- (Resident) Address: As of 1880, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 138 Perth road.
2d or Si Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 26 Euclid crescent.
4th or St Andrew's District—Flulay Ilacdiarraid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Locliee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Offiee, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz:—Births within 21 days ; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 8 days; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the Parish of Dundee and of the United Parishes of Liff arid Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of 4, the Burgh, commencing at the pint in the Blackness road where the Western 4 tindery of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Black-ness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place • thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Id Newtyle Railway;e thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern oundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and South- ards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.1 - (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of James Munro Paterson was registered on 22 January 1880 at 15 Mid Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1880 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 49; James Munro Paterson, 1880 January Eighteenth 0h 30m am 15 Mid Street Lochee; m, father Henry Paterson overseer jute mill, Ann Paterson ms Munro, m 1875 Dec 10th Lochee; Henry Paterson father present, 1880 February 9th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.2
- (Registrar) Death: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of Ann Munro weaver was registered on 7 May 1880 at Smalls Lane, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1880 deaths in the distruict of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 119; Ann Paterson married to Henry Paterson jute mill overseer 1880 May 7th 1h 30m am Smalls Lane Lochee, f, 25 years, fath James Munro powerloom tenter, moth Ann Munro ms Bell (dec), consumption 6 months as cert by Jas K Lennox LFP?SH, inf Henry Paterson widower present, reg 1880 May 7th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.3
- (Registrar) Death: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of James Munro Paterson was registered on 18 July 1880 at Smalls Lane, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1880 deaths in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 164; James Munro Paterson single, 1880 July Eighteenth 10h 45m am Smalls Lane Lochee, m, 6 months, father Henry Paterson jute mill overseer mother Ann Paterson ms Munro, cause diarrhoea 7 dyas as cert by James K Lennox LJP&S&C, informant Henry Paterson father present, reg 1880 July 19th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.4
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of John Findlay Paterson baker and Sarah Copeland Smith on Monday, 13 June 1881 at 70 Mid Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1881 marriages in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; ref 46; 1881 on the 13th day of June at 70 Mid Street Lochee after publication according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, John Paterson baker master bachelor, 27, Mid Street Lochee, fath John Paterson jute factory worker (dec), moth Mary Paterson ms Findlay; Sarah Smith spinner jute mill spinster, 24, Mid Street Lochee, fath Alexander Smith baker overseer (dec), moth Isabella Smith ms Downie, signed Wm May St Lukes Lochee, wit John Matthew, Thomas Matthew, reg 1881 June 22nd Lochee J Robertson registrar.5,6,7
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of David Harris Whitton stone dresser and Catherine Johnston powerloom weaver on Friday, 9 December 1881 at 3 Keir's Lane, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1881 on the Ninth day of December at 3 Keir's Lane, Lochee after proclamation according to the forms of the Church of Scotland; signed David Whitton, quarry worker, bachelor, aged 22, 21 Mid Street Lochee, parents Richard Whitton general labourer (deceased) and Janet Whitton ms Blyth; signed Catherine Johnston, powerloom weaver, spinster, aged 22, 3 Keir's Lane Lochee, parents Alexander Johnstone flaxdresser and Elizabeth Johnston ms McNicoll; signed Wm May St Lukes Lochee, signed Thomas Seivwright witness, Mary Ann Johnston witness; registered 1881 December 13th at Lochee, J Robertson registrar.8,9
- (Resident) Address: As of 1882, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's.District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 138 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
31 or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office 26 Euclid crescent.
