elizabeth Adamson was registered on 13 April 1859 at South Lane, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1859 deaths in the district of Forfar in the County of Forfar, ref 81; Adamson Elizabeth single 1859 April 13th 2h 30m pm South Lane Forfar, f, 4 years, fath James Adamson linen weaver, moth Agnes Adamson ms Burnet, Scarletina 2 days as cert by Alex Smith MD who saw deceased 13 April 1859, bur New Cemetery Forfar as cert by James Adamson father, informant signed James Adamson father present, reg 1859 April 14th Forfar John Webster registrar.13
- (Registrar) Birth: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the birth of Alexander Neave was registered on 11 June 1859 at Wellbraehead, Forfar, Angus, Scotland,
; 1859 births in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 155; Neave Alexander, born 1859 June Elelventh 9h pm Wellbraehead Forfar, male, parents James Nave pavement quarrier illegitimate and Mary Ross linen handloom weaver, signed Mary Ross her X mark mother present, signed James Neave his X mark father, signed John Webster registrar witness; registered 1859 June 20 at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.14
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of George Clark was registered on 7 August 1859 at Dundee Loan, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; George Clark single, died 1859 August Seventh 1h 15 pm Dundee Loan Forfar, male aged 1 year, parents William Clark seaman merchant service & Janet Nevay; cause chronic hydrocephelus 5 months as cert by James Lyon MBCS Edin who saw deceased 4 August 1859, buried New Cemetery Forfar as certified by William Allan wright, signed John Kerr uncle in law, registered 1859 August 8 at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.15
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Helen Stewart and George Stirling weaver, sawyer on Friday, 18 November 1859 at Zoar, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1859 marriages in the district of Forfar, ref 57; On the Eighteen day of November 1859 at Zoar Forfar, marraige after Banns was solemnized betwwen us accoring to the forms of the Church of Scotland; signed George Stirling age 43 residing Padanaram parish of Forfar, sawyer widower parents John Stirling crofter and Ann Stirling ms Mill (dec) and Helen Stewart her x mark aged 36 Zoar Forfar spinster, parents John Stewart farmer and Binny Robert; signed R Stevenson minister of Forfar, signed William Marr, James Hill witnesses, the above marriage was registered ny me at Forfar on the nineteenth day of November 1859 signed John Webster registrar.16
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Robert Gray linen weaver, grocer and Mary Ann Lowson on Thursday, 9 August 1860 at Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; On the ninth day of August, 1860 at 9 Wellbraehead Forfar marriage after banns was solemnized between us according to the Church of Scotland, Robert Gray, aged 24, no 135 East High Street Forfar, linen weaver bachelor, parents James Gray Linen weaver & Jane Gray ms Ramsay; Mary Ann Lowson aged 16, 9 Wellbraehead Forfar, spinster, parents Peter Lowson linen yarn warper & Janet Lowson ms Ramsay; signed Richard Waterston minister if Free Church Scoatland, William Ramsay, Peter Lowson witnesses, registered Forfar eleventh day of August 1860 signed John Webster registrar.17
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Barron Caird and Isabella Butchart on Saturday, 25 May 1861 at 8 New Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1861 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 24; 1861 May Twenty-fifth at 8 New Road Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, signed Barron Caird general labourer bachelor aged 35 residing 13 Dundee Road Forfar parents James Caird ploughman (dec) and Isabella Caird ms Burnet (dec);b signed Isabella Butchart her x mark [initialled A C] ;inen weaver speinster aged 28 residing 8 New Road Forfar parents Andrew Butchart road surveyor and Isobel Butchart ms Machar; signed A Campbell minister of Forfar, signed Peter Caird, William Beath witnesses; registered 1861 May 27th at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.18
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Neave linen weaver and Mary Ross linen weaver on Friday, 11 July 1862 at 11 Wellbraehead, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1862 July Eleventh at 11 Wellbraehead Forfar after banns according to rhe Forms of the Church of Scotland, signed James Neave linen weaver bachelor aged 23 residing 17 Newmonthill Street Forfar, parents DAvid Neave linen weaver & Isobel Neave ms Calder; signed Mary Ross linen weaver spinster aged 22 living 11 Wellbraehead Forfar, parents William Ross baker & Ann Ross ms Stark; signed A Campbell minister of St James's, George G Donald & Jane S Spark witnesses, registered 1862 July 12th at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.10,19
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Thomas Ormond linen warper was registered on 23 February 1863 at 10 Nursery Feus, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Isabella Wilkie was registered on 3 May 1863 at Prior Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Forfarshire,
; Isabella Fairweather married to William Fairweather linen weaver; died 1863 May Third 8h 30m pm at Prior Road Forfar; female aged 68 years; parents John Wilkie flaxdresser (dec) & Catharine Wilkie ms Williamson (dec); cause congestionof the lungs one week, chronic bronchitis several years as certified by Geo P Alexander surgeon; signed James Fairweather son present; registered 1863 May 4th at Forfar signe John Webster registrar.21
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Findlay joiner and Isabella Neave domestic servant on Friday, 12 June 1863 at 22 Back Wynd, Forfar, Angus, Scotland,
