- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of John Dickson cloth inspector was registered on 27 May 1869 at 101 Hawkhill, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1869 Births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 336; John Dickson (vaccinated as per certificate dated 15th November 1869 J M Regr); 27th May 1869 1h 0m AM 101 Hawkhill Dundee; Parents Alexander Dickson, shoemaker (jour) & Margaret Dickson ms Chalmers; marriage 7th March 1864, Dundee; signed Alexander Dickson, father (present); reg 7th June 1869 at Dundee Dav Scott Registrar.1,2
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Robert Nicholson was registered on 24 August 1890 at 48 Crescent Lane, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1890 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 892; Robert Nicholson single, 1890 August Twenty-fourth 9h 30m pm 48 Crescent Lane, male aged 6 hours parents Robert Nicholson engineer in steamer and Margaret Nicholson ms Sword, debility from premature birth as cert by H Templeman MD, signed Charles Sword uncle 22 Nelsoon Street, regsitered 1890 August 28th at Dundee Wm D Birrell assist registrar initialled JM.3
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Margaret Nicholson was registered on 26 August 1890 at 48 Crescent Lane, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1890 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 893; Margaret Nicholson single, 1890 August Twenty-sixth 2h 30m am 48 Crescent Lane, female aged 2 days parents Robert Nicholson engineer in steamer and Margaret Nicholson ms Sword, debility from premature birth as cert by C Templeman MD, signed Charles Sword uncle 22 Nelson Street, registered 1890 August 28th at Dundee Wm D Birrell assist registrar initialled JM.4
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of Euphemia Dickson jute reeler was registered on 7 February 1891 at 80 Blackness Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1891 Births in the district of St Peter in the burgh of Dundee, ref 13, Euphemia Dickson (vaccinated as per certificate dated 28th August 1891 DFAF Regr) 1891 February 7th 11h 50m PM 80 Blackness Road Dundee, female, parents John Dickson, labourer (Jute Worker) and Eliza Jane Dickson ms McManus; married 1888 January 2nd, Dundee; informant signed John Dickson, father, present; registered 1891 February 19th at Dundee, Dav Young Assist Registrar, JM.5
- Address: As of 1892, James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew and 4th (1869 St Andrew's) Registration District Dundee lived at 16 King Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
1st or St Peter's District—James Young, Registrar; Office, 146 Perth road.
2d or St Marys District—James Anderson, Registrar; Office, 11 Ward road.
3d or St Clement's District—David Scott, Registrar; Office, 16 Bank street.
4th, or St Andrew's District—James Murray, Registrar; Office, 16 King street.
5th, or Lochee District—John Robertson, Registrar; Office, 62 High
street, Lochee.
Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m;
Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. :—Births within 21 days;
Deaths within 8 days; Marriages within 3 days; Vaccinations within 6 months—unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Medical Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the marriage of the parents.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages those portions of the parish of Dundee and of comprehended within the boundaries of the united parishes of Liff the Burgh of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow :—
Fourth, or St Andrew's District, to include that portion of the Burgh comprehended within the Eastern Boundary of St Clement's District and the Eastern Boundary of the Burgh.6 - (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of George Adamson Petrie was registered on 7 March 1892 at 20 Watson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1892 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 374; Goerge Adamson Petrie, born 1892 March Seventh 11h 15m am at 20 Watson Street Dundee, male, parents George Petrie currier journeyman and Jane Ann Petri ms Reid, m 1877 August 7th Forfar, signed George Petrie father, registered 1892 March 25th at Dundee Thos Meek assist registrar initialled JM.7
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of Robert Davidson Nicholson was registered on 7 April 1892 at 1 Graham Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1892 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee ref 517, Robert Davidson Nicholson, 1892 April Seventh 0h 50m am 1 Graham Place Dundee, male parents Robert Davidson Nicholson engine fitter journeyman and Margaret Nicholson ms Sword m 1874 August 7th Dundee, signed Margaret Nicholson mother, 1892 April 25th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.8
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Margaret C Inglis jute weaver and James Harkins Adamson wireworker on Monday, 2 January 1893 at 4 Nelson Terrace, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1893 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 21, 1893 on the Second day of January at 4 Nelson Terrrace Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Free Church of Scotland, signed J H Adamson wireworker journeyman bachelor, aged 21, residing 43 Nethergate Dundee, parents William Adamson wireworker master and Hay Adamson ms Greig; signed Margaret C Inglis jute weaver spinster, aged 22 residing 48 Blackscroft Dundee, parents John Inglis leather currier and Margaret Inglis ms Aickman (dec); signed Alexander Adamson BD Chapleshade Free Church, signed David G Adamson, Christina Soutar witnesses, registered 1893 January 6th at Dundee Thos Meek assist registrar, initialled JM.9,10
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of John Ford ploughman, dairyman, vanman was registered on 26 April 1894 at 1 Church Street, Princes Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1894 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, John Ford grocer's van driver married to Margaret Scott, 1894 April twenty sixth 7h 40m am 1 Church Street Princes Street Dundee, m, 76 years, John Ford wincey weaver (dec), Ann Ford ms Gibson (dec), pulmonary congestion 14 days as cert by A Johnston MBCM, Thomas Ford son 1 Morgan Street; registered 1894 April 26th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.11
