- Birth*: Florence Annie Fisher Conway was born on 2 January 1916 at Mains & Strathmartine, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1916 births in the parish of Mains & Strathmartine in the county of Forfar, ref 3; Florence Annie Fisher Conway born 1916 January Second 7h 50m am at 2 Haldane Street Downfield Mains & Strathmartine; female, parents JAmes Conway commercial traveller and Johnann Conway ms Ford married 1910 November 25th st Dundee; signed James Conway father present; registered 1916 January 22nd at Mains & Strathmartine signed Joseph Dickson registrar.1
- She was the daughter of James Conway commercial traveller and Johnann Ford jute weaver, fever nurse.
- (Bride) Marriage*: Florence Annie Fisher Conway married Alexander Miller chiropodist, son of William Miller jute powerloom tenter and Marion McKenzie Conway jute weaver, on 26 July 1958 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; no image.2
- (Deceased) Death*: Florence Annie Fisher Conway died in September 1998 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, at age 82.3
- Occupation*: Florence was Chiropodist.
- Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Births - Conway - At Anniston Place, Downfield, on the 2nd inst., to Mr and Mrs James Conway - a daughter on 8 January 1916 at Downfield, Forfarshire, Scotland,
- (Witness) Event-Misc: She was present when James Conway van driver and Agnes McKenzie Fisher kitchen maid were celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 8 June 1921 at Masonic Hall, Cupar, Fife, Scotland,
- (Witness) Photograph: Florence Annie Fisher Conway is in this photograph taken in 1929 at Wonacy, Blebo Craigs, Cupar, Fife, Scotland,
, along with John Conway minister Church of SCotland, James Conway commercial traveller, Robert Fisher McKenzie Conway dentist & baptist minister, Samuel Meney Conway dentist & baptist minister, William Fisher Conway, Jane Hutchison Wilkie jute weaver, Johnann Ford jute weaver, fever nurse, Jane Lamberton, Samuel Lamberton Conway, Mary McCulloch Alexander, Janie Stewart Conway doctor, Esther Agnes Ford Conway and James Eric Arbuckle Binnie book seller.6
"Wonacy" (anagram of Conway), Blebo Craigs
People standing at back : John Conway, Samuel Meney Conway, [Florence Conway?], [Johnann Ford Conway or Jane Lamberton Conway?]
Sitting in the middle row : Robert Fisher Conway, James Conway, [?], [Samuel Lamberton Conway "Young Sam"?] [Jane Hutchison Wilkie Conway?], [Esther Agnes Ford Conway?], [James Eric Arbuckle Binnie?], [Janie Stewart Conway?], hiding behind the trellis [?]
Front : [?], William Fisher Conway - Newspaper Article*: Florence Annie Fisher Conway was mentioned in a newspaper article PERFECT ATTENDANCE RECORDS IN DUNDEE.
In Ward Road Baptist Church, Dundee yesterday morning Rev. D. D. Smith conducted a service of enrolment in connection with the Boys' Brigade, and presented prizes and certificates to the members of the League of Young Worshippers.
Prizes for perfect attendance were presented to Ronald J. S. Matthew for twelve years; to Martha Wilson for nine years: to David Smith, Monifieth, for six years ; to Agnes Reid, Betty Urquhart, Margaret Nicholson, Phylis Wyver, and Bruce Keith for three years.
Certificates for perfect attendance were presented to Mabel Malone, Florence Corway, Ethel Ewen, Betty Nicholson, Margaret Bibb, Ruth Mitchell, Jean Robertson Alexander Mackenzie, Bertie Crichton, Allistair Fraser Matthew Graham Young, Johnston Geekie. Richard Gibson, Gordon Keith, and J. Noel S. Matthew. on 19 January 1931 at Ward Road Baptist Church, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.8
- (Witness) Newspaper Article: She were mentioned in a newspaper article about William Fisher Conway and Jane Hutchison Wilkie jute weaver on 3 August 1931. KEMBACK SALE OF WORK RAISES £47
The promotors of a sale of work in Dura Den Hall on Saturday to aid the funds of Dairsie and Kemback Nursing Association were delighted at its success.
The effort was confined to Kemback parish, and the drawings amounted to £47 5s 6d. The weather was bright, and tea was served out of doors.
