- Birth*: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was born on 23 April 1900 at 1 Morgan Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1900 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 671; Archibald Hall Ford born 1900 April Twenty-Third at 0h 30m am at 1 Morgan Street Dundee; male, parents William Scott Ford marine engineer and Margaret Ford ms Key who married 1896 December 31st at Dundee; signed Margaret Ford mother, registered 1900 May 14th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.1
- He was the son of William Scott Ford mill mechanic, marine engineer and Margaret Scott Key domestic servant, machinist.
- Marriage*: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo married Elizabeth Sandeman Gray Williamson on Saturday, 2 November 1929 at St Andrew's Scot's Kirk, Colpetty, Colombo, Ceyloln,
; ARBROATH WEDDING IN COLOMBO, - The Times of Ceylon of November 2, contains the following account of the wedding of Mr Archibald H. Ford, son of Mr and Mrs W. S. Ford, 22 Culloden Terrace, and Miss Bessie Williamson, daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Williamson, 3 Walker Place, who left Arbroath a year ago, when Mr Williamson retired from the editorship of "The Arbroath Guide" :- "The marriage took place at St Andrew's Scot's Kirk, Colpetty, at 12.30 p.m. to-day of Mr Archibald Hall Ford, of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo, with Miss Elizabeth Sandemian Gray Williamson, who arrived in Colombo by the s.s. - Mashobra" on October 31 and had been staying with Mr and Mrs T. H. Tatham. The church had been prettily decorated, and the Rer. Dr Munro Foril officiated at the service, which was choral. The bride was given away by Mr T. H. Tatham, and was attended by Miss Marjorie Tatham. Mr S. M. Osborne, of Messrs Mackinnon. Mac kenzie & Co., was best man, while Messen R. D. Sott and I. M Ewen arted as ushers. The bride wore a charning dress in white satin, lace and georgette. the tight-fitting bodice being of satin, while the full flared skirt was composed of alternate rows of lace and georgette. On the left side of the bodie an unusual line was adopted in a bunch of apple-blossom bring worn. The lace net veil, which belonged to the bride's sister-in-law, was hung to the bottom of ber dress and was held in place by a bunch of orange blossom at each side. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and carnations into which was tucked a sprig of whitelheather. The bride's going away dress was a brown crepe-de-chine jumper suit with a felt hat in two shades of beige. The bridesmaid's dress was of yellow crepe-de-chine with a gold satin straw hat, trimmed with velvet to match. She carried a bouquet of barbeton dairies and a gold brocaded bag, the gift of the bridegroom. Mrs Tatham wore a dress of beige georgette and lace, with the now so fashionable dipping hemline. Her hat was felt and crinoline to tone. She carried a bouquet of carnations. A reception was held at "Mackinnon House," where Mr and Mrs T. H. Tatham acted as host and hostess.2,3,4
- (Deceased) Death*: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo died in 1979 at Kew, Victoria, Australia,
, parents stated Margaret Key & William, birth about 1900.5,6
- Probate*: His estate was probated on 19 September 1979 at Canterbury, Victoria, Australia,
; and civil 24/7/1981 London.6
- (Witness) Photograph: He is in this photograph taken say December 1902 at Arbroath, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Margaret Scott Key domestic servant, machinist, Agnes Jane Stewart Ford nurse, Georgina Key tailoress, Edith Margaret Ford, Annie Gibson Ford and Jane Duncan Ford.7
- (Witness) Photograph: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo is in this photograph taken in 1903 along with Annie Gibson Ford, Jane Duncan Ford, Edith Margaret Ford.8
- (Witness) Photograph: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo is in this photograph taken say 1904 along with Margaret Scott Key domestic servant, machinist, Georgina Key tailoress, Edith Margaret Ford, Annie Gibson Ford, Jane Duncan Ford and Agnes Jane Stewart Ford nurse.9
- (Witness) Photograph: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo is in this photograph taken circa 1916 at Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, along with Annie Gibson Ford, Jane Duncan Ford, Edith Margaret Ford, Wilhelmina Scott Ford assistant cashier, Margaret Kinnear Adamson, James Kinnear Adamson MA, Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and Georgina Key tailoress Ford and Adamson cousins.7,9
- (Witness) Photograph: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo is in this photograph taken say 1917 along with Edith Margaret Ford, Annie Gibson Ford, David Guthrie Shiell and Wilhelmina Scott Ford assistant cashier Ford siblings.12
- Photograph*: Edith Margaret Ford and Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo are in this photograph taken in 1919 along with Annie Gibson Ford, Jane Duncan Ford and Wilhelmina Scott Ford assistant cashier.9
