- Birth*: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer was born on 29 April 1883 at Brechin, Forfarshire, England,
- He was the son of John Shiell and Susan Lyall Guthrie.
- (Groom) Marriage*: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer married Sarah Ann Henderson Kinnear, daughter of George Kinnear joiner and Isabella Nicolson cook, on 2 June 1908 at Queens Hotel, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1908 marriages in the District of St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee; 1908 on the 2nd day of June at Queens Hotel Dundee after banns acording to the forms of the United Free Church; Buchanan Shiell motor engineer bachelor, 25, 5 Charlotte Place, Perth, fath John Shiell SSC, moth Susan Lyall Shiell ms Gurthrie; Sarah A H Kinnear spinster, 32, 8 Wallace Street, fath George Kinnear patternmaker, moth Isabella Kinnear ms Nicholson; signed Charles Shaw St Andrews UF Church Dundee, wit Robert Shiell & Beatrice S Anderson; reg 1809 June 4th at Dundee J G Miller registrar.
- (Deceased) Death*: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer died in 1962 at Ealing, London, Middlesex, England,
- (Witness) Photograph: He is in this photograph taken circa 1887 along with John Shiell, Susan Lyall Guthrie, William Shiell, Helen Scott Shiell, David Guthrie Shiell, Susan Mary Shiell, John Shiell, Herbert Shiell, Catherine Jane Shiell, Arnold Shiell, Robert Shiell, Alexander Guthrie Shiell and Lyall Guthrie Shiell.4
- Event-Misc*: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer and Sarah Ann Henderson Kinnear celebrated their The Nocturnes circa 1907.
- (Informant) Birth: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer registered the birth of Isobel Guthrie Shiell on 29 April 1910 at 7 Atholl Crescent, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland,
; 1910 births in the district of Perth in the county of Perth, ref 288; Isobel Gehtrie Sheill, born 1910 April Twnety-ninth 11h 57m pm at 7 Atholl Crescent Perth; female, parents Buchanan Sheill motor engineer master and Arah Anne Henderson Sheil ms Kinnear, married 1908 June 2nd at Dundee; signed Buchanan Sheill father present; registered 1910 May 11th at Perth signed James Bridges registrar.5
- (Witness) Newspaper Article: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer and Charles Maule Ramsey Shiell, Lyall Guthrie Shiell, James Davie Gilruth M.A., M.B., C.M. (Edin.), Samuel Macauley and John Glassford Guthrie Shiell was mentioned in a newspaper article about David Guthrie Shiell on 27 March 1914. DEATH OF BRECHIN SOLICITOR.
Mr David G. Shiell.
Mr David G. Shiell, factor to the Earl of Dalhousie, died at his residence at Edzell at an early hour on Sunday morning. Mr Shiell was at business on Thursday. He went home on that day feeling ill, and Dr Campbell, Brechin, was called, and found him to be suffering from an affection of the throat, and on Friday it was found necessary to perform an operation. At first this appeared to have the desired effect, and on Saturday he seemed much better. But the recovery was only temporary, and he gradually sank during the night, and passed away as stated.
The second son of the late Mr John Shiell, Brechin, he was born there about 1867 or 1868, so that his death has occurred in his prime. He was educated at Brechin High School and Glenalmond College. On leaving the latter he was apprenticed to the firm of Messrs Mackenzie & Kermack, W.S., Edinburgh, and while there attended the law classes at Edinburgh University. Having passed the qualifying examinations he was admitted a solicitor.
About 1894 he returned to Brechin as junior partner in the firm of Messrs Shiell & Don, solicitors, which in 1908, on the death of Mr Don, became known as Messrs J. & D. G. Shiell, and of which he was senior partner at his death. The firm has an extensive factorial practice, as well as a general law business, and while the former was mainly under the charge of his father, the latter was under Mr D. G. Shiell's charge. When about ten years ago his father resigned his position in connection with the Estates of the Earl of Dalhousie, Mr Shiell was appointed as his successor on the Brechin Castle, Edzell, and Glenesk estates. The few changes that have taken place on the farms on the estates under his charge, and the kindly relations which had always subsisted between him and the tenants are the best proof of the success of his regime.
Mr Shiell took an active part in the development of Edzell as a holiday centre, and was one of those who were mainly responsible for laying out the present golf course, which has proved so great an addition to the attractions of the village. As the representative of Edzell and Lochlee on the County Council, both at the meetings of the principal body and at the District Committee, he kept a watchful eye over their interests. As a Justice of the Pence he was easily approachable by those requiring his services in that capacity.
A Unionist in politics, he acted as agent for the Hon. C. M. Ramsay when that gentleman won the county. In the affairs of the city of Brechin Mr Shiell also took a considerable interest.
A keen Freemason, Mr Shiell was widely known for his loyalty and devotion to the craft, who recognised his services by elevating him to high office. A member and Past Master of St James' Lodge, No. 123, Brechin, he never forgot his "mother" Lodge, and he did his full share of the work that brought about the success of the Lodge in recent years. A regular attender at the meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire, he was at the time of his death Grand Master Depute, while in Grand Lodge he was Junior Grand Deacon. He was also actively interested in Royal Arch Masonry, in which he held high office. A keen curler and golfer, he was a cheery companion on the ice and on the links.
Mr Shiell is survived by his widow and two sons and one daughter, the eldest son having gone to South America quite recently.
Interment at Brechin.
The remains of Mr Shiell were laid to rest in the New Cemetery, Brechin, on Wednesday. The funeral was one of the largest seen in the district many coming long distances to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased. Agriculturists from a wide area were largely represented, as well as the community of Brechin. There was a large gathering of Freemasons, including a deputation from Grand Lodge, while practically every Lodge in the Province was represented, as well as Royal Arch. There was also a large attendance of members of the legal profession, including a representation from the Society of Procurators.