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of John Stewart Key iron planer and Catherine Honora Condon yarn winder on Wednesday, 26 December 1894 at St Patricks Chapel, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1894 on the twenty-sixth day of December at St Patrick's Chapel Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Roman Catholic Church; John Key iron [planer?] bachelor, 25, 17 Park Avenue Dundee, George Key harbour porter Ann Key ms Gibson; Catherine Honor Condon yarn winder spinster, 24, 37 Catherine Street Dundee, William Condon coachman (ds) (dec) Marjory Condon ms Anderson; John Gleesom, James Condon, Margaret Key witnesses; registered 1894 Dec 27th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar; image held.12
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander Adamson sawyer was registered on 7 June 1895 at 45 Cotton Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1895 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 601; Alexander Adamson wood sawyer married to Margaret Bell; 1895 June Seventh 10h 25m am 45 Cotton Road Dundee, male aged 56 years, parents Alexander Adamson stoker in ship yard (dec) & Agnes Adamson me Saunders (dec), cause laceration of two fingers 1 1/2 months pnuemonia 5 days as cert by D Steele Moon LRCP, signed Alexander Adamson son present, registered 1895 June 7th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.13
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Peter Millar and Elizabeth McDonald on Tuesday, 25 June 1895 at The Lodge, Montpelier, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1895 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee. ref 194; 1895 on the twenty-fifth day of June at The Lodge, Montpelier, Parish of Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Free Church of Scotland; signed Peter Lillar brewer's traveller bachelor, 28, 133 King Street Broughty Ferry, parents Robert Millar ploughman retired and Helen Millar ms Webster (dec); signed Elizabeth Macdonald domestic servant spinster, 27, The Lodge Montpelier Parish of Dundee, parents David Macdonald gardener (DS) and Elspeth Macdonald ms Robertson (dec); signed G Emslie Troup West Free Church Broughty Ferry, signed David Sime, Jessie McDonald witnesses; registered 1895 June 27thg at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.14,15
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of Margaret Sword Nicholson was registered on 19 August 1895 at 1 Graham Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1895 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee ref 1118, Margaret Sword Nicholson 1895 August Nineteenth 1h 0m am 1 Graham Place Dundee, female parents Robert Davidson Nicholson engine fitter journeyman and Margaret Nicholson ms Sword m 1874 August 7th Dundee, signed Robert D Nicholson father present, regsitered 1895 August 29th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.16
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of David Ford harbour porter,foreman in hide and tallow store was registered on 5 November 1895 at 5 Baffin Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1895 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 1052; David Ford flesher master widow of Isabella Ritchie, died 1895 November Fifth 10h 30m am 5 Baffin Street Dundee, male aged 53 years, parents David Ford farmer (dec) and Jane Ford ms Strachan (dec), cause apoplexy sudden as cert by M F Anderson MBCM, signed Isabell Webster sister 144 Princes Street, registered 1895 November 6th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.17
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of Maurice Anderson Key was registered on 9 January 1896 at 107 Albert Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1896 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 72; Maurice Anderson Key, born 1896 January Ninth 5h 30m pm 107 Albert Street Dundee, male parents John Stewart Key harbour labourer nd Catherine Key ms Condon married 1894 December 26th Dundee, signed John S Key father present, registered 1896 January 14th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.18
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Alfred Henry Nicolson flesher, butcher and Catherine Reilly on Wednesday, 3 June 1896 at 1 Wellington Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1896 on the third day of June at 1 Wellington Street Dundee after publication according to the forms of the United Presbyterian Church; Alfred Henry Nicolson flesher master bachelor, 24, 55 Victoria Road Dundee, Robert Davidson Nicolson jute mill mechanic, Jessie Nicolson ms Worrall (dec); Catherine Riley jute spinner spinster, 29, 18 William Street Forebank Dundee, Charles Reilly stableman (dec) Catherine Reilly ms Brady (dec); signed James Robbie BD minister of James UP Church. signed Neil Smith, Susan Mackie witnesses; registered 1896 June 4th at Dundee, Jas Murray registrar.19
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of David Allan Watson machine fitter was registered on 18 July 1896 at 6 Lambs Lane, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1896 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 624; David Watson machine fitter journeyman married to Elizabeth Galloway, died 1896 July Eighteenth 1h 15m pm 6 Lambs Lane Dundee, male aged 45 years, parents Willliam Keen Watson blacksmith journeyman (dec) & Mary Watson ms Burleigh (dec), phthisis pulonalis as cert by John J [Hoelvision/] MBCM; signed Elizabeth Watson her x mark widow present signed Jas Murray registrar witness; registered 1896 July 20th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.20
