- Birth*: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist was born on 16 January 1927 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- She was the daughter of Alexander Miller chiropodist and Kate Nicolson shirt maker.
- Partners*: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist and Dorothy Officer midwife, sister tutor were Partners say 1959; date a guess.
- (Deceased) Death*: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist died on 10 May 2019 at Riverview Lodge Care Home, Newport-on-Tay, Fife, Scotland,
, at age 92.2
- Obituary: The obituary of Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist was was published on 28 May 2019. Full text for publication
Marion Miller 16 January 1927 – 10 May 2019 aged 92 years
Early life
Dr Marion Miller was born in Dundee in 1927 and grew up with her four sisters in Perth Road. The sisters were all baptised in Tay Square United Free Church where their father, who was one of the first qualified and licensed chiropodists in Dundee, was also a lay preacher and superintendent of the Sunday School. Everyone in the family played an instrument and musical evenings at home and performances at church socials and concerts were the order of the day.
Marion was educated at the Demonstration School, in Park Place; and then Harris Academy, where she gained dux in Biology and was captain in her final year. Marion was a keen sportswomen, involved with swimming, hockey, tennis and cycling and told tales of round-Scotland youth hostelling trips during the summer holidays.
Academically very able, she was third in a field of 129 candidates in a competition for university entrance bursaries, winning the Armitstead Bursary in 1945, with scholarships and other bursaries to St. Andrew's University following each year afterwards. Throughout her time at St Andrews, she passed many of her exams in the First Rank of Honours, many with merit, collected several class medals and graduated MBChB in medicine with commendations in June 1950.
Post Graduate & Professional Life
Post graduate training took place in Maryfield Hospital and Dundee Royal Infirmary, but she also worked in Fife, Edinburgh and London. In her first post in Ayrshire, she was expected to be able to drive and have a car. She succeeded in achieving both – within the fortnight before starting work!
Specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology, she trained with Professor Margaret Fairlie, and later Professor James Walker. She became member of the Royal college of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 1956, and later became a fellow of the same college and also a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
In 1962 she was appointed a consultant to the Women's Hospitals in Edinburgh (the now closed Elsie Inglis Memorial Maternity and Bruntsfield Hospitals) and served in that capacity for over 17 years, retiring prematurely due to recurrent ill-health and spinal problems in 1979. She has said she owed her renewed ability to walk to Mr Ivan Jacobson, neurosurgeon at D.R.I. On retirement, her colleagues and members of the Edinburgh hospitals presented her with a typewriter and dictating machine.
Since Retiral
After retiral, she was not idle, being involved with work among the disabled and elderly, taking the role of Hon Treasurer with the Disability Income Group Charitable Trust (Scotland); becoming an elder with Gorgie Parish Church and over the following 20 years or so, writing freelance articles, mainly about women’s health, for medical journals, the Scotsman, various Dundee papers and publications. Her hobby was writing bothy ballads in the local dialect.
She was loved and admired by her family and many friends who all enjoyed her company and counsel – especially at her home in Newport where the piano in ‘the Bothy’ and the gloriously unique garden gave such pleasure to all.3,4 - (Witness) Photograph: She is in this photograph taken on 7 February 1934 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Alexander Miller chiropodist, Kate Nicolson shirt maker, Olive Miller, Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister, Hope Myra Conway Miller and Rhoda Nicolson Miller.5
- (Witness) Photograph: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist is in this photograph taken circa 1938 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister, Hope Myra Conway Miller and Rhoda Nicolson Miller Lady of 100 pockets.6
- (Witness) Photograph: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist is in this photograph taken circa 1938 at Auchmithie beach, Angus, Scotland, along with Alexander Miller chiropodist, Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister.7
- (Witness) Photograph: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist is in this photograph taken in 1949 along with Alexander Miller chiropodist, Kate Nicolson shirt maker, William Ewan Conway, Adele Gertrude Aldridge, Audrey Malvina Conway and Rhoda Nicolson Miller.7
- (Witness) Photograph: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist is in this photograph taken say 1950 along with Alexander Miller chiropodist, Lizzie Conway Miller, Audrey Malvina Conway and Kate Nicolson shirt maker.8
- (Witness) Photograph: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist is in this photograph taken say 1950 along with Lizzie Conway Miller, Alexander Miller chiropodist, William Miller Thomson businessman and Kate Nicolson shirt maker.8
- (Witness) Marriage: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist witnessed the marriage of Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister on Saturday, 1 July 1950 at St Paul's Church, Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Extract of and Entry in a Register of Marriages kept on the undermentioned Parish or District in terms of 17 & 18 Victoriae, Cap 80 $$ 56 & 58.