4th or St Andrew's Distrirt—Finlay Maccliannid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
51h, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;: Deaths within S days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6' months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Marriages, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend d include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black- ness read where the Western Boundary of the First 'District terminates; thence ong the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place • thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle ; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road .Iefore mentioned.1 - (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur was registered on 14 April 1882 at Smalls Lane, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1882 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 114; John Findlay Paterson, 1882 April Fourteenth 8h 30m am, Smalls Lane Lochee; m, father John Paterson baker journeyman, Sarah Paterson ms Smith, m 1881 June 11th Lochee; John Paterson father present, 1882 April 19th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.10
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Robert Lang Fleming was registered on 1 January 1883 at Burnside Street, Lochee, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1883 births in the District of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 30, Robert Lang Fleming, 1883 January First 7h 0m am Burnside Street Lochee, male parents Andrew Philip Fleming manufacturer and Elizabeth Fleming ms Lang married 1876 January 31st London, signed Andrew Fleming father present, registered 1883 January 19th at Lochee signed J Robertson registrar.11,12
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Jane Anne Paterson factory worker was registered on 3 April 1883 at 2 Yeamans Alley, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Jane Ann Paterson, 1883 April Sixth 2h 30m pm 2 Yeamnas Alley Lochee; f, father William Paterson powerloom tenter, Ann Paterson ms Runciman, m 1880 December 24th Dundee; William Paterson father, 1883 April 25th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.13,14
- (Resident) Address: As of 1884, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or Bt Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marp's Distriet---James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's Districl—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street
4th. or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee _District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Loohee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., arid from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 1#1 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
REGISTRATION D/STRIOTS. For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of N the united parishes of Liff and Benvic, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black- ness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates ; thence ng the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottar,e, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place; thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that ; Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.1 - (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of John Paterson was registered on 8 September 1884 at 53 Mid Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; John Paterson, 1884 September Eighth 9h 15m am 53 Mid Street Lochee; m, father William Paterson powerloom tenter, Ann Paterson ms Runciman, m 1880 December 24th Dundee; William Paterson father, 1884 September 25th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.15
- (Resident) Address: As of 1885, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office 146 Perth road.
2d or Mary's _District--James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d & or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar • Office, 16 Bank street.
4th or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High 'street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days ; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical , Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of .* 'the united parishes of Lift and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of :the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black- ness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates, thence along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading. past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place, thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway, thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh, thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.1 - (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Richard Alexander Whitton jute mill worker was registered on 12 October 1885 at 12 South Mid Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Extract of Entry of Birth ref 385; Richard Alexander Whitton; b 1885 October Twelfth 11h 30m pm at 12 South Mid Street Lochee; male; parents David Whitton quarry worker and Catherine Whitton ms Johnston, m 1881 Dec 9 Lochee; informant David Whitton father present; registered 1885 October 30th at Lochee J Robertson; extracted from the register book of births for the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee this 30th day of October 1885 J Robertson registrar.16,17,18
- (Resident) Address: As of 1886, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's .District—James Young, Registrar • Office, 1.46 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th Or St Andrew's District,---Finlay Macdiartnid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th -or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 .m., and from 6 to 7 .m; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days; Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 clays; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of ostonement be granted by a qualified medical practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Marriages, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Fifth, or Loclice District, to comprehend. and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black- ness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place • thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.1 - (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Henry Paterson jute machinery designer was registered on 26 November 1886 at 11 Mid Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Henry Paterson, 1886 November Twentieth 4h 0m am 11 Mid Street Lochee; m, father William Paterson powerloom tenter, Ann Paterson ms Runciman, m 1880 December 24th Dundee; William Paterson father, 1884 December 8th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.19
- (Resident) Address: As of 1887, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
le Or" St Peter's Distrkt—James Young, Registrar ; Office, 146 Perth road.
2c1 os St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3dIi or st Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar;Office, 16 Bank street.,0
4th or St Andl.eds District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar, Office, 16 King • street.