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of William Scott Ford mill mechanic, marine engineer and Margaret Scott Key domestic servant, machinist on Thursday, 31 December 1896 at St John's Hall, Albert Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1897 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, 1896 on the twenty-third day of December at St John's Hall Albert Street Dundee after banns according to the Established Church of Scotland, Wm S Ford marine engineer bachelor, 24, 17 Park Avenue Dundee, James Ford coachman (DS) (dec) Mary Ford ms Duncan (dec), Maggie Key domestic servant spinster, 24, 17 Park Avenue Dundee, George Key harbour porter Ann Key ms Ford, James M Campbell min of Wallacetown Dundee, John D Ford, Lizzie Key witnesses; registered 1897 January 7th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.21
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Jane Ramsay was registered on 7 February 1897 at 19 Ogilvie Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1897 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 128; Jane Martin widow of James Martin mason (journ) illegitimate; 1897 February seventh 1h 15m pm 19 Ogilvie Street Dundee, female aged 78 years; parents Maragret Ramsay laundress (dec); cause chronic respitory disease several years as cert by J Millar MD; informant Thomas Sime son-in-law Sidlawview West Clepington; registered 1897 February 8th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.22,23
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of David Gibb mason foreman was registered on 2 April 1897 at 11 Baffin Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; David Gibb mason (jour) married to Margaret Kinnear Adamson, 1897 April 2nd 8h 13m pm 11 Baffin Street Dundee, m, 45 years, fath Walter Gibb stone dyker master, moth Jane Gibb ms Thompson, catarrhal pneumonia 5 months as cert by M F Anderson MBCM, inf Alex S Kinnear brother-in-law 5 Morgan Street Dundee, reg 1897 April 3rd Dundee Jas Murray registrar.24
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of David Adamson Christie was registered on 19 August 1897 at 41 Alexander Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; David Adamson Christie; 1897 August nineteenth 7h 0m am 41 Alexander Street Dundee; m; Charles Christie jute factory worker Margaret Christie ms Gardner 1875 December 13th Dundee; Charles Christie father; 1897 September 6th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.25
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of John Lawson and Jessie Worrall Nicholson on Wednesday, 24 November 1897 at 1 Graham Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1897 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, 1897 on the 24th day of November at 1 Graham Place Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland, John Lawson, butcher (jour) bachelor, 24, 4 William Street Forebank Dundee, fath David Lawson flesher (master), moth Margaret Lawson ms Brodie, and Jessie Nicholson, dressmaker, spinster, 19, 1 Graham Place, Dundee, fath Robert Davidson Nicholson, marine engineer, moth Margaret Nicholson ms Sword, signed H M Davidson St Andrews parish, John M Sturrock witness, Mary Nicholson witness, registered 1897 November 25th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.26
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of William Key farm servant was registered on 12 April 1899 at Bayfield Lodge, West Ferry, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1899 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, William Key farm grieve widower of Elizabeth Myres, 1899 April twelfth 9h 10m am Bayfield Lodge West Ferry parish of Dundee, m, 91 years, parents George Key estate joiner (dec) and Isobel Key ms Law (dec), cystitis chronic exhaustion as cert by James Gowans MBCM, William Key son 17 Park Avenue Dundee; registered 1899 April 13th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.27
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of William Gray wright joiner was registered on 26 December 1899 at 23 Arbroath Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; William Gray joiner journy married 1st to Annie Ramsay, 2nd to Mary Ann Edwards, died 1899 December 26th 4h 0m pm 23 Arbroath Road Dundee, male aged 82 years parents William Gray linen weaver (dec) and Betsy Gray ms Mitchell (dec), died of Chr Bronchitis as cert by George Lowson MBCU, signed D Gray son Station House West Ferry, registered 1899 December 27th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.28
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Jane Westwood was registered on 23 February 1900 at Parochial Hospital, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1900 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee ref 287; Jane Milne married to David Milne carpet printer, 1900 February Twenty Third 1h 40m am Parochial Hospital Dundee ur 26 Paterson Street, female aged 75 years, parents Gilbert Westwood army bandsman (dec) and Mary Westwood ms Low (dec), cause senility as cert by C G Wotherspoon MBCM, signed David Milne widower 26 Paterson Street, registered 1900 February 23rd at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.29
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of Archibald Hall Ford of Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie Co., Colombo was registered on 23 April 1900 at 1 Morgan Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1900 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 671; Archibald Hall Ford born 1900 April Twenty-Third at 0h 30m am at 1 Morgan Street Dundee; male, parents William Scott Ford marine engineer and Margaret Ford ms Key who married 1896 December 31st at Dundee; signed Margaret Ford mother, registered 1900 May 14th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.30
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Alexander Roy and Beatrice McCormack on Monday, 23 July 1900 at St Patrick RC Chapel, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1900 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; ref 289; 1900 on the twenty-third day of July at St Patricks Chapel Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Roman Catholic Church; Alexander Roy coal carter bachelor, 23, 33 Lawrence Street Dundee, William Roy tailor journeyman (dec) Margaret Roy ms Hunter; Beatrice McCormack jute winder spinster, 19, 93 King Street Dundee, Peter McCormack glass stainer journeyman (dec) Mary Jane McCormack ms Wheatley; Peter Rutti catholic clergyman St Patricks Dundee, James Roy, Mary J McCormack witnesses; 1900 July 24th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.31,32
