- (Registrar) Death: Andrew Spier registrar Kilwinning was the officiating registrar when the death of Janet Conway was registered on 17 January 1890 at Byres, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1890 deaths in the parish of Kilwinning in the county of Ayr; ref 5; Janet Meney married to Samuel Meney grocer; 1890 January seventeenth 9h 30m am Byres Kilwinning; f 41 years; parents John Conway labourer Jane Conway ms Waugh (dec); apoplexy two or three days as cert by A Milroy surgeon; Samuel Meney widower present; reg 1890 January 18th at Kilwinning Andrew Spiers registrar.1
- (Registrar) Birth: Andrew Spier registrar Kilwinning was the officiating registrar when the birth of Agnes Mathie was registered on 8 June 1896 at 18 Byrehill Row, Eglington Ironworks, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1896 births in the parish of Kilwinning in the county of Ayr ref 150; Agnes Mathie, born 1896 June Eighth 5h 0m am at 18 Byrehill Row, Eglington Ironworks, Kilwinning; f parents David Mathie enginee keeper and Agnes Mathie ms Hamilton m 1896 January 1st Stevenston, signed David Mackie father, registered 1896 June 25th at Kilwinning signed Andrew Speir registrar.2
- (Registrar) Death: Andrew Spier registrar Kilwinning was the officiating registrar when the death of Agnes Hamilton was registered on 23 June 1896 at Byrehill Row, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1896 deaths in the parish of Kilwinning in the county of Ayr ref 62; Agnes Mathie married to David Mathie engine keeper, died 1896 June Twenty Third 2h 0m am at Byrehill Row Kilwinning, female aged 19 years, parents David Hamilton railway surfaceman and Eliza Hamilton ms Ringland, cause embolism infective eudo carditis 5 days as cert by David P Gage LRCP Ed :??, signed David Mathe widower present, registered 1896 June 23rd at Kilwinning signed Andrew Spier regitrar.3
- (Informant) Birth: Andrew Spier registrar Kilwinning registered the birth of James Simpson Conway on 23 April 1907 at Byres Road, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1907 births inthe parish of Kilwinning in the county of Ayr, ref 93; James Simpson Conway, 1907 April twenty-third 12h 40m pm Byres Road, male, parents Samuel Meney Conway grocer and Jane Conway ms Lamberton m 1906 June 11 Kilmarnock, signed S M Conway father; 1907 May 8th at Kilwinning ... asst registrar initialled AS (A Speir registrar.)4
- (Informant) Death: Andrew Spier registrar Kilwinning registered the death of David Hamilton plasterer's labourer on 9 May 1918 at 13 Hamilton Street, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1918 deaths in the parish of Kilwinning in the county of Ayr, ref 46; David Hamilton peatlayer widower of Elizabeth Ringland, died 1918 May Nineth 8h 30m am at 13 Hamiilton Street Kilwinning, male aged 65 years, parents David Hamilton ploughman (dec) and Margaret Hamilton ms Meney (dec), cause puloric carcinoma as cert by James Jack MD, signed Roberts Hamilton son 66 Byres Road Kilwinning, registered 1918 May 10th at Kilwinning signed A Spier registrar.5,6
- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: Andrew Spier registrar Kilwinning officiated at the marriage of Andrew Stevenson and Agnes Mathie on Friday, 6 June 1919 at Eglinton Ironwork's Institute, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland,
; 1919 marriages in the parish of Kilwinning in the county of Ayr, ref 18; 1919 on the sixth day of June at Eglinton Ironwork's Institute after banns according to the forms of the Original Seccession Church; signed Andrew Stevenson shipyard worker bachelor aged 24 years residing at Cross Row Ironworks Kilwinning, parents Robert Stevenson coal miner and Elizabeth Stevenson ms McGarvey (dec); signed Agnes Mathie munition worker spinster aged 22 residing at School Row Ironworks Kilwinning, parents David Mathie pit engineman[?] and Agnes Mathie ms Hamilton (dec); signed Thomas Matthew minister of Original Seccession Church Kilwinning signed David Stevenson, Marion Mathie witnesses, registered 1919 June 9 at Kilwinning signed A Speir registrar.7
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory deaths 1890 Kilwinning ref 599/00 0005 image held [Aug 2008].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory births 1896 Kilwinning; image held [May 2016].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1896 Kilwinning ref 599/00 0062 image held [May 2016].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births image held 1907 Kilwinning 599/00 0093 [Aug 2011].
- [S40] DM [Aug 2008].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1918 Kilwinning ref 46 image held [Feb 2012] via DM.
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory marriages 1919 Kilwinning 599/00 0018 image held [May 2016].
Andrew Spier registrar Kilwinning1
M, #8717
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019