5th or Loam District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office Flours, from 10 a.m. to 3 pan., and from 6 to 7 p.m, ' Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 rktys Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 4 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical' Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration oiç. Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and o1!-1 the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Fifth, or LOchee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencingat the point in the Black- ness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place • thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle flailway ; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.1 - (Registrar) Death: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of John Paterson was registered on 27 May 1887 at 11 Mid Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; John Paterson single, 1887 May twenty-seventh 7h 30m, 11 Mid Street Lochee; m, 2 years 8 months; father William Paterson powerloom tenter, mother Ann Paterson ms Runciman; meningitis four days as cert by James R Lennox surgeon; informant Wm Paterson father present; 1887 May 28th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.20
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Law Paterson baker and Alice Murray jute weaver on Friday, 17 June 1887 at St Marys Lane, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1887 on the 17th day of June at St Marys Lane Lochee after publication of banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland, James Paterson baker journeyman bachelor, 24, Smalls Lane Lochee, fath John Paterson mechant seaman (dec), moth Mary Paterson ms Findlay, Alice Murray jute weaver spinster, 21, St Marys Lane Lochee, fath David Murray carpet weaver, moth Mary Murray ms Valentine, signed Wm May St Lukes Lochee, wit David Paterson, Matilda H Ireland, reg 1887 June 24th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.7
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of David Paterson railway engine driver was registered on 11 November 1887 at Marshall Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1887 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 374; David Paterson, 1887 November Eleventh 0h 30m pm Marshall Street Lochee; m, father James Paterson baker journeyman, Alice Paterson ms Murray, m 1887 June 17th Lochee; James Paterson father, 1887 November 24th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.21
- (Resident) Address: As of 1888, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st ot St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar • Office, 146 Perth road.
2d St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank stree
4t16 or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 • street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 Hi street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 clays; Vaccinations within months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medic& Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of thi- marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration ol Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and o: the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries 0: he 13ur00•11 of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow
Fifth, or Loehee District, to comprehend d include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black- ess road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates; thence ong the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, gay street, Lochee road to Union place; thence along the middle of Union lace and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along the middle said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that undary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road fore mentioned.1 - (Resident) Address: As of 1889, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
lst or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiarmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Locke District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 clays; Deaths within 8 (lays; Marriages within 3 (lays; Vaccinations within 6 months; unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of Births, Deaths, awl Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black- ness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place • thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned.1 - (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of William James Runciman Paterson was registered on 19 April 1889 at 11 Mid Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; William James Runciman Paterson, 1889 April Nineteenth 4h 0m am 11 Mid Street Lochee, m, father William Paterson powerloom tenter, mother Ann Paterson ms Runciman, 1889 December 24th Lochee, informant William Paterson father present, registrered 1889 May 10th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.22
- (Registrar) Death: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of Sarah Conlin was registered on 28 April 1889 at 26 South Church Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1889 deaths in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 104, Sarah Dickson married to James Dickson jute factory worker 1889 April 28th 9h 30m pm 26 South Church Street Lochee, f, 69 years, fath Patrick Conlin general labourer (dec), moth Sarah Conlin ms Strain (dec), endocarditis 10 months dropsey 42 days as cert by William Watt LRCSE, inf James Dickson widower present, reg 1889 April 29th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.23
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Alice Paterson was registered on 9 October 1889 at 108 Mid Street, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1889 births in the distrioct of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 340; Alic Paterson born 1889 October Nineth 7h 0m am at 108 Mid Street Lochee, female, parents James Paterson under overseer & Alice Paterson ms Murray married 1887 June 17th Lochee; signed James Paterson father, registered 1889 October 29th at Lochee signed J Robertson Junr Assist registrar initial JR.24,25,26
- (Resident) Address: As of 1890, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or ' St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Offiee, 146 Perth road.