1950 on the First day of July at St Paul's Church Nethergate Dundee after Banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, Signed Douglas George Adamson medical practitioner batchelor aged 35, residing 20 East Haddon Road Dundee, parents James Kinnear Adamson school teacher retired and Georgina Adamson ms Key; signed Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister spinster, aged 25, residing 25 Perth Road Dundee, parents Alexander Miller chiropodist and Kate Miller ms Nicolson; signed James Munn of St Paul's Dundee, signed Marion C Miller 25 Perth Road Dundee & George H Smith 10 Baldovan Road Dundee witnesses; registered 1950 July 3rd at Dundee signed C W Baxter interim registrar; Extracted from the Register Book of Marriages for the District of St Mary & St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee this 4th day of July 1950, signed C W Baxter interim registrar.9 - (Witness) Newspaper Article: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist and James Kinnear Adamson teacher, Georgina Key tailoress, Alexander Miller chiropodist, Kate Nicolson shirt maker, George Harvey Smith lecturer of Pathology, John Henry Prain medical practitioner, James Kinnear Adamson MA and Rev James Munn MA minister Mariners', St Pauls 1937-1952 were mentioned in a newspaper article about Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister on 1 July 1950. Dundee Church Wedding
The wedding took place to-day in Paul's Church, Dundee, of Dr. Douglas George Adamson younger son of Mr and Mrs James Adamson, 20 East Haddon Road and Miss Catherine Nicolson Miller second daughter of Mr and Mrs Alexander Miller, 25 Perth Road.
The bride was given away by her father. She wore a gown of white French lame with sleeves and yoke of white lace. The skirt was topped by shirred bodice, hand embroidered silk net veil fell from an orange blossom head-dress and she carried a bouquet of pale pink roses and white heather.
Dr Marion C. Miller (bride's sister), and eight-year-old M. Lilian Bell (groom's niece); who attended Miss Miller, both wore dresses of white taffeta under white net. Dr Miller's gown featured a peplum and bodice with a heart-shaped neckline. The little girl's was trimmed with lovers' knots and rosebuds in pink and mauve to match both bouquets and head-dresses.
Best man was Dr George H. Smith, ushers, were Dr John H. Prain and Mr James K. Adamson, jun., and A. Morrisison Reid.
The ceremony was conducted by Rev James Munn, assisted by Rev. James Mackay. The reception was in Kidd’s Rooms.10 - Photograph*: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist is in this photograph taken on 1 July 1950 at St Paul's Church, Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- (Witness) Death: She lost her mother Kate Nicolson shirt maker on 22 September 1956 at 31 Farington Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Kate Miller married to Alexander Miller chiropodist, 1956 September twenty second 7h 20m am 31 Farington Street Dundee, female aged 56 years, parents Alfred Henry Nicolson butcher master (dec) Catherine Nicolson ms Riley (dec), cause scirrhus of breast multiple metastases as cert by W Fyffe Dorward MBChB, signed W Ewan Conway cousin 16 Burn Street Dundee, registered 1956 September 22nd at Dundee J H Vaughan assistant registrar, initialed [Jsilby].12
- Appointment: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist was appointed ROYAL COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNAECOLOGISTS
At a meeting af the Council of the College held on 31 January and 1 February, with the president, Sir John Peel, in the chair, the following were ... elected to the Fellowship: ... Marion C. Miller on 31 January 1969.13 - Appointment*: She was appointed ROYAL COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNAECOLOGISTS
At a meeting af the Council of the College held on 6 June, with the president, Sir John Peel, in the chair, the following were ... admitted to the Fellowship: ... Marion C. Miller on 6 June 1969.14 - (Witness) Obituary: She was mentioned in the Obituary of Alexander Miller chiropodist on 20 December 1978; Obituary Dundee "Courier & Advertiser" December 20th, 1978 reads: One of Dundee's first chiropodists and founder member of the Dundee branch of the Society of Chiropody has died following an illness.
Mr Alexander Miller, 19 School Road, Dundee, died on Wednesday at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. He was 81.
A native of Dundee, Mr Miller was educated at Blackness School, Dundee, before embarking on a course of studies leading to his qualification as a chiropodist.
As there was no training in chiropody at that time, he studied the necessary medical subjects at Dundee School of Medicine during the 1920's gaining practical experience from colleagues in London.
