- Birth*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was born on 19 July 1924 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Extract Entry of Birth no 573, Catherine Nicolson Miller, born 1924 July Nineteenth 3h 0m pm at 44 Ashbank Road Dundee, female, parents Alexander Miller butcher's manager and Kate Miller ms Nicolson who married 1921 October 5th at Dundee, signed Alexr Miller father, registered 1924 July 24th at Dundee signed John Pickard assist registrar initialled T M (Thos Meek, registrar); Extracted from the Register Book of Births for the District of St Mary & St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, this Twenty Fourth day of July Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Four years signed Thos Meek registrar.2,3
- She was the daughter of Alexander Miller chiropodist and Kate Nicolson shirt maker.
- Baptism: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was baptised on 23 March 1932 at Tay Square Church, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Baptised by me at Dundee this 23rd day of March 1932 signed John Mansie Minister of Tay Square Church of Scotland.3
- (Bride) Marriage*: She married Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician, son of James Kinnear Adamson teacher and Georgina Key tailoress, on 1 July 1950 at St Paul's Church, Nethergate, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Extract of and Entry in a Register of Marriages kept on the undermentioned Parish or District in terms of 17 & 18 Victoriae, Cap 80 $$ 56 & 58.
1950 on the First day of July at St Paul's Church Nethergate Dundee after Banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, Signed Douglas George Adamson medical practitioner batchelor aged 35, residing 20 East Haddon Road Dundee, parents James Kinnear Adamson school teacher retired and Georgina Adamson ms Key; signed Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister spinster, aged 25, residing 25 Perth Road Dundee, parents Alexander Miller chiropodist and Kate Miller ms Nicolson; signed James Munn of St Paul's Dundee, signed Marion C Miller 25 Perth Road Dundee & George H Smith 10 Baldovan Road Dundee witnesses; registered 1950 July 3rd at Dundee signed C W Baxter interim registrar; Extracted from the Register Book of Marriages for the District of St Mary & St Peter in the Burgh of Dundee this 4th day of July 1950, signed C W Baxter interim registrar.4 - (Deceased) Death*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister died on 29 January 2018 at Royal Victoria Hospital, Dundee, Scotland,
, at age 93.5
- Obituary: The obituary of Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was was published on 29 January 2018. Kay Adamson 1924-2018*
Catherine Nicolson Adamson (neé Miller) died after a short illness in Royal Victoria Hospital, Dundee, on 29th January 2018. She was 93.
Kay was the second of the five daughters of Alexander Miller, one of Dundee's first fully licenced chiropodists, and Kate Nicolson. She was educated at The Demonstration School (Park Place) and Harris Academy. The family were all very active members of Tay Square Church.
In a musical family, Kay's chosen instrument was the violin and she was tutored by A Morrison Reid. She played at competitions and church socials and was a member of the war-time orchestras for Dundee Operatic Society and their concert party. At 18, she was the soloist at the Caird Hall, giving a performance of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor.*
During the war, whilst waiting to be old enough to start her nursing training, Kay helped her father who was heavily involved with the Hawkhill First Aid Post. She excelled in her nursing studies, earning the Ogilvie Dalgleish Gold Medal in 1946. By 1949, she was a Sister at the DRI running the operating theatres.
Probably her most daring exploit during these times was when she entered Perth Musical Festival in March 1946. As she wasn't supposed to leave the nurses' residence at Dundee Royal Infirmary, she had to climb out of a window. She played her piece and got back again without incident and she thought she had got away with it - only to discover a cartoon of her performance published in the Evening Telegraph!*
Kay married Dr Douglas G Adamson in July 1950 and, as was the custom, retired from her profession to become a homemaker. Children followed and a busy family life ensued with Kay and Douglas having many outdoor interests including hill walking, angling, ornithology, camping, curling, ice skating; and a very full social life at the various medical clubs of the day.
Kay was widowed young in April 1979, but her determination and strength of character shone through as she steered her two sons through the final years of their education and into adulthood. She remained in the family home in the West End, continuing much of the work that Douglas had started, especially in the garden and taking her boys on adventure holidays in the Dormobile just as before. It is not so long ago that she was banned by the family from climbing ladders with chainsaw in hand after almost getting stuck in a tree that she was lopping!
