- Birth*: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker was born on 22 March 1857 at Letham, Dunnichen, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1857 births in the parish of Dunnichen in the county of Forfar, ref 7, Fullerton, Alexander Foulis, 1857 March Twenty-second 11h 0m pm Letham, male parents David Fullerton wright journeyman and Helen Fullerton maiden name Skirling, signed David Fullerton father present, registered 1857 March 24th at Dunnichen, Wm Macfarlane registrar.1
- He was the son of David Fullerton house carpenter, wright and Helen Stirling yarn winder.
- (Groom) Marriage*: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker married Margaret Anderson Piggot factory worker, daughter of James Piggot linen packer and Isabel Alexander Anderson, on 10 June 1881 at 7 Glamis Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1881 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 60, 1881 on the Tenth day of June at 7 Glamis Road Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, signed Alexander Fullerton, reedmaker journeyman bachelor, aged 23, residing 15 Watt Street Forfar, parents David Fullerton joiner journeyman (dec) and Helen Fullerton ms Stirling; signed Maggie Piggot, winder linen factory spinster, aged 21, residing 7 Glamis Road Forfar, parents James Piggot lapper linen factory and Isabella Alexander Piggot ms Anderson (dec); signed John Weir AM minister of the parish of St James, signed Betsy Johnstone, James Farquharson witnesses; registrar 1881 June 13th at Forfar W H Thomson registrar.1
- (Deceased) Death*: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker died on 13 April 1925 at 51 1/2 West High Street, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, at age 68 1925 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 49, Alexander Fullerton factory worker married to Margaret Piggot, 1925 April Fifteenth 12h 0m pm 51 1/2 West High Street Forfar, male aged 66 years parents John (sic) Fullerton joiner journeyman (dec) and Helen Fullerton ms Stirling (dec), cerebral haemorrhage as cert by David Maylers MBChB, signed Betsy Hendry daughter present, registered 1925 May 1st at Forfar, John F Craik registrar.1
- (Informant) Death: He registered the death of Jane Fullerton linen weaver on 15 April 1878 at 31 Glamis Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1878 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar; ref 64; Jane Fullerton powerloom linen weaver single; died 1878 April Fifteenth 4h 0m pm 31 Glamis Road Forfar; female aged 40 years; parents David Fullerton joiner journeyman (dec) and Helen Fullerton ms Stirling; cause phthisis pumonalis months as cert by William F Murray F&LRCS EDn signed Aleander Fullerton brother; registered 1878 April 16th at Forfar signed W H Thomson registrar.2
- (Informant) Birth: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker registered the birth of David Piggot Fullerton on 23 August 1878 at 11 Wellbraehaed, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1878 births in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 348; David Fullerton illegitimate, 1878 August Twenty-third, 2h 15m pm 11 Wellbraehead Forfar, male, parents Alexander Fullerton reedmaker journeyman and Margaret Piggot factory yarn winder; informant Margaret Piggot mother and Alexander Fullerton father 31 Glamis Road Forfar; registered 1878 September 12th at Forar signed W H Thomson registrar; paternity of child found by decree of court see reg of corr entries vol III p86 April 11th 1879.1
- (Informant) Death: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker registered the death of William Paterson rope spinner on 30 June 1884 at Forfar Infirmary, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1884 deaths in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar; ref 159; William Paterson ropespinner single illegitimate, died 1884 June Thirtieth 3h 0m pm Forfar Infirmary Ususal residence 100 West High Street Forfar; male aged 20 years; parents John Paterson carter reputed & Jane Fullerton factory linen worker (dec) ; cause phthisis 9 months as cert by Geo P Alexander FRCS; signed Alexander Fullerton uncle 100 WEst High Street Forfar; registered 1884 July 1st at Forfar signed W H Thomson registrar.3