Mr Miller had a private practice in Perth Road, Dundee, for many years and retired in 1967.
During the First World War he served as an orderly in the RAMC with the Black Watch and was taken prisoner in Germany.
During the Second World War he was in charge of the ARP post at Hawkhill School, Dundee.
Mr Miller was the Session Clerk at Tay Square Church until it closed, and was an elder of St Paul's.
For many years he was chairman of the Dundee Boys and Girls Religious Association, and was involved in missionary work throughout the world.
He is survived by his five daughters and his wife.15 - Retirement*: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist was retired on 14 November 1980.16
- (Witness) Death: She witnessed the death of Dorothy Officer midwife, sister tutor on 8 December 2013 at Riverview Lodge Care Home, Newport-on-Tay, Fife, Scotland,
; OFFICER Peacefully, at Riverview Lodge Care Home, Newport-on-Tay, on Sunday, December 8, 2013, Dorothy, dear friend and companion of Dr Marion Miller, much loved sister of Bill, Audrey and the late Henry and Mick, also a dear aunt and great-aunt. Funeral service to take place in Dundee Crematorium on Friday,
December 13, at 1.15 p.m., to which all family and friends are respectfully invited. No flowers please, but donations can be made to cancer research.17,18,19 - Address: As of May 2014, Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist lived at Japonica Cottage, 62 West Road, Newport-on-Tay, Fife, Scotland,
- (Sibling) Death: She witnessed the death of Olive Miller on 7 August 2019 at St Albert Retirement Residence, 125 Everitt Drive, St Albert, Alberta, Canada,
; KEYES, Olive
(Lamoureux Miller)
Born February 11, 1922; passed on August 7, 2019. Mom was predeceased by her lovely sisters in Scotland and by her son Colin in 1981. She was also predeceased by her loving husband Henry Lamoureux and by second husband Murray Keyes. And by the many siblings and their spouses comprising Henry's family. She is survived by her daughters, Evelyn and Rhoda, and her son, Ian plus her daughter-in-law, Sandra and grandchildren, great- grandchildren and nieces and nephews too numerous to mention, both in Canada and Scotland. Mom was born in Dundee, Scotland, where she lived until being whisked away to Canada by Henry along with two very young children (Evelyn and Ian), to begin a new life in a completely unfamiliar country. Happily, she was warmly embraced by Henry's rather large family. Mom was a remarkable woman who lived an unremarkable life. It's likely fair to say that Mom never uttered an unkind word about anyone (even if deserved). We are very sorry to lose this special lady but we take comfort knowing that she was prepared to go and that we had her with us for longer than we ever thought possible. We are grateful for the care provided by St. Albert Retirement Residence, where Mom spent the last few months of her life. We are also immensely grateful to Dr. Sadia Shakil simply stated, the care and support she provided to Mom far exceeded what one could reasonably expect from a care provider. This note of remembrance could not conclude without expressing profound gratitude to Evelyn and Rhoda for the extraordinary devotion shown by both to Mom over the years. Rhoda, in particular, was tireless in helping attend to Mom's needs upon her relocation to St. Albert. Pursuant to Mom's wishes, and in keeping with her humble nature. There will not be a funeral service nor a celebration of life. Following Cremation her remains will be interred in the family plot in Lamoureux, Alberta.
Published on August 13, 2019.20 - Ed Photograph*: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist is in this photograph taken in 1943 Marion Miller 2nd back row 2nd from right (Others identified are Marion MacGregor to the left of MM, and directly in front of these two - Miss Kirk (L) and Miss Beveridge (who taught English.)21
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article in July 1943 at Essendy, Blairgowrie, Scotland,
- Ed Newspaper Article*: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Harris Academy Honours.
This year's Dundee Harris Academy medallists are: ... biology Marion Miller ... on 23 June 1945 at Harris Academy, Perth Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.23
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article St Andrews Varsity Bursary Awards
... Entrance Bursaries
One hundred and twenty-nine candidates entered for the competition. The following list contains the names of the first 29 competitors in order of merit:- ... 4 Marion Conway Miller, Harris Academy, Dundee (medicine)... on 27 June 1945 at St Andrews University, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.24,25
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Dundee Varsity Bursaries
The following is a list, in order of merit, of the first 22 candidates in Dundee University entrance bursary examinations. Eighty-six candidates sat.
