- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Alexander Fairweather Nicolson factory mechanical engineer and Jane Ann Ogilvie on Thursday, 3 December 1914 at 93 Commercial Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1914 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee; page 112 # 224; 1914 on the 14th day of December at 93 Commmercial Street Dundee by declaration in presence of Percy Powell, Photographer, 55 Taylor's Lane, Dundee and Sarah Nicolson or Sanderson, 177 Victoria Road, Dundee; Alexander F Nicolson machine fitter journeyman aged 48 residing at 19 Glamis Street Dundee; father Robert Nicoslon engine fitter journeyman deceased and mother Jessie Nicolson ms Worral deceased; Jane Ann Louden widow aged 43 residing at 28 Rosebank Street Dundee; father Alexander Ogilvie flaxdresser deceased and mother Margaret Ogilvie ms McDonald deceased; Warrant of Sheriff Substitute of Forfarshire dated December 3rd 1914; registered 1914 December 3rd at Dundee; Alex Buchan registrar.1
- (Registrar) Death: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the death of Martin Fraser Dickson was registered on 6 September 1915 at Kings Cross Hospital, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1915 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 0376; Martin Fraser Dickson (single), 1915 September 6th 0:45 PM; Kings Cross Hospital; ur 27 Isle's Lane, Dundee, aged 7 years, father John Dickson calender worker; mother Eliza Jane Dickson ms McManus, Typhoid Fever as certified by Kenneth McLay MB, informant John Dickson father 27 Isle's Lane (present), registered 1915 September 7th at Dundee, Alex Buchan registrar.2
- (Registrar) Death: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the death of Thomas Grant Lawson was registered on 3 February 1916 at Marrbank Nursing Home, Paradise Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1916 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 36; Thomas Grant Lawson preperty agent married to Elizabeth McDonald, died 1916 February Third 7h 10m am at Nursing Home Marrbank Paradise Road (UR 1 Gowrie Street) Dundee, male aged 63 years, parents Thomas Lawson builder (dec) and Mary Lawson ms Butchart (dec); cause operation for removal of enlarged prostate gland as cert by H M McHoul MB; signed John W Lawson son Cairndhu Tayport; registered 1916 February 3rd at Dundee signed Alex Buchan registrar.3,4
- (Registrar) Birth: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the birth of Robert Carmichael Nicolson engineer, merchant navy was registered on 25 July 1916 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1916 Births in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee ref 355;
Robert Carmichael Nicolson, born 1916 July Twenty-fifth at 1h 30m PM at 37 Strathmartine Road Dundee; male parents Robert Davidson Nicolson jute mill mechanic and Martha Rattray Nicolson ms McKane who married 1915 July 9th Dundee; signed Martha R Nicolson mother; registered 1916 August 10th at Dundee signed Alex Buchan registrar.5 - (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of John MacFarlane Doig and Annie Lowson McHardy on Thursday, 27 July 1916 at 16 Bank Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1916 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee; ref 177; 1916 on the twenty-seventh day of July at 16 Bank Street Dundee by declaration in the presence of David Thout (sic) Fenton despatch rider RE Houghton Regis Dunstable and Bessie Hardie McHardy teacher High Street Burrelton; John M'F Doig school teacher bachelor, 40, High Street North Berwick, father John Doig joiner retired, mother Euphemai Doig ms Forbes; Annie L McHardy spinster, 26, High Street Burrelton, father John McHardy tailor and clothier, mother Helen McHardy ms Adamson; by warrant of Sheriff Substitute of Forfarshire dated July 27th 1916; registered 1916 July 28th at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar.6
- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Alexander Young Dickson jute mill oiler and Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier on Saturday, 23 August 1919 at 27 Bank Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1919 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 451; 1919 on the 23rd day of August at 27 Bank Street Dundee by declaration in the presence of John Dickson millworker and Helen Reid Small jute spinner, signed Alexander Y Dickson jute mill oiler bachelor, 20, 1 Lowdens Alley Dundee, fath John Dickson callander worker, moth Elizabeth Jane Dickson ms McManus; Mary J Paterson jute preparer spinster, 18, 1 Lowdens Alley Dundee, fath John Paterson baker journeyman, moth Euphemia Paterson ms Stewart (dec), warrant of Sheriff Substitute of Forfarshire dated August 23rd 1919, reg 1919 August 25th at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar. Stamped Divorce reg corr entries vol 19 # 102 (162?)7
- (Registrar) Death: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the death of Sarah Key domestic servant was registered on 21 October 1919 at 6 Lawson Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1919 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 719; Sarah McDonald widow of David McDonald gardener, 1919 October twentyfirst 7h 25m am 6 Lawson Place Dundee, female aged 72 years, parents William Key railway labourer (dec) and Elizabeth Key ms Myres (dec), senility as cert by J J Thom MB, signed Peter Millar son-in-law 5 Bank Street present, registered 1919 October 21st at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar.8
- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of David Simpson and Agnes Fisher Miller on Thursday, 25 December 1919 at Masonic Hall, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1919 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee ref 686; 1919 on the Twentyfifth day of December at Masonic Hall Rankines Court Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Baptist Church, signed David Simpson school caretaker widower aged 48, residing St Marys Place Dundee, parents John Simpson caretaker (dec) and Susan Simpson ms McInrey (dec); signed Agnes F Miller or Neil housekeeper widow aged 35, residing 9 Forest Park Road Dundee, parents William Miller jute factory overseer and Marion Miller ms Conway (dec); signed Walter Richards Baptist minister, signed Lizzie Conway Miller, Robert F Conway witness; registered 1919 December 29th at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar.9
- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Joseph Beckett and Agnes Neave Lindsay on Wednesday, 22 March 1922 at 32 Bank Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1922 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee; ref 97; 1922 on the twenty-second day of March at 32 Bank Street Dundee by declaration in the presence of David McKenzie jute mill overseer and Elizabeth Ormond Mckenzie or Smith both of 14 Maryfield Terrace Dundee; Joseph Beckett cattle dealer bachelor, 38, Stag Hotel Forfar, James Beckett cattle dealer and Elizabeth Beckett ms Evans; Agnes Neave Lindsay or Stewart housekeeper widow, 36, 75 East High Street Forfar, Thomas Lindsay bakers vanman (dec) and Agnes Lindsay ms Neave (dec); warrant of Sherrif Substitute of Forfarshire dated March 22nd 1922; 1922 March 23rd at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar.10,11
- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of William Miller jute powerloom tenter and Ann Wilson jute weaver on Friday, 21 July 1922 at 13 Dudhope Terrace, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1922 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 292; 1922 on the Twentyfirst day of July at 13 Dudhope Terrace Dundee after publication according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland; William Miller jute factory overseer widower aged 60, 11 Forest Park Road Dundee, James Miller flax warehouseman (dec), Janet Miller ms Mill (dec); Ann Wilson jute weaver spinster aged 46; 7 Mid Wynd Dundee; James Wilson carpet yarn warper (dec) Elizabeth Wilson ms Anderson (dec); signed James Weatherhead, BD minister of St Paul's UF Church Dundee, Alexander Miller 330 Perth Road Dundee, Mina Watson 7 Mid Wynd Dundee witnesses; registered 1922 July 22nd at Dundee, Alex Buchan registrar.12
- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Peter Thomson tug boat master and Lizzie Conway Miller on Thursday, 4 October 1923 at 23 Commercial Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1923 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 363; 1923 om the third day of October at 23 Commercial Street Dundee by declaration in presence of Hector [Victor?] Alexander captain tug master Cliff Bank Avenue Newport and David ... ship stoker 8 James Street Dundee; signed Peter Thomson tug master widower, aged 50, 11 Strathmartine Road, Dundee, parents Thomas Thomson fisherman (dec) and Christina Thomson ms Thomson (dec); signed Lizzie Conway Miller jute weaver spinster, aged 24, Mitchell Street School House Dundee, parents William Miller jute mill dresser and Marion McKenzie Miller ms Conway (dec); by warrant of Sheriff Substitute of Forfarshire dated October 3rd 1923; registered 1923 October 4th at Dundee Alex Buchan registrar.13
- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Christina Mitchell Kinnear and David Malcolm Neave yarn twister on Friday, 24 July 1925 at 4 Adelaide Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1925 marriages in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 235; 1925 on the Twenty Fourth day of July at 4 Adelaide Place Dundee after publication according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland, signed David Malcolm Neave yarn twister bachelor aged 32 residing 6 Andresons Lane Lochee, mother Annie Neave home duties; Christina Mirchell Kinnear yarn twister spinster aged 38 residing 178 South Road Lochee, parents Wemyss Kinnear baker (dec) and Margaret Kinnear ms Ballingall; signed James Baillie minister of Dudhope United Free Church Dundee, signed John Smith Neave Andersons Lane Lochee Dundee, Margaret Dall Kinnear 178 South Road Lochee Dundee witnesses; registered 1925 July 25th at Dundee signed Alex Buchan registrar.14,15
- (Registrar) Marriage: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Catherine Anderson Taylor and John Duncan Ford jute merchant on Saturday, 21 November 1925 at Mathers Hotel, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered;
This marriage connects our Adamson/Ford line to our Miller/Nicolson line
after banns according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland; John Duncan Ford is widower, Catherine Anderson Taylor is spinster, youngest daughter of G C Taylor, The Grove, Downfield; image held.16 - (Informant) Death: Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement registered the death of Alison Abbot Crockett on 2 September 1927 at 17 Leng Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1927 deaths in the district of St Clement in the burgh of Dundee, ref 833; Alison Abbot Nicolson married to George Kinnear Nicolson mill overseer, died 1927 September Seventh at 6h 40 min am at 17 Leng Street Dundee, female aged 43 years; parents James Crockett ships plater (dec) and Margaret Gordon Crockett ms Abbot, died of sprue (now coeliac disease) duration 5 years as cert by A N Nanda MBChB, signed R D Nicolson son 17 Leng Street present; registered 1927 September 3rd at Dundee signed Alex Buchan registrar.17
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland).
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: Statutory Deaths 1915 Dundee St Clement 282-2 0376 [Mar 2002], Dundee City Council Registrar, Commercial Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland. Hereinafter cited as DCC Registry Office.
- [S40] ED [June 2017].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Death 1916 Dundee St Clement 282/3 36 image held [June 2017].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory births 1916 Dundee St Clement 282/3 355 [Dec 2019].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, image held: 1916 Statuatory marraiges 282/03 0177; [Jun 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, image heldGROS 1919 St Clement 0451 [Aug 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory death 1919 St Clement Dundee ref 282/02 0719 [Nov 2011].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1919 Dundee St Clement ref 686 [July 2004].
- [S40] From CRmsB [Sept 2005].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriages 1922 Dundee St Clement ref 97 image held [Sept 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriages 1922 St Clement Dundee image held 282/.. .. ref 292 [Jul 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriages 1923 St Clement Dundee ref 0363 image held [July 2004].
- [S40] SN [Feb 2013].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1925 Dundee St Clement ref 282/022 0235 [June 2015].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory marriage 1925 Dundee St Clement ref 282/2 385, image held [Oct 2020].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1927 Dundee St Clement 282/02 833 image held [Jun 2006].
Alexander Buchan registrar Dundee, St Clement
M, #7652
Last Edited: 21 Jul 2019