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Alexander R Moncur was registered on 17 January 1902 at 23 Morgan Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1902 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee ref 71, Alexander Moncur iron moulder journ married to Margaret Abercrombie Miller, died 1902 January Seventheenth 11h 0m pm at 23 Morgan Street Dundee, male aged 25 years, parents David Moncur iron moulder joun and Jane Moncur ms Ramsay, cause pneumonia double 8 days as cert by J Mackie Whyte MB, signed David Moncur father present 155 Albert Street, registered 1902 Janusry 20th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.33
- (Witness) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew witnessed the death of James Hodge Milne tobacco & snuff manufacturer on 10 April 1904 at Elmgrove, West Ferry, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1904 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 456; James Hodge Milne tobacco manufacturer, single, 1904 April 10th 8h 15m pm, Elmgrove West Ferry Parish of Dundee, male aged 74 years, parents Alexander Milne patternmaker journeyman (dec) and Ann Milne ms Hodge (dec); cancer of liver 5 months as cert by David MacEwan MD; signed Elizabeth B Brown cousin present The Grove West Ferry; 1904 April 17th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.34
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Ann Gibson Ford domestic servant was registered on 7 June 1904 at 80 Watson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 675; Ann Key, married to George Key, harbour porter, 1904, June 7th, 11h 0m AM, 80 Watson Street, Dundee, female aged 64 years, parents John Ford general labourer (deceased) and Margaret Ford ms Scott (deceased), chronic post hemiplegic cerebral softening as certified by Charles Kean MBTCM, informant George Key widower (present), registered 1904 June 8th at Dundee, Jas Murray Registrar.35
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Crichton and Davina Lowson Nicholson on Wednesday, 15 March 1905 at 1 Graham Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1905 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee ref 86, 1905 on the Fifteenth day of March at 1 Grraham Place Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland, signed James Crichton ship plater bachelor aged 23 residing at 3 Glebe Street Dundee parents Alexander Crichton ship riviter and Jane Crichton ma Mather; signed Davina Lowson Nicholson draper's assistant aged 22 residing 1 Graham Place Dundee parents Robert Davisdon Nicolson marine engineer and Margaret Combs Nichoolson ms Sword; signed H A Davidson St Andrews Parish Church, signed John Cant, Mary Nicholson witnesses, registered 1905 March 16th at Dundee Jas Murray.36
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Robert Davidson Nicholson was registered on 24 July 1905 at 1 Graham Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1905 deaths in the district of At Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 519; Robert Davidson Nicholson single, 1905 July Twenty-fourth 11h 55m pm 1 Graham Place Dundee, male aged 13 years parents Robert Davidson Nicholson marine engineer and Margaret Nicholson ms Sword. Leucaemia 1 month a cert by Wm Gorrie MBChB, signed James Crichton brother-in-law present 7 Balmore Street, regsitered 1905 July 25th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.37
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Catherine Laing Paterson twine baller was registered on 18 December 1906 at 9 Malcolm Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1906 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 1135; Catherine Laing Flockhart married to Randall Flockhart spirit dealer, 1906 December 15th 3h 5m pm 9 Malcolm Street Dundee, f, 33 years, fath John Paterson shipmaster ms (dec), moth Mary Paterson ms Findlay (dec), multiple neuritis 4 months as cert by J Mackie Whyte MD, inf Randall Flockhart widower present, reg 1906 December 19th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.38
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Charles Matthew Milne was registered on 5 January 1907 at 109 Albert Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1907 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee ref 22, Charles Milne flax mill mechanic widower of Jane Clark, 1907 January Fifth 0h 0m am 109 Albert Street Dundee, male aged 69 years, parents James Milne jute factory manager (dec) and Marjory Milne ms Matthew (dec), cause acute bronchitis cardiac failure as cert by Hey Buist MBCHB Ed, signed Charles M Milne son, registered 1907 January 7th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.39
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Robert Davidson Nicolson blacksmith was registered on 17 June 1907 at 3 Cotton Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; Robert Davidson Nicolson engine fitter journyman married 1st to Jessie Worrall, 2nd to Isabella Yeaman, died 1907 June Seventeenth 2h 15m am at 3 Cotton Road Dundee, male aged 83 years, parents Robert Nicolson blacksmith journeyman (dec) and Sarah Nicolson ms Henderson (dec), senile debility as cert by David M Greig CM FACS Ed, signed Isabella Nicolson widow present, registered 1907 Jue 17th at Dundee signed Jas Murray register.40
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of David Kinnear Adamson clerk civil service and Ann Melville Walker on Friday, 3 July 1908 at Craigieside, Arbroath Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1908 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; 1908 on the third day of July at Craigieside, Arbroath Road Dundee after publication according to the forms of the Congregational Church; David Adamson stationer & printer bachelor, 31, 177 Albert Street Dundee, David Adamson tailor master (dec) Margaret Anderson Adamson ms Kinnear; Annie Walker dressmaker spinster, 28, 31 Wellgate Dundee, George Walker confectioner master Margaret Walker ms Yates (dec); Wm Hamilton minister of Trinity Congregational Church Dundee, J K Adamson, Georgina Walker witnesses; 1908 July 6th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.41
