- Address*: As of 1869, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and Alex Leask registrar Dundee, 2nd lived at Ward House, Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—Ist or St Peter's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office -224 Perth Road.
2d or St Mary's District—Alexander Leask, Registrar; Office, Ward House, Ward Road.
3d or St Clement'Jr- District—James Kinnison, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform Street.
4th or St Andrew's District—James Scrymgeour, Registrar; Office., 16 King Street.
5th or Lochee District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 114 High Street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; and from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Registrations must he effected as follows, viz. :—Births within VA days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccina-
tions within Six Months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mary's District, to com- prehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary N orth- wards to West Port; thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the West Port, Scouringburn, and Blackness Road, as far-
as the road leading to Glenagnes Cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay Street; thence along the middle of Balgay Street till it joins the Lochee Road; thence in an easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union Place; thence 'along the middle of the road at Union Place in a North-Westerly direction till it joins the Loons Road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtylc Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel ; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution Road; thence along the middle of Constitution Road, Barrack Street, Tally Street, and Couttie's Wynd, across Dock Street till it joins West Dock Street; thence along the middle of West Dock Street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1871, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at Ward House, Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
-1s t or St Peter's District— James Young, Registrar. Office, 224 Perth Road.
2d or Si Mary's District—James Anderson Registrar; Office, Ward House, Ward Road.
ad oi. St Clement' District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform Street.
4t4 or Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office; 10 King Street.
5th or Locke District—David Neish, Registrar; Office' 114 High Street, Lochet
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; and from6 to 3 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 amt. to 3 p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations. within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to West Port; thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the West Port, Scouringburn, and Blackness Road? as far as the road lead- ing to Glenagnes Cottage-, thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay Street; thence along the middle of Balga7 Street till it joins the Loehee Road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union Place; thence along the middle of the road at Union Place in a North-Westerly direction till it joins the Loons Road; thence along the middle of that road in an Zaeterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road
leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution Road; thence along the middle of Constitution Road, Barrack Street, Tally Street, and Couttie's Wyatt, across Dock Street till it joins West Dock Street; thence along the middle of West Dock Street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1874, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 224 Perth road.
2ct or St Maris District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
Bet or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform street.
4t4 or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Lochee District—David Neish, Registrar; Office, 114 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to I p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of
the United Parishes of Liff and I3envie, comprehended within the boundaries
of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Alary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to West port; thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the West port, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes Cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgav street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; -thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at .Union place in a North-Westerly direction till it joins the Loons
road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1876, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st orSt Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clemeat's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 51 Reform street.
4th or St Axdreto's tl acdiarmid, Registrar; Office 16 King street.
511t or Loohee District—David Neish, Registrar; Office, 114 High street, Lochet.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to3 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays,
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz.:—Births within 21days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 8 days; Vaccinations within 6 mouths, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. o Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff and Benvie,comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include the portion of the Burgh within the boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to West port, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Westport, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Baigay street; thence along the middle of Baigay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North-Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Nevrtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of theTunnel to the top of Constitution road; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, 'rally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joine West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1878, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
—1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St lietry's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
Lid or & Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 26 Euclid ,crescent.
4th or kit Andrew's .Distriet—Fin.lay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office. 16 King street.
5th or Locleee Distriet—Davld Neish, Registrar ; Office, 114 High street,
Locbee. Office flours, from 10 a.m. to S p.m., aud from 6 to 8 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Registrations must he effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months, unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Lill and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to West port, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the West port, Sconringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; theme along e middle of said rea ill it joins a roacl leading algay ereet -Li- thence a on middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; ttl Once in an Easterly direction along the middle of said roatt to Union place; thence along the middle , of the road at Union t),l,ace in a North-Westerly direction till it jo!ins the Loons road; thence 'along the middle of that road in an Easterly klirectiin till it joins the Old- Newtyle Railway; therice along :said Railway to the Tunnel; thence ledr along the middle of the road lea4Ing from the 6Qgthern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road ;f1thence along the middle of Constitution road, G1 Barrack , street' ,Tally street, and Couftie , - , 's wynd across thick street till it joins- West Dock strtet ; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the liver.1 - Address: As of 1880, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 138 Perth road.