Prior to the cortege leaving deceased's house at Edzell, a service was conducted by Rev. W. J. F. Robberds, Bishop of Brechin and Primus, who was assisted by Rev. K. L. Reid, of St Andrew's Church, Brechin.
Prior to the interment, the members of local Masonic Lodges, as well as the visitors, met in St James Lodge Room – Rev. H. C. Cargill, W.M., presiding – and the preliminary part of the service was performed. The brethren then proceeded to the Trinity Road, where a large concourse of the general public had already assembled, and on the arrival of the cortege preceded it to the New Cemetery. On arriving at the place of interment the Masonic ranks opened up, and the coffin was conveyed to the grave. Here the Bishop of Brechin recited the concluding portion of the order for the burial of the dead, after which Rev. W. W. Coats. D.D., Brechin Cathedral, Past Grand Chaplain of Scotland, conducted the Masonic service. At its conclusion the brethren filed past the grave, and dropped in a sprig of acacia.
The pall-bearers and principal mourners were : -Mr Charles Maule Ramsay Shiell (son), Mr Buchanan Shiell (brother), Mr Lyall Shiell (brother), Mr James Duncan of Balfour (brother-in-law; Mr A. Black, Edinburgh (brother-in-law); Rev. S. Macaulay, LL.D., Tealing (brother-in-law); Earl of Dalhousie; Dr Andrew Thomson, Musselburgh; Mr J. S. Kinghorn, Brechin (partner); ex-Provost Stewart, Monifieth.6 - Passenger List*: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer was found on the passenger list of Walmer Castle Ship The Union Castle Mail Steamship co on 10 January 1927 at Southampton, England,
, Buchanan Shiel, dob c1884, age 43, depart Durban SA, arrive 10 Jan 1927 Southampton England, ports Cape Town, ship Walmer Castle, The Union Castle Mail Steamship co, no 114839.7
- (Spouse) Death: His spouse Sarah Ann Henderson Kinnear died on 23 July 1956 at 6 School Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1956 deaths in the district of Dundee West in the burgh of Dundee; ref 698; Sarah Ann Henderson Shiell married to Buchanan Shiell motor engineer; 1956 July twenty-third 3h 45m am 6 School Road Dundee, f, 82 years, George Kinnear patternmaker (dec) Isabella Kinnear previously Martin ms Nicholson (dec); myocardial degeneration, hypostatic pneumonia as cert by W E A Buchanan MBChB; I G Sheill daughter present; 1956 July 23rd at Dundee G O McIntosh asst registrar, J E Cant registrar.8
- Military Service*: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer served with the Royal Army Service Corps between 1914 and 1918 First name(s) Buchanan
Last name Shiell
Rank 2nd Lieutenant
Regiment Royal Army Service Corps
Year 1914
Archive The National Archives
Archive reference WO 339/9774
Series WO 339
Series description
Wo 339 - Officers' Services, First World War, Regular Army And
Emergency Reserve Officers
Record set British Army Service Records
Category Military, armed forces & conflict
Subcategory Regimental & Service Records
Collections from Great Britain, UK None.13 - (Groom) Marriage*: Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer married Sarah Ann Henderson Kinnear, daughter of George Kinnear joiner and Isabella Nicolson cook, on 2 June 1908 at Queens Hotel, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1908 marriages in the District of St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee; 1908 on the 2nd day of June at Queens Hotel Dundee after banns acording to the forms of the United Free Church; Buchanan Shiell motor engineer bachelor, 25, 5 Charlotte Place, Perth, fath John Shiell SSC, moth Susan Lyall Shiell ms Gurthrie; Sarah A H Kinnear spinster, 32, 8 Wallace Street, fath George Kinnear patternmaker, moth Isabella Kinnear ms Nicholson; signed Charles Shaw St Andrews UF Church Dundee, wit Robert Shiell & Beatrice S Anderson; reg 1809 June 4th at Dundee J G Miller registrar.
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) 1939 England and Wales Register for Buchanan Shiell
London Chelsea Met B AFAG [Jun 2020]. - [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Brechin 275/119 no image held [Jun 2020].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription:
England & Wales Deaths 1837-2007
URL of this page: h3ps://www.findmypast.co.uk/transcript?id=BMD%2FD%2F1962%2F2%2FAZ%2F000945%2F129 [Jul 2019]. - [S40] RS [Jan 2012].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Birth 1910 Perth ref 387/288 image held [Jul 2019].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspapers collection, Montrose review [Dec 2018].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Ancestry.com. UK Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2008.
Original data: Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Inwards Passenger Lists. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). Series BT26, 1,472 pieces. [Jan 2011] - [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held; GROS ref satutory deaths 282/02 0698 [Jun 2010].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland).
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), RS [Jan 2012].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) 1911 census findmypast [Jun 2010].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) 1939 Register
URL of this page: h$ps://www.findmypast.co.uk/transcript?id=TNA/R39/0106/0106G/009/23 [Jul 2019]. - [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription:
British Army Service Records
URL of this page: h5ps://www.findmypast.co.uk/transcript?id=GBM%2FWO339%2F0310400 [Jul 2019].
Buchanan Shiell automobile engineer
M, #1633, b. 29 April 1883, d. 1962
Last Edited: 5 Oct 2020
Father*: John Shiell b. 4 Apr 1833, d. 21 Jun 1912
Mother*: Susan Lyall Guthrie b. c 1840, d. a 28 Aug 1914
Mother*: Susan Lyall Guthrie b. c 1840, d. a 28 Aug 1914
Military Service
Sarah Ann Henderson Kinnear b. 7 May 1874, d. 23 Jul 1956
Isobel Guthrie Shiell b. 29 Apr 1910, d. 1998