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of James Kinnear Adamson teacher and Georgina Key tailoress on Friday, 21 August 1908 at 80 Watson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1908 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; ref 229; 1908 on the twenty-first day of August at 80 Watson Street Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland; Jas K Adamson stationer master bachelor, 30, 177 Albert Street Dundee, David Adamson tailor master (dec) Margaret Gibb prev Adamson ms Kinnear; Georgina Key dressmaker spinster, 28, 80 Watson Street Dundee, George Key harbour porter Ann Gibson Key ms Ford (dec); signed James Boath Wood, William Ferrier Keith, Jessie Millar Fairweather witnesses; 1908 August 24th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.42
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Helen Cunnison was registered on 24 September 1908 at 142 Albert Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1908 deaths in the distrct of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee ref 817; Ellen Lawson married to Robert Davie Lawson mason foreman, died 1908 Septemberr Twenty-Fourth 5h 30m pm at 142 Albert Road Dundee, female aged 69 years, parents James Cunnison farm grieve (dec) and Maragret Cunnison ms Reid (dec), cause acute dyspepsia & cardiac debility as cert by Henry Buist MB Ed, signed Robert D Lawson widower, registered 1908 September 26th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.43,44
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of George Key farm servant was registered on 29 November 1908 at 80 Watson Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; George Key, Harbour Porter, widower of Ann Ford, 1908 November 29th 8h 40m PM 80 Watson Street, Dundee, male aged 66 years, parents William Key Ploughman (deceased) and Elizabeth Key ms Myres (deseased), senile heart sudden heart failure as certified by Charles Kerr MBTCM, informant Jas K Adamson son-in-law 141 Clepington Road, 1908 November 30th registrar Jas Murray.45
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Robert Davie Lawson was registered on 18 November 1909 at 142 Albert Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1909 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 950, Robert Davie Lawson mason journeyman widower of Helen Anderson Cunnison, died 1909 November Eighteenth 1h 30m pm as 142 Albert Street Dundee, male aged 71 years, parents Thomas Lawson builder master (dec) and Mary Lawson ms Butchart (dec), cause carcinoma of liver as cert by Hy Buist MB Ed, signed William Murray son-in-law 9 Baxter Park Terrace, registered 1909 November 19th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.43,46
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Robert Adamson joiner was registered on 28 September 1911 at 4 Stobswell Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1911 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 768; Robert Adamson joiner journyman widower of Annie Anderson, 1911 September twenty-eighth 5h 0m am, 4 Stobswell Road Dundee, male aged 75 years, parents George Adamson linen weaver (dec) and Betsy Adamson ms Cuthbert (dec), cause Haemiplegia several months, fever 14 days as certified by J Miller MD, signed Ralph Adamson son present, registered 1911 September 28th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.47
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Jean Milne was registered on 3 November 1912 at Elmgrove, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1912 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 920; margin note see Reg of Cor Entries vol X1 pg 186 January 7th 1913; Jean Milne lived on private means single, Found Dead 1912 November Third 10m am Elmgrove Broughty Ferry Parish of Dundee, female aged 69 years, parents Alexander Milne patternmaker journeyman (dec) and Ann Milne ms Hodge (dec); haemorrhage & shock from multiple injuries, homicide - M examination as cert by C Templeton MD; signed F H Milne nephew Frank Godwin Milne Tolhurstdale 54 Penham Lane West Croydon Surrey; registered 1912 November 10th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.48
- (Registrar) Death RCE: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Jean Milne was registered on 7 January 1913 at Elmgrove, Grove Road, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; Vol XI page 186 Register of Corrected Entries for the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, the following report of result of a precognition has been received touching the death of Jean Milne registered under no 920 in the register book of deaths for the year 1912; Jean Milne single female 69 years, found dead at 9.20 amd on 3rd November 1912 Elmgrove Grove Road Broughty Ferry, haemorrhage and shock from injuries received by beaten with a blunt intrument, Dr Templeman Dundee & Prof Sutherland Newport PM Examination, Procurator Fiscals Office Dundee 7th January 1913. certified by H J Macintosh PF, 1913 Jauary 7th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.49
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of David Watson jute works manager and Jessie Pitkethly Nicolson on Friday, 31 January 1913 at 22 North Erskine Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1913 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 39; 1913 on the Thirty-First day of January at 22 North Erskine Street Dundee after banns according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland, signed David Watson machine fitter journyman bachelor, aged 29, residing 4 Balmore Street Dundee, parents David Allan Watson jute mill mechanic (dec) and Elizabeth Watson ms Galloway (dec); signed Jessie Nicolson sack machinist spinster aged 25 residing 22 North Erskine Street Dundee, parents Forester Cockburn Nicolson stoker in Gas Works and Jane Lawson Nicolson ms Pitkethly; signed James Robbie BD Clepington United Free Church Dundee, signed Thomas Baxter, Helen Jane Nicolson witnesses, registered 1913 February 1st at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.50,51,20