- Passenger List: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was found on the passenger list of Margha Ship British India Steam Navagation Co on 28 October 1921 at from London, Calcutta, India,
, Ford, Archibald, 35 Victoria Street, Arbroath, clerk aged 2, last country of residence Scotland, country of intended future residence India.13
- Passenger List*: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was found on the passenger list of Chindwin Ship Henderson Steamship Line on 3 November 1922 at from Liverpool, Rangoon, Burma,
, contract ticket no 9176, Ford, Mr A c/o Turnbull, Gibson & Co, 21 Bury Street, St Mary Axe, London EC3; travelling first class to Rangoon; engineer aged 23, last permanent residence Scotland, country of intended future residence Burma.14
- Passenger List: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was found on the passenger list of Sagaing Ship Henderson Steamship Line on 8 July 1927 at from Liverpool, Rangoon, Burma,
, contract ticket no 1055, Ford, Mr A c/o Turnbull, Gibson & Co, London; travelling first class to Rangoon; engineer aged 26, last permanent residence England (sic), country of intended future residence Burma.14
- Passenger List: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was found on the passenger list of Sagaing Ship Henderson Steamship Line in 1937 at from London, Takoradi, Gold Coast,
, Ford, Mr A, 5 Sandeman Street, Dundee; travelling second class to Gold Coast; engineer aged 37, last permanent residence another part of the British Empire, country of intended future residence Gold Coast.15
- Passenger List: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was found on the passenger list of and with Elizabeth Sandeman Gray Williamson on 28 October 1938 at from London, Bombay, India,
, Ford, Mr A, C/o Barclays Bank, High Mercantile; travelling first class to Bombay; engineer aged 37, country of intended future residence India.16
- Passenger List: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was found on the passenger list of Adda Ship Elder Dempster Lines on 1 March 1939 at from Liverpool, Takoradi, West Coast Africa,
, Ford, Mr A, 5 Sandeman Street Dundee; travelling second class; engineer aged 38, last permanent residence in another part of the British Empire; country of intended future residence West Coast Africa.17
- Newspaper Article*: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was mentioned in a newspaper article PARTNERSHIP IN SHIPPING AGENCY.-Mr Archibald Hall Ford, only son of Mr and Mrs W. S. Ford, 6 Ramsay Street, Broughty Ferry, and late of Arbroath, has been admitted as a partner in the Bombay and Karachi Branches of Messrs MacKinnon, Mackenzie & Co., shipping agents for the P. & 0. and B.I. Shipping Co. Educated at Arbroath High School, Mr Ford served his apprenticeship with Messrs D. Corsar & Sons, flax spinners and manufacturers. on 26 May 1945 at Bombay & Karachi, India,
- Passenger List: He was found on the passenger list of Stratheden Ship P&O S N co and with Elizabeth Sandeman Gray Williamson on 10 May 1946 at from London, Bombay, India,
, Ford, Mr A, 6 Ramsay Street Broughty Ferry; travelling grade a class to Bombay; commercial occupation, aged 46, country of intended future residence India.19
- Passenger List: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was found on the passenger list of Himalaya Ship P&O S N co on 12 January 1950 at from London, Bombay, India,
, Ford, Mr Archibald Hare (sic), 9 Easter Belmont Road, Edinburgh; travelling 1st class to Bombay; merchant, aged 49, country of last permanent residence Scotland, country of intended future residence India.20
- Passenger List: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was found on the passenger list of Strathmore Ship P&O S N co and with Elizabeth Sandeman Gray Williamson on 9 October 1952 at from London, Bombay, India,
, Ford, Archibald Hall, 38 Frogston Road W Edinburgh; travelling 1st class to Bombay; merchant, aged 52, country of last permanent residence British Possessions; country of intended future residence India.21
- Education*: Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was educated on 2 July 1915 at Arbroath High School, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Arbroath High School
Session 1914-15
Prize List
Intermediate Classes
Form III Divisions A and B
Archibald Hall Ford: 1 English, 1 History and Geography, 1 French, 1 German, 1 Mathematics, 1 Science.25 - Military Service*: Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician met with Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo circa 1941 at Africa,
, at a port. Archibald took Douglas around.26
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Birth 1900 St Andrew Dundee ref 671 [Jun 2006].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Passenger lists [Jun 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers & Periodicals Collection - Arbroath Herald 30 Nov 1929 [May 2020].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers & Periodicals Collection - Arbroath Herald 8 Nov 1929 [May 2020].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) [Jun 2018].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) search deaths, will, probate [Jun 2018].
