- (Child) Birth*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur was born on 14 April 1882 at Smalls Lane, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1882 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 114; John Findlay Paterson, 1882 April Fourteenth 8h 30m am, Smalls Lane Lochee; m, father John Paterson baker journeyman, Sarah Paterson ms Smith, m 1881 June 11th Lochee; John Paterson father present, 1882 April 19th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.1
- He was the son of John Findlay Paterson baker and Sarah Copeland Smith.
- Partners*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur and Euphemia Stewart Johnston jute spinner were Partners in August 1901.
- (Groom) Marriage*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur married Helen Summerton, daughter of Edward Summerton stone quarrier and Isabella Haughton, on 29 December 1904 at St Margarets Church, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1905 marriages in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dunde, ref 10; 1904 on the 29th day of December at St Margaret Church Lochee after publication according to the form of the Scottish Episcopal Church; signed John Paterson Jute Mill Overseer (bachelor) aged 23, 26 Logie Street, Dundee; father John Paterson Baker (jour), mother Sarah Paterson ms Smith; and signed Nelly Summerton Jute Spinner (spinster) aged 23, 10 Balgay Street Lochee; father Edward Summerton (deceased) Wool Merchant, mother Lizzie Summerton ms Haughton; signed Joseph C Cater (clerk in Holy Orders Rector of St Margarets Church Lochee, signed David Matthew witness, signed Christina Paterson witness; registered 1905 January 4th at Lochee, J Robertson registrar.2
- (Groom) Marriage*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur married Mary Jane Moir Douglas, daughter of William Douglas farm servant and Mary Jane Moir, in January 1953 at Dunnichen, Angus, Scotland,
; 1953 Paterson John Findlay, Douglas, Mary Jane M, Dunnichen Angus.3
- (Deceased) Death*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur died on 29 February 1956 at Royal Infirmary, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
, at age 73 1956 deaths in the district of Dundeee West in the burgh of Dundee, ref 239; John Findlay Paterson restaurenteur (retired) married to 1st Helen Summerton, 2nd Mary Jane Moir Douglas or Chalmers; 1956 February twenty-ninth 11h 30m pm Royal Infirmary (UR 18 St Dennis Place) Dundee; m aged 73 years; parents John Paterson master baker (dec) Sarah Paterson ms Smith (dec); myocardiac infarction, diabetes mellitus as cert by Peter R Baker MBChB; Mary Paterson widow; 1956 March 1st at Dundee T J McIntosh assist registrar.4,5
- (Informant) Birth: He registered the birth of John Findlay Paterson potato crisp manufacturer on 17 April 1905 at 2 Campbell Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1905 births in the district of St Mary in the burgh of Dundee; ref 364; John Findlay Paterson; 1905 April seventeenth 11h 45m am 2 Campbell Street; male; John Findlay Paterson jute mill overseer Helen Paterson ms Summerton 1904 December 29th Dundee; John F Paterson father present; 1905 May 4th at Dundee Thos Meek registrar.6
- (Informant) Birth: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur registered the birth of Sarah Smith Paterson on 15 October 1906 at 43 Loons Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1906 births in the district of St Mary in the burgh of Dundee; ref 881; Sarah Smith Paterson; 196 October fifteenth 9h 30m am 43 Loons Road Dundee; female; John Findlay Paterson jute mill overseer Helen Paterson ms Summerton 1904 December 29th Lochee; John F Paterson father present; 1906 November 5th at Dundee Thos Meek registrar.7
- (Informant) Birth: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur registered the birth of William Elder Paterson marine engineer on 24 January 1909 at 9 Kirkgate, Cupar, Fife, Scotland,
; 1909 births in the district of Cupar in the county of Fife, ref 10; William Elder Paterson, 1909 January Twenty-fourth 9h 0m pm 9 Kirkgate Cupar; male; parenst John Findlay Paterson baker's vanman and Helen Paterson ms Summerton m 1904 December 29th Dundee; infromant John indlay Paterson father presenr; registered 1909 February 8th at Cupar Alex M Maclachlan assist registrar, initialled CW (Chas Welch registrar.)8,9,10
- (Informant) Birth: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur registered the birth of George Wheatley Paterson baker on 15 January 1920 at 10 Marybank Lane, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1920 birth in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 52; George Wheatley Paterson, 1920 January fifteenth 5h 0m am 10 Marybank Lane Lochee, m, John Findlay Paterson baker journeyman, Nelly Paterson ms Summerton, 1904 December 29th Lochee, John Paterson father present, 1920 January 19th at Lochee D Young interim registrar.11