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of Dorothy Jane Nicolson Watson was registered on 8 June 1913 at 47 Dens Road, Dundee, Angus, Scotland,
; 1913 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee ref 795; Dorothy Jane Nicolson Watson, born 1913 June Eighth 6h 50m pm 47 Dens Road Dundee, female, parents David Watson machine fitter journeyman and Jessie Pitkethley Watson ns Nicolson married 19136 Januay 31st Dundee, signed David Watson father, registered 1913 June 24th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar; ref 1913 282/4 795 St Andrw Dundee.52,50,20
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Henry Robertson and Primrose Davidson Nicholson on Tuesday, 22 December 1914 at 4 Wortley Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1914 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; ref 356; 1914 on the twenty-second day of December at 4 Wortley Place Dundee after banns & publication according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland; H Robertson house furnishers manager bachelor, 27, 89 Bellvue Road Edinburgh, Bethune Robertson grocer & spirit dealer (dec) Helen Robertson ms Keith (dec); Primrose Davidson Nicolson drapers salewoman spinster, 26, 4 Wortley Place Dundee, Robert Davison Nicholson marine engineer Margaret Nicholson ms Sword; H M Davidson minister of St Andrews parish, Alexander Mackenzie, Margaret Nicholson witnesses; registered 1914 December 23rd at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.53
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of Dr Douglas George Adamson MBChB MD FRCP consultant physician was registered on 5 February 1915 at 11 Baxter Park terrace (one stair up & left door), Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1915 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 229; Douglas George Adamson born 1915 February Fifth 8h 10m am at 11 Baxter Park Terrace Dundee, male parents James Kinnear Adamson assistant school teacher and Georgina Adamson ms Key m 1908 August 21st Dundee, signed Jas K Adamson father present, registered 1915 February 23rd at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.54,55
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Jean Kinnear was registered on 13 June 1915 at 13 Morgan Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1915 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; ref 810; Jean Kinnear jute weaver retired single, 1915 June Thriteenth 4h 20m pm, 13 Morgan Street Dundee; f, 82 years, William Kinnear flesher master (dec), Janet Kinnear ms Stirling (dec); bronchitis as cert by M F Anderson MB; David Adamson nephew present 6 Molison Street Dundee; 1915 June 14th Jas Murray registrar.56
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Robert Davidson Nicolson mechanical engineer, jute mill manager and Martha Rattray McKane on Saturday, 10 July 1915 at 10 Dura Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1915 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 168; 1915 on the tenth day of July at 10 Dura Street Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland; Robert D Nicolson mechanical engineer, bachelor, 26, 177 Victoria Road Dundee, Alexander Fairweather Nicolson mechanical engineer, Mary Nicolson ms McHardy (dec); Martha R McKane, spinster, 26, 20 Dura Street Dundee, William Mc Kane powerloon tenter, Mary Ann McKane ms Carmichael (dec); signed James Boath Wood, Hannah Ogilvie Murray, Albert Edward Nicolson, witnesses; registered 1915 July 11th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.57
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of John Cowper Adamson was registered on 2 April 1916 at 5 Baxter Park Terrace, St Andrew, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1916 Births in the ___ of ___ in the ___ of ___ ref 432; John Cowper Adamson, b1916 April Second 5h 15m am 5 Baxter Park Terrace Dundee; male, parents Peter Murray Adamson patternmaker (foreman) & Anie Mary Adamson ms Cowper m 1913 June 26th Dundee; signed Peter M Adamson father (present); registered 1916April 24th at Dundee signed jas Murray registrar.58
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of James Watson tailor was registered on 3 August 1916 at 41 Cowgate, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1916 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the Burgh of Dundee, ref 502; James Watson tailor & clothier master retired widower of Christina Nicholson died 1916 August 3rd 9h 30m pm 41 Cowgate Dundee, m, 90 years, parents John Watson flax mill foreman (dec), Ann Watson ms Easson (dec), cause senile decay as cert by R Johnston MB CM, inf James Keen son-in-law present, reg 1916 August 4th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.59
- (Registrar) Birth: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the birth of Douglas David Watson telephone engineer was registered on 4 October 1917 at 49 Dens Road, St Andrew, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1917 births in the district of St Andrew in the burgh if Dundee ref 884; Douglas David Watson born 1917 October Fourth 4h 50m am 49 Dens Road Dundee, male parents David Watsdon calander manger and Jessie Pitkethley Watson ms Nicolson married 1913 January 31st Dundee; signed David Watson father present, registered 1917 October 13th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.60
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Martha Conway general servant was registered on 1 February 1918 at East Poorhouse, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1918 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 98; Martha Gray widow of Hugh Gray coal carter; 1918 February first 4h 15 m pm East Poorhouse Dundee ur 43 Main Street; female aged 78 parents John Conway (dec) and Jane Conway ms Waugh (dec); arterio sclerosis cerebral haemorrhage as cert by K MacKinnon MBChB; signed Martha Dargie daughter 43 Main Street; 1918 February 2nd at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.61