2si o St Mary's District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3rd or St Clentent's. District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street
4tA or St Andrew's District—Finlay Maediannid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a,m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must he effected as follows, viz. :---Births within 21 days Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within t months—rnaless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medics:. Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of ha, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of wilted parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of e Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black- ess road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates; thence nag the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, lgay street, Lochee road to Union place: them* along the middle of 'Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that oundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road fore mentioned.1 - (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Helen Anderson Campsie and Alexander Millar Adamson stone maker on Friday, 9 May 1890 at 44 Gray Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1890 marriages in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 42; 1890 on the Ninth day of May at 44 Gray Street Lochee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland, signed Alexander Adamson railway surfaceman batchelor, age 24, residence 5 Kirk Entry Dundee, parents John Adamson general labourer & Agnes Adamson me Paterson (dec); signed Melly Campsie domestic servant spinster, age 24, residence 44 Gray Street Lochee, parents Charles Campsie foreman quarrier & Ann Campsie ms Smeaton (dec); signed Wm May of St Lukes Parish Lochee, signed William Shepherd, Euphemai Campsi witnesses; registered 1890 May 13th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.27
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of David Paterson electrical engineer was registered on 27 June 1890 at 15 North Mid Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; David Paterson, 1890 June twenty seventh 1h 0m pm 15 North Mid Street Lochee; m, father William Paterson china merchant mother Ann Paterson ms Runciman m 1880 December 24th Dundee; signed Wm Paterson father; reg 1890 July 15th at Lochee J Robertson jun asst registrar.28
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of George Wheatley Paterson bakers was registered on 26 August 1890 at 2 Fyfes Lane, Lochee, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1890 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 323; George Whitley Paterson, 1890 August Twenty-eighth 2h 0m am 2 Fyfes Lane Lochee; m, father John Paterson baker journeyman, Sarah Paterson ms Smith, m 1881 June 11th Lochee; John Paterson father present, 1890 September 11th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.29
- (Resident) Address: As of 1891, John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was living with John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee and 5th (1869 Lochee) Registration District Dundee at at 62 High Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marys District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th, or St Andrew's District—Finlay Macdiaxmid, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m;
Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 mouths—unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of comprehended within the boundaries of the united parishes of Liff the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black- ness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates; thence along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage, Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place; thence along the middle of Union place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway; thence along the middle of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh; thence along that Boundary Westwards and Southwards, to the point in the Blackness road before mentioned. .1 - (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of David Malcolm Neave yarn twister was registered on 29 October 1892 at 10 Andersons Lane, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1892 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 380; David Malcom Neave illegitimate, born 1892 October Twenty-ninth 7h 40m pm 10 Andersons Lane Lochee, male, mother Annie Neave yarn winder, no father named, no RCE, signed Annie Neave mother, registered 1892 November 18th at Lochee signed J Robertson registrar.30,31
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Robert Sinclair Paterson was registered on 8 August 1893 at 4 Union Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1893 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 262; Robert Sinclair Paterson, 1893 August Eighth 3h 0m pm, 4 Union Street Lochee, m, father William Paterson furniture dealer, mother Ann Paterson ms Runciman, 1880 December 24th Dundee, informant Wm Paterson father, registered 1899 [sic] August 28 at Lochee J Robertson registrar.32
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Alexander Smith Paterson baker was registered on 14 March 1894 at 12 Albert Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1894 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; ref 103; Alexander Smith Paterson; 1894 March fourteenth 5h 45m am 11 Sharps Lane Lochee; m; John Paterson baker journeyman Sarah Paterson ms Smith 1882 June 18th Lochee; John Paterson father present; 1894 March 26th at Lochee J Robertson jun assist registrar.33