- (Informant) Death: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur registered the death of Edward Summerton Paterson on 7 March 1925 at 3 Kirk Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1925 deaths in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; RCE notes, ref 85; Edward Summerton Paterson, 1925 March seventh 11h 55m am 3 Kirk Street Lochee; m 1year; John Findlay Paterson bakers vanman Helen Paterson ms Summerton; convulsions ... one ounce of Methyl Salicyl [oil of wintergreen] as cert by W Donald MBChB; John Paterson father; 1925 March 9th at Lochee John R Nicoll registrar
RCE : The following report of result of a precognition has been received touching the death of Edward Summerton Paterson registered ... entry no 85 in the register book of deaths for the year 1925; Edward Summerton Paterson 1 year 8 months male; 11.55 am 7th March 1925 3 Kirk Street Lochee Dundee; convulsions resulting from drinking [residently] one ounce (approximately) of methyl salicyl William Donald MBChB Dundee; certified by D F Mackintosh PJ Procurator Fiscals Office Dundee 26th March 1925 / at Lochee 26th March 1925 John R Nicoll registrar.12 - (Informant) Death: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur registered the death of John Findlay Paterson baker on 20 August 1925 at 39 Step Row, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; John Finlay Paterson baker master married to Sarah Smith 1925 August 20th 3h 20m am 39 Step Row Dundee, m, 71 years, fath John Paterson seaman (dec), moth Mary Paterson ms Finlay (dec), carcinoma mediastamous 1 years carcinoma liver 1 year as cert by Douglas H Scott MBChB, inf John F Paterson son present 3 Kirk Street Lochee, reg 1925 August 20th at Dundee R S Meek registrar.13,14
- (Informant) Death: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur registered the death of Sarah Copeland Smith on 19 August 1940 at The Square, Glamis, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1940 deaths in the district of Glamis in the county of Forfar; ref 9; Sarah Paterson widow of John Paterson baker; 1940 August ninteenth 0h 45m pm The Square Glamis; f, 83 years; Alexander Smith baker (dec) Isabella Smith ms Downie (dec); (a) cerebral thrombosis (b) senillity (c) cardiac failure as cert by Wm Allison MBChB; John Paterson son 60 Liff Road Lochee; 1940 August 20th at Glamis Chas Buchanan registrar.15,16
- (Informant) Death: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur registered the death of Helen Summerton on 14 January 1949 at 60a Liff Road, Lochee, Angus, Scotland,
; Helen Paterson married to John Paterson baker master 1949 January 14th 5h 15m pm 60a Liff Road Lochee, f, 67 years, fath Edward Summerton wood merchant (dec), moth Isabella Summerton ms Haughton (dec), carcinoma of colon as cert by W Allison MBChB, inf John Paterson widower present, reg 1949 January 15th at Lochee John R Nicoll registrar (this is just one week before her husband's g-grandson Robert Carson was born.)17
- (Informant) Death: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur registered the death of Mary Jane Moir Douglas on 22 May 1964 at 1 McGill Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1964 deaths in the district of Dundee East in the county of Angus, ref 336; Mary Jane Moir Paterson widow of 1st David Stewart Chalmers, mixer battery factory, 2nd John Findlay Paterson fish restaunteur, died May Twenty-Second found dead 8h 50m am last seen alive May Twenty-first 9h 0mpm 1 McGill Street Dundee, female aged 61 parents William Douglas farm servant (dec) & Mary Jane Douglas ms Moir (dec), cause 1a) Haematemesis b) probably cardiovascular degeneration 2) Adiposity, seen after death by W Fyffe Dorward MBChB; signed Annie Kidd daughter, registered 1964 May 25th at Dundee signed Albert Bowman assist registrar, initialled CWB registrar (C W Baxter.)18
- (Parent) Education*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur was mentioned in the record for Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier on 9 September 1912 at Newport School, Newport, Fife, Scotland,
; Mary Paterson in the Fife, Scotland, School Admissions and Discharges, 1867-1916
Name: Mary Paterson
Birth Date: 24 Mar 1902
Admission Date: 9 Sep 1912
Admission Place: Fife, Scotland
School: Newport, Fife
Name Relation to Child
Mary Paterson
John Paterson Parent.30 - Partners*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur and Euphemia Stewart Johnston jute spinner were Partners in August 1901.