- Photograph: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker and Margaret Anderson Piggot factory worker are in this photograph taken in 1902 along with Betsy Doig Fullerton, Frank Fullerton tailor, John Gray Fullerton butcher, Albert Brown Fullerton, William Anderson Fullerton railway clerk; bookkeeper, Adam Fullerton, Oliver Bruce Fullerton, Alexina Wade Fullerton, George Peterkin Fullerton and David Piggot Fullerton 1902 Fullerton Family: Back L to R – Frank, William, John and David
Front L to R – Alexander Fullerton, George, Adam, Betsy, Albert, Alexina, Margaret Fullerton and Oliver
1902 Fullerton Family: Back L to R – Betsy, Alexander Fullerton, Frank, and John
Front L to R – Albert, William, Adam, Oliver, Margaret Fullerton, Alexina, George and David.4 - (Witness) Marriage: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker witnessed the marriage of William Hendry and Betsy Doig Fullerton on Monday, 23 July 1906 at Masonic Halls, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
- Photograph*: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker is in this photograph taken in 1918 along with Albert Brown Fullerton, Oliver Bruce Fullerton and John Gray Fullerton butcher 1918 L to R Albert, Oliver, John and Alexander Fullerton.4
- Photograph*: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker and Margaret Anderson Piggot factory worker are in this photograph taken circa 1923 along with Alexander Edward Fullerton Wade, Beatrice Honora Fullerton Hendry, Mary Bisset Hendry, Margaret Ann Hendry, David Piggot Fullerton, Alexina Fullerton Hendry, Alexander Fowlis Fullerton and Ada Wade l-r Alexander Fowlis Fullerton, Alexander Edward (Sonny) Wade, Beat(rice) Hendry, Mary Hendry, Mac (Margaret) Hendry, Davie Fullerton (cross legged), Bunt (Alexina) Hendry, Chris Fullerton (young girl sitting), Alex Fullerton, Ada Wade, Margaret Anderson Piggot.7,8
- Photograph: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker and Margaret Anderson Piggot factory worker are in this photograph taken circa 1924 c 1924 Alexander & Margaret Anderson (Piggot) Fullerton.4
- (Spouse) Death: His spouse Margaret Anderson Piggot factory worker died on 14 January 1945 at Hillhead, Hillside, Montrose, Angus, Scotland,
; 1945 deaths in the district of Montrose in the county of Angus, ref 12, Margaret Anderson Fullerton widow of Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker, 1945 January Fourteenth 4h 30m pm Hillhead Hillside, ur 57 West High Street Forfar, female aged 84 years parents James Piggot linen finisher (dec) and Isabel Alexander Piggot ms Anderson (dec), cause senile decay cardiac failure as cert by Wm Lindsay McDougall MBChB, signed David Fullerton son 7 Gardenside Crescent Carmyle Glasgow, registered 1945 January 16th at Montrose Jessie L Gladstone assistant registrar, initialled JSB (Jas S Brown) registrar.1
- (Interred) Burial: William Paterson rope spinner and Helen Stirling yarn winder was buried with Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker on 2 July 1884 at Newmonthill Cemetery P/30/3, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, Piggot, Margaret Fullerton 17 January 1945 Unrecorded
Fullerton, Alexander 04 May 1925 Unrecorded
Fullerton, Adam Doig 05 December 1906 Unrecorded
Fullerton, George Peterkin 05 September 1906 Unrecorded
Stirling, Helen Fullerton 01 May 1888 Unrecorded
Patterson, William 02 July 1884 Unrecorded.9 - (Groom) Marriage*: Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker married Margaret Anderson Piggot factory worker, daughter of James Piggot linen packer and Isabel Alexander Anderson, on 10 June 1881 at 7 Glamis Road, Forfar, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1881 marriages in the district of Forfar in the county of Forfar, ref 60, 1881 on the Tenth day of June at 7 Glamis Road Forfar after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, signed Alexander Fullerton, reedmaker journeyman bachelor, aged 23, residing 15 Watt Street Forfar, parents David Fullerton joiner journeyman (dec) and Helen Fullerton ms Stirling; signed Maggie Piggot, winder linen factory spinster, aged 21, residing 7 Glamis Road Forfar, parents James Piggot lapper linen factory and Isabella Alexander Piggot ms Anderson (dec); signed John Weir AM minister of the parish of St James, signed Betsy Johnstone, James Farquharson witnesses; registrar 1881 June 13th at Forfar W H Thomson registrar.1
- [S40] From RM [Mar 2006].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Death 1878 Forfar ref 288/0064 image held [Feb 2020].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1884 Forfar ref 288/0159 image held [Feb 2020].