- (Registrar) Death: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of Mary Findlay was registered on 7 August 1895 at 3 Murray Place, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Mary Paterson widow of John Paterson merchant seaman 1895 August 7th 4h 40m pm 3 Murray Place Lochee, f, 64 years, fath John Findlay flaxdresser (dec), moth Catherine Findlay ms Laing (dec), paralysis agilans 4 years as cert by J Mackie Whyte MB, inf David Paterson son 4 Murray Place Lochee, reg 1895 August 8th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.34,35
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of William Phinn cab driver and Margaret Helen Paterson housekeeper on Friday, 28 August 1896 at 4 Mibray Place, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1896 on the 28th day of August at 4 Mibray Place Lochee after publication according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland William Phinn cab driver bachelor, 28, 14 Logie Street Lochee moth Eliza Phinn jute weaver, Margaret Helen Peterson house keeper spinster, 26, 4 Murray Place Lochee, fath John Paterson merchant seaman (dec) moth Mary Paterson ms Findlay (dec), signed Wm May MA minister of St Lukes Parish Lochee, wit Alexander Stewart, Kate Paterson, reg 1896 September 3rd at Lochee J Robertson registrar.36
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Madaline Paterson was registered on 1 December 1896 at 4 Union Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1894 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 408; Madaline Paterson, 1896 December First 10h 0m am, 4 Union Street Lochee, m, father William Paterson furniture dealer, mother Ann Paterson ms Runciman, 1880 December 24th Dundee, informant Wm Paterson father, registered 1896 December 25th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.37
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Andrew Gardiner Kinnear was registered on 1 June 1897 at 42 Union Place, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1897 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; ref 220; Andrew Gardiner Kinnear; 1897 June first 7h 15m am 42 Union Place Lochee; male parents Alexander Ross Kinnear spirit merchant and Jeannie Mitchell Kinnear ms Gardiner, m 1895 June 17th Lochee; signed Alex R Kinnear father; reg 1897 June 18th at Lochee J Robertson regsitrar.38
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Elizabeth Phinn was registered on 20 June 1897 at 80 Coupar Street, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1897 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; ref 263; Elizabeth Phinn; 1897 June twentieth 8h 0m pm 80 Coupar Street Lochee; f; William Phinn cab driver Maragret Helen Phimm ms Paterson 1896 August 28 Lochee; William Phinn father; 1897 July 8th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.6,39
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of Isabella Brown McKenzie was registered on 25 April 1898 at 31 Scott Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1898 births in the district of Lochee in the Burgh of Dundee, ref 168; Isabella Brown McKenzie born 1898 April 25th at 8h 40m am at 31 Scott Street Dundee; female, parents David McKenzie machine fitter and Rebecca McKenzie ms Neave who married 1876 December 29th at Forfar; signed Rebecca McKenzie mother; registered 1898 May 12th at Lochee signed J Robertson registrar.40
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Randall Flockhart jute mill overseer and Catherine Laing Paterson twine baller on Monday, 1 January 1900 at St Lukes Manse, Lochee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1900 on the 1st day of January at St Lukes Manse Lochee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland, Randall Flockhart jute mill overseer bachelor, 27, 6 Union Place Lochee, fath Robert Flockhart mason, moth Mary Flockhart ms Proudfoot, Catherine Laing Paterson twine baller spinster, 26, 98 South Road Lochee, fath John Paterson ship master (dec), moth Mary Paterson ms Findlay (dec), signed Wm May minister of St Lukes Parish Lochee, wit A Flockhart, Jeannie Robertson, reg 1900 January 17th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.41
- (Registrar) Death: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Wilson wood merchant was registered on 26 July 1900 at Victoria Hospital, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1900 deaths in the district of Lochee, burgh of Dundee, Alexander Wilson wood merchant widower of Elizabeth Nicholson; 1900 July twenty-sixth 7h 30m pm Victoria Hospital Dundee; aged 75 years, fath Andrew Wilson blacksmith (dec) moth Elizabeth Wilson ms Morris (dec); senile heart disease, general debility 7 months heart failure as cert by George Halley MRCM; signed Betsy Croom daughter 4 Balfour Street Dundee; 1900 July 28th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.42
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of John Findlay Paterson baker, restaurenteur and Helen Summerton on Thursday, 29 December 1904 at St Margarets Church, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1905 marriages in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dunde, ref 10; 1904 on the 29th day of December at St Margaret Church Lochee after publication according to the form of the Scottish Episcopal Church; signed John Paterson Jute Mill Overseer (bachelor) aged 23, 26 Logie Street, Dundee; father John Paterson Baker (jour), mother Sarah Paterson ms Smith; and signed Nelly Summerton Jute Spinner (spinster) aged 23, 10 Balgay Street Lochee; father Edward Summerton (deceased) Wool Merchant, mother Lizzie Summerton ms Haughton; signed Joseph C Cater (clerk in Holy Orders Rector of St Margarets Church Lochee, signed David Matthew witness, signed Christina Paterson witness; registered 1905 January 4th at Lochee, J Robertson registrar.43