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Mary Ann Adamson was registered on 19 July 1918 at 43 Lyon Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1918 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 515; Mary Christie married to David Christie powerloom tenter; 1918 July nineteenth 4h 50m pm 43 Lyon Street Dundee; female 63 years; David Adamson gas work labourer (dec) Mary Adamson ms Smith (dec); carcinoma (oesophegeal) as cert by John Crawford MB CM; David Christie widower present; registered 1918 July 20th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.62
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Albert George Paton town clerk and Elizabeth Phillip Kinnear drapers assistant on Thursday, 10 April 1919 at 8A King Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1919 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 109; 1919 on the Tenth day of April at 8 A King Street Dundee after banns according to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland; signed Albert George Paton depute toen clerk & regismental quartermaster sergeant 4th battallion Royal Scots Fusiliers bachelor aged 29, residing West Plean Stirling presently in Germany, parents Walter Paton chaffeur and Lizzie Paton ms Graham; signed Elizabeth Philp Kinnear drapers assistant spinster aged 25, residing 8 A King Street Dundee, parents William Fyffe Kinner newspaper reporter (dec) and Jane Webster Kinnear ms McCraw; signed Robert Prenter minister of St Marks parish Dundee, margaret Rae Kinnear, William [George ...]; registered 1919 April 11th at Dundee signed JAs Murray registrar.63
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of Daniel Robb Davidson tenter and Williamina Kennedy Gorrie sack machinist on Tuesday, 2 September 1919 at 16 King Street, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1919 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; 1919 on the second day of September at 16 King Street Dundee by declaration in the presence of Wm Todd Brown calendar worker 1 Kinnaird Street Dundee and Margaret Jane Gorrie sack machinist 13 North Wellington Street Dundee; Daniel R Davidson general labourer (divorced), aged 35, residing 8 St Andrews Street Dundee, parents John Fisher Davidson engine fitter journeyman (dec) and Ann Davidson ms Robb (dec); Williamina K Gorrie sack machinist (spinster), aged 21, residing 13 North Wellington Street Dundee, parents Robert Gorrie tinsmith journeyman and Annie Gorrie ms Kennedy; by warrant of sheriff substitute of Forfarshire dated September 2nd 1919; registered 1919 September 2nd at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.64
- (Registrar) Death: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the death of Sarah Johnston was registered on 24 March 1920 at 13 Janefield Place, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1920 deaths in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 226; Sarah Adamson married to Murray Adamson joiner journeyman, died 1920 March Twenty-fourth 8h 45m pm at 13 Janefield pLace Dundee, female aged 52 years parents Robert Johnston mason journeyman (dec) and Hannah Johnston ms Reid (dec), cause chr[onic] nephritis as cert by W S Malcolm MB, signed Murray Adamson widower present, registered 1920 March 26th at Dundee signed Jas Murray registrar.65
- (Registrar) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew was the officiating registrar when the marriage of William Ewan Conway and Adele Gertrude Aldridge on Wednesday, 23 June 1920 at Bonnethill United Free Church, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
, was registered; 1920 on the twenty-third day of June at Bonnethill United Free Church Dundee after publication according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland; W Ewan Conway colonial service clerk bachelor, 26, 20 Bank Avenue Downfield, William Fisher Conway carting contractor, Jane Hutchison Conway ms Wilkie; A G Aldrige assistant school teacher spinster, 26, 20 Bank Avenue Downfield, Charles Emery Aldridge grocers storekeeper (dec) Adele Edith Aldridge ms Fleuret (dec); A H Marshall Bonnethill UF Church, Myra Fyfe, James A Conway witnesses; 1923 June 26th at Dundee Jas Murray registrar.66
- (Officiating Clergy) Marriage: James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew officiated at the marriage of Forester C Nicolson iron turner and Sophia Nelson Morrison Innes jute winder on Friday, 12 November 1920 at 64 Forfar Road, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland,
; 1920 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee, ref 453; 1920 on the twelfth day of November at 64 Forfar Road Dundee after banns according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland, signed Forrester Nicolson iron turner jouny bachelor aged 21 rising at 22 North Erskine Street Dundee, parents Forrester Cockburn Nicolson stoker in gas works and Jane Lawson Nicolson ms Pitkethly; signed Sophia N Innes jute winder spinster aged 21 residing at 51 Albert Street Dundee, parents Peter Taylor Innes labourer (dec) and Sophia Nelson Innes ms Morrison; signed James Robbie BD Clepington United Free Church Dundee, signed Robert D Nicolson, Peter Innes witnesses; registered 1920 November 14th at Dundee signed Jas Murray regsitrar.67
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: Dundee Registrars Office; St Peter 336 [March 2002], Dundee City Council Registrar, Commercial Street, Dundee, Angus, Scotland. Hereinafter cited as DCC Registry Office.
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: International Genealogical Index), IGI [16 Feb 2002].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Deaths 1890 St Andrew Dundee ref 892 [Jul 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1890 St Andrew Dundee ref 893 [Jul 2004].
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: Statutory Births 1891 Dundee St Peter ref 13 [Mar 2002].
