- Military Service*: The Forfar & Kincardine Militia James Neave tailor, militia on 9 December 1881 Forfar Artillery Militia.
- Military Service*: John Alexander Calder served with the Forfar & Kincardine Militia say 1899 Calder—John Alex. Calder, son of Mr John G. Calder, Dundee; Medical Staff Corps. [No. 611]1
- Military Service*: John Burt Calder served with the Forfar & Kincardine Militia say 1899 Calder—John Burt Calder, son of Mr W. R. Calder, formerly of Arbroath; Served in Cycle Corp. [No. 612]1
- Military Service*: Alexander Scott Calder served with the Forfar & Kincardine Militia say 1899 Calder—Alexander Scott Calder, son of Mr W. R. Calder, formerly of Arbroath; Medical Staff Corp. [No. 612]1
- Military Service*: The Forfar & Kincardine Militia John Shiell between 1899 and 1900 at Africa,
, probably.2
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) Muster Rolls of Angus via Internet Archive http://archive.org/stream/musterrollangus00brodgoog#page/n244/mode/2up [Aug 2012].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) Muster Rolls of Angus Boer War 1899-1900 online at www.monikie.org.uk.
the Forfar & Kincardine Militia
?, #16735
Last Edited: 18 Jun 2020