- [S43] PCC.
- [S43] PCC photographic collection.
- [S40] From JB [Feb 2019].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), from JB [Feb 2019].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI), PCC.
- [S40] JB (Joan Baker e-mail address) [Feb 2019].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription: Passenger Lists Leaving Uk 1890-1960 URL of this page: h$ps://www.findmypast.co.uk/transcript?id=TNA/BT27/0954000072/00047 [May 2019].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Passenger Lists 1922 Liverpool to Burma TNA_BT27_0979_00_0073_P_0004F [Jun 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Passenger Lists 1937 London to Bombay TNA_BT27_1712_00_0092_P_0009F [Jun 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Passenger Lists 1937 London to Bombay TNA_BT27_1517_00_0003_P_0004F [Jun 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Passenger Lists 1937 Liverpool to West Coast Africa TNA_BT27_1534_00_0022_P_0007F [Jun 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers & Periodicals Collection - Arbroath Guide 26 May 1945 [May 2020].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Passenger Lists 1937 London to Bombay TNA_BT27_1590_00_0065_P_0078F [Jun 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Passenger Lists 1950 London to Bombay TNA_BT27_1658_00_0033_P_0008F [Jun 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Passenger Lists 1952 London to Bombay TNA_BT27_1712_00_0092_P_0009F [Jun 2018].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 4736; Folio: 155; Page: 32. Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1901 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005. Original data: Census Returns of England and Wales, 1901. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives, 1901. Data imaged from the National Archives, London, England. The National Archives gives no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to the National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. [Jan 2012]
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Scotland Census 1911 Arbroath 272/1 27/ 27 image held [Jun 2018].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) search electoral rolls [Jun 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers & Periodicals Collection - Arbroath Herald Friday July 2 1915 [May 2020].
- [S6] From CNM.
Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo
M, #168, b. 23 April 1900, d. 1979
Last Edited: 13 Jun 2024
Father*: William Scott Ford mill mechanic, marine engineer b. 9 Jun 1871, d. 8 Sep 1957
Mother*: Margaret Scott Key domestic servant, machinist b. 20 Jan 1872, d. 6 Apr 1952
Mother*: Margaret Scott Key domestic servant, machinist b. 20 Jan 1872, d. 6 Apr 1952
1st cousin 1 time removed of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Military Service
Beattie, Mary s1730 descendants
Foord, Thomas c1717/18 descendants (#1)
Foord, Thomas c1717/18 descendants (#2)
Gibson, Alexander c1750 descendants (#1)
Gibson, Alexander c1750 descendants (#2)
Jarren, Jannet c1717/18 descendants (#1)
Jarren, Jannet c1717/18 descendants (#2)
Key, George c1770 descendants
Law, Alexander c1740 descendants
Myres, John c1790 descendants
Napier, William 1727 descendants
Scott, David c1785 descendants (#1)
Scott, David c1785 descendants (#2)
Steven, Elizabeth c1751/52 descendants (#1)
Steven, Elizabeth c1751/52 descendants (#2)
Stewart, Jane c1785 descendants (#1)
Stewart, Jane c1785 descendants (#2)
Young, Helen c1750 descendants (#1)
Young, Helen c1750 descendants (#2)
Foord, Thomas c1717/18 descendants (#1)
Foord, Thomas c1717/18 descendants (#2)
Gibson, Alexander c1750 descendants (#1)
Gibson, Alexander c1750 descendants (#2)
Jarren, Jannet c1717/18 descendants (#1)
Jarren, Jannet c1717/18 descendants (#2)
Key, George c1770 descendants
Law, Alexander c1740 descendants
Myres, John c1790 descendants
Napier, William 1727 descendants
Scott, David c1785 descendants (#1)
Scott, David c1785 descendants (#2)
Steven, Elizabeth c1751/52 descendants (#1)
Steven, Elizabeth c1751/52 descendants (#2)
Stewart, Jane c1785 descendants (#1)
Stewart, Jane c1785 descendants (#2)
Young, Helen c1750 descendants (#1)
Young, Helen c1750 descendants (#2)