Throughout the years, she continued her interest and involvement with medical ladies groups and charities, not least amongst them was the Tenovus charity that Douglas and colleagues had initiated. She was a keen supporter of, and attendee at the many musical and drama performances in theatres throughout the city and further afield, both amateur and professional, but in particular the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Tayside Opera, Act IV, Dundee Operatic Society, Downfield Musical Society and of course Dundee Scout Gang Show where for many years she was the voice on the telephone taking the advance ticket bookings leading up to show week!
Throughout her life she has shown much fortitude and resilience in the face of life-changing accident and illness and this was still very evident in her final days.
She is survived by two of her sisters; a daughter and two sons; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
*Attached photos
1946-CNM-cartoon.jpg.6 - Occupation*: Catherine was a nursing theatre sister.
- Name Variation: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was also known as Kay.
- (Witness) Anecdote forWeb: She was told about a conversation between William Fyffe Dorward MBChB and Kate Nicolson shirt maker. Dr Dorward was the family Doctor and Kate was pregnant at the same time as the doctor's wife. They joked that as the doctor only had boys and Kate and Alec had all girls, if they each had another of the same, they should just swop!7
- (Witness) Photograph: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister is in this photograph taken on 7 February 1934 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Alexander Miller chiropodist, Kate Nicolson shirt maker, Olive Miller, Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist, Hope Myra Conway Miller and Rhoda Nicolson Miller.8
- Photograph*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister is in this photograph taken circa 1938 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist, Hope Myra Conway Miller and Rhoda Nicolson Miller Lady of 100 pockets.9
- Photograph*: Alexander Miller chiropodist and Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister are in this photograph taken circa 1938 at Auchmithie beach, Angus, Scotland, along with Marion Conway Miller obstetrician & gynaecologist.10
- (Witness) Marriage: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister witnessed the marriage of Henry Oscar Lamoureux foundry engineer and Olive Miller on Friday, 19 December 1941 at Tay Square Church, St Mary & St Peter, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Dundee Girl Weds Canadian
Groom's Brother as Best Man
Miss Olive Miller, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Alexander Miller. 25 Perth Road, Dundee, was married in Tay Square Church, Dundee, to-day to a Canadian soldier, who had as his best man his brother, also a soldier from Canada.
The bridegroom was Cpl. Henry 0. Lamoureux, R.C.E., second son of Mr H. Lamoureux, Fort Saskatchewan. Alberta, Canada, and of the late Mrs Lamoureux.
The bride, whose father gave her away, favoured a lovely dress of ivory moire silk attractively adorned with lace. Her veil, lent by Mrs Hackney, was held in place by an orange blossom headdress. and she carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums and pink carnations.
Miss Kay N. Miller, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. She worn a graceful frock of powder blue lace over crepe-de-chine and wore a becoming silver Juliet cap. Deep lilac chrysanthemums composed her bouquet.
Spr. J. A. Lamoureux, R.C.E. was best man, and Rev. John Conway, grand-uncle of the bride, conducted the service in the absence through illness of Rev. A. M. Moodie.
Mr Robert Bayne was organist. Ushers were Messrs James Arklay and Arthur Brown.
A reception was held in Kidd's Rooms.11,12 - Event-Misc: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was solo violin playing Mendlessohn's Violin Concerto in Em.
She wore her sister Olive's wedding gown. in 1942 at Caird Hall, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.13
- Event-Misc: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was playing violin at Co-op Association Ltd, Aid to Russia Fund Concert. on 25 January 1942 at Pavilion Picture House, Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland,
- Photograph: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister is in this photograph taken in 1943 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Event-Misc*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was awarded First Class Certificate of Merit in the Open Violin Solo class at the Perthshire Musical Competition Festival; adjudicators Herbert Wiseman amd Wilfred Senior, signed by Bruce Mckerchar Secretary, Margaret Martin Hon Assistant Secretary in 1945 at Perth, Perthshire, Scotland,
- Event-Misc: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister appeared in an article in Dundee Evening Telegraph on 28 March 1946 at Perth, Perthshire, Scotland,
- Photograph: Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister are in this photograph taken circa 1950 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Photograph: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister is in this photograph taken circa 1950 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Address: As of 1 July 1950, Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister and Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician lived at 246 Arbroath Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Newspaper Article*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister and Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician were mentioned in a newspaper article Dundee Church Wedding
The wedding took place to-day in Paul's Church, Dundee, of Dr. Douglas George Adamson younger son of Mr and Mrs James Adamson, 20 East Haddon Road and Miss Catherine Nicolson Miller second daughter of Mr and Mrs Alexander Miller, 25 Perth Road.
The bride was given away by her father. She wore a gown of white French lame with sleeves and yoke of white lace. The skirt was topped by shirred bodice, hand embroidered silk net veil fell from an orange blossom head-dress and she carried a bouquet of pale pink roses and white heather.
Dr Marion C. Miller (bride's sister), and eight-year-old M. Lilian Bell (groom's niece); who attended Miss Miller, both wore dresses of white taffeta under white net. Dr Miller's gown featured a peplum and bodice with a heart-shaped neckline. The little girl's was trimmed with lovers' knots and rosebuds in pink and mauve to match both bouquets and head-dresses.
Best man was Dr George H. Smith, ushers, were Dr John H. Prain and Mr James K. Adamson, jun., and A. Morrisison Reid.
The ceremony was conducted by Rev James Munn, assisted by Rev. James Mackay. The reception was in Kidd’s Rooms. on 1 July 1950 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,.15
- Married Name: As of 1 July 1950, her married name was Adamson.
- Photograph: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister is in this photograph taken circa 1952 at 246 Arbroath Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Address: As of circa 1953, Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister and Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician lived at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- (Witness) Death: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister lost her mother Kate Nicolson shirt maker on 22 September 1956 at 31 Farington Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Kate Miller married to Alexander Miller chiropodist, 1956 September twenty second 7h 20m am 31 Farington Street Dundee, female aged 56 years, parents Alfred Henry Nicolson butcher master (dec) Catherine Nicolson ms Riley (dec), cause scirrhus of breast multiple metastases as cert by W Fyffe Dorward MBChB, signed W Ewan Conway cousin 16 Burn Street Dundee, registered 1956 September 22nd at Dundee J H Vaughan assistant registrar, initialed [Jsilby].16
- Photograph: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister is in this photograph taken circa 1957 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- Photograph: Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister are in this photograph taken circa 1958 at Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, along with John Henry Prain medical practitioner.10
- Photograph*: Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister are in this photograph taken circa 1970 at Scotland,
- Misc*: In January 1971 at Glencarse Village, Perthshire, Scotland,
, Kay & Douglas were on their way, with two friends, to take part in a curling match at Perth Ice Rink when they were involved in a serious road accident just outside the village of Glencarse on the Dundee to Perth road. Douglas was driving his new Volvo when he was faced with the sudden appearance of a Transit van coming towards him - sideways - on the wrong side of the road. He had only seconds to take action. He was unable to avoid the head-on collision and the Volvo ploughed into the van. The Volvo was rammed so hard, the headlights ended up against the dashboard. Fortunately, the car was fitted with one of the early safety devices that deflected the engine down towards the road in this circumstance.
The first people on the scene were Kay and Douglas’ good friends John and Joan Prain. They must have been impossibly shocked – especially when they discovered who was involved. But never-the-less their war-time medical training and experience stood them in good stead and the four badly injured occupants were taken to Bridge of Earn Hospital for assessment and treatment. Once there, Douglas was particularly concerned for Kay because he was aware of her bad allergic reaction to Elastoplast (we now know it would probably be the latex) and was most insistent that someone, anyone, listen to him – which they did, eventually.
Everyone in the car was badly injured, but all survived. Kay was probably the most badly hurt and remained in hospital for nearly six months while her very badly broken leg and dislocated shoulder healed. She never regained full use of her right shoulder and arm which seriously affected her ability to play her violin, and her right leg was a little shorter – despite intense physiotherapy. But once she was back on her feet, she carried on with life as usual - there were two young laddies to see to, and daughter Pat was planning her wedding the next year.
The driver of the van (who had absconded from the scene) was eventually found and brought to book, but the family considered his low fine and short ban a small inconvenience in comparison to their injuries. The incident was caused by a third vehicle that had broken down with an electrical failure just before the brow of a hill on the east-bound side of the road. This vehicle was unable to display any lights and the van driver failed to see it until the last second, swerving around it and skidding as he crested the brow of the hill. So the first Douglas saw was a large van travelling side-on towards him on the wrong side of the road – and he had about 10 feet to stop in. He always said that the most frightening aspect of those few seconds was the knowledge that he could do nothing to stop it happening – coupled with the appalling sensation of the steering wheel – the only thing he had to brace himself with – collapsing on impact.
A small macabre moment occurred the following week, after Pat had taken a blood-stained jacket of Douglas’ to the cleaners. It was early afternoon when the doorbell rang and Pat opened the door to discover two burly men filling the doorway. ‘Mrs Adamson?’, ‘No, Miss.’, ‘Ah, we are from Tayside Police, are your parents at home just now?’ ‘No, they are both in hospital.’ ‘I see. I hope you can help. We are always informed when someone takes blood-stained clothing to the cleaners’, ‘Yes, my father’s jacket’, ‘How did it get stained? – and you asked for a tear to be repaired – how did that happen?’ ‘My parents were in a bad car accident at the weekend – Glencarse’ ‘Ah, right. I don’t think we need to bother you any more. You see, we are investigating the Blairgowrie murder!’.17,18 - Photograph*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister and William Ewan Conway are in this photograph taken in December 1978 at Farington Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
- (Witness) Obituary: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was mentioned in the Obituary of Alexander Miller chiropodist on 20 December 1978; Obituary Dundee "Courier & Advertiser" December 20th, 1978 reads: One of Dundee's first chiropodists and founder member of the Dundee branch of the Society of Chiropody has died following an illness.
Mr Alexander Miller, 19 School Road, Dundee, died on Wednesday at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. He was 81.
A native of Dundee, Mr Miller was educated at Blackness School, Dundee, before embarking on a course of studies leading to his qualification as a chiropodist.
As there was no training in chiropody at that time, he studied the necessary medical subjects at Dundee School of Medicine during the 1920's gaining practical experience from colleagues in London.
Mr Miller had a private practice in Perth Road, Dundee, for many years and retired in 1967.
During the First World War he served as an orderly in the RAMC with the Black Watch and was taken prisoner in Germany.
During the Second World War he was in charge of the ARP post at Hawkhill School, Dundee.
Mr Miller was the Session Clerk at Tay Square Church until it closed, and was an elder of St Paul's.
For many years he was chairman of the Dundee Boys and Girls Religious Association, and was involved in missionary work throughout the world.
He is survived by his five daughters and his wife.19 - (Spouse) Death: Her spouse Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician died on 9 April 1979 at Dundee, Scotland,
; cause coronary thrombosis.
- Anecdote forWeb*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister was reminscing about Robert Davidson Nicolson mechanical engineer, jute mill manager who was a jute engineer in India during the 1930s; had children who all went to High School and lived with their aunt in Balmossie Street (Broughty Ferry/Barnhill) - Bobby (Robert Carmichael) drowned in WWII, Eleanor, Jimmy (in accident after WWII); brought the 'Kukri Knife' brooch to his cousin Kate Miller (ms Nicolson); when he was home from India, they (he & wife) would visit with you.20
- Anecdote forWeb*: The Messiah. She played (violin) with DSO [Dundee String Orchestra / Dundee Symphony Orchestra?] before her marriage. And as a young-married for the Messiah. At least one performance of the Messiah was at Pitlochry Festival Theatre when it was still under canvas. Her partner at DSO was Chrissie Rhynd.21
- (Sibling) Death: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister witnessed the death of Olive Miller on 7 August 2019 at St Albert Retirement Residence, 125 Everitt Drive, St Albert, Alberta, Canada,
; KEYES, Olive
(Lamoureux Miller)
Born February 11, 1922; passed on August 7, 2019. Mom was predeceased by her lovely sisters in Scotland and by her son Colin in 1981. She was also predeceased by her loving husband Henry Lamoureux and by second husband Murray Keyes. And by the many siblings and their spouses comprising Henry's family. She is survived by her daughters, Evelyn and Rhoda, and her son, Ian plus her daughter-in-law, Sandra and grandchildren, great- grandchildren and nieces and nephews too numerous to mention, both in Canada and Scotland. Mom was born in Dundee, Scotland, where she lived until being whisked away to Canada by Henry along with two very young children (Evelyn and Ian), to begin a new life in a completely unfamiliar country. Happily, she was warmly embraced by Henry's rather large family. Mom was a remarkable woman who lived an unremarkable life. It's likely fair to say that Mom never uttered an unkind word about anyone (even if deserved). We are very sorry to lose this special lady but we take comfort knowing that she was prepared to go and that we had her with us for longer than we ever thought possible. We are grateful for the care provided by St. Albert Retirement Residence, where Mom spent the last few months of her life. We are also immensely grateful to Dr. Sadia Shakil simply stated, the care and support she provided to Mom far exceeded what one could reasonably expect from a care provider. This note of remembrance could not conclude without expressing profound gratitude to Evelyn and Rhoda for the extraordinary devotion shown by both to Mom over the years. Rhoda, in particular, was tireless in helping attend to Mom's needs upon her relocation to St. Albert. Pursuant to Mom's wishes, and in keeping with her humble nature. There will not be a funeral service nor a celebration of life. Following Cremation her remains will be interred in the family plot in Lamoureux, Alberta.
Published on August 13, 2019.22 - Military Service*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister served with the First Aid Post between 1939 and 1942 Hawkhill First Aid Post.
- Note for Web*: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister John Prain was in the same class as Douglas Adamson at Morgan Academy Dundee. Douglas Adamson married Catherine Nicolson Miller who is a third cousin once removed to Joan Taylor, John Prain's wife. This relationship was only discovered in December 2006 when the family tree was being complied and Kay (Catherine) Adamson made the connection..23
- (Witness) History: Five into One –Tay Square Church. Tay Square traces its origins to the secessions of the eighteenth century. From 1743, School Wynd Secession Church flourished, but in 1832, a group of members, dissatisfied over the nomination of a new minister, disjoined to form Tay Square United Secession Church, entering their new church in 1834. Rev. Robert Wardrope, 1807-1840 was called in 1832 to be minister of School Wynd Church, but in consequence of a dispute in that congregation the call was not sustained. Those who supported him left the church, and were formed into a separate congregation —Tay Square —and they at once called Mr Wardrope, but his delicate health prevented his acceptance of the call. He died when only 33 years of age. Still in the church archives, this silhouette of Rev. Robert Wardrope was lent by its owner, Andrew Roxburgh, to be exhibited in the “Old Dundee” exhibition of 1892-93 –held in the Albert Institute (now McManus Galleries).
The first minister, the Rev. J R McGavin, was elected in 1875 as Moderator of the United Presbyterian Synod. The second, the Rev. Dr Charles Jerdan, became Principal Clerk of the United Free Church General Assembly. Under these two ministers, Tay Square became one of the foremost congregations in the United Presbyterian Church. Mission activities centred on the West Port, Artillery Lane and Hawkhill, the last leading to the founding in 1876 of Hawkhill United Presbyterian Church, which united with Tay Square in 1903.
Such community interests were extended onto a national scale by the Rev. John Mansie, who as Convener of the Assembly Committee on Social Problems, was largely responsible for the establishment in 1931 of the Belmont Castle Eventide Home. After the union of Tay Square and St. Paul's in 1952, the Tay Square building was reopened as St. Paul's Halls by Mrs Jarvis, wife of the Very Rev. Ernest D Jarvis and daughter of the Rev. John Reid, a former Tay Square minister.
© Meadowside St. Paul’s 2017. All rights reserved.24 - (Witness) DGA Memorial Award: On 28 May 1980, The Douglas Adamson Memorial Award was awarded. PROFESSOR MITCHELL LADIES & GENTLEMEN
I AM PLEASED TO HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAY "THANK YOU" TO MANY PEOPLE. DOUGLAS' MEDICAL COLLEAGUES,PATIENTS. AND FRIENDS WHO HAVE GIVEN SO GENEROUSLY TO THE "MEMORIAL FUND". TO THE COMMITTEE, UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF PROFESSOR CROOKS FOR GIVING OF THEIR VALUABLE TIME TO ORGANIZE THIS AWARD AND TO THE FACULTY FOR AGREEING TO ADMINISTER IT. ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND FAMILY A MOST SINCERE "THANK YOU". MAY I FINISH WITH THE QUOTATION FOR DOUGLAS IN THE 1950-56 GRADUATES YEAR BOOK WHICH READS" ALL MEN ARE DUST BUT SOME ARE GOLD DUST". THANK YOU.25 - (Witness) Note for Web: Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister and Joan Russell Taylor were mentioned with Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician and John Henry Prain medical practitioner in December 2006. John Prain was in the same class as Douglas Adamson at Morgan Academy Dundee. Douglas Adamson married Catherine Nicolson Miller who is a third cousin once removed to Joan Taylor, John Prain's wife. This relationship was only discovered in December 2006 when the family tree was being complied and Kay (Catherine) Adamson made the connection.26
- (Witness) History: Property.27,28
- PCC photographic archive
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Birth 1924 Dundee St Mary & St Peter 282/2 573 [Mar 2017].
- [S43] Original birth extract held with personal papers of CNM [Feb 2018].
- [S43] Original marriage extract held with personal papers of CNM [Feb 2018].
- [S6] PCC [Jan 2018].
- [S6] Author PCC [Feb 2018].
- [S6] CNM talking to PCC [c2017].
- [S43] PCC.
- [S43] MHT.
- [S43] PCC photographic collection.
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory marriages 1941 St Mary & St Peter Dundee 282/01 0292 image held [Sept 2011, Dec 2022].
- [S32] Newspaper Article, via Find My Past; Dundee Evening Telegraph 19 Dec 1941 [Feb 2014].
- [S43] PCC [Feb 2018].
- [S6] PCC.
- [S54] Website findmypast.co.uk (www.findmypast.co.uk) Newspaper collection, Dundee Evening Telegraph [Nov 2019].
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: Extract of an Entry in a Register of Deaths; Burgh of Dundee; #DC(P)6450 [15 June 2006], Dundee City Council Registrar, Commercial Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland. Hereinafter cited as DCC Registry Office.
- [S6] PCC personal recollection.
- [S32] http://www.thecourier.co.uk/News/Perthshire/article/11282/former-sergeant-hopes-new-book-might-unlock-secret-of-hotelier-s-murder.html
- [S32] Courier & Advertiser, Dundee 20 Dec 1978.
- [S33] Interview , CNM [c2004].
- [S33] Interview, As told to PCC [Jan 2014].
- [S32] https://edmontonjournal.remembering.ca/obituary/olive-keyes-1076537129 [Aug 2019].
- [S6] PCC [Dec 2006].
- [S49] Website Web Site online (www.) https://www.mspdundee.co.uk/publications
https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/5b5054_4efe5d38a65442948fd3e5ad25a55cf3.pdf [May 2019]. - [S43] DGA Memorial Award Adamson family personal archives [June 2021].
- [S6] PCC & CNM [Dec 2006].
- [S43] PCC personal papers [Apr 2019].
- [S43] PCC photographic collection [May 2016].