Miss Low of Blebo, the secretary, presided, and Miss Carnegy, R.R.C., county superintendent of Nursing Associations, who declared the sale open, urged all to take an interested in the association's affairs under the provident scheme. It was a insurance in case of illness.
Rev. R.J.F. Macdonald proposed votes of thanks.
The stall-holders were:- Cake and candy - Mrs R.J.F. Macdoanld, The Manse; Miss Marjory Bell, Blebo Craigs; and Miss Elizabeth Doig, Blebo Craigs; produce - Mrs Beckett, Blebo Craigs; Mrs Thanke and Miss Chrissie Kay, Blebo Craigs; work - Miss Low of Blebo; Mrs Martin and Miss Mary Thomson; Jumble - Mrs Forsyth, Blebo Craigs; Mrs M'Gregore, Dura Den; Mrs Webster, Blebo Craigs; Mrs Taylor, Blebo Craigs; and Miss Beckett, Blebo Craigs.
Teas - Mrs Lowe, Blebo Craigs; Mrs M'Nab, Dura Den; Mrs Conway, Blebo Craigs; Mrs J D Beveridge, Schoolhouse; and Miss Florence Conway, Blebo Craigs.
Shooting - Mr John Balsillie, Beadles Den. Books - Rev. R.J.F. Macdonald; Mr J.D. Beveridge, Schoolhouse; and Mr W.F. Conway, Blebo Craigs.9 - Newspaper Article: Florence Annie Fisher Conway was mentioned in a newspaper article Stewart's Introduce Miss Florence Conway, Chiropodist of Exceptional Ability!
To the group of skilled specialists in the Stewart organisation has been added the name of Miss Florence Conway, who will be in charge of the Chiropody Salon. She will make it her especial duty to attend to your foot comfort-utilising her wide experience and skill to ensure that all your daily activities will be made easy for you. Consultations (Gratis) by Appointment.
STEWART'S (J. STEWART, Ltd.), 12 Reform Street, Dundee.
Telephone 6191. Also at GLASGOW and EDINBURGH. on 12 May 1936 at 12 Reform Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.8
- Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Public Notices.
Miss Florence Conway, D.S.C., Will Understand Your Foot Troubles!
Our Chiropody Salon is now in the capable hands of Miss Conway, who possesses wide and varied experience of this work. Her deft attention will quickly smooth away all your foot troubles, leaving you refreshed and ready for the arduous daily round.
Telephone 6191. Also at GLASGOW and EDINBURGH. on 19 May 1936 at 12 Reform Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.8
- Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article MISS FLORENCE A. F. CONWAY, Regd. Med Aux., formerly chiropodist with Stewart's. Ltd., Reform St., will commence private practice on Mon., Apr. 22, in premises at Miss Munro Campbell. hairdresser, 30 Reform St. on 15 April 1946 at 30 Reform Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article CHIROPODIST.-Miss Florence Conway, M.Ch.S.,
announces a change of surgery, as from Nov. 18. from Miss Munro Campbell to Messrs Watt & Sons, photographers, 30 Reform St., Dundee. on 12 November 1946 at 30 Reform Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.8
- Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article CHIROPODIST.-Miss Florence Conway, M.Ch.S.,
registered medical auxiliary, 30 Reform St. Surgery will be closed from 5-14 Apr. inclusive. on 2 April 1947 at 30 Reform Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.8
- (Witness) Photograph: She is in this photograph taken on 1 July 1950 at St Paul's Church, Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Rhoda Nicolson Miller, Hope Myra Conway Miller, Mary Fisher Conway howdie wife.10
- (Witness) Photograph: Florence Annie Fisher Conway is in this photograph taken on 1 July 1950 at St Paul's Church, Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with James Conway commercial traveller, Johnann Ford jute weaver, fever nurse.11
- Photograph*: Florence Annie Fisher Conway is in this photograph taken on 1 July 1950 at St Paul's Church, Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Married Name: As of 26 July 1958, her married name was Miller.2
- (Witness) Obituary: She was mentioned in the Obituary of Alexander Miller chiropodist on 20 December 1978; Obituary Dundee "Courier & Advertiser" December 20th, 1978 reads: One of Dundee's first chiropodists and founder member of the Dundee branch of the Society of Chiropody has died following an illness.
Mr Alexander Miller, 19 School Road, Dundee, died on Wednesday at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. He was 81.
A native of Dundee, Mr Miller was educated at Blackness School, Dundee, before embarking on a course of studies leading to his qualification as a chiropodist.