- [S40] From ED [Sept 2013].
- [S40] Further details from nettyfh1 @ Ancestry.co.uk [Sept 2013].
- [S40] Photo from ED [Sept 2013].
- [S40] From MM @ Ancestry.co.uk [Sept 2013].
- [S40] GF @ Ancestry.co.uk [Sep 2013].
- [S62] Website Deceased online (www.deceasedonline.com) authority Angus Council cemetery Newmonthill grave reference P/30/3 [Feb 2020].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription:1861 England, Wales & Scotland Census
Village of Bownefauld, Dunnichen, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland https://www.findmypast.co.uk/transcript?id=GBC%2F1861%2F0022645271 [Feb 2020]. - [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Record Transcription: 1871 England, Wales & Scotland Census 4, Glamis Road, Forfar, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland [Feb 2020].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Marriage 1883 Forfar 288/ 64 ; image held [Feb 2020].
- [S40] From mj321rodriguez @ Ancestry.co.uk [Sept 2013].
Alexander Foulis Fullerton reedmaker
M, #2782, b. 22 March 1857, d. 13 April 1925
Last Edited: 8 Jun 2024
Father*: David Fullerton house carpenter, wright b. 9 Mar 1812, d. 8 Jul 1867
Mother*: Helen Stirling yarn winder b. 25 Jul 1814, d. 28 Apr 1888
Mother*: Helen Stirling yarn winder b. 25 Jul 1814, d. 28 Apr 1888
1st cousin 3 times removed of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Margaret Anderson Piggot factory worker b. 15 Jul 1860, d. 14 Jan 1945
David Piggot Fullerton+ b. 23 Aug 1878, d. 15 Apr 1970
James Piggot Fullerton13 b. 23 Sep 1881, d. 12 May 1884
William Anderson Fullerton railway clerk; bookkeeper+ b. 29 Jan 1883
Frank Fullerton tailor+ b. c 1884, d. 4 Jan 1915
Betsy Doig Fullerton+ b. 18 Sep 1886, d. 30 Dec 1966
John Gray Fullerton butcher b. 6 Jun 1888, d. 5 Sep 1963
Adam Fullerton b. 30 Sep 1890, d. 1 Dec 1906
Alexina Wade Fullerton+ b. 5 Dec 1892, d. 15 Oct 1968
Albert Brown Fullerton b. c 1894, d. 21 Jan 1955
George Peterkin Fullerton b. 31 Dec 1897, d. 1 Sep 1906
Oliver Bruce Fullerton+ b. 22 Feb 1900, d. 17 Jul 1964
James Piggot Fullerton13 b. 23 Sep 1881, d. 12 May 1884
William Anderson Fullerton railway clerk; bookkeeper+ b. 29 Jan 1883
Frank Fullerton tailor+ b. c 1884, d. 4 Jan 1915
Betsy Doig Fullerton+ b. 18 Sep 1886, d. 30 Dec 1966
John Gray Fullerton butcher b. 6 Jun 1888, d. 5 Sep 1963
Adam Fullerton b. 30 Sep 1890, d. 1 Dec 1906
Alexina Wade Fullerton+ b. 5 Dec 1892, d. 15 Oct 1968
Albert Brown Fullerton b. c 1894, d. 21 Jan 1955
George Peterkin Fullerton b. 31 Dec 1897, d. 1 Sep 1906
Oliver Bruce Fullerton+ b. 22 Feb 1900, d. 17 Jul 1964