- (Groom) Marriage*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur married Helen Summerton, daughter of Edward Summerton stone quarrier and Isabella Haughton, on 29 December 1904 at St Margarets Church, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1905 marriages in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dunde, ref 10; 1904 on the 29th day of December at St Margaret Church Lochee after publication according to the form of the Scottish Episcopal Church; signed John Paterson Jute Mill Overseer (bachelor) aged 23, 26 Logie Street, Dundee; father John Paterson Baker (jour), mother Sarah Paterson ms Smith; and signed Nelly Summerton Jute Spinner (spinster) aged 23, 10 Balgay Street Lochee; father Edward Summerton (deceased) Wool Merchant, mother Lizzie Summerton ms Haughton; signed Joseph C Cater (clerk in Holy Orders Rector of St Margarets Church Lochee, signed David Matthew witness, signed Christina Paterson witness; registered 1905 January 4th at Lochee, J Robertson registrar.2
- (Groom) Marriage*: John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur married Mary Jane Moir Douglas, daughter of William Douglas farm servant and Mary Jane Moir, in January 1953 at Dunnichen, Angus, Scotland,
; 1953 Paterson John Findlay, Douglas, Mary Jane M, Dunnichen Angus.3
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held; GROS statutory births 282/05 0114; from CPT [Jun 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory records GROS ref 282/05 0010; image held [Sept 2009] (memo: Nelly Summerton's mother is Isabel(la) in other records).
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS ref 283/00 0002 [Sept 2009].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held GROS ref 282/02 0239 [Sept 2009].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), LDS submitted by LDS member after 1991.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births 282/02 0364 [Sept 2009].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held Statutory births GROS ref 282/02 0881 [Sept 2009] (Originally birth year of c1912 from conversation with MNMD (granddaughter of John Paterson (39)) who (in 2004) says Cissie is aged 92).
- [S6] From SS [Sept 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, from marriage record (1937 aged 27).
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births 420/00 0010 [Apr 2011] from info given on 1911 census.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS 282/04 0052 [Sept 2009].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS 282/04 0085 + RCE [vol V page 147 Register of Corrected Entries for the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; 1925 Paterson Edward Summerton [Sept 2009].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI), LDS member submission after 1991.
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS [Aug 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1840 Glamis ref 289/00 009 & image from SS [Sept 2009] & image from CPT [May 2005 to PCC 2021].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI), LDS member submission after 1991 [Sept 2009].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; statutory deaths GROS ref ... ... 0013 [Sept 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Deaths 1964 Dundee ref 282/01 0336, image held [Sept 2009, Oct 2021].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS 1891 census [Apr 2004].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS 1901 census [Aug 2005].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS census 1911 282/05 002/00 013 [Apr 2011].
- [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, Dundee Directory 1926-7 [Sept 2009]. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
- [S16] Voters' List for Dundee, (DCC Central Library Local History) voters roll Dundee Autumn 1926 [Sept 2009].
- [S16] Voters' List for Dundee,voters roll Dundee 1929 [Sept 2009].
- [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directory 1934-35 image held [Jan 2010].
- [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directory 1934-35; image held [Jan 2010].
- [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directory 1940-41 image held [Jan 2010].
- [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directory 1940-41; image held [Jan 2010].
- [S37] Dundee Directory, Dundee Directory 1949-50; image held [Jan 2010].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Fife Collections Centre; Fife, Scotland; Fife School Admission Registers; Reference Number: FC/ED/4/174/2/2
Source Information
Ancestry.com. Fife, Scotland, School Admissions and Discharges, 1867-1916 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2018. This collection was indexed by Ancestry World Archives Project contributors.