, was registered; 1863 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 26; 1863 on the Twelfth day of June at 22 Back Wynd Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland; signed James Findlay joiner journeyman bachelor, aged 22 residing 1 East High Street Forfar, parents Alexander Findlay linene manufacturere (dec) and Elisabeth Findlay mas McDonald; signed Isabella Neave domestic servant spinster, aged 25 residing 22 Back Wynd Forfar, parents James Neave mason and Isabella Neave ms Petrie; signed David Mitchell minister of Forfar, signed James Mitchell, Agnes Neave witnesses; registered 1863 June 13th at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.22
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Stirling Kinnear and Agnes Brown Mackie on Friday, 16 October 1863 at 5 New Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1863 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar; 1863 on the sixteenth day of October at 5 New Road Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, James Kinnear gardener bachelor, 22, Broughty Ferry parish of Monifieth, William Kinnear linen weaver (dec) Janet Kinnear ms Stirling; Agnes Mackie her x mark linen weaver spinster, 22, 5 New Road Forfar, John Mackie linen weaver Ann Mackie ms Gibson; H Campbell minister of St James, wit Ogilvie Barry, Jane Kinnear; 1863 October 17th at Forfar, John Webster, registrar.23
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the marriage of David Neave stone dyker and Margaret Clark on Saturday, 17 October 1863 at The Manse, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1863 marriages in the district of Forfar in the County of Forfar; 1863 on the 17th day of October at the Manse Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland; David Neave (his mark) general labourer bachelor, 31, 3 Newmonthill Street Forfar, fath David Neave, linen weaver, moth Isabel Neave ms Calder; Margaret Clark (her mark) linen weaver, spinster, 26, 16 Watt Square Forfar, fath Alexander Clark, linen weaver, moth Elizabeth Clark ms Thomson (dec); minister David Mitchell minister of Forfar; wit George Clark, Elizabeth Davidson; reg 1863 October 19th at Forfar, John Webster registrar.24,10
- (Registrar) Birth: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the birth of Margaret Neave was registered on 11 July 1864 at Watt Square, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1864 births in the district of Farfar in the county of Farfar; Margaret Neave, 1864 July 11th 1h am Watt Square Forfar, f, fath david Neave general labourer, moth Margaret Neave ms Clark, mar 1863 October 17th Forfar; inf David Neave (his Mark) father present, John Webster registrar witness; reg 1864 July 26th at Forfar John Webster registrar.25,10
- (Registrar) Death: John Webster registrar Forfar was the officiating registrar when the death of Ann Greig was registered on 11 October 1864 at Lunanhead, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Extract of an entry in a Register of Deaths, page 62 Distriuct of Forfar, County of Angus; ref 186, Ann McKenzie pauper widow of Alexander McKenzie died 1864 October Eleventh 9h 45m pm at Lunanhead Parish of Forfar, female aged 82, parents Greig (dec) [no other detail], cause Diarrhoea ten days as certified bt Geo P Alexander surgeon, signed Chalres KcKenzie son 41 Dundee Loan Forfar, registered 1864 October 12th at Forfar signed John Webster registrar.26
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Death 1855 Forfar ref 288/01 0174 image held [Aug 2008].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Deaths 1856 Forfar ref 288/00 0020 image held [Jun 2016].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Births 1856 Forfar ref 288/00 0170, image held [Oct 2007].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Marriage 1857 Forfar ref 288/18 image held [Oct 2019].
- [S40] Image held via SS Sept 2009 [birth date calc from 1891 census; LDS C112881 [feb 2008].
- [S40] RL [July 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1857 Forfar ref 288/237 [Oct 2019].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1857 Forfar ref 288/00 0251 image held [Aug 2008].
- [S40] From JB [2003].
- [S40] WF [Feb 2006].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS ref 288/00 0049; [Aug 2008].
- [S40] From JBW [Sept 2007].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1859 Forfar ref 81 [Aug 2005].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Birth 1859 Forfar Forfarshire 288/00 0155 image held [Feb 2015].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1859 Forfar ref 288/223 image held [Oct 2019].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriage 1859 Forfar 288/ 57 ; image held [Feb 2020].
- [S56] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), Mary Ann Lowson
1843–1893 • KCS4-F72 [Feb 2022]. - [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriages 1861 Forfar ref 288/00 0024, image held [Jun 2016].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriage 1862 Forfar, ref 288/ 45 image held [June 2021].
- [S47] Ancestry.com Ancestry Public Member Trees, Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2006;, Ancestry Tree user bevknapp [Jul 2015].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory death 1863 Forfar, ref 288/ 88 image held [Feb 2022].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1863 Forfar 288/000 0026 [April 2016].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, image held Aug 2006.
- [S40] Image held; from EW [Jan 2006].
- [S40] From EW [Jan 2006].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Deaths 1864 Forfar ref 186 via SM [Jun 2016].
John Webster registrar Forfar
M, #8001
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019