... 3 (equal) William W Muir, Harris Academy, and Marion C Miller, Harris ... on 28 June 1945 at Dundee University, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.23
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Dundee University Bursary Awards
Bursaries have been offered to the following candidates as a result of the University College, Dundee, entrance bursary examinations. All the bursaries, except where stated, are tenable for three or four years :-
... Marion C Miller, Harris (medicine), Armitstead, £50 per annum ... on 3 July 1945 at University College, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article St Andrews Degree Exam. Passes
The following students of St Andrews University have passed in zoology in first MBChB examination - ... Marion C Miller (merit) ... on 4 December 1945 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.26
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article St Andrews Degree Exam. Passes
The following students of St Andrews University have passed in the sublects named:- First MBChB ... Botany ... Marion C Miller ... on 21 December 1945 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article St Andrews Degree Exam. Passes
The following students of St Andrews University have passed in the subjects named:- First MBChB examination ... Inorganic chemistry ... Marion C Miller (with merit) ... on 22 March 1946 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Degree Exam. Results at St Andrews
The following candidates have passed :- ... First MBChB examination ... Organic chemistry ... Marion C Miller ... on 22 March 1946 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Degree Exam. Results
The following students of St Andrews University have passed degree examinations in the subjects named:- First MBChB ... Physics ... Marion C Miller (with merit) ... on 22 June 1946 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article St Andrews Degree Examinations
Following students of St Andrews University have passed degree examinations in the subjects named:- Second MBChB ... Physiology ... Marion C Miller ... on 16 June 1947 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Degree Examination Passes
Candidates have passed the degree examinations of St Andrews University in the following subjects:- Third MBChB ... Forensic Medicine ... Marion C Miller ... on 20 June 1949 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Results in Degree Examinations
Students have passed the degree examinations of St Andrews University in the following subjects:- ... Third MBChB ... Public Health ... Marion C Miller (merit) ... on 22 June 1949 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Bursary Awards
Following is a list of the second and subsequent year bursaries awarded by the Council of Dundee University College for session 1949-50:- ... Fifth Year ... Marion C Miller (medicine), - Davidson bursary, £30 augmented to £50 ... on 9 July 1949 at Council of Dundee University College, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.24
- Ed Newspaper Article: She was mentioned in a newspaper article Degree Examination Results
St Andrews University degree examination:- Fourth MBChB ... Completed the examination:- ... Marion C Miller ... on 20 June 1950 at St Andrews University, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,.24
- Military Service*: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist served with the First Aid Post between 1939 and 1945 at Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, Hawkhill First Aid Post, Dundee.27
- (Witness) History: Five into One –Tay Square Church. Tay Square traces its origins to the secessions of the eighteenth century. From 1743, School Wynd Secession Church flourished, but in 1832, a group of members, dissatisfied over the nomination of a new minister, disjoined to form Tay Square United Secession Church, entering their new church in 1834. Rev. Robert Wardrope, 1807-1840 was called in 1832 to be minister of School Wynd Church, but in consequence of a dispute in that congregation the call was not sustained. Those who supported him left the church, and were formed into a separate congregation —Tay Square —and they at once called Mr Wardrope, but his delicate health prevented his acceptance of the call. He died when only 33 years of age. Still in the church archives, this silhouette of Rev. Robert Wardrope was lent by its owner, Andrew Roxburgh, to be exhibited in the “Old Dundee” exhibition of 1892-93 –held in the Albert Institute (now McManus Galleries).
The first minister, the Rev. J R McGavin, was elected in 1875 as Moderator of the United Presbyterian Synod. The second, the Rev. Dr Charles Jerdan, became Principal Clerk of the United Free Church General Assembly. Under these two ministers, Tay Square became one of the foremost congregations in the United Presbyterian Church. Mission activities centred on the West Port, Artillery Lane and Hawkhill, the last leading to the founding in 1876 of Hawkhill United Presbyterian Church, which united with Tay Square in 1903.
Such community interests were extended onto a national scale by the Rev. John Mansie, who as Convener of the Assembly Committee on Social Problems, was largely responsible for the establishment in 1931 of the Belmont Castle Eventide Home. After the union of Tay Square and St. Paul's in 1952, the Tay Square building was reopened as St. Paul's Halls by Mrs Jarvis, wife of the Very Rev. Ernest D Jarvis and daughter of the Rev. John Reid, a former Tay Square minister.
© Meadowside St. Paul’s 2017. All rights reserved.28 - Note for Web*: Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist New house in Newport on 19 November 1983.29
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Birth 1927 Dundee Lochee ref 282/4 28
and Dundee St Clement 282/2 77 [Mar 2017]. - [S6] MT-PCC [May 2019].