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Dargie stone quarrier, tram car driver and Martha Gray carpet weaver on Friday, 30 December 1904 at Hillview, City Road, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1905 marriages in the dirctrict of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 3; 1904 on the Thirtieth day of December at Hillview City Road Lochee after publication according to the forms of the United Free Church; signed James Dargie stone quarrier, bachelor age 24, Hillview City Road Lochee, James Dargie quarry master Jessie Dargie ms Kinmond; signed Martha Gray jute weaver, spinster age 24, 8 Rosebank Street Dundee, Hugh Gray carter (dec) Martha Gray ms Conway; signed James Cameron minister Bonnethill Church Dundee, signed John Dargie, Susan S Robertson witnesses; registered 1905 January 2 at Lochee J Robertson registrar.44
- (Registrar) Death: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of Andrew Philip Fleming manufacturer jute was registered on 1 October 1905 at Union Bank, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1905 deaths in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 234; Andrew Philip Fleming manufacturer married to Elizabeth Lang, 1905 October First 11h 0m am Union Bank Lochee, male aged 55 years, parents David Hood Fleming manufacturer (dec) and Isabella Fleming ms Philips, syncope while under chloroform not certiified, signed D H Fleming son, registered 1905 October 3rd at Lochee signed J Robertson registrar.45
- (Registrar) Death RCE: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the death of Andrew Philip Fleming manufacturer jute was registered on 6 October 1905 at 3 Union Bank, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Vol IV page 15, Register of Corrected Entries for district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, initialled GSGexr 27/4/06; The following report of result of a Precognition has been received touching the Death of Andrew Philip Fleming Registered under no 234 in the Register Book of Deaths for the Year 1905; Andrew Philip Fleming manufacturer married 55 years male, died 1905 October First 3 Union Bank Lochee, parents David Hood Fleming manufacturer and Isabella Fleming ms Philip, cause syncope while under chloroform Dr David McEwan, certified by Geo Giles Dep PF, Procurator Fiscals Office Dundee 6th October 1905, at Lochee 16th October 1905 J Robertson registrar.46
- (Registrar) Birth: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the birth of James Dargie builders labourer was registered on 16 October 1905 at Hillview, City Road, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1905 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, James Dargie, 1905 October sixteenth 8h 40m am Hillview City Road Lochee, m, James Dargie stone quarrier, Martha Dargie ms Gray, 1904 December 30 Lochee, James Dargie father; 1905 October 30th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.47
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Alexander Hamilton Coupar joiner and Jane Anne Paterson factory worker on Wednesday, 25 August 1909 at St Lukes Manse, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1909 marriages in district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 105; 1909 on the twenty-fifth day of August at St Lukes Manse Lochee after banns according to the froms of the Church of Scotland; signed Alexander Coupar joiner jourm, bachelor, aged 27, 5 Balgay Street Lochee, parents David Coupar iron turner, Isobella Coupar ms Young; signed Jane Ann Paterson factory worker spinster, aged 26, 37 High Street Lochee, William Paterson furniture dealer, Ann Paterson ms Runciman; signed Wm May St Lukes Parish Lochee, signed Thomas Young Coupar, Mary Findlay McDougall, witnesses; 1909 August 26th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.48,49
- (Registrar) Marriage: John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Elizabeth Morris Thoms and John Paterson Matthew on Friday, 10 September 1909 at East UP Manse, Lochee, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1909 marriages in district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee, ref 106; 1909 on the tenth day of September at East UP Manse Lochee after banns according to the froms of the Church of Scotland; signed John Paterson Matthews mason joum bachelor, aged 36 (actual 27), 3 Sinclair Street Lochee, parents Thomas Matthew machine fitter, Mary Jane Matthew ms Paterson; Elizabeth Morris Thoms jute weaver spinster, aged 27, 39 Strathmartine Road Dundee, mother Jane Ann Thoms carpet weaver; signed David Thoms minister of the United Free Church of Scotland at Lochee, signed Thomas Ramsay Matthew, Isabella Wishart Rollo, witnesses; registered 1909 September 11th at Lochee J Robertson registrar.50
- [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, digital collection PCC. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statutory births 1880 Lochee ref 282/05 0049; image held [from CPT Jun 2009].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), image held, GROS [Aug 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, image held, GROS statutory deaths 282/05 0164 [Jan 2010].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), LDS member submission after 1991.