As there was no training in chiropody at that time, he studied the necessary medical subjects at Dundee School of Medicine during the 1920's gaining practical experience from colleagues in London.
Mr Miller had a private practice in Perth Road, Dundee, for many years and retired in 1967.
During the First World War he served as an orderly in the RAMC with the Black Watch and was taken prisoner in Germany.
During the Second World War he was in charge of the ARP post at Hawkhill School, Dundee.
Mr Miller was the Session Clerk at Tay Square Church until it closed, and was an elder of St Paul's.
For many years he was chairman of the Dundee Boys and Girls Religious Association, and was involved in missionary work throughout the world.
He is survived by his five daughters and his wife.12 - Military Service*: Florence Annie Fisher Conway served with the Auxiliary Territorial Services between 1942 and 1945 Conway, Miss F A F (W.S./Sub. 10/1/43) 10/7/1942 Auxiliary Territorial Services, 2nd Subalterns.14
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory births 1916 Mains & Strathmartine 307/00 0003 [Aug 2011] image held [Nov 2019].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory marriage 1958 Dundee West 282/02 0346 [Aug 2011].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory death 1998 Dundee 351/00 0666 no image available [Aug 2011].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Find My Past Newspapers Collection Dundee Peoples Journal 8th Jan 1916 [Apr 2020].
- [S4] James Conway - Agnes McKenzie Fisher, Autograph Book, 7 Jun 1911 & 1921, PC Carson, 2 Gillburn Road, Dundee, Scotland, Golden Wedding & Diamond Wedding Autograph Book.
- [S43] PCC - AC photograph album.
- PCC - AC photograph album
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers Collection Dundee Courier [Nov 2019].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspaper & Periodicals 1931-08-03 Dundee Courier [Oct 2015].
- [S133] Interview with unknown informant (unknown informant address). Unknown repository (unknown repository address), CNM DGA Wedding Album [1950].
- [S43] CNM DGA Wedding Album [1950].
- [S32] Newspaper Article, Courier & Advertiser, Dundee 20 Dec 1978.
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Source Information: Ancestry.com. British Phone Books, 1880-1984 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: British phone books 1880-1984 from the collection held by BT Archives. Images reproduced by courtesy of BT Archives, London, England. [Jan 2014]
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) UK, British Army Lists, 1882-1962 [Jun 2020].
Florence Annie Fisher Conway
F, #573, b. 2 January 1916, d. September 1998
Last Edited: 18 Jul 2024
Father*: James Conway commercial traveller b. 22 Sep 1874, d. 15 Sep 1962
Mother*: Johnann Ford jute weaver, fever nurse b. 10 Feb 1881, d. 8 Feb 1969
Mother*: Johnann Ford jute weaver, fever nurse b. 10 Feb 1881, d. 8 Feb 1969
1st cousin 2 times removed of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Military Service
Anderson, John c1733 descendants
Bruce, Elizabeth c1733 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants (#1)
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants (#2)
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants (#1)
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants (#2)
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants (#1)
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants (#2)
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants (#1)
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants (#2)
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants (#1)
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants (#2)
Matthew, James c1765 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants (#1)
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants (#2)
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants (#1)
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants (#2)
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants (#1)
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants (#2)
Miller, Patrick/Peter c1749 descendants
Milne, James c1765 descendants
Paterson, Agnes c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants (#1)
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants (#2)
Robertson, David c1740 descendants
Stephen, Janet c1750 descendants
Urquhartson, Elisabeth s1735 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants (#1)
Waugh, James c1790 descendants (#2)
Bruce, Elizabeth c1733 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants (#1)
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants (#2)
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants (#1)
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants (#2)
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants (#1)
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants (#2)
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants (#1)
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants (#2)
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants (#1)
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants (#2)
Matthew, James c1765 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants (#1)
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants (#2)
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants (#1)
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants (#2)
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants (#1)
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants (#2)
Miller, Patrick/Peter c1749 descendants
Milne, James c1765 descendants
Paterson, Agnes c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants (#1)
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants (#2)
Robertson, David c1740 descendants
Stephen, Janet c1750 descendants
Urquhartson, Elisabeth s1735 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants (#1)
Waugh, James c1790 descendants (#2)