- [S6] Author PCC [May 2019].
- [S20] Unknown author, 'article', Dundee Courier & Advertiser, unknown date (DC Thomson, unknown repository reference) Originally printed on 28 May, 2019 [May 2019].
- [S43] PCC.
- [S43] MHT.
- [S43] PCC photographic collection.
- [S43] LB [Feb 2018].
- [S43] Original marriage extract held with personal papers of CNM [Feb 2018].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspaper collection, Dundee Evening Telegraph [Nov 2019].
- [S133] Interview with unknown informant (unknown informant address). Unknown repository (unknown repository address), CNM DGA Wedding Album [1950].
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: Extract of an Entry in a Register of Deaths; Burgh of Dundee; #DC(P)6450 [15 June 2006], Dundee City Council Registrar, Commercial Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland. Hereinafter cited as DCC Registry Office.
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/1/5644/656.full.pdf [May 2019].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/3/5661/66.full.pdf [May 2019].
- [S32] Newspaper Article, Courier & Advertiser, Dundee 20 Dec 1978.
- [S3] CNM Diary, PC Carson (2 Gillburn Road, Dundee, Scotland), 1980 Fri 14 November [Jul 2024].
- [S6] [Dec 2013].
- [S20] Unknown author, 'article', Originally printed on December 10, 2013. Viewed by 113 Visitors. Found at https://dct.myfamilyannouncements.co.uk/dundee/view/695673/officer [May 2019].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory Death 2013 Dundee, ref 351/713 no image held [April 2021].
- [S32] https://edmontonjournal.remembering.ca/obituary/olive-keyes-1076537129 [Aug 2019].
- [S130] PCC originally thought to be 1942, but other newspaper cutting suggests July 1943 [information from CNM Feb 2011].
- [S130] PCC unidentified newspaper cutting [Jun 2019].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Duncee Courier [Mar 2014].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Dundee Courier [May 2019].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) The Scotsman [May 2019].
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Dundee Courier [Mar 2019].
- [S43] MCM archives held by PCC.
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://www.mspdundee.co.uk/publications
https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/5b5054_4efe5d38a65442948fd3e5ad25a55cf3.pdf [May 2019]. - [S3] CNM Diary, 1969-2018, PC Carson, 1983 Saturday 19 November [Jul 2024].
Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist
F, #418, b. 16 January 1927, d. 10 May 2019
Last Edited: 25 Jul 2024
Father*: Alexander Miller chiropodist b. 6 May 1897, d. 20 Dec 1978
Mother*: Kate Nicolson shirt maker b. 7 Oct 1899, d. 22 Sep 1956
Mother*: Kate Nicolson shirt maker b. 7 Oct 1899, d. 22 Sep 1956
Aunt of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Military Service
Anderson, John c1733 descendants
Brady, Catherine c1827 descendants
Bruce, Elizabeth c1733 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Clark, Helen c 1769 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Croyl, George c 1700 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Geddes, Janet c1745 descendants
Grant, John c1745 descendants
Henderson, Andrew c1768 descendants
Hume, John c1735 descendants
Kinloch, Thomas c1703 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
Matthew, James c1765 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McLeish, James c1735 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Miller, Patrick/Peter c1749 descendants
Milne, James c1765 descendants
Nicolson, John c1765 descendants
Paterson, Agnes c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Reilly, Mary c1805 descendants
Robertson, David c1740 descendants
Spense, Margaret c1703 descendants
Stephen, Janet c1750 descendants
Tait, Andrew s1670 descendants
Urquhartson, Elisabeth s1735 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants
Worrel, John c1765 descendants
Brady, Catherine c1827 descendants
Bruce, Elizabeth c1733 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Clark, Helen c 1769 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Croyl, George c 1700 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Geddes, Janet c1745 descendants
Grant, John c1745 descendants
Henderson, Andrew c1768 descendants
Hume, John c1735 descendants
Kinloch, Thomas c1703 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
Matthew, James c1765 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McLeish, James c1735 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Miller, Patrick/Peter c1749 descendants
Milne, James c1765 descendants
Nicolson, John c1765 descendants
Paterson, Agnes c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Reilly, Mary c1805 descendants
Robertson, David c1740 descendants
Spense, Margaret c1703 descendants
Stephen, Janet c1750 descendants
Tait, Andrew s1670 descendants
Urquhartson, Elisabeth s1735 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants
Worrel, John c1765 descendants