- [S37] Directory Dundee (Dundee:, digital collection PCC. Hereinafter cited as Dundee Directory.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS statutory birth 1892 St Andrew Dundee 282/04 0374 [Sept 2014].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births 1892 St Andrew Dundee ref 517 [Jul 2004].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Source Citation: Parish: Dundee; ED: 26; Page: 1; Line: 19; Roll: CSSCT1901_100. Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1901 Scotland Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: Scotland. 1901 Scotland Census. Reels 1-446. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. [Mar 2013]
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, online www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, General Record Office for Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland), GROS Statutory Marriage 1893 Dundee St Andrew 282/04 0021.
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths 1894 Dundee St Andrew [Aug 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS ref 282/04 0359; 1894 marriages in the district of St Andrew in the burgh of Dundee; #359; [May 2008].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1895 St Andrew 282/04 0601 image held [Nov 2014].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) Source Citation: Parish: Liff and Benvie; ED: 31; Page: 7; Source Citation: Parish: Dundee; ED: 5; Page: 5; Line: 14; Roll: CSSCT1901_96; Year: 1901. Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1901 Scotland Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: Scotland. 1901 Scotland Census. Reels 1-446. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. [Nov 2011]
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriage 1895 St Andrew Dundee 282/01 0194 [Nov 2011].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory births 1895 St Andrew Dundee ref 1118 [Dec 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1895 St Andrew Dundee 282/04 1052 image held [Aug 2015].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Birth 1896 Dundee ref 72 [orig from CH Jul 2015, here Dec 2015].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutiry marriage 1896 ref 192 [May 2004].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) member JM [Oct 2020].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriages Dundee St Andrew 1896 [Jun 2006].
- [S9] Website Ancestry.co.uk (www.ancestry.co.uk) http://trees.ancestry.co.uk/tree/13749601/family/familygroup?fpid=-17044698 [Jul 2011].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1897 Dundee 282/04 0128 [July 2011].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1897 Dundee St Andrew ref 346 image held [May 2005].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; GROS ref 282/04 1174; 1897 births in the district of St Andrew in the cityof Dundee; #1174 [Mar 2008].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriages 1897 St Andrew Dundee ref 345 [Nov 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory death 1899 St Andrew Dundee ref 341 [Jun 2006].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1899 Dundee ref 282/4/1165 [Oct 2019].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1900 Dundee St Andrew 282/04 0287 [April 2014].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Birth 1900 St Andrew Dundee ref 671 [Jun 2006].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriages 1900 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/04 02889; image held [Aug 2008].
- [S1] International Genealogical Index (IGI), LDS 452910 [Aug 2008].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1902 Dundee St Andrew 282/4 71 [June 2017].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1904 Dundee St Andrew 282/04 0456 [Mar 2014].
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: GROS Statutory Death register 1904 Dundee 282/00 0675 [Mar 2002].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1905 St Andrew Dundee ref 86 [July 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Deaths 1905 St Andrew Dundee ref 519 [Jul 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, image held GROS [Aug 2005].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1907 Dundee 282/04 0022 [April 2014].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1907 Dundee, St Andrew, ref 282/3 273 image held [Dec 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriages 1908 Dundee St Andrew, ref 162; image held [Aug 2004].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS stautory marriages, image held 1908 Dundee St Andrew ref 229 [ Aug 2004].
- [S40] ED [June 2017].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1908 Dundee St Andrew 282/4 817 [June 2017].
- [S11] DCC Registry Office: offical copy from Dundee registrar.
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1909 Dundee St Andrew 282/4 950 [June 2017].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory death 1911 St Andrew Dundee 282/01 0768 [Aug 2013].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1912 Dundee St Andrew 282/04 0920 [Mar 2014].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death RCE 1913 Dundee St Andrew 282/04 0920 [Mar 2014].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Birth 1913 Dundee St Andrew 282/4 795 image held [May 2020].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Marriage 1913 Dundee St Andrew 282/nn 39 image held [Dec 2004].
- [S40] CO [Sep 2018].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1914 St Andrew Dundee ref 356 [Nov 2004].
- [S43] CNM Family Bible.
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Births 1915 Dundee, St Andrew ref 282/04 0229 [Sep 2013] image held [Jan 2016].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory deaths, image held [Mar 2006].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Marriage 1915 Dundee St Andrew 282/... 168 image held [Dec 2004].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Birth 1916 Dundee St Andrew 282/04 0432 image held [May 2015 & Oct 2023].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Death 1916 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/04 0502 image held [Nov 2004].
- [S14] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory Birth 1917 Dundee St Andrew 282/4 884 image held [Oct 2020].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory death image held 1918 Dundee St Andrew ref 98 [Jul 2004].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, image held; statutory deaths 282/04 0515 [Sep 2010].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, Statutory marriage 1919 Dundee St Andrew ref 282/ 3, image held [Oct 2020].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS ref 282/03 0371 image held [May 2007].
- [S50] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory Death 1922 Dundee ref 282/03 0226 image held [April 2015].
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS statutory marriage St Andrew Dundee 1920; image held; GROS ref 282/03 0261.
- [S64] General Record Office for Scotland, GROS Statutory marraige Dundee St Andrew 282/nn 453 [Dec 2004].
James Murray registrar Dundee, St Andrew
M, #7080
Last Edited: 19 Feb 2023