- [S6] From SS [Sept 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), [Aug 2005].
- [S25] Unknown author C Turnham, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn Extract of an entry in a Register of Marriages for the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; ref 92; extracted Aug 1985; [from CPT Aug 2010].
- [S26] Unknown author Robert Whitton, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn www.robertwhitton.eu.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory births 282/05 0114; from CPT [Jun 2009].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Birth 1883 Dundee Lochee ref 282/05 0030 image held [Nov 2012].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1944 Dundee, St Clement, ref 282/02 0477 image held [Nov 2012].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory births 282/05 0122; 1883 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 122 [from CPT May 2009].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI).
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory births 282/05 0334; 1884 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 334 [from CPT Jun 2009].
- [S40] CPT [Aug 2010].
- [S27] Unknown author GROS, n.pub., n.p., unknown edition (unknown publish date) unknown isbn GROS Statutory Births 1885 Lochee 282/05 0385 [Aug 2010].
- [S40] Www.robertwhitton.eu.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory births 282/05 0411; 1886 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee ref 411 [from CPT May 2009].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS Statutory Deaths 282/05 0135; 1887 deaths in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee; from CPT [Dec 2009] & from SS [Aug 2005].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory births 1887 Lochee 282/05 0374; image held from CPT [Jun 2009].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held GROS statutory births 282/05 0154; 1889 births in the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee [from CPT Jun 2009].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1889 Lochee ref 104 [Aug 2005].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS 1891 [Aug 2005].
- [S47] Ancestry.com Ancestry Public Member Trees, Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2006;, Ancestry member RWS Miller1 [Jun 2020].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory births 1889 Lochee 282/05 0340; image held from CPT [Jun 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Stautory Marriage 1890 Lochee 282/05 0042 [Nov 2014].
- [S6] Extract entry of birth under the 37th Sect. of 17 and 18 Vict. Cap. 80, extracted from the Register of Births of the district of Lochee in the burgh of Dundee this 15th day of July 1890 J Robertson jun Asst registrar; photocopy of original from CPT [Sept 2009].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory births 282/05 0323; from CPT [Jun 2009].
- [S40] SN [Feb 2013].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Birth 1892 Lochee 282/05 0380 [Jun 2016].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held, GROS statutory births 282/05 0262, from CPT [May 2009].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image from SS [Sept 2009] & note from from SS [Aug 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory death 1895 Lochee ref 282/05 0169 [PCC Sep 2005 CPT Dec 2011].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI), submitted by LDS member after 1991.
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marraige 1896 Lochee ref 282/05 0128 [Aug 2005] & image from SS [Sept 2009] & image from CPT [to PCC May 2021].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held, GROS statutory births 282/05 0408, from CPT [May 2009].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births 1897 Lochee re 220 image held 282/05 0220 [Sep 2007].
- [S17] General Record Office for Scotland, calc from 1901 census [Aug 2005].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Births 1898 Lochee 282/5 168 image held [Mar 2018].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS [Aug 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1900 ref 167 image held [Jun 2006].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory records GROS ref 282/05 0010; image held [Sept 2009] (memo: Nelly Summerton's mother is Isabel(la) in other records).
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, stautory marriages Dundee, Lochee 282/05 0003 [May 2007].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1905 Dundee, Lochee, ref 282/05 0234 image held [Nov 2012].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death RCE 1905 Dundee, Lochee, ref 282/05 0234 image held [Nov 2012].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, statutory marriages Dundee, Lochee 282/05 0354 [May 2007].
- [S6] From CPT [Dec 2009].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory marriages 1909 ref 282/05 0105 [Jan 2011].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS statutory marriages 1909 ref 282/05 0106 [Jan 2011].
John Robertson registrar Dundee, Lochee
M, #7865
Last Edited: 19 Feb 2023