2d or Si Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 26 Euclid crescent.
4th or St Andrew's District—Flulay Ilacdiarraid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Locliee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Offiee, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz:—Births within 21 days ; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 8 days; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff arid Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprebend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Westport, Sconringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1882, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's.District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
31 or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office 26 Euclid crescent.
4th or St Andrew's Distrirt—Finlay Maccliannid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
51h, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;: Deaths within S days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6' months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Marriages, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Westport, Scounngburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1884, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or Bt Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marp's Distriet---James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's Districl—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street
4th. or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee _District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Loohee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., arid from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 1#1 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
REGISTRATION D/STRIOTS. For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of N the united parishes of Liff and Benvic, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mares District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary., commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the FIrst District terminates; thence along said hounder, Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Westport, Scouringbnrn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to 13algay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Nevrtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; 4 thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and 4 Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1885, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 146 Perth road.
2d or Mary's _District--James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d & or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar • Office, 16 Bank street.
4th or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King ;street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High 'street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days ; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical , Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of .* 'the united parishes of Lift and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of :the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Westport, Scomingburn and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway, thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road ; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence alon the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1886, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's .District—James Young, Registrar • Office, 1.46 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th Or St Andrew's District,---Finlay Macdiartnid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th -or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 .m., and from 6 to 7 .m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 clays; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of ostonement be granted by a qualified medical practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Marriages, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point hi the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Westport, Scounngburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road. to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River. .1 - Address: As of 1887, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
le Or" St Peter's Distrkt—James Young, Registrar ; Office, 146 Perth road.
2c1 os St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3dIi or st Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar;Office, 16 Bank street.,0
4th or St Andl.eds District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar, Office, 16 King • street.
5th or Loam District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Flours, from 10 a.m. to 3 pan., and from 6 to 7 p.m, ' Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 rktys Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 4 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical' Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration oiç. Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and o1!-1 the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the :Burgkwithin the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the :Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the Middle of .he Westport, Scounngbarn. and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to s:Olenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1888, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st ot St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar • Office, 146 Perth road.
2d St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank stree
4t16 or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 • street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 Hi street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 clays; Vaccinations within months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medic& Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of thi- marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration ol Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and o: the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries 0: he 13ur00•11 of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
2nd, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the urgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the outhern boundary of the First District terminates. thence along said boundary orthwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of e Westport, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to lenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road g to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins he Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- esterly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that oad in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Ne-wtyle Railway; thence long said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading om the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; ence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and outtie's vvynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along he middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1889, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Locke District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 clays; Deaths within 8 (lays; Marriages within 3 (lays; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, awl Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Westport, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence • along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1890, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or ' St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Offiee, 146 Perth road.
2si o St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clentent's. District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street
4tA or St Andrew's District—Finlay Maediannid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a,m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must he effected as follows, viz. :---Births within 21 days Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within t months—rnaless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medics:. Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of ha, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of wilted parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of e Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the urgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the uthern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary orthwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of he Westport, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to lenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road ding to Balgay street thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins f he Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North- esterly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that d in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence long said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading rein the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; elm along the middle of Constitution mad, Barrack street, Tally street, and outtie's wyrtd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along he middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address: As of 1891, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marys District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th, or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiaxmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m;
Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 mouths—unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of comprehended within the boundaries of the united parishes of Liff the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Westport, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road leading to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union plate in a North. Westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road; thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and Couttie's vrynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - Address*: As of 1892, 2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee and James Anderson registrar Dundee, St Mary lived at 11 Ward Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marys District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th, or St Andrew's District—James Murray, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m;
Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months—unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of comprehended within the boundaries of the united parishes of Liff the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the
Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary. Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of
the "Westport, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to Glenagnes cottage ; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road
leading to Balgay street ; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road
to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a Northwesterly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle B^ilway ; thence
along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and
Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along the middle of West Dock street to the River.1 - [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, digital collection PCC. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
2nd (1869 St Mary's) Registration District Dundee1
?, #18017
Last Edited: 19 Feb 2023