Original data: Fife School Registers, Fife Library and Archives Services, Fife, Scotland. [Oct 2019] - [S40] JG via Facebook [Oct 2021].
John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur
M, #5664, b. 14 April 1882, d. 29 February 1956
Last Edited: 15 Nov 2021

Frontface: Erected by Sarah Smith in loving memory of her husband John Findlay Paterson baker who died 20th August 1925 aged 71 years, and of their daughters Isabella Downie and Sarah Smith who died in infancy. The above Sarah Smith died 19th August 1946 aged 83 years.
Sideface: And her father and mother Alexander Smith baker died 1868 aged 49 years, his wife Isaeblla Downie died 1888 aged 65 years.
Sideface: And her father and mother Alexander Smith baker died 1868 aged 49 years, his wife Isaeblla Downie died 1888 aged 65 years.
Father*: John Findlay Paterson baker b. 30 Sep 1853, d. 20 Aug 1925
Mother*: Sarah Copeland Smith b. 25 Apr 1857, d. 19 Aug 1940
Mother*: Sarah Copeland Smith b. 25 Apr 1857, d. 19 Aug 1940
Great-grandfather of Robert Carson 'the Computer Doctor'
Family 1:
Euphemia Stewart Johnston jute spinner b. 5 Jan 1884, d. 22 Nov 1918
Mary Keith Paterson Johnston hotelier+ b. 24 Mar 1902, d. 28 Dec 1978
Family 2:
Helen Summerton b. c 1882, d. 14 Jan 1949
John Findlay Paterson potato crisp manufacturer+ b. 17 Apr 1905, d. 16 Aug 1988
Sarah Smith Paterson+ b. 15 Oct 1906
William Elder Paterson marine engineer+ b. 24 Jan 1909, d. c 1953
Helen Summerton Paterson b. 1916, d. 25 Nov 2008
George Wheatley Paterson baker b. 15 Jan 1920, d. 1999
Sidney Paterson taxi operator+ b. 16 Dec 1926, d. 23 Nov 1987
Sarah Smith Paterson+ b. 15 Oct 1906
William Elder Paterson marine engineer+ b. 24 Jan 1909, d. c 1953
Helen Summerton Paterson b. 1916, d. 25 Nov 2008
George Wheatley Paterson baker b. 15 Jan 1920, d. 1999
Sidney Paterson taxi operator+ b. 16 Dec 1926, d. 23 Nov 1987
Family 3:
Mary Jane Moir Douglas b. 1903, d. 22 May 1964
Ronald Paterson31 b. 1942, d. 21 May 2018
Barrie, John c1793 descendants
Deuchars, Anne c1800 descendants
Downie, David c1785 descendants
Downie, Isabella c1795 descendants
Findlay, Alexander c1725 descendants
Forgan, Andrew c1750 descendants
Grubb, William s1755 descendants
Hay, Margaret c1793 descendants
Jaap, Margaret c1736 descendants
Laing, John c1768 descendants
Menmuir, Janet 1779 descendants
Nicol, David c1726 descendants
Nicoll, Mary c1770 descendants
Orkney, John c1768 descendants
Paterson, Robert c1775 descendants
Pert, Catherine c1750 descendants
Ramsay, Helen c1750 descendants
Ramsay, Helen c1755 descendants
Smith, John c1800 descendants
Stewart, David c1820 descendants
Deuchars, Anne c1800 descendants
Downie, David c1785 descendants
Downie, Isabella c1795 descendants
Findlay, Alexander c1725 descendants
Forgan, Andrew c1750 descendants
Grubb, William s1755 descendants
Hay, Margaret c1793 descendants
Jaap, Margaret c1736 descendants
Laing, John c1768 descendants
Menmuir, Janet 1779 descendants
Nicol, David c1726 descendants
Nicoll, Mary c1770 descendants
Orkney, John c1768 descendants
Paterson, Robert c1775 descendants
Pert, Catherine c1750 descendants
Ramsay, Helen c1750 descendants
Ramsay, Helen c1755 descendants
Smith, John c1800 descendants
Stewart, David c1820 descendants