Catherine Nicolson Miller nursing sister
F, #71, b. 19 July 1924, d. 29 January 2018
Last Edited: 9 Aug 2024
Father*: Alexander Miller chiropodist b. 6 May 1897, d. 20 Dec 1978
Mother*: Kate Nicolson shirt maker b. 7 Oct 1899, d. 22 Sep 1956
Mother*: Kate Nicolson shirt maker b. 7 Oct 1899, d. 22 Sep 1956
Mother of Patricia Catherine Adamson
Military Service
Adamson, David c1765 descendants
Anderson, John c1733 descendants
Beattie, Mary s1730 descendants
Brady, Catherine c1827 descendants
Bruce, Elizabeth c1733 descendants
Burnet, Alexander c1768 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Clark, Helen c 1769 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Crighton, John c 1731 descendants
Croyl, George c 1700 descendants
Doughtie, William c1700 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Foord, Thomas c1717/18 descendants
Galloway, Rebecca c1720 descendants
Geddes, Janet c1745 descendants
Gibson, Alexander c1750 descendants
Grant, John c1745 descendants
Hall, Jannet c1770 descendants
Henderson, Andrew c1768 descendants
Hill, Margaret c1764 descendants
Hume, John c1735 descendants
Jarren, Jannet c1717/18 descendants
Key, George c1770 descendants
Kinloch, Thomas c1703 descendants
Kinnear, Charles c1740 descendants
Law, Alexander c1740 descendants
Mackie, Janet c1804 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
Mathew, Margaret c1740 descendants
Matthew, James c1765 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McLeish, James c1735 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Mennons, John c1720 descendants
Miller, Patrick/Peter c1749 descendants
Milne, James c1765 descendants
Mitchell, Agnes c1729/30 descendants
Myres, John c1790 descendants
Napier, William 1727 descendants
Neave, James c1756 descendants
Nicolson, John c1765 descendants
Paterson, Agnes c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Reilly, Mary c1805 descendants
Richie, Agnes c1700 descendants
Robertson, David c1740 descendants
Scott, David c1785 descendants
Simson, John c1755 descendants
Spense, Margaret c1703 descendants
Stark, Jean c1755 descendants
Stephen, Janet c1750 descendants
Steven, Elizabeth c1751/52 descendants
Stewart, Jane c1785 descendants
Strang, Agnes c1768 descendants
Stirling, David c1729/30 descendants
Strang, Agnes c1768 descendants
Tait, Andrew s1670 descendants
Urquhartson, Elisabeth s1735 descendants
Wallace, Janet c1752 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants
Worrel, John c1765 descendants
Young, Helen c1750 descendants
My Adamson Folk - descendant chart
Anderson, John c1733 descendants
Beattie, Mary s1730 descendants
Brady, Catherine c1827 descendants
Bruce, Elizabeth c1733 descendants
Burnet, Alexander c1768 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1780 descendants
Carson, Jane c 1790 descendants
Clark, Helen c 1769 descendants
Conway, Hugh c 1780 descendants
Crighton, John c 1731 descendants
Croyl, George c 1700 descendants
Doughtie, William c1700 descendants
Fisher, Charles c1765 descendants
Foord, Thomas c1717/18 descendants
Galloway, Rebecca c1720 descendants
Geddes, Janet c1745 descendants
Gibson, Alexander c1750 descendants
Grant, John c1745 descendants
Hall, Jannet c1770 descendants
Henderson, Andrew c1768 descendants
Hill, Margaret c1764 descendants
Hume, John c1735 descendants
Jarren, Jannet c1717/18 descendants
Key, George c1770 descendants
Kinloch, Thomas c1703 descendants
Kinnear, Charles c1740 descendants
Law, Alexander c1740 descendants
Mackie, Janet c1804 descendants
Maitland, Agnes c1766 descendants
Mathew, Margaret c1740 descendants
Matthew, James c1765 descendants
McConnell, Helen c1765 descendants
McKenzie, Robert c1770 descendants
McLeish, James c1735 descendants
McWilliam, William c1765 descendants
Mennons, John c1720 descendants
Miller, Patrick/Peter c1749 descendants
Milne, James c1765 descendants
Mitchell, Agnes c1729/30 descendants
Myres, John c1790 descendants
Napier, William 1727 descendants
Neave, James c1756 descendants
Nicolson, John c1765 descendants
Paterson, Agnes c1765 descendants
Pollock, Marion c1770 descendants
Reilly, Mary c1805 descendants
Richie, Agnes c1700 descendants
Robertson, David c1740 descendants
Scott, David c1785 descendants
Simson, John c1755 descendants
Spense, Margaret c1703 descendants
Stark, Jean c1755 descendants
Stephen, Janet c1750 descendants
Steven, Elizabeth c1751/52 descendants
Stewart, Jane c1785 descendants
Strang, Agnes c1768 descendants
Stirling, David c1729/30 descendants
Strang, Agnes c1768 descendants
Tait, Andrew s1670 descendants
Urquhartson, Elisabeth s1735 descendants
Wallace, Janet c1752 descendants
Waugh, James c1790 descendants
Worrel, John c1765 descendants
Young, Helen c1750 descendants
My